Copyright, 1880, by L. B. HAMERSLY & Co.
THE great abundance of encyclopaedias that distinguishes our day would, at first
sight, seem to discourage any attempt to add to that department of literature. But
among all the works coming properly under the name of encyclopaedia there is
not one, at least in the English language, that supplies the want which it is the aim
of this volume to meet. The sea is, so to speak, a world in itself. It has its own
vegetable and animal life, and its own natural laws; while on its surface floats a
multitude of vessels that serve either as the outlying defenses of the nations which
border upon it, or as the carriers of the commodities which they find a profit in
exchanging. This world of men and things, so peculiar and distinct, necessarily
has a peculiar language, peculiar customs, and peculiar belongings. It is, more
over, a progressive world, and the arts and sciences that have relation to it are
moving and developing pari passu with those that relate solely to the terrene por
tion of the globe. When to these considerations is added the fact that the sea is the
especial field of operations of a profession which unites in itself the characteristics of
the sailor and of the soldier, and to which is committed the high trust of maintaining
the honor and dignity of the nation which it represents in all parts of the globe, and
of extending over the citizens of its own country, wherever their business or pleasure
may call them, the protecting segis of the national flag, it would certainly appear
that sufficient warrant exists for the issuing of this work, which has for its object the
bringing together in one view, and within convenient compass, the several kinds of
information most useful to naval officers, and most likely to be sought for by sea
faring men of every name and grade. Nor is it only those that are by profession,
or calling, identified with the sea who will find profit and instruction in this volume.
There is a large and increasing class among the gentlemen of our own and other
countries who cultivate the sea for the pleasure that it yields, and who take a manly
delight in the danger and excitement incident to sporting upon its surface, to whom
a book like this must prove an auxiliary of great value. To these may be added,
as likely to find advantage in this book, all whose business, or love of knowledge,
prompts them to investigate the science of that world which has its habitation in,
under, or upon the waters of the great deep.
We have already intimated that this work claims to be unique. It embraces,
first, a complete dictionary of marine words and phrases; second, a large number of
original articles on special topics ; third, a copious fund of biographical data ; and,
fourth, a gazetteer of the principal naval stations and seaports of the world. No
other work uniting these several features exists in our language, nor, we think we
may confidently add, in any other.
Custom, no less than justice to those whose labors have produced the volume
now offered to the public, makes it proper to assign to the several collaborators the
credit due for their respective shares in its preparation.
To Mr. Lewis R. Hamersly, who saw service with the navy during the war of
the Rebellion, and who, as the compiler of " The Records of Living Officers of the
Navy," and as the head of the military and naval publishing house of L. R. Ham
ersly & Co., is well known to the naval profession, credit is due for the conception
and plan of the work, and also for the preparation of the general mass of records
of officers which it contains.
On Lieutenant J. W. Carlin has devolved the main burden of the editorial
conduct of the work. Besides numerous articles in other departments, he has ex
clusively written or compiled the astronomical articles and definitions, as also the
entire mass of nautical definitions not herein specifically credited to others.
Medical Director Edward Shippen, whose biographical sketches of distin
guished naval men of our own and former times constitute a feature of the work,
has, besides the articles bearing his signature, given it the benefit of his editorial
assistance in ways that have contributed largely to improve and perfect it.
Rear- Admiral George Henry Preble, besides the articles which appear over his
signature, has contributed the definitions of naval titles, and has greatly assisted the
work by his advice and encouragement.
Chief Engineer Albert Aston has contributed the general mass of definitions
relating to machinery and steam-engineering, and Passed Assistant Engineer L. W.
Robinson has also made valuable contributions to the same department.
To Naval Constructor S. H. Pook belongs the credit of having furnished the
definitions of the terms pertaining to ship-building.
Lieutenant E. T. Strong, in addition to the articles signed by him, has con
tributed the definitions of nautical and naval terms which occur under the letters
K, L, and T, respectively.
Lieutenant F. S. Bassett, in addition to the articles which appear over his sig
nature, has compiled, or written, the greater part of the definitions included under
the alphabetical headings F, S, W, and X.
In several departments of the work Colonel George A. Woodward, U.S.A.,
has assisted by contributions and editorial supervision.
The following is a list of the principal works consulted in the preparation of
this volume: Smyth's Sailor's Word-book, Falconer's Marine Dictionary, Burn's
Naval and Military Technical Dictionary, Cooper's Naval History, Bedford's
Sailor's Pocket-book, Luce's Seamanship, Nares's Seamanship, Totten's Naval Text
book, Dana's Seaman's Friend, Harbord's Glossary of Navigation, Bowditch's
Navigator, Loomis's Astronomy, Peabody's Astronomy, Proctor's Hand-book of
the Stars, Cooke's Naval Gunnery, Ordnance Instructions (1880), Lippincott's
Gazetteer, Wilson's Ship-building, Very's Navies of the World, King's War-ships
and Navies of the World, Knight's Mechanical Dictionary, Sleeman's Torpedoes and
Torpedo Warfare (Electricity), Myer's Manual of Signals, Navy Regulations, Web
ster's Dictionary, Worcester's Dictionary, Brande's Encyclopaedia, Chambers's En
cyclopaedia, Appleton's Encyclopaedia, Johnson's Encyclopaedia, Kent's Commen
taries, Sharswood's Blackstone.
AMMEN, DANIEL, Kear-Admiral U.S.N.
Canals, Interoceanie.
Cushing, W. B.; Commander U.S.I*.
Life-boats and Life-rafts.
Marine Rams.
ASTON, ALBERT, Chief Engineer U.S.N.
Compound Engine.
Compound Screw.
Expansion of Steam.
Marine Steam-boiler.
Marine Steam-engine.
Ship-building, Iron.
BASSETT, F. S., Lieutenant U.S.N.
Barren, James, Commodore U.S.N.
Barry, John, Commodore U.S.N.
Decatur, Stephen, Commodore U.S.N.
Elliott, Jesse Duncan, Commodore U.S.N.
Exploring Expeditions.
Fire-ships and Bafts, Explosion-vessels and
Hopkins, Esek, Commodore U.S.N.
Hull, Isaac, Commodore U.S.N.
Lawrence, James, Commodore U.S.N".
, Perry, M. C., Commodore U.S.N.
Perry, O.'H., Commodore U.S.N.
Boutine of Duty in a Man-of-war.
Stewart, Charles, Commodore U.S.N.
Wilkes, Charles, Bear-Admiral U.S.N.
Deep-sea Sounding.
Navy-yard, Pensacola.
BLACK, C. H., Lieutenant-Commander U<S.N.
Compass, The Mariner's.
Commerce, Modern.
BLOODGOOD, DELAVAN. Medical Inspector
Naval Hospital, Brooklyn.
BROOKE, J. M., Professor Virginia Military In
BROWN, B. M. G., Lieutenant U.S.N.
Nebular Hypothesis.
Porter, D. IX, Admiral U.S.N.
Submarine Mines.
Torpedo Station.
BROWNE, J. M., Medical Director U.S.N.
Naval Hospital, Mare Island.
CARPENTER, JOHN T., M.D., President of the
Pennsylvania State Medical Society.
Hospital Gangrene.
CHAD WICK, F. E., Lieutenant-Commander
Coast Guard of Great Britain.
Naval Training Systems^ Foreign.
Beserve, Boyal Naval.
COCHRANE, H. C., Captain U.S.M.C.
Court-martial, Summary.
Inquiry, Court of.
Marine Corps.
Pardoning Power.
COLHOUN, E. B., Commodore U.S.N.
Navy-yard, Mare Island.
COLLUM, B. S., Captain U.S.M.C.
Marine Corps, Foreign.
COLVOCORESSES, G. P., Lieutenant U.S.N.
DICKINS, F. W., Lieutenant-Commander U.S.N.
Naval Academies.
Navy Department.
Navy, Volunteer, of the United States.
Examination of Officers for Promotion and
Betirement in the Navy, Board of.
EMMONS, G. F., Rear-Admiral U.S.N.
Navy of the United States, 1775-1812.
Marine Insurance.
Maritime Law.
Farragut, David Glasgow, Admiral U.S.N.
FRANKLIN, S. R., Captain U.S.N.
Hydrographer to the Bureau of Navigation.
Hydrographic Office.
GALT, W. W., Assistant Paymaster U.S.N.
Naval Station, Key West.
GLASS, HENRY, Commander U.S.N.
School-ships, Nautical.
GREEN, F. M., Lieutenant-Commander U.S.N.
HANFORD, F., Lieutenant U.S.N.
Naval Lyceum.
Navy-yard, Brooklyn, N. T.
Commander U.S.N.
Bainbridge, William, Commodore U.S.N.
HORD, W. T., Medical Director U.S.N.
Naval Hospital, Chelsea.
HUTCHINS, C. T., Lieutenant U.S.N.
JOHNSON, A. B., Chief Clerk Light-House
Light-house Establishment.
KIDDER, J. H., Surgeon U.S.N.
Dry Rot.
Yellow Fever.
Yachts and Yachting.
LUCE, S. B., Captain U.S.N.
Administration, Naval.
Emergencies at Sea.
Government, Naval.
Naval Songs.
Naval Tactics.
Naval Training System.
LULL, E. P., Commander U.S.N.
Coast and Geodetic Survey.
LYLE, D. A., Lieutenant U.S.A.
LYON, H. W., Lieutenant U.S.N.
Guns, Casting of.
MANSFIELD, C. D., Paymaster U.S.N.
Pay Corps, U.S.N.
MASON, T. B. M., Lieutenant U.S.N.
Naval Brigade.
Naval Institute.
Navy-yard, Boston.
Navy of the Southern Confederacy.
MERRYMAN, J. H., Captain U.S.R.M.
Revenue Marine Service.
NELSON, THOMAS, Lieutenant-Commander
NOEL, J. E., Lieutenant-Commander U.S.N.
PEARSE, JOHN B., Manager South Boston Iron
Iron and Steel.
POOK, S. H., Naval Constructor U.S.N.
Ship, Launching of.
PREBLE, G. H., Rear-Admiral U.S.N,
Naval Titles.
Registers, U.S.N.
Preston, Samuel N., and Porter, Benjamin
H., Lieutenants U.S.N.
Biographical Sketches.
Great Britain, Navy of.
SHIPPEN, E., Medical Director U.S.N.
Asylum, Naval, of the United States.
Bart, Jean.
Decres, Denis.
Doria, Andrea.
Duguay, Tronin Rene".
Duquesne, Abraham, Marquis.
Exmouth, Viscount.
SHIPPEN, E. — Continued.
Forbin, Claude.
Kane, Elisha Kent.
La Perouse.
La Vallette.
L'Isle, Adam Phillipe de.
Medical Corps of U. S. Navy.
Medical Officers of U. S. Navy, Duties of.
Euyter, Michel Adrianzoon Van.
Sargasso Sea.
Ship Fever.
Tromp, Von.
SIMPSON, E., Commodore TJ.S.N.
SOLEY, J. EUSSELL, Professor U.S.N.
International Law.
STEVENS, T. H.? Eear- Admiral IT.S.N.
Navy of the United States, 1812-80.
Eowan, S. C., Vice-Admiral U.S.N.
STOCKTON, H. T., Lieutenant TJ.S.N.
Armor, Compound.
Clubs, British Service.
STRONG, E. T., Lieutenant U.S.N.
STRONG, E. T. — Continued.
Preparing for Sea.
Getting under Way.
Almanac, The Nautical.
Ephemeris, The Astronomical.
TRUXTUN, W. T., Captain U.S.N.
UPSHUR, J. H., Commodore U.S.N.
Inspection, Board of.
VERY, EDWARD W., Lieutenant U.S.N.
WHITFIELD, "W. E., Ensign U.S.N.
Naval Station, Port Eoyal.
WILSON, JOSEPH, Medical Director U.S.N.
Hygiene, Naval.
WOOD, WM. MAXWELL, Lieutenant U.S.N.
Life-boats and Boat-detaching Apparatus.
THE following is a summary of the contents of the book :
I. A complete Dictionary of Nautical Terms and Phrases.
II. Biographical Notices of Distinguished Naval Officers of our own and foreign services.
III. Special Articles prepared expressly for this work by officers and others of recognized
ability in their respective fields of, discussion, and comprehending the freshest and
most authentic information attainable respecting the several subjects treated.
IV. A Gazetteer of the Principal Naval Stations and Seaports of the World.
V. A Supplement containing concise Kecords of Living Officers of the Navy, including
Captains, Commanders, Lieutenant-Commanders and Lieutenants, and Staff-Officers
of relative rank. The records of Flag-Officers are included in the body of the work.
A. Abbreviation for after in the U. S. Gen
eral Service Code of Signals. Contraction for
at, on, or in, as, a-stern, a-shore, a-poise.
A 1. The highest class of excellence in mer
chant vessels. See CLASSIFICATION OF MER
Aalborg. A city and seaport of Denmark, in
Jutland, on the south shore of the Lymfiord,
near its mouth, in the Cattegat. Lat. 57° 2'
46" N. ; Ion. 9° 55' 38" E. Pop. 11,721.
Aarhuus. A seaport of Denmark, in Jutland,
on the Cattegat, at the mouth of the Molle-Aue,
37 miles S.E. of Viborg. Lat. 56° 9' 27" N. ;
Ion. 10° 12' 46" E. Pop. 15,000.
A. B. An abbreviation signifying Able Sea
man. See ABLE.
Abab. A Turkish sailor who plies in coasting
Aback. The situation of a sail when the wind
acts on its forward surface. The sails are laid
aback, or thrown aback, by hauling in the weather-
braces or by putting the helm down, or both.
They are caught aback, or taken aback, by a shift
of wind, or by inattention at the helm. Flat
aback means that the wind acts nearly at a right
angle to the forward surface of the sail. Taken
aback is also used figuratively for being taken by
surprise. All aback forward is the notice from
the forecastle that the head-sails have been taken
aback. Brace aback is the order given to swing
the yards and lay the sails aback.
Abaft. Behind. Abaft the beam, astern of a
line forming a right angle with the keel.
Abaka. "The fibre of which Manilla rope is
Abandon. To relinquish to underwriters all
claim to property which may be recovered from
shipwreck, capture, or any other peril stated in
the policy. To desert a vessel on account of the
danger in remaining on board.
Abatement. A demand for a reduction of
freight when unforeseen causes have delayed or
hindered the performance of a stipulated charter-
Abeam. Opposite the centre of the ship's
side ; on a line which forms a right angle with
the keel.
Aberration. The apparent displacement of
the stars, caused by the motion of the earth
combined with the motion of light. The devia
tion of the rays of light from the principal focus
of a lens.
Abet. To excite, encourage, or assist.
Able. Competent ; strong. Able Seaman, a
rating on the ship's books. He must be compe
tent to perform all the duties required of a sailor.
Able-whackets. A sea game, in which the
loser is beaten over the hands with a handker
chief, tightly twisted.
Aboard. On board ; inside, or upon a ship.
Residing afloat. To keep the land aboard is to
hug the shore. To fall aboard of is for one
vessel to foul another. To lay an enemy aboard
is to run into or alongside of him. To haul the
tacks aboard is to set the courses.
About. To go about is to change the course of
a ship by tacking. Ready about, or 'boutship, is
the order to prepare for tacking.
Abox. The position of the head-yards when
they are braced aback, the after-sails remaining
full. Brace-abox, the order to lay the head-yards
abox. This is done in boxhauling and occa
sionally in heaving-to, but is more generally
done to box the ship's head off from the wind
after she has been caught aback, or after she has
missed stays.
Abraham-men. An English cant term for
vagabonds who, under pretence of being desti
tute mariners, beg about the dock. A malin
gerer wanting to go on the sick-list is said to
"sham Abraham."
Abrase. To dub or smooth planks.
Abreast. Side by side ; opposite to ; parallel
with. Line abreast, a formation in which the
ships are abeam of each other.
Abri. (Fr.) Cove; shelter; under the lee;
a safe anchorage on a weather shore.
Abrid. A pintle-plate.
Abroach. On tap ; in use.
Abroad. On a foreign station ; in a foreign
country. An old word for spread; as, all sail
Abrupt. Steep ; broken ; craggy ; as, of cliffs
and headlands.
Absence. State of being absent. Leave of
absence, permission of the proper authority to be
absent from post or duty for a specified time.
Absence without leave, with manifest intention
not to return, is desertion. When there is a
probability that the party intends to return, he
is to be considered a straggler for ten days, at
the expiration of which he is to be regarded as a
Absorption. A term formerly used for the
sinking of islands and tracts of land Subsi
Abstract. An abridgment of the contents
of a book or document.
A-burton. The situation of casks when
stowed athwartships.
Abut. When two planks are joined endwise
they are said to butt or abut against each other.
Abutting-joint is a joint where the pieces come
together at a right angle.
Abutment. The breech-block of a fire-arm.
Abyme. The site of constant whirlpools, as
the Maelstrom was supposed to be. An abyss.
Abyss. A depth without bottom.
Academies, Naval. The United States Naval
Academy at Annapolis was founded and formally
opened on October 10, 1845. On August 7, 1845,
Mr. George Bancroft, Secretary of the Navy
under President James K. Polk, issued instruc
tions to Commander Buchanan for the opening
of the school. The War Department had pre
viously transferred to the naval authorities the
site and buildings of Fort Severn, one of the
defenses of Annapolis harbor, at the mouth of
the Severn Kiver, in the State of Maryland.
The first step was to collect the midshipmen,
who, from time to time, were on shore, and give
them occupation in the study of subjects essential
to the education of a naval officer. In October,
1849, a board of officers was convened to reor
ganize the institution, and to make it conform,
as nearly as possible, to the system pursued at
the Military Academy at West Point. The
course of instruction and the regulations were
revised, and the title of the institution was
changed from Naval School to U. S. Naval
Academy. In November, 1851, the course of
study was fixed at four years. A practice-vessel
was attached to the Academy for summer cruis
ing, and a Board of Visitors was provided for,
to attend the annual examinations, and to report
upon the condition of the school. After the
breaking out of the civil war, in May, 1861, the
Academy, with all its apparatus and personnel,
was transferred to Newport, R. I., where it re
mained until September, 1865, when it was re
turned to Annapolis. The programme of studies
was then rearranged to conform more closely to
modern ideas, and remains practically unaltered
at this date. The course of instruction embraces
the following studies, viz. : seamanship, which
includes naval construction, naval tactics, prac
tical exercises, signals, swimming, gymnastics,
etc. ; ordnance and gunnery, which includes
infantry tactics, field-artillery and boat-howitzer
exercise, great guns, mortar practice, and fencing;
mathematics, which comprises algebra, geometry,
trigonometry, analytical geometry, descriptive
geometry, and calculus ; steam engineering, com
prising practical exercises, theory of steam-engine,
and fabrication and designing of machinery ;
astronomy, navigation, and surveying; physics
and chemistry ; mechanics and applied mathe
matics, which includes, besides mechanics, the
differential and integral calculus, and theoretical
naval architecture; English studies, history and
law ; modern languages, French and Spanish ;
drawing, comprising right-line, free-hand and
perspective, topographical, and chart making.
On June 1, 1880, the personnel of the Academy
was as follows : commanding officer and staff,
including medical and pay officers and chap
lain, 12; instructors, 46 commissioned officers
and 15 civilians, 61 ; civil officers, including
secretary, librarian, clerks, etc., 14 ; marine
officers, 3 ; warrant-officers, 2 ; and 7 mates at
tached to the gunnery -ship and practice-vessels ;
total staff of the Academy, 99 ; number of cadet
midshipmen, 253 ; of cadet engineers, 99 ; total
of. students, 352; aggregate, 451. The list of
successive superintendents is as follows : 1st,
Commander Franklin Buchanan, 1845-47 ; 2d,
Commander George P. Upshur, 1847-50; 3d,
Captain C. K. Strihling, 1850-53 ; 4th, Captain
L. M. Goldsborough, 1853-57 ; 5th, Commodore
George S. Blake, 1857-65 ; 6th, Vice-Admiral
D. D. Porter, 1865-69 ; 7th, Rear-Admiral John
L. Worden, 1869-74 ; 8th, Rear-Admiral C. R.
P. Rodgers, 1874-78 ; 9th, Commodore Foxhall
A. Parker, 1878-79. In June, 1879, Commodore
Parker died, and was succeeded by Rear-Admiral
George B. Balch as the tenth superintendent. In
1865 two classes of cadet engineers, not to exceed
50 in the aggregate, were admitted into the Acad
emy. The duration of their course was, until June
1, 1873, two years. By act of Congress, approved
February 24, 1874, their course was lengthened
to four years, and the number of classes increased
to four. The examinations of candidates for cadet
engineers are competitive. Candidates must be
between 16 and 20 years of age, and of sound
body. The number of appointments that can be
made is limited by law to 25 each year. The
academic examination previous to appointment
is on the following subjects, namely : arithmetic,
algebra, through equations of the first degree,
plane geometry, natural philosophy, reading,
writing, spelling, grammar, composition, geog
raphy, free-hand drawing, and the elementary
principles governing the action of the steam-
engine. Candidates who possess the best knowl
edge of machinery, other qualifications being
equal, have precedence for admission. The pay
of cadet engineers while at the Academy is $500
per annum. After the academic course, two
years' sea-service is required before being eligible
to be commissioned as assistant engineers, and
then only as vacancies occur. The studies of
cadet engineers at the Academy consist of math
ematics, analytical mechanics, theory and prac
tice of steam engineering, physics and chemistry,
French and Spanish, drawing, designing of ma
chinery, naval architecture, and practice in the
workshops. On March 3, 1873, Congress passed a
law changing the duration of the course for cadet
midshipmen from four to six years, to apply to
the class admitted in 1873 and to all subsequent
classes. Four years of the six are passed in
completing the academic course, the remaining
two years are passed at sea on board a regular
cruising-vessel, after which they return to the
Academy and are required to pass the following
final graduating examination: physical, ord
nance, naval tactics, navigation, French and
Spanish, seamanship, and steam. The marks of
this examination, combined with those of the
academic course, determine the graduating num
ber; and passing successfully, the cadet midship
man becomes a midshipman, and he is then
eligible to be commissioned an ensign when va-
cancies occur. The number of cadet midship
men allowed at the Academy is one for every
member and delegate of the House of Repre-
sentatives, ten at large, and one from the District
of Columbia, appointed by the President. The
nomination of a candidate from any Congres
sional district or territory is made on the recom
mendation of the member or delegate from actual
residents of his district or territory. Candidates
must be of sound body, between 14 and 18 years
of age, and present themselves to the superin
tendent of the Academy for examination for
admission in June and September. The exam
ination in reading is of course conducted orally,
all other examinations are in writing. A satis
factory examination must be passed in arithme
tic, geography, grammar, writing, and spelling.
Candidates who pass the physical and mental
examinations will be appointed as cadet mid
shipmen and become inmates of the Academy.
Each cadet is required to sign articles by which
he binds himself to serve in the navy eight years,
including the time at the Academy, unless sooner
discharged. The pay of a cadet midshipman is
$500 a year, commencing at the date of his
admission. The academic year begins October
1, and ends May 30. The year is divided into
two academic terms, the first term extending
from October 1 to January 30. Each of the
classes is divided into a convenient number of
sections of from nine to twelve members, and
the recitation hours into three periods of two
hours each, and no student is required to attend
more than three recitations during the day ; so
that besides the evening study hours, one hour
of each period may be devoted to study. The
system of examination comprises monthly, semi
annual, and annual examinations, all of which
are conducted in writing, the same questions
being proposed to each member of a class. If
the cadet fail to pass the semi-annual or annual
examination he is dropped. The monthly ex
amination-marks are combined with the daily
marks to determine the monthly standing. These
marks are combined with those of the semi
annual examination to find the term standing,
which latter are again combined to form the
annual record. The summer months are em
ployed in cruising at sea. The sailing-vessels
"Santee," "Constellation," and "Dale," the
ironclad monitor " Nantucket," and the steamers
"Mayflower" and " Standish" are permanently
stationed at the Academy during the two aca
demic terms for the purpose of instruction in
great guns, and in sails, spars, steam, etc. The
" Constellation" is commissioned for the summer
cruise of the first and third classes of cadet mid
shipmen. The second class is granted leave
during the summer, and the fourth class, ad
mitted in June, is quartered on -board the
" Santee" for practical instruction until the be
ginning of the academic year. The first and
third classes of cadet engineers are embarked on
board the practice-steamers, and visit the United
States navy-yards and private ship-yards, par
ticularly those where iron ship-building is done,
foundries, rolling-mills, machine-shops, etc. They
are required to take notes and make sketches of
machinery, etc., at every place visited. The
second class of cadet engineers goes on leave.
The officers for all the practice-vessels are detailed
from the officers attached to the Academy. The
academic grounds inside the walls consist of 50
acres. The grounds outside consist of 109 acres.
Aggregate, 159 acres. The departments of study
and the observatory are amply supplied with
models and apparatus. The library contains
20,000 volumes, chiefly historical, scientific, and
professional. At the International Exhibition
held at Paris, France, in 1878, the United States
Naval Academy received a diploma of the value
of a gold medal, which was one of the four
diplomas awarded to educational institutions in
the United States for the best quality of educa
tion in the group classed as superior.
ENGLAND. — The Royal Naval Academy was
first established at Portsmouth dock-yard by order
from the admiralty dated March 13, 1729, the age
of admission being between 13 and 16 years. The
young gentlemen entered the naval service either
by nomination from the admiralty through the
Royal Naval Academy, or by direct nomination
to sea-going ships by flag-officers and captains
of ships in commission. In 1806 the title of the
establishment was changed to Royal Naval Col
lege. In 1816 the college was united to the
School of Naval Architecture, and the age of
admission fixed at from 12£ to 14 years. In 1821
the age was again altered, from 12J to 13J years,
and so continued until the college was closed, in
1837. The number of cadets allowed after 1806
was 70, mainly selected from the nobility and
gentry. The college was closed owing to the old
method of appointing midshipmen directly into
the navy without any conditions of previous
preparation existing at the same time, which,
being short and easy, was commonly preferred.
After passing an easy entrance examination, the
course of instruction at the college was not much
more than elementary, and extended over a period
of two years. After a year's sea-service the stu
dent was eligible to be rated as midshipman. In
the year 1839 the Royal Naval College was re
opened for the purpose of establishing further
means of scientific education for a certain num
ber of commissioned officers, who were allowed
to remain at the college for one year. In the
beginning of 1857 — the experience of twenty
years since the abolition of the old naval college
as a seminary for boys having meanwhile fully
demonstrated the necessity for some kind of pre
liminary training for cadets on their first entry
into the service — the admiralty established a new
system of instruction on board a training-ship,
to which the cadets were to be appointed after
passing into the service by a moderate test exam
ination, with some modification of detail on cer
tain points. The system of educational training
established in 1857 still continues in force. In
1868 a sea-going ship was established supple
mentary to the stationary one. Under the regu
lations at present in force the candidate must not
be under 12 nor above 13 years of age. The
principle of limited competition has also been
introduced. Candidates must pass a strict phys
ical examination, and afterwards undergo a pre
liminary test examination in reading, writing,
dictation, French, arithmetic as far as vulgar
and decimal fractions, and Scripture history.
Those who successfully pass this examination
are allowed to compete in a further examination
in arithmetic, algebra to simple equations, Book
I. of Euclid, French, Latin, English history,
geography, German, Italian or Spanish, and
drawing, — the candidates selecting not more
than three of these subjects, or four, if drawing
be one. Successful competitors are then appointed
to the " Britannia," at Dartmouth, as naval
cadets. The course of instruction there lasts
two years, and is supplemented by a year's fur
ther training on board a special sea-going train
ing-ship. On leaving the " Britannia" the cadets
are classed according to their merits in study
and conduct. Cadets having obtained one year's
sea-time on leaving the training-ship, are rated
as midshipmen. During the three years on board
the training-ships the cadets study the following
subjects : mathematics, consisting of a partial
course in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and
trigonometry, with a short course in steam, ele
mentary surveying, English, French, geography,
history, and drawing. After completing five
years' service, including the time on board the
training-ships, and having attained the age of 19
years, they are eligible to pass for lieutenant.
The Koyal Naval College at Greenwich was re
organized and opened February 1, 1874, for the
instruction of officers of all branches of the naval
service, including captains and excluding mid
FRANCE. — Students are admitted to the Naval
School on board the " Borda," at Brest, once in
each year, by competitive examination. Candi
dates of respectable parentage are eligible for ad
mission, provided they are native Frenchmen or
have been naturalized, and are not less than 14 or
more than 17 years of age on the 1st of January
of the year in which they compete. Their parents
are obliged to pay the equivalent of $140 a year
to support them while at the school. The exam
inations are held in July at Paris and at seven
other large cities in France, and in Corsica and
Algiers. The examination, partly written and
partly oral, is on the following subjects: written
— French and English composition ; numerical
calculation of plane trigonometry, and descrip
tive geometry ; oral — French and English, gen
eral history, geography, arithmetic, algebra, ge
ometry, trigonometry, and descriptive geometry.
To these is added drawing from nature. If the
candidate pass the oral examination, he under
goes a further examination, more searching in the
same subjects, for competition. A committee in
Paris selects the prescribed number of candidates
in order of merit. Those selected join the train
ing-ship " Borda" on October 1, and remain there
two years. The subjects of instruction are liter
ary, scientific, and professional. An examination
is held at the end of each year, and those that fail
to pass in either branch of instruction are dis
missed. At the end of two years those who pass
successfully are sent on board the cruising-ship
1 "Jean Bart, ' ' where the course is strictly practical.
The cruise lasts about one year, and on their
return an examination is held in the following
subjects : naval architecture, steam, seamanship,
naval gunnery, infantry tactics, navigation and
surveying, naval regulations, literature, English,
drawing, naval book-keeping, international and
maritime law, and naval hygiene, which finishes
the course. There are also a certain number of
students who pass directly from thePolytechnique
School into the "Jean Bart," and during their
subsequent service they are in no way distin
guished from those who have been trained in
the " Borda." The " Jean Bart" also receives a
few students from the corps of naval constructors,
and takes them to sea.
GERMANY. — The officers' corps of the Imperial
navy is made up from young men that enter the
service as cadets, and from sailors that are granted
such a chance for advancement. Applications for
admission as cadet must be made to the admiralty
at Berlin during the months of August and Sep
tember of the year preceding the examination for
admission. The application must be accompanied
by a number of papers giving a detailed account
of the candidate's family, his intellectual training
and physical condition. The examination is held
every year, in the month of April, before an ex
amining board at Kiel, appointed by the chief
of the admiralty. The candidate must first pass
a physical examination, and not be more than 17
years of age, except a graduate of a high school,
who must not be more than 19 years of age. The
examination for admission is in the following
subjects : Latin, grammar, arithmetic, geometry,
trigonometry, elements of physics, geography,
history, French and English, and free-hand
drawing. If the candidate has a certificate of
graduation from a high school, or a school of
equal rank, he is freed from an examination if
his record in mathematics be good; if not, he
must pass an examination in that branch. The
results of this examination are sent to the chief
of admiralty, who decides which ones shall be
admitted. The cadets must pay their own ex
penses. The cadets selected for admission are
embarked on board a practice-ship. They cruise
during the summer and return to the station in
September. Those cadets that show a want of
aptitude for the service are then dismissed by
order of the admiralty. The remaining cadets
receive certificates signed by the commanding
ofScer and other officers of the practice ship, and
are ordered to attend the cadets' class of the
naval school after taking the oath of allegiance.
The instruction in the cadets' class is intended to
prepare the cadets for the Naval Cadets1 exami
nation, and lasts about six months. This ex
amination embraces the following subjects : navi
gation, seamanship, artillery, infantry tactics,
arithmetic, trigonometry, geometry, chemistry,
official reports, topography, English and French.
Those failing to pass are either turned back or
dismissed. Those cadets that have passed are
embarked on board a practice-ship, and sent on
a cruise for two years. During that time they
receive practical training, and are also instructed
in those branches of science more strictly pro
fessional. At the end of the cruise, those receiv
ing a satisfactory report from the commander of
a vessel are ordered to attend the first officers'
examination at Kiel in the following subjects :
navigation, seamanship, naval tactics, artillery,
marine engines, naval architecture, knowledge
of the duties of officers, French and English.
Those that pass the examination are appointed
second lieutenants without commissions, and are
made to attend the officers' class of the Naval
Academy. The course of instruction commences
in October and closes the following August, and
is intended to complete the theoretical education,
and prepare the members for the second officers'
examination, which takes place each year, in
September, at Kiel, and in the following sub
jects : navigation, infantry tactics, artillery,
naval architecture, marine engines, fortification,
drawing, geometry, trigonometry, mechanics,
and physics. Full reports of the examination
are submitted to the admiralty, the relative
standing of those that have passed finally de
termined, and commissions as second lieutenant
are issued. Sailors are admitted on the recom
mendation of their superior officers after a ser
vice of at least twelve months on board a man-
of-war, and must not be over 20 years of age.
The regulations for admission and examinations
are the same for sailors as for those persons enter
ing from civil life.
ITALY. — The candidates enter at Naples on the"
15th of June in each year ; they must be of
sound body, not less than 13 nor over 17 years
of age, and must give security that their expenses
will be paid. The examination for admission is
competitive, and is in arithmetic, elementary
algebra, geometry, ancient history, grammar,
French, and geography. The Royal Naval
School is composed of two divisions, — the first
at Naples, and the second at Genoa. The course
at Naples is two years, and comprises the follow
ing subjects : algebra, geometry, trigonometry,
descriptive geometry, navigation, French and
English, drawing, calculus, physics, descriptive
and political geography, and Italian literature.
The last two years of the course are passed at
Genoa, and the following subjects taught: me-
chanicsj astronomy, hydrography, history, politi
cal geography, Italian literature, French and
English, theory of ships, naval construction,
naval tactics, fortification, artillery and infantry
tactics, torpedoes, and practical exercises, includ
ing fencing, gymnastics, swimming, and dancing.
The practice-cruises are made each year from.
June to November, and the examinations take
place before the cruise begins. Those who grad
uate are recommended for nomination to the
grade of midshipmen, and go directly into active
RUSSIA. — Those who are desirous of entering
the naval service must pass into the Naval
School at St. Petersburg. Candidates eligible
for admission must be sons of hereditary noble
men, of superior civil or military officers, or of
hereditary honorable citizens. The age of can
didates must not be under 15 nor over 18 years.
Those candidates who may wish it are allowed,
before entering the school, to go through a trial-
cruise to test their aptitude for the service. If
the trial-cruise be satisfactory the candidate must
pass a physical and mental examination. The
examination is held yearly, in the month of Sep
tember, embracing the following subjects : re
ligion, grammar, geography, history, arithmetic,
algebra, geometry, and French. The course of
instruction lasts four years, at the expense of
the government. At the end of four years the
students are examined in the subjects mentioned
as follows: religion, navigation and pilotage,
astronomy, seamanship, naval history, naval
tactics, gunnery, surveying, steam, theoretical
and practical naval architecture, fortification,
jurisprudence, and Russian and French lan
guages. Having passed this examination the
student is made a naval cadet, and is embarked
on board a training-ship to cruise for two years,
at the end of which he is subjected to a final ex
amination in practical seamanship.
SPAIN.— The Naval College for midshipmen
was created by royal decree, September 18, 1844>
in order that young men who desire to become
naval officers may learn, theoretically and prac
tically, their profession. It is situated in San
Carlos, department of Cadiz. The personnel is
composed of, besides the commanding officer and
staff, 11 professors of mathematics, 1 of physics,
and 10 for drawing, seamanship, ship-building,
English and French, fencing, gymnastics, and
dancing, 2 chaplains, and 8 lieutenants, who,
besides their duties as officers, give military in
struction to the cadets. By a royal decree of
February 20, 1864, only 60 can enter yearly.
The candidate must be between 13 and 16" years
of age. All the vacancies, except four, are filled
by competitive examination in the following sub
jects : religion, reading, writing, grammar, arith
metic, algebra, geometry, French and English,
geography, and drawing. By the last-mentioned
decree the time in the college has been reduced
from two and a half years to one year and a half,
and the students study the following subjects :
trigonometry, geometrical analysis, astronomy,
navigation, physics, meteorology, chemistry,
gunnery, French and English, naval tactics, in
fantry tactics, seamanship, geography, history
(sacred, profane, and naval), religion and morals,
drawing, fencing, gymnastics, swimming, and
dancing. — F. W. Dickins, Lieutenant- Commander
Academite. A graduate of the Royal Naval
Academy at Portsmouth, England.
Acairlphuill. A safe anchorage.
Acalephse. A class of marine animals of low
organization, having a translucent jelly-like
structure, and frequently possessing the property
of stinging; as, the Portuguese man-of-war
(Physalia), and the common jelly-fish (Medusa}.
Acapulco. A seaport of Mexico, on the Pa
cific. Lat. 16° 50' N. ; Ion. 99° 48' W. It has
a magnificent landlocked harbor, and is 302
miles "S.S.W. of Mexico. Pop. 5000.
Acast. An old word for lost or cast away.
Abox ; as, the head-yards were said to be braced
Acater. Purveyor of victuals, whence ca
Acatium. A word used by the Romans for a
small boat, and also for the mainmast of a ship.
Acceleration. The increase of velocity in a
moving body. A planet is said to be accelerated
when its actual diurnal motion exceeds its mean.
In the fixed stars this acceleration is the mean
time by which they anticipate the sun's diurnal
motion. Acceleration of the moon is the increase
of her mean motion, caused by a slow change in
the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit.
Access. Means of entry or approach. Ac
cessible, approachable by land or sea.
Acclivity. The upward slope of an inclined
Accoil. To coil together.
Accommodations. Fittings, conveniences.
Accommodation ladder, a convenient flight ot
steps shipped at the gangway. When shipped
on both sides, the starboard ladder is reserved for
the use of commissioned officers and their visit
Accompany. To sail together ; to convoy.
Accon. (Fr.) A flat-bottomed Mediterranean
boat for carrying cargoes over shoals. _
Accost. To hail ; to pass within hail ; to sail
coastwise ; to draw near.
Account. Going upon account, a phrase for
Accounts. The several books and registers
of money, stores, clothing, and provisions. See
Accouplement. A timber tie or brace.
Accoutrements. Equipments of soldiers and
Accul. An old term for the end of a deep
bay ; from cul-de-sac.
Accuse. To charge with an offense.
Accused. The designation of the party on
trial before a court-martial. See COURT-MAR
Achernar. a Eridani, a star of the first
magnitude in the constellation Eridanus, called
by navigators the u Spring of the Kiver."
Achromatic. A term applied to optical in
struments in which aberration and the colors de
pendent thereon are partially corrected. Achro
matic condenser, a lens used to concentrate the
rays of light on an object in a microscope.
Achronical. An old term signifying the rising
of a heavenly body at sunset, or its setting at
Acker. An eddying ripple on the surface of
flooded waters. A tide swelling above another
tide. See EAGRE, BORE.
Ackmen, or Ack-pirates. Fresh- water thieves.
A-cockbill. A yard is a-cockbill when by acci
dent or design one yard-arm is topped up more
than the other. (See MOURNING.) The anchor is
a-cockbill when it hangs from the cat-head by the
ring-stopper ready for letting go. In the navy
the anchor is not cockbilled except in special
Acolyte. The smaller component of a double
Acorn. A cone-shaped piece of wood attached
to the vane.
Acoustics. The science of sound. The acous
tic telegraph is one which makes audible instead
of visible signals
Acquit. To discharge from an accusation ; to
free or exonerate from blame or suspicion ; to
clear from imputation. The word is also used to
express personal bearing ; as, to acquit one's self
Acquittance. A release or discharge in writing
for a sum of money, or duty, which ought to be
paid, or done, on the ship's account.
Acre. A city and seaport of Syria, on a prom
ontory at the foot of Mt. Carmel. Lat. 32° 55'
N. ; Ion. 35° 5' E. Pop. 4800. The Bay of Acre
is much frequented by French, Italian, and Aus
trian vessels.
Acrostolium. A symbolical ornament on the
prows of ancient vessels ; the origin of the modern
Act. Deed, performance, edict, decree, or law.
Overt act, an open act done in pursuance of a
criminal design, — the mere design not being pun
ishable without such act. Act of God compre
hend? all accidents arising from physical causes.
Act of Court, the decision of the judge on the
verdict or on a point of law. Act and Intention
must be united, in admiralty law.
Acting. A prefix to denote that a rank is held
Action. Exertion of power or force. Double
action denotes that the motor acts positively in
producing the backward and forward movement.
An engagement ; a battle. Clear ship for action,
to prepare for battle by removing everything that
obstructs the working of the battery or hinders
the handling of the ship ; by removing all fix
tures and appliances, not needed for action, but
which might cause the enemy's shot to create
havoc and confusion ; by removing articles liable
to injury by exposure ; and by providing articles
necessary to the security of rigging and spars.
Active. Requiring or implying action or ex
ertion ; practical ; operative,
ACTIVE LIST. The list of officers liable to be
called upon for active duty, in contradistinction
to the Retired List (which see).
ACTIVE SERVICE. Duty before the enemy, or
operations in his presence. Any duty under the
orders of the Navy Department.
Actuaire. (Fr.) An open transport pro
pelled by oars and sails.
Actuairole. (Fr.) A small galley propelled
by oars.
Acumba. Oakum ; the hards or coarse parts
of flax and unplucked wool.
Acuna, Christopher. Jesuit and explorer, b.
Burgos, 1597, d. Lima about 1675. He was one
of the early explorers of the river Amazon, and
was sent to report the incidents of the expedition
of 1639. On his return to Spain he published at
Madrid, in 1641, " Nuevo Descubrimiento del
gran Rio de las Amazonas." He subsequently
went to the East Indies, returned to South Amer
ica, and died on the way from Panama to Lima.
Adamant. The loadstone ; the magnet : — the
sense in which it was held by early voyagers.
Adapter. A ring or tube to adapt or fit any
accessory apparatus to an instrument.
Addel, or Addle. The putrid water in casks.
Addice. An adze. The addled eggs of sea-
Addlings. Accumulated pay.
Address. Bearing. To consign or intrust to
another as an agent.
Adelaide, Port, six miles from the capital of
South Australia. Lat. 34° 49' S. ; Ion. 138° 38'
E. It is a free port, and accessible for vessels
drawing 18 feet of water.
Adit. An air-hole or drift. The aperture by
which a mine is dug and charged. The aperture
by which a ship in ancient times was entered.
Adjourn. To put off to another day ; to dis
continue a while ; to intermit proceedings ; as, of
a court-martial, a board of examination, etc.
When no certain day is fixed to which the ad
journment is to extend, it is said to be sine die.
Adjudication. The act of adjudging prizes
by legal decree. Captors are compelled to sub
mit the adjudication of their prizes to a compe
tent tribunal.
Adjust. To set the frame of a ship. To regu
late an instrument for use. To adjust the com
passes is to ascertain the deviation of the needle
due to local attraction.
Adjustment, in marine insurance, is the as
certaining and settling of the amount of in
demnity, whether of average or salvage, which
the insured is entitled to receive. The nature
and amount of damage being ascertained, an en
dorsement is made on the back of the policy, de
claring the proportion of loss falling on each un
derwriter ; and when this endorsement is signed
by the latter, the loss is said to have been ad
justed. After an adjustment has been made, it
is usual for the underwriter at once to pay the
loss. As a question of law, however, it does not
appear how far the adjustment is conclusive and
binding on the underwriters. In the opinion of
some lawyers the adjustment is merely presump
tive evidence against an insurer, and it is, not
withstanding, open to the underwriter to show
facts which, if proved, would have the effect of
relieving him from liability.
cal instruments are liable to get out of order,
their several parts not retaining their relative
positions, owing to unequal expansion, violence,
or like causes. To guard before observing against
resulting errors, there are methods of testing
whether the instrument is in order in the several
points subject to be affected ; and the instrument
is provided with means of adjustment, chiefly in
the form of screws or sliding weights, by which
it may be restored to its correct state. Adjust
ing screws and weights ought not to be touched
more than is absolutely necessary, and then with
great care. When two such screws work oppo
sitely to each other, one must not be tightened
without the other being at the same time loosened.
Sometimes, instead of making the adjustment,
the error may be acknowledged and allowed for
in observing. The term " adjustments" is often
loosely applied to all sources of incorrectness,
and means of obviating their effects, in using
instruments. These are, however, properly of
three distinct kinds : imperfections in the instru
ment, which should cause its rejection ; adjust
ments for parts of the instrument liable to tem
porary derangement, but which can be restored
to order by the machinery attached ; and errors
of the instrument, which are acknowledged, de
termined by experiment, and allowed for. See
Adjutant. See MARINE CORPS.
Admeasurement. The calculation of the pro
portions of a ship according to assumed rules.
Administration, Naval (Lat. ad, "to," and
ministro, ministratum, "to serve," manage
ment, conduct of business), relates to the man
agement of that part of the executive branch
of the government which includes the navy, or
military marine. The Chief Executive is gen
erally the constitutional or hereditary head of
the navy. James I., of England, assumed the
title of Lord High Admiral and Lord Gen
eral; in other words, he declared himself to
be the commander-in-chief of the army and
navy. This was subsequently confirmed to the
reigning sovereign by act of Parliament (13
Car. II., c. 6). In the United States the Presi
dent is the Commander-in-Chief of the Army
and Navy, " and he may require the opinion in
writing of the principal officer in each of the
executive departments upon any subject relating
to the duties of their respective offices." (Con
stitution of the United States, Art. II., Sec. 2.)
One of these "executive departments" is styled,
by the act of April 30, 1798, which creates the
office, the Department of the Navy, and the
"principal officer" the Secretary of the Navy,
whose duty it is " to execute such orders as he
shall receive from the President of the United
States relative to the procurement of naval stores
and materials, and the construction, armament,
equipment of vessels of war, as well as all other
matters connected with the naval establishment
of the United States. From the language of the
act it will be seen that the Secretary of the Navy
is, in all matters pertaining to his branch of the
public service, the exponent of the President ; and
his acts are to be considered the acts of the Presi
dent, and have full force and effect as such. The
official duties of the heads of executive depart
ments, however, are not merely ministerial ; they
involve the exercise of judgment and discretion.
(Decatur v. Paulding, 14 Pet., 515.) The Secre
tary of the Navy is appointed by the President,
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,
from civil life, and is one of the members of his
Cabinet. He is authorized by law to prescribe
regulations, not inconsistent with law, for the
government of his department, the conduct of
its officers and clerks, the distribution and per
formance of its business, and the custody, use,
and preservation of the records, papers, and prop
erty appertaining to it. He is required to make
an annual report to Congress of the operations
of the navy for the preceding year, its general
condition, etc. The business of the Department
is distributed among eight bureaus, to wit: (1)
Bureau of Yards and Docks, (2) Equipment
and Recruiting, (3) Navigation, (4) Ordnance,
(5) Construction and Repair, (6) Steam Engi
neering, (7) Provisions and Clothing, (8) Medi
cine and Surgery. The chiefs of bureaus are
appointed by the President, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate. All the duties
of the bureaus are performed under the authority
of the Secretary of the Navy, and " their orders
are considered as emanating from him and have
full force and effect as such" (act of August 31,
1842). There are 63 clerks, draughtsmen, etc.,
in the Department, 17 of whom belong to the
Secretariat, the remainder to the several bureaus.
The chiefs of four bureaus (1, 2, 3, and 4) are
selected from the line-officers not below the rank
of commander. During the time of holding
office they have the relative rank of commo
dore, if below that grade. The chiefs of the
other bureaus are selected from the several corps
which they represent, and while holding office
have the relative rank of commodore, with the
title respectively of surgeon-general, paymaster-
general, engineer-in-chief, and chief construc
tor. Chiefs of bureaus hold their offices for the
term of four years. Any staff officer who has
performed the duty of a chief of a bureau for a
full term is exempt thereafter from sea-duty, ex
cept in time of war, and retires with the relative
rank of commodore.
It will be perceived from the foregoing that
the Navy Department, and consequently the
navy itself, is without a professional head. The
civil branch is well provided for in the constitu
tional commander-in-chief and his constitutional
adviser, the Secretary of the Navy. But regard
ing the navy in its true character of a sea army,
there is no professional head in our naval admin
istration to govern its purely military operations.
This is a great, and, in time of war, would be
likely to prove a fatal, defect. It would be diffi
cult, indeed, to find a civilian in whom were com
bined the political training essential to a Cabinet
officer and the technical knowledge necessary to
an intelligent and energetic administration of
naval affairs even in times of profound peace.
The history of our naval administration is
curious. The infant navy was ushered into ex-
istence by spasmodic resolutions of the Conti
nental Congress. On the 5th of October, 1775, a
resolution directed the fitting out of two armed
schooners to cruise for a vessel known to have
left England with munitions of war for the
enemy. A week later another resolution directed
the equipping of a swift vessel of 10 guns, and
three members of Congress — Messrs. Deane,
Langdon, and Gadsden — were chosen a com
mittee to superintend this " naval force." Oc
tober 20 four members — Hopkins, Hewes, Lee,
and John Adams — were added, when it was re
solved that "these seven be a committee to carry
into execution with all possible expedition the
resolutions of Congress for fitting out armed
vessels." The committee immediately procured
a room in a public-house in Philadelphia, and
agreed to meet every evening at 6 o'clock for the
dispatch of business. January 25, it was resolved
that the direction of the fleet fitted out by order
of Congress be left to the Naval Committee. In
subsequent resolutions this committee was styled
the Marine Committee, and was empowered to
give names to ships, to order them on service,
purchase materials, etc. June 9, 1779, it was
resolved that the management of all business re
lating to the marine of the United States be vested
in commissioners. October 28, 1779, a Board of
Admiralty was established to superintend the
naval and marine affairs. February 7, 1781, the
office of a Secretary of Marine was created. Au
gust 20, on the report of a committee, it was re
solved that a for the present an agent of marine be
appointed," who should absorb all the duties that
had devolved upon the Board of Admiralty. On
the termination of the war of the Revolution
(1783) the navy was disbanded. The present
government went into operation under the Con
stitution March 4, 1789, and on the 7th of August
following an act was passed establishing the^De-
partment of War, the Secretary of which was
to have a general supervision of the land and
naval forces. April 30, 1798, the act was passed
creating the Department of the Navy, a Secretary
of the Navy, a principal clerk and such other
clerks as he (the Secretary) thought necessary.
The act of February 7, 1815, added to the De
partment a Board of Navy Commissioners, con
sisting of three officers of the navy not below
the rank of post-captain. The act provided that
" the board so constituted should be attached to
the office of the Secretary, and under his super
intendence discharge all the ministerial duties of
that office relative to the procurement of naval
stores and materials, and the construction, arma
ment, equipment, and employment of vessels of
war, as well as other matters connected with the
naval establishment." The act of August 31,
1842, abolished the naval commissioners and
substituted five bureaus, since increased, by act
of July 5, 1862, to eight. By act of July 31,
1861, the office of Assistant Secretary of the
Navy was authorized, the exigencies of war
showing its necessity. The office was abolished
soon after the war (March 3, 1869).
The act of March 2, 1865, created the office of
Solicitor and Judge-Advocate-General. June
22, 1870, it was transferred to the Department of
Justice, as Naval Solicitor (Sec. 249, Revised
Statutes). For that important factor of the navy,
the Marine Corps, see article under that head.
GREAT BRITAIN.— Immediately after the rev
olution of 1688 Parliament passed an act (2 Sess.
William and Mary) establishing a Board of
Admiralty ; thus giving the sanction of law to
the practice that had long prevailed, of placing
the control of the navy in the hands of experi
enced officers. By this act it was " declared and
enacted that all and singular authorities, juris
dictions, and powers which, by any act of Par
liament or otherwise, have been and are lawfully
vested ... in the Lord High Admiral of Eng
land for the time being, have always appertained
to, and may be exercised by, the Commissioners
for executing the office of High Admiral of Eng
land for the time being according to their com
missions." Two years later, it was resolved in
the House of Commons that "His Majesty be
advised to constitute a commission of the Ad
miralty of such persons as are of known experi
ence in maritime aifairs ; that for the future all
orders for the management of the fleet do pass
through the Admiralty that shall be so con
The Admiralty patent, as it is called, places
in the hands of " Our Commissioners for execut
ing the office of Our High Admiral" full power
to administer the affairs of the navy. It enjoins
upon all persons belonging to the navy to observe
all such orders as " Our said Commissioners, or
any two or more of them, give," . . . " as if Our
High Admiral had given it." According to the
patent, all the members are equal, with co-ordi
nate powers, and with joint responsibility. Ac
cording to usage the responsibility rests almost
entirely with the First Lord. He nominates the
other members " at his pleasure." He is, there
fore, practically supreme ; if opposed by the other
members he may break up the board. Besides
the First Lord, who is a cabinet officer appointed
almost invariably from civil life by the Prime
Minister, there are three naval members, and
one other, who is always taken from among the
members of the House of Commons. The board
meets every week-day at noon, except Saturdays,
and two lords and a secretary form a quorum for
business. Certain orders may be signed by the
secretary of the board alone, and are regarded
as the order of the board collectively ; but an
order that authorizes the payment of money re
quires the signatures of two lords. The secre
taries have jointly charge of the Secretariat, and
the First Secretary has 'important duties in Par
liament in connection with the board. See AD
It will be seen from the foregoing that the
First Lord has general control of the navy in the
name of his sovereign, to whom he is responsible
for its management. But he represents the civil
power, and concerns himself more immediately
with the civil affairs of the navy. Associated
with this civil office, but subordinate to it, is the
military branch of the establishment. This is
presided over by professionals, — the senior Sea
Lord and his coadjutors, the other Sea Lords and
the Naval Secretary.
No form of naval administration can hope for
entire immunity from public criticism ; the Board
of Admiralty forms no exception to the rule.
The slightest mishap in the navy is sufficient to
call down the thunders of the press on the heads
of the Lords of the Admiralty. Discussions in
Parliament led (March, 1861) to the appoint
ment of a committee " to inquire into the con-
stitution of the Board of Admiralty and the
various duties devolving thereon;" also "as to
the general effect of such system on the navy."
No material change took place, however, till
January 14, 1869, when Mr. Hugh C. E. Childers,
then First Lord, reorganized the board. On the
19th of March, 1872, the order of 1869 was re
scinded, and the board restored very much to
its old organization and as it now stands. See
FRANCE. — The Minister of Marine (Secretary
of the Navy) in France is generally selected from
the list of admirals, and represents both the civil
and military power. He is assisted in his im
mediate office by a staff of about seven officers,
ranking from rear-admiral to lieutenant. The
chief of staff is a rear-admiral (chef d'etat-major
et chef du cabinet). Next comes a Board of Ad
miralty, of which the Minister of Marine is presi
dent. It consists of, 1, a vice-admiral, who is
vice-president of the board ; 2, a vice-admiral ; 3,
a general of marine artillery ; 4, a vice-admiral ;
5, a vice-admiral ; 6, a rear-admiral ; 7, a director
of naval construction; 8, a commissary-general.
The Secretariat is divided into two bureaux, each
of which has its chief. The second bureau takes
cognizance of the "movements of the fleet and
military operations," and is presided over by a
naval officer of rank. Next we have the Navy
Department proper, which is divided into five
directions (a direction corresponding to a bureau
in our Navy Department), each direction having
two or more bureaux ; each bureau having two or
more sections. Among these several directions,
bureaux, and sections are distributed with much
precision all the duties of an extensive and
thorough naval administration. The Minister
of Marine alone is responsible to the chief mag
istrate for his acts. The Board of Admiralty, of
which he is president, is but an advisory body,
its chief and only important duty being to pre
pare the annual lists of officers from which the
selections for promotion are made. It has, in
fact, but little, if anything, to do with the ad
ministration of the affairs of the French navy.
It may be said, in general, that under a lib
eral form of government, like that of the United
States or Great Britain, where the civil power
predominates, the head of the navy will always
be a civilian. In countries where the military
spirit prevails the head of the navy will always
be a naval officer of rank. In all maritime
countries the work of the navy department must
be distributed among a number of experts and a
certain clerical force.
AUSTRIA. — The Minister of National Defense
presides over both war and navy departments.
Under his general supervision a vice-admiral
administers the affairs of the navy.
DENMARK. — The Minister of Marine is a cab
inet officer and a naval officer of rank.
GERMANY. — Has a Board of Admiralty, with
an admiral for " Inspector-General of the Navy,"
and a commander-in-chief of all the ships in
ITALY. — Has a Minister of Marine, at present
a rear-admiral, assisted in his duties by a Board
of Admiralty.
RUSSIA. — The Minister of Marine is an ad
miral, and communicates directly with the sov
ereign. He has sole charge of the administra
tive department of the navy, while the executive
branch is in charge of the High Admiral of the
fleet. In other respects the organization is simi
lar to that of the French.
SPAIN.— Has a Board of Admiralty.
The navy departments of other European gov
ernments do not vary in any important point
from those already given.— S. B. Luce, Captain
U. S. iv.
Admiral. Sir Wm. Monson, writing about
1600, says, "There have been often disputes
whether the title of Admiral or General were
more proper to a sea commander ; and though I
dare not presume to conclude of either, yet I
think it is as unproper to call an Admiral General
by Sea as to call a General Admiral by Land,
though I confess their authorities are like in
command of men's persons, yet is the jurisdic
tion of the Admiral by sea greater than the
other, in that he ruleth and guideth a fleet of
ships, which are of more importance to the King
and State than the lives of men that are to serve
in them."
The English title of admiral, — in French and
Danish, amiral; German, ammiral ; Dutch, ad
miral, or ammrael ; Italian, ammiraglio ; Span
ish, almirante, — evidently in all modern lan
guages derived from the same source, is yet of
doubtful etymology. Most of the old writers
trace it to the Arab emir or amir, a prince or
ruler, and a Greek word signifying the sea ; but
Spelman, who condemns this " Centaur" deriva
tion, thinks the term was first in use among the
Saracens, and from thence brought to England
about the time of Richard I. or Henry III. ; " for
I find," he says, " that not only Amera but Al
mirante was the ordinary title of the Governors
of countries through all the territories of the
Saracens, even from Spain when they possessed
it, unto the uttermost parts of Lesser Asia, and
Mahomet was so called as king, a name of dig
nity and estimation." In the great ship or
dromond taken by Richard I. from the Saracens
there were seven admirals.
The Earl of Berkeley is said to be the only in
dividual not of royal blood who has ever won the
flag of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain at
sea. At the age of 20, then known as Lord
Dursley, he was captain of the " Lichfield," 60,
his second command. When 23 he commanded
the " Boyne," 80. At 27 he was vice-admiral of
the blue, and the next year vice-admiral of the
red. March 29, 1719, at the age of 38, he hoisted
his flag on the " Dorsetshire" as Lord High Ad
miral, being actually Vice-Admiral of England
and First Lord of the Admiralty.
The first English admiral on record is Richard
de Lacy, to whom, 1216-72, Henry III. granted
Maritimam Angles. Some, however, assert that
the honor belongs to Roger de Ley burn, who
was appointed by Edward I. Admirallus Marifi
Regis A.D. 1297. During the reign of Edward I.
there were three admirals in contemporary com
mand of the three coasts of England, one having
jurisdiction from the mouth of the river Thames
northward, another from the same point west
ward, and another of the west coast, including
the shores of Wales and Ireland.
All admirals in the Royal navy were wont
anciently to carry St. George's flag at the head
of the topmast, but on the accession of James I.
he added to it the cross of St. Andrew, as due to
Scotland. The Lord High Admiral alone was
permitted to wear " the cross of the arms of Eng
land," — that is, the standard of England at the
main. He had also the power in the sixteenth
century to permit another man to wear the bare
English flag in the main-top in his presence.
Sir Wm. Monson speaks of the Rear-Admiral as
a recent invention, and says, " The Vice- Admiral
wears his flag in the fore-top, being Vice- Ad
miral, so he is to wear what colored flag he
pleases in the main-top as Admiral of a squadron.
The Rear- Admiral wears his flag in the mizzen,
and every ship besides is to wear a streamer of
the same color in the forehead or mizzen-yard to
be distinguished from other squadrons."
The Sicilians or Genoese are said to have been
the first who, at the beginning of the Crusades,
conferred the rank on the commander of a squad
ron of ships.
" St. Louis" introduced the title into France.
The rank of Admiral was formerly equivalent to
that of a Marshal of France, and a decree of
Phillippe-le-Bel ordains tha't " each wing of our
army must be commanded by a Prince, an Ad
miral, or a Marshal." It also constituted the
fourth dignity of the order of Malta. The ad
mirals of France possessed such great preroga
tives that Richelieu suppressed the title, and in
vested himself with their functions, under the
name of " Grand Master, Chief and Superin
tendent-General of Navigation and Commerce."
Louis XIV. revived the title of Grand Admiral
in 1669, but he reserved to himself the nomina
tion of the officers and the right of giving orders
direct to flag-officers. Notwithstanding these
restrictions the privileges attaching to this post
were enormous, comprising the nomination of
the officers belonging to the naval courts of jus
tice, the delivery of passports, permissions, and
furloughs, the countersigning of royal decrees,
and the receipt of a tithe of all prize-money and
fines levied in admiralty courts. So valuable
were these privileges, that when the Due de Pen-
thierre abandoned his claims to them in 1759, he
received in compensation an annual grant of
about $30,000, which was regularly paid until
the revolution.
The first " Admiral of France" was Florent de
Varennes, who, appointed by St. Louis, accom
panied his sovereign in the expedition to Tunis ;
and since his day down to 1791, when the title
was abolished by the National Assembly, it was
conferred upon 59 different persons.
The most celebrated of these naval commanders
were —
Nicolas Beluchetj who seized Portsmouth, Eng
land, in 1339 ;
Jean de Vienne, Seigneur de Clairveaux, who
was killed in the battle of Nicopolis ;
Gaspard, Comte de Coligny, a victim of St. Bar
tholomew ;
Anne de Joyeusq, a devoted adherent of Henry
III., killed at the battle of Contras ;
Francois de Coligny, the eldest son of the mur
dered admiral ;
Charles de Gontaut, Due de Biron, the trustiest
counselor of Henry IV., who was afterwards be
headed for high treason ; and
Francois de Vendome, Due of Beaufort, nick
named "Le Roy des Halles," who, appointed
Grand Master of Navigation, was killed at the
siege of Candia.
The Comte de Vermendois and the Comte de
Toulouse were also appointed "Admirals of
France," one at the age of two, and the other at
the age of five, years.
Napoleon, in 1805, conferred the dignity of
" Grand Admiral" on Murat ; but the post, abol
ished at the revolution, was merely honorary,
and as such was held by the Due de Angouleme
after the Restoration. The title of " Grand Ad
miral" was finally suppressed after the revolu
tion of 1830.
The French have now the titles of admiral,
vice-admiral, and rear-admiral in their navjr.
On the establishment of the Continental navy,
or a few months later, viz., November 15, 1776,
having established the rank and command of
the captains the month previous, Congress re
solved that an " admiral should rank as a gen
eral ; a vice-admiral as a lieutenant-general ; a
rear-admiral as a major-general;" evidently
looking to the addition of those ranks to the
navy. The prejudices of the people, however,
prevented the establishment of such high-sound
ing titles (?), and, until 1862, no officers were
commissioned in the United States navy of higher
rank than captain, except in 1859, when, in spe
cial compliment to his services, Charles Stewart
was commissioned as " Senior Flag-Officer."
The act of July 16, 1862, reorganizing the
navy, was the first to recognize the necessity of
the grade, and authorized the commissioning of
not more than nine rear-admirals on the active
list, and nine on the retired or reserved list, the
former "to be selected, during the war, from
those commanders who have distinguished them
selves, or shall hereafter eminently distinguish
themselves, by courage, skill, and genius in their
profession ; Provided, That no officer shall be
promoted to this grade unless, upon recommen
dation of the President, by name, he has received
the thanks of Congress for distinguished ser
vice. During times of peace vacancies to this
grade shall be filled by regular promotion from
the list of commodores, subject to examination
as to mental, moral, physical, and professional
qualifications." " The three senior rear-admirals
were to wear a square blue flag at the mainmast-
head, the next three at the foremast-head, and
all others at the mizzen." Rear-admirals to have
relative rank with major-generals.
The same law authorized nine rear-admirals
on the retired list, ranking relatively with major-
generals, who were to be selected by the Presi
dent, by and with the consent of the Senate,
" from those captains who have given most faith
ful service to the country." After these were
commissioned, promotion to rear-admiral on the
retired list was to be by seniority, subject to an
advisory board.
Under this law David G. Farragut, Louis M.
Goldsborough, Samuel F. Dupont, and Andrew
H. Foote were commissioned July 16, 1862,
Charles H Davis and John A. Dahlgren, Febru
ary 7, 1863, David D. Porter, July 4, 1863, on
the active list, and Charles Stewart, William B.
Shubrick, Joseph Smith, George W. Stone,
Francis H. Gregory, Elias F. Lavallette, S. H.
Stringham, Samuel L. Breese, Hiram Paulding,
George C. Read, on the retired list. Rear- Ad
miral George C. Read died on the 22d of August,
1862, the first rear-admiral to die in our navy,
and Rear- Admiral Lavallette died on the 18th of
November following. Of all the above-named
rear-admirals, in 1880 all were dead excepting
Rear-Admiral David D. Porter, then the admiral
of the navy.
Under this law, as senior rear-admiral, Far
ragut hoisted his plain square blue flag at New
Orleans, on the mainmast-head of the " Hart
ford." He received his commission August 12,
1862, and the next morning, on the hoisting of
the colors, his flag was run up for the first time
at the main, when it was saluted by the whole
squadron ; soon after which the flag-ship " Hart
ford," accompanied by the " Brooklyn," pro
ceeded down the river, the remaining ships of
the squadron dipping their ensigns as the " flag
ship" passed. This was the first admiral's flag
hoisted at the main in our navy. Subsequently
the law was amended, and Farragut, as a rear-
admiral, retrograded his flag to the mizzen,
thence, on his promotion to vice-admiral, ad
vanced it to the fore, and on his promotion to
admiral, July 25, 1866, raised it again high up
on the main.
On the 21st of December, 1864, the grade of
vice-admiral was first introduced into our navy,
and Farragut was our first vice-admiral. On
his promotion to a full "admiral," July, 1866,
Rear- Admiral David D. Porter was made a vice-
admiral, and on the death of Farragut, August,
1870, he was made admiral of the navy, and
Stephen C. Rowan vice-admiral. Under existing
laws, on the death of the present admiral and
vice-admiral those grades become extinct in our
navy, and rear-admiral will be the highest rank.
At present there are in the United States navy
one admiral, one vice-admiral, and eleven rear-
admirals on the active list, and forty-two on the
retired list, who have been retired for long and
faithful service.
An admiral may command a fleet or fleets.
A vice-admiral may command a fleet, or a
division of a fleet under the admiral ; be com-
rnander-in-chief of a squadron ; or may com
mand a naval station.
A rear-admiral may command a fleet or squad
ron, a squadron or division under an admiral or
vice-admiral ; be chief of staff of a naval force
under an admiral or vice-admiral ; or may com
mand a naval station. — George H. Preble, Rear-
Admiral U.S.N.
Admiral. The epithet of admiral was for
merly applied to any large or leading ship, with
out regard to flag, and is still used in the whale-
and cod-fisheries. The first vessel to arrive in
any port in Newfoundland retains this title
during the season, the second becomes the vice-
admiral, and the third the rear-admiral.
Admiral. A shell of the genus Conus. The
varieties are designated as the grand-admiral,
the vice-admiral, the orange-admiral, and the
extra- admiral.
Admiralty. ' ' The Admiralty" means the Lord
High Admiral of England, or the commission
ers for executing his office, commonly called the
Board of Admiralty. It dates from 1512, when
Henry VIII. appointed a board of commission
ers to examine into and report upon the state of
the navy. In 1660, James, Duke of York, be
came the first Lord High Admiral. On his ac
cession to the throne (1685) the office was put
in commission. On the accession of William
and Mary (1689) Parliament passed an act legal
izing and rendering permanent the board of ex
perts that had from time to time been called
upon to administer the affairs of the navy. The
office remained in commission till 1702, when
George, Prince of Denmark, became Lord High
Admiral. The office was again in commission
from 1708 to 1827, when William, Duke of Clar
ence, the " Sailor Prince," became Lord High
Admiral. He resigned August 12, 1828. Since
then the office has been in commission, and will
probably remain so, till the present Duke of
Edinburgh is appointed to fill it.
The Board of Commissioners is thus constituted,
under Orders in Council, 19th March, 1872 :
(1) First Lord of the Admiralty, First Naval
Lord, Second Naval Lord, Junior Naval Lord,
Civil Lord.
(2) The Parliamentary Secretary, Permanent
Secretary, Naval Secretary.
(3) The Comptroller of the Navy, assisted by a
Deputy Comptroller, and Director of Dock- Yards.
(4) The First Lord to be responsible to the
Crown and to Parliament for all the business
of the Admiralty, divided as follows : (a) The
First Naval Lord, Second Naval Lord, and Ju
nior Naval Lord to be responsible to the First
Lord of the Admiralty for the administration of
so much of the business relating to the personnel
of the navy, and to the movement and condi
tion of the fleet, as shall be assigned to them
from time to time by the First Lord, (b) The
Comptroller to be responsible to the First Lord
for the administration of so much of the business
as relates to the materiel of the navy, the Comp
troller to have the right to attend the board, and
to explain his views, whenever the First Lord
shall submit to the board for their opinion de
signs for ships, or any other matters emanating
from the- Comptroller's department, (c) The
Parliamentary Secretary to be responsible to the
First Lord for the finance of the department, and
for so much of the other business of the Ad
miralty as may be assigned to him. (d) The
Civil Lord, the Permanent Secretary, and the
Naval Secretary to have such duties as shall be
assigned to them by the First Lord. The First
Lord is nearly always appointed from civil life.
THE ADMIRALTY, the Navy Office, Whitehall,
London. — S. B. Luce, Captain U.S.N.
Admiralty Courts (in law). The Constitution
declares that the judicial power of the United
States shall extend ... a to all cases of admiralty
and marine jurisdiction." By act of Congress a
district court of the United States is empowered
to sit as an admiralty court for the trial of all
ordinary causes originating on the high seas, or
on rivers, ports, or harbors communicating with
the sea. The more serious cases are referred to
the circuit courts, sitting as courts of admiralty.
Admiralty Droits. The revenue arising from
enemies' ships detained in prospect of war ; from
enemies' ships coming into port in ignorance
of hostilities ; from ships captured by non-com
missioned captors ; from the proceeds of wrecks
and goods of pirates.
Admiralty Midshipman. (Eng.) Formerly
one who, having served his time and passed
his examination, was appointed to a ship by the
admiralty, in contradistinction to those who were
rated by the captain.
Adonis. An anguilliform fish.
Adornings. The ornamental work on the
quarter and stern galleries,
Adown. The bawl of privateersmen for the
crew of the captured vessel to go below.
Adreamt. Dozing.
Adrift. Floating at random. The state of a
vessel or boat broken from her moorings and
driven to and fro by the wind, sea, or tide. Also
used of a thing that has broken from its place ;
as, a gun from the ship's side, etc.
Ad Valorem. In its application to custom
duties signifies a duty or tax on importations
that is levied with reference to the value of the
Advance. An amount of an officer's salary
which he is allowed to receive in advance when
ordered on sea-duty. If ordered to the Asiatic
Station he may draw three months' pay in ad
vance, and on other sea-duty two months' pay.
The advance is paid by navy pay agents, on presen
tation of the officer's orders, upon which the pay
agent must indorse the payment. This indorse
ment is notice to the paymaster of the vessel to
which the officer is ordered, and it is his duty to
deduct the advance from the officer's future earn
ings. Officers ordered to a vessel in a United States
port are entitled to receive their current pay up
to the date of sailing, without regard to the ad
vance received from the pay agent. Officers re
ceiving an advance are required to give notice
thereof in writing to the paymaster of the vessel
to which they are ordered. Failure to do so will
be deemed scandalous conduct and a violation
of general orders.
Advance. To move forward. Advance, or
vanguard, is that portion of a force which moves
in front of the main body. Advance list is the
list on which are registered the names of those
who receive advance money. Advance note is a
note issued by owners of ships, promising to pay
a specified sum to a seaman within a specified
number of days after he has sailed on a voyage.
Advancement. Promotion to a higher rank
or grade.
Advantage, or Vantage-ground, is that which
affords the greatest facility in attack or defense.
Adventure. An undertaking involving haz
ard ; used in a commercial sense to signify a spec
ulation in goods sent abroad to be sold or bartered
for profit. A bill of adventure is one signed by
the merchant, in which he takes the chances of
the voyage.
Adversary. A term applied to an enemy, but
strictly confined to an opponent in single combat.
Adverse. The opposite of favorable ; as, an
adverse wind or tide.
Advice. Counsel ; suggestion. Advices, in
telligence ; news.
Advice-boat. A vessel to carry dispatches.
They were first used in 1692, previous to the bat
tle of La Hogue.
Advocate. A counselor ; one who pleads the
cause of another. See JUDGE ADVOCATE.
Adze, or Addice. A tool for dubbing flat or
circular work. It is much used in the East,
where it takes the place of axe, plane, and
.ffiinautae. Senators of Miletus, who held
their deliberations on board ship.
./Eratae. Ancient ships with brazen prows.
Aerator. An apparatus for aerating water.
Distilled water has an insipid taste unless it is
subjected to the action of the air before being
used. The same effect maybe obtained by throw
ing calcareous substances into water confined in
an air-tight vessel. An apparatus for fumigating
Aerography. The description of the atmos
phere, its nature, properties, limits, etc.
Aerolites. Solid bodies which descend to the
earth's surface from beyond the atmosphere.
They are composed principally of iron and a
small percentage of nickel and cobalt.
Aerolites, meteors, fire-balls, and shooting-stars
are classed together as being merely varieties of the
same phenomenon. There is but little doubt that
aerolites are bodies revolving about the sun like
the planets, and are encountered by the earth in
its annual motion around the sun. The comets,
like the earth, must encounter an immense num
ber of these bodies, and a part of their motion
must be thereby destroyed. This effect may be
appreciable in the case of periodic comets, though
thus far it is inappreciable in the case of the
earth and the other planets.
Aerology. The doctrine of air ; generally
applied to medical discussions respecting its salu
Aeromancy. Formerly, the art of divining by
the air. In modern times it means the foretelling
of the weather by experience or by instruments.
Aerometer. An instrument for making cor
rections in pneumatic experiments.
Aerometry. The science of measuring the
air, its power, pressure, and properties.
Aeronaut. A navigator of the air.
Aeronautics. The art of navigating the air.
Aerostatics. The science that treats of the
equilibrium and pressure of the air and other
^Estuary. See ESTUARY.
/Ewul. A basket for catching fish.
Afeard. Afraid.
Afer. The southwest wind of the Latins.
Affair. An engagement of minor importance.
An affair of honor, a duel.
Affidavit. A written statement attested by
the oath of the person making it and subscribed
by him. To give the oath legal effect it must be
administered by a person thereunto authorized
by law, who appends his certificate, technically
called a "jurat." An affidavit differs from a
deposition in being ex parte, the person making
it not being subject to cross-examination.
Affirm. To make a solemn promise to tell the
truth under the pains and penalties of perjury.
To confirm.
Affirmative. The signal, the hoisting of which
implies assent.
Affluent. A stream flowing directly into
another stream ; a more specific term than tribu
Affreightment. A contract for the letting of
a vessel, or a part of her, for freight. See CON
Afloat. Buoyed up and supported by the
water ; on board ship.
Afore. Farther forward, the same as before.
Afoul. See FOUL.
Aft. Abbreviation of abaft. Right aft, ex
actly astern. To haul a sheet aft, to p'ull the
rope attached to the clew more towards the stern
of the ship.
Aft-castle. In ancient days, a tower erected
aft, on the upper deck. See FORECASTLE.
After. Comparative adjective applied to any
object in the rear part of a vessel. After-sails,
-yards, -braces, -bowlines, those on the main- and
mizzen-masts. After-body, that portion of the
ship's body abaft dead flat. After-clap, a subse
quent unexpected event. After-end^ the rear
end. After-face, the rear face.
Afterguard. The men who are stationed on
the quarter-deck and poop to man the gear. It
is generally composed of landsmen, and they are
not required to go aloft except to loose and furl
the mainsail.
After-Hood. The aftermost plank in a strake,
outside or inside.
Afternoon-watch. The period of time from
noon till four o'clock. The men on duty during
that time.
After-peak. The contracted part of the hold
which lies in the vessel's run ; the aftermost por
tion of the hold.
After-rake. The overhang of the stern.
After-timbers. The timbers abaft the mid
ship section.
Aftmost, Aftermost. The objects nearest the
Aftward. Towards the stern.
Aga. A superior Turkish officer.
Against the Sun. See WITH THE SUN.
Agal-Agal. One of the sea fuci. It derives
its name from Tanjong Agal, on the coast of
Borneo. It is thought the material for edible
birds '-nests is derived from this fucus.
Agare. The American aloe from which cord
age is made.
Age. In chronology, a period of a hundred
AGE OF THE MOON. The time elapsed since
the last conjunction.
AGE OF THE TIDE. The interval between
the transit of the moon at which a tide originates
and the appearance of the tide itself. Called
also Retard of the Tide. — See TIDE.
Agea. The horse-block or grating on ancient
boats from which the captain gave his orders.
Agent. One intrusted with the business of
another. See LLOYD'S AGENTS.
COMMERCIAL AGENT, a United States consu
lar officer. These officers are peculiar to the
United States, and are not regarded by other
powers as entitled to the rank and privilege of
Agent, Navy Pay. An officer of the pay
corps in charge of a navy pay office. His duties
are to advertise for and purchase all supplies re
quired by the Navy Department and its bureaus
for the use of every branch of the navy ; to pay
mileage and traveling expenses of officers travel
ing under orders ; to make advances to officers
ordered to sea ; to pay allotments ; to furnish
transportation for enlisted men ; to pay certifi
cates of indebtedness issued by the Fourth Audi
tor to claimants, and to act as a general disburs
ing agent for the Navy Department. He renders
complete quarterly returns to the Fourth Auditor.
Navy pay offices are established in Boston, New
York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington,
Norfolk, and San Francisco.
Aggression. The first act in provoking hos
Agon. A Chinese cymbal. See GONG.
Agreement. (Eng.) In vessels of more than
eighty tons the master must enter into an agree
ment with every seaman on board, and that
agreement must be in the form sanctioned by the
Board of Trade.
KUNNING AGREEMENT is an agreement ex
tending over several voyages when they are less
than six months in duration.
Aground. The situation of a ship when she
touches or rests on the bottom.
Aguada. The Spanish and Portuguese term
for a watering-place.
Ahead. Farther onward, or immediately be
fore the ship.
position as determined by logging.
Ahold. To lay a ship ahold is to bring her to
lie as close to the wind as possible.
Ahoo. Awry, aslant, lopsided.
Ahoy. An exclamation used in hailing a ship ;
as, ship ahoy ! It means literally stop.
Ahull. A ship under bare poles, with her
helm lashed a-lee, lying nearly broadside on to
the wind and sea.
Aich's Metal. See GUN-METAL.
Aid. Assistance.
Aid. (See EXECUTIVE OFFICER.) An officer
not above the rank of lieutenant on the personal
staff of the commander-in-chief, and under the
immediate direction of the chief of staff to per
form such duties as may be assigned him, includ
ing that of secretary.
The commanding officer of a vessel is em
powered to detail a junior officer to act as his
personal aid.
There is attached to each navy-yard or station
an officer not above the grade of commander,
who is called senior aid to the commander, who
acts as his principal aid in regard to the duties
of the yard.
Aigre. The sudden flowing of the sea. See
Aiguade. (Fr.) Water for ship's use.
Aiguilletes. (Fr.) Tagged points or cords
worn across the breast on some uniforms.
Ailettes. Small plates of metal placed on the
shoulders on mediaeval armor, the prototype of
the modern epaulet.
Aim. The pointing of a weapon at the target.
An order to point the weapon at the object.
Aim-frontlet. (Obsolete.) A piece of wood
hollowed out to fit the muzzle of a gun so as to
give a line of sight parallel with the axis of the
Air. The atmosphere; the fluid which we
To AIR. To dry ; to ventilate.
Air-bladder. A peculiar organ in some kinds
of fishes by which they maintain their equi
librium in the water.
Air-blast. A current of air induced by a
blower. See BLOWER.
Air-casing. A sheet-iron casing around the
smoke-stack to protect the deck.
Air-chamber. A cavity containing air to act
as a spring for equalizing the flow of a liquid in
a hydraulic machine. See ORDNANCE.
Air Engine. An engine put in motion by hot
air instead of steam ; a caloric engine.
Air-funnel. A cavity formed by the omission
of a timber in the upper works to admit fresh
air into a ship's hold and convey the foul air out.
Air-furnace. A furnace with a natural draft
and 110 blast.
Air-gun. A pneumatic machine for propel
ling projectiles. They have been constructed to
carry as far as an ordinary musket.
Air-hole. A cavity in a casting formed by
bubbles in the molten liquid. A vent-hole in a
mold. A hole in the ice. A draft-hole in a
register. A small hole in a cask to admit air
when the faucet is turned on.
Airing Stage. A platform on which gun
powder is aired and dried.
Air-jacket. A garment capable of being in
flated and used as a life-preserver.
Air-pipe. Funnels for clearing ships' holds of
foul air. A small pipe leading from the hot well
Air-port. A scuttle cut in the bow, stern, or
sides of a ship to admit air and light.
Airs. Light breezes.
Air-scuttle. A scuttle cut in the deck or grat
ing for the admission of air.
Air-thermometer. An instrument in which
the contraction and expansion of the air meas
ure the temperature.
Air-tube. A small tube suspended in the
coal-bunker for the purpose of ascertaining the
temperature of the coal, as a precaution against
spontaneous combustion.
Air-valve. See VACUUM-VALVE.
Akreyri. A town of Iceland, on the Eyiafiord.
Lat. 65° 40' N. ; Ion. 18° W. It has an excellent
Akyab. A town and seaport of British Bur-
mah, in Aracan, on the E. side of the island of
Akyab. It has an excellent harbor. Pop. 15,281.
Alamak. 7 Andromedte.
Alamottie. Mother Gary's chicken ; the storm
finch ; the stormy petrel.
Aland. An old word for ashore, or to land.
Alarcon, Hernando de. A Spanish naviga
tor of the 16th century, to whom we owe the
first precise knowledge of California. He sailed
May 9, 1540, in the service of Spain, missed a
junction with the expedition of Coronado on the
western coast of America, and, returning to New
Spain in 1541, drew up his maps and observa
tions. His discoveries, and those of Ulloa, were
so complete that the map of California of 1541
differs little from that made in our own day.
Alarm. Any sound or information intended
to give notice of approaching danger.
FALSE ALARM. An alarm which had no
foundation in fact, being given through misap
prehension, or through design, in order to exer
cise the men at their duties.
Alarm-gauge. A contrivance in the steam-
engine for showing when the pressure of steam
is too high or the water in the boiler too low.
Alarm-gun. A gun fired to give an alarm.
Alarmist. One who habitually excites alarm ;
one who is given to finding causes for alarm.
Alarms, Marine. Fog-bells, trumpets, horns,
and whistles operated by the waves, winds, tides,
currents, or by clock-work.
Alarms, Nautical. Contrivances on board
ship to indicate a leak or the accumulation of
Albany-beef. A name for the sturgeon.
Albatross. A large sea-bird belonging to the
genus Diomeda.
Alberton. A seaport town of Prince Edward
Island. The port, called Cascumpeque, or Hol
land Harbor, is the best on the northern side of
the island. Pop. 600.
Albion. A name for England, from the white
ness of the cliffs.
Alburnum. The slab-cuts of timber ; the sap-
Alcatraz. The pelican.
Aldebaran. A star of the first magnitude,
popularly known as the Bull's-eye. It is the
bright star in the group of five called the Ifyades,
and is conspicuous by its ruddy color. See
Alden, James, Rear-Admiral U.S.N. Born
in Maine. Appointed midshipman from same
State, April 1, 1828.
Promoted to passed midshipman, June 14,
1834 ; navy-yard, Boston, 1835 ; exploring expe
dition around the world, 1838-42.
Commissioned as lieutenant, February 25,
1841 ; naval station, Boston, 1843 ; frigate " Con
stitution'' around the world, second time, 1844-
46; while attached to this vessel, commanded a
boat expedition and cut out several war junks
from under the guns of the fort at Zuron Bay,
Cochin-China; home squadron during Mexican
war ; present at the capture of Vera Cruz, Tus-
pan, and Tobasco ; naval station, Boston, 1847;
coast survey, 1848-60 ; made a reconnoissance of
all the West coast. In the winter of 1855-56,
during the Indian war in Puget Sound, volun
teered with the surveying steamer " Active" to
co-operate with the army, and rendered important
aid in bringing the war to a close ; by his timely
arrival in the spring of the same year at San
Juan Island, prevented a collision between the
British naval forces and the United States troops ;
assisted in landing troops enough to hold the
island in dispute against the threatened attack
of the British.
Commissioned as commander, September 14,
1855; commanding the steamer "South Caro
lina" at the commencement of the rebellion,
May, 1861; reinforced Fort Pickens, while block
ading Galveston, Texas ; had a fight with the
batteries in the rear of the city ; while there,
captured thirteen schooners laden with merchan
dise ; commanded sloop " Richmond" at the
passage of Forts Jackson and St. Philip and the
engagement with Chalmette batteries and de
fenses of New Orleans ; passage of Vicksburg
batteries twice ; Port Hudson, 1862-63.
Commissioned as captain, January 2, 1863;
commanded steam-sloop " Brooklyn" in the
action with Forts Morgan and Gaines and the
rebel gunboats in Mobile Bay ; commanded two
attacks on Fort Fisher. Capt. Alden took a
prominent part in all the great naval battles of
the war, and was handsomely mentioned in the
official reports.
Commissioned as commodore, July 25, 1866 ;
commanding steam-sloop "Susquehanna," spe
cial service, 1867 ; commanding steam-frigate
"Minnesota," special service, 1867-68; com
mandant navy-yard, Mare Island, California,
1868-69; Chief of Bureau of Navigation and
Detail, Navy Department, 1869-71 ; promoted
to rear-admiral, 1871 ; commanding European
Squadron, 1872 ; retired, 1873 ; died, 1877.
A-lee. The contrary of a-weather. The po
sition of the helm when the tiller is put over to
the lee side of the ship.
HELM'S A-LEE. The order to let go the head-
sheets when the helm is down.
Alert. Watchful ; vigilant ; on the look-out,
and ready for any emergency.
Alewife. A fish of the herring kind.
Alexandria. A celebrated city and seaport of
Egypt, near the westernmost branch of the Nile,
on the Mediterranean, 112 miles N.W. of Cairo.
Alexandria has a large naval arsenal, naval and
military hospitals. The city has an excellent
new artificial harbor, formed by a breakwater,
mole, and quays. It has regular steam commu
nication with all the great Mediterranean ports,
and is the great emporium of Egypt. Pop.
Alexandria. A city and port of entry in Vir
ginia, on the right bank of the Potomac, 7 miles
below Washington. The river here is a mile
wide, and forms a commodious harbor sufficiently
deep for the largest ships. Pop. 14,000.
Alexiacus. An appellation of Neptune.
Alfondiza. The custom-house at Lisbon.
Alga. A species of millepora.
Algae. Flowerless, cryptogamic plants, cel
lular, found chiefly as sea- weeds, but also in
rivers, marshes, springs, hot and cold, and moist
places everywhere. About 2000 species are known
and have been described, and among these there
is a great variety of forms. Some are attached
to rocks, and others are entirely free. None of
them have proper roots, but merely processes for
their attachment to the surfaces on which they
are fixed. They derive their sustenance exclu
sively, it would seem, from the medium sur
rounding them, in which respect, as well as in
their composition, they differ from fungi. Their
substance consists chiefly of vegetable gelatine,
soluble in boiling water ; the harder parts of
their fronds are sometimes leathery, or horny, or
cartilaginous, but never really ligneous. They
are composed entirely of cells, some consisting
of one cell only ; the composite ones are easily
separable, and the individual cells are generally
capable of independent existence, as in the case
of the proto-coccus, or red snow plant. The
spores and fronds of algae are frequently of the
same color, the most common colors being brown,
or orange-brown, rose color approaching red, or
green. Algae are multiplied by division of cells
and by spores. Fertilization is effected by con
jugation or union of cells, the contents of one
passing into another and giving rise to germi
nating spores. This is seen in the confervse
of stagnant ponds. Other algae are fertilized
by moving filaments or spermatozoids. Others
contain a rudimentary cell which, by contact
with spermatozoids, becomes a spore and then a
new plant. There are also zoospores which
move about in the water, the cells ultimately
bursting and scattering them, and the cilia by
which they moved disappearing as the spores be
come fixed. Many of the algae supply nutritious
food, others are of value as yielding barilla, an
impure carbonate of soda largely used in manu
facturing, and all are useful as manure. Some
species are of immense length and size, such as
Macrocystis pyrifera, Lessonia fuscescens, and
D'lnvillea utilis, which are found hundreds
of feet long and as thick as the human body.
More frequently, however, they are small, vary
ing from a few inches to several feet in length,
while some species are visible only through the
microscope. The distribution of algse as to
depth varies; their actual depth is still a dis
puted point with naturalists. It is impossible in
the present state of knowledge to estimate their
extreme limit, but vegetation, as usually under
stood, is practically limited to depths under 100
fathoms. Very few of the higher algse live,
even occasionally, on the surface of the sea ; a
notable exception is the gulf-weed, so called
(Sargassumbacciferum), which see.
Algeciras. A seaport town of Spain, on the
W. side of the Bay of Gibraltar, opposite to and
6 miles W. of Gibraltar. Pop. 14,000.
Algenib. y Pegasi.
Algere. A spear used by fishermen in olden
Algiers. A city of North Africa, on the W.
side of a bay of its own name. Lat. 36° 47' 3X/
N. ; Ion. 3° 4' 5" E. The harbor has a mole
580 feet in length by 140 in width, extending
from the mainland to an inlet, on which are a
strong castle with batteries and a light-house.
Pop. 54,000.
Algol. A variable star in Perseus.
Algorab. a Corvi, but its brightness of late is
rivalled by ft Corvi.
Alibi. The Latin word meaning elsewhere.
Before courts-martial, as well as in those of civil
jurisdiction, when an accused person proves that
at the time of the commission of the alleged of
fense he was somewhere else than at the scene
of the offending, he is said to have proven an
Alicante. A city and seaport of Spain, lo
cated at the head of an extensive bay. Lat.
38° 27' 1" N. ; Ion. 0° 26' W. The harbor is
onl}7 a roadstead in a deep bay, small vessels
alone being able to approach the quay. Pop.
Alidade. The movable arm of an instrument
fitted with sights or a telescope.
Alien. (Lat. alienus, belonging to another,
foreign.) In England, by the common law, an
alien was one born out of the king's dominions or
allegiance. The only exceptions to this rule
were such children of the king as might be born
abroad, and the children of his ambassadors so
born. By several statutes, to wit : 25 Edw.
III., passed in 1350; 29 Charles II., 1676; 7
Anne, 1708; 10 Anne, 1711; 4 Geo. II., 1731;
13 Geo. III., 1773 ; 7 and 8 Viet., 1844, the com
mon law rule has been altered, so that now all
children born out of the king's allegiance whose
fathers (or grandfathers by the father's side) or
whose mothers were natural-born subjects, are
deemed to be natural-born subjects themselves,
unless their said ancestors were attainted or
banished beyond sea for high treason, or were at
the birth of such children in the service of a
prince at enmity with Great Britain.
In this country an alien is one born out of the
limits and jurisdiction of the United States. The
children of fathers, however, who at the time of
such children's birth were citizens of the United
States, and had resided in the United States, are,
notwithstanding the fact of being born abroad,
citizens. An alien becomes a citizen by natural
ization (which see). In time of war a valid con
tract cannot be made between a citizen and an
alien enemy, nor can such a contract be enforced
after peace has been declared During a war an
alien enemy cannot prosecute an action of any
kind in the courts of the United States ; his right
of action, however, revives on the declaration of
Alignment. An imaginary line to regulate
the formation of a squadron.
Alioth. The star e Ursce Majoris.
All. The whole ; quite.
ALL AGOG. In a flurry of excitement.
ALL AHOO. Confused ; awry ; aslant.
ALL-A-TAUNT-O. Fully rigged with masts
an-end, yards crossed, and rigging rove.
ALL HANDS. The whole ship's company.
ALL HANDS! The boatswain's summons for
the whole crew, in distinction from the watch.
MAIN, etc. The notice that a particular part
of the ship is ready for the next order. .
ALL STANDING. Fully equipped. To be
brought up all standing is to be suddenly stopped
without any preparation.
ALL'S WELL. The sentry's call as each bell is
struck, from tattoo to reveille.
ALL TO PIECES. Out-and-out ; excessively.
ALL WEATHERS. All times and all seasons.
ALL IN THE WIND. The sails shivering.
ALL OF A HEAP. Dumfounded; confused.
STERN ALL. The shout of the harpooner
when the fish is struck.
HAUL or ALL. To swing all the yards at
the same time.
ALL UP AND AFT. The report of the officer
of the deck when the oificers and men are assem
bled on the quarter-deck ready for muster.
Allan. A piece of land nearly surrounded by
Allege. (Fr.) A ballast-boat.
Allegiance. The tie which binds the citizen
to his sovereign or country. Its full considera
tion involves an examination of the right of a
citizen to expatriate himself, a matter about
which there is a conflict of theories. The com
mon law of England denies the right of the
subject to throw off his allegiance to the country
of his birth, and European nations generally
have taken the same position, while in the
United States we require of persons seeking
naturalization the renunciation of their former
allegiance. The inherent difficulties of the sub
ject make it improbable that any solution will
ever be attained by legislative action, but it may
be assumed that the sense of humanity of en
lightened nations at this day will prevent being
treated as criminals, persons who, by the silent
acquiescence, and, therefore, the presumed con
sent ,of the country of their birth, have removed
to other countries and assumed a new allegiance,
even if they should be taken in arms against
their native country. Many of the questions
growing out of the subject have been disposed
of by treaties between the United States and
foreign nations. See NATURALIZATION.
Alley. A passage-way between the tiers of
tanks in a magazine. (See MAGAZINE.) A
passage-way affording means of access to the
Alliance. A league between two or more
friendly powers, either offensive and defensive,
or defensive only.
Alligator. The American crocodile.
Alligator Water. The muddy, brackish water
near the mouth of tropical rivers.
Allision. Synonymous with collision, but is
sometimes used to mark a distinction between
one vessel running into another, and two vessels
striking each the other.
Allotment. That part of the pay of a person
on duty in a United States vessel which is paid
during his absence to some person on shore. Al
lotments may be granted by any officer, or,
with the approval of the commanding officer, by
any man or petty officer in a vessel in commis
sion. They are paid by navy pay agents to the
allottees on the last day of every month, and the
paymaster of the vessel at the same time deducts
the amount of the allotment from the allottor's
pay. The allottee must be a member of the
allottor's family, or some person who receives
the money for the benefit of said family. Allot
ments cannot exceed one-half the allottor's
monthly pay. It is the duty of the paymaster
having charge of the allottor's account to deduct
as much from his pay as is paid on the allotment,
and, in case of death, desertion, or discharge of
the allottor, to give notice to the navy pay agent
to cease payments to the allottee. The Fourth
Auditor keeps a register of all allotments, the
amounts paid to the allottees, and the amounts
checked from the pay of the allottors. In case
more is deducted from the pay of an allottor
than is paid to the allottee, the difference will be
paid to the former on application to the Fourth
Allowance. Reimbursement of incidental ex
penses or losses incurred in the performance of
duty ; as, traveling allowance, allowance to pay
masters for loss on clothing, small stores, etc.
A gratuity or bounty ; as, allowance of additional
pay on re-enlistment. A commutation ; as, allow
ance for the subsistence of pilots in officers'
messes. A ration or fixed quantity of food. It
is double, full, two-thirds, half, or short, accord
ing to circumstances. (Commercial.} A cus
tomary deduction from the gross weight of goods,
varying in different countries.
Alloy. A combination of metals by fusion.
The term is also applied to the metal that is
mixed with gold or silver. The properties of
the alloy are very different from the mean of
the properties of the constituents, the alloy being
harder, more tenacious, less ductile, fusing at a
lower temperature, and more easily oxidized.
Its density may be either greater or less than
this mean, and its power of conducting electricity
is less. If mercury enter into a combination, it
is known as an amalgam.
Alluvion, or Alluvium. A deposit of earth,
gravel, etc., along shores or banks, caused by
the washing of the water, or by the precipitation
of substances held in solution. " Sea alluvions dif
fer from those of rivers in that they form a slope
toward the land.
Ally. A confederate. A prince or state united
to another by treaty. See ALLIANCE.
Almacantars. Circles parallel to the horizon,
and passing through every meridian.
ALMACANTARS STAFF. An old instrument of
15° of arc to observe the amplitude.
Almady. A canoe made of bark, used by the
natives of Africa for war purposes. The name
is also applied to a boat in use at Calcutta, often
measuring from 80 to 100 feet in length, and
generally from 6 to 7 feet in breadth.
Almafadas. Large dunnage cut on the coast
of Portugal.
Almanac. A calendar of the days and months
of the year, to which is generally added a record
of the feast-days and celestial phenomena.
Almanac, The Nautical. As the astronomi
cal ephemeris had its origin in the necessity for
easy and accurate prediction of the phenomena
and configurations of the heavenly bodies, so the
nautical almanac originated in connection with
the necessity for safe and speedy navigation.
So soon as out of sight of land the navigator has
but one sure means of information as to his posi
tion at sea ; his compass gives him only the di
rection in which his ship lies or is sailing ; he
must rely upon the heavens alone for the precise
determination of his position ; and the problem
of longitude and latitude is capable of solution
only in connection with some prediction (a suit
able period in advance) of the absolute positions
of the bodies observed at the time when the ob
servations are made upon them. This annual
volume of such predictions of the positions of
the heavenly bodies as are necessary in the navi
gation of ships constitutes the nautical almanac.
In general, these predictions are given for equi
distant intervals of time, so that by interpolation
the position of a single body, or the relative posi
tion of two bodies, may be readily computed for
any intermediate epoch. Long before the pub
lication of the first nautical almanac, books of
predictions, known as ephemerides, had been
issued from time to time, at irregular intervals,
mostly for the convenience of astronomers. It
required simply a regulation and extension of
the idea of these volumes to make up a nautical
almanac. The nautical almanac proper had its
origin with the English nation about the middle
of the 18th century. It owes its existence to a
memorial presented to the Commissioners of
Longitude, on February 9, 1765, by Dr. Maske-
lyne, in which, after stating many facts and ex
periments to prove the utility of the lunar method
of obtaining the longitude at sea, he concludes,
that "nothing is wanting to make this method
generally practicable at Sea but a Nautical
Ephemeris." Dr. Maskelyne proposed the con
struction of such a "Nautical Ephemeris" from
the " New and Correct Tables of the Motions of
the Sun and Moon," by Tobias Mayer. The
first volume issued was that for the year 1767.
Gradually additions were made to the nautical
almanac, and improvements introduced, mostly,
however, in the direction of such predictions and
ephemerides as were of more service to the as
tronomer than to the navigator, and the volume
assumed the name of " The Nautical Almanac
and Astronomical Ephemeris," which title it re
tains to the present day. The most important
era in the history of the nautical almanac is
marked by the " Report of the Committee of
the Astronomical Society of London relative to
the Improvement of the Nautical Almanac,"
adopted November 19, 1830. One very great
improvement consisted in the abolition of the
use of apparent time in all the computations of
the nautical almanac, and the substitution of
mean time therefor. (See EPHEMERIS, THE
ASTRONOMICAL.) The entire almanac was re
modeled by this committee ; and the new ar
rangement of the several ephemerides therein
contained has formed the basis of all subsequent
nautical almanacs, and has remained unchanged
in the " British Nautical Almanac" up to the
latest volume, — that for the year 1883. " The
American Nautical Almanac" had its origin
nearly a century after the " British Nautical
Almanac." On March 3, 1849, an act of Con
gress was approved providing for the prepara
tion of such a work. The preparation of the
first volume — that for the year 1855 — was begun
in the latter part of 1849, and the series of vol
umes is unbroken down to the present time, the
volume for 1883 having just been issued. By
act of Congress, " The meridian of the observa
tory at Washington shall be adopted and used
as the American meridian for astronomical pur
poses, and the meridian of Greenwich shall be
adopted for all nautical purposes." This law
was the occasion of the subdivision of "The
American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac"
into two distinct parts, and the publication of
,two separate volumes. Part the first is sub
stantially identical with that portion of the
"British Nautical Almanac" intended for the
special use of navigators, and is likewise com
puted for the meridian of Greenwich. This part
contains all the data necessary in the navigation .
of ships, and is published three years in advance
of the year for which it is computed. " The Amer
ican Nautical Almanac" likewise contains ac
counts of the transits of Mercury and Venus, and
of eclipses of the sun and moon, with engraved
diagrams of the solar eclipses. Each volume
contains also an article on the arrangement and
use of the various ephemerides, and a selection
of subsidiarv tables, of frequent use to the navi
gator.— D. P. Tod.
Almath. The star in Aries whence the first
mansion of the moon takes its name.
Almeria. A city and port of Spain, in An
dalusia, on the Mediterranean, 104 miles E. of
Malaga. In the bay there is a good anchorage,
in 12 and 14 fathoms. Pop. 30,000.
Almirante. (Sp.) Admiral.
Almury. The upright part of an astrolabe.
Almy, John J., Rear-Admiral U.S.N. Born
in Rhode Island in the year 1815. Appointed
from that state as midshipman, February 2, 1829 ;
attached to the " Concord," Mediterranean, 1830-
32; "Ontario," coast of Brazil, 1833-34; pro
moted to passed midshipman July 3, 1835; re
ceiving-ship at New York, 1836-37; " Cyane,"
Mediterranean, 1838-41.
Commissioned as lieutenant, March 8, 1841 ;
brig "Bainbridge," West Indies, 1842; frigate
"/Macedonian," coast of Africa, 1843-45; line-
of-battle ship "Ohio," Gulf of Mexico and Pa
cific Ocean during the Mexican war and after the
war, 1846-50; participated in the siege and cap
ture of Vera Cruz and the capture of Tuspan ;
latter part of the war — 1848 — on the Pacific
coast, and commanded one of the forts at Ma-
zatlan during the naval occupation of that place;
coast survey in 1851-56, on the survey of Chesa
peake Bay and the sea-coast of Virginia and
North Carolina ; commanding " Fulton," on the
coast of Central America, in 1857, when General
Walker and his filibustering party surrendered
to Rear-Admiral Paulding, on board of that ves
sel, at Nicaragua. Commanded the " Fulton"
in the expedition to Paraguay in 1858-59 ; at
navy^yard, New York, 1860-61.
Commissioned as commander, April 24, 1861 ;
commanded " South Carolina," South Atlantic
Squadron, 1862-63 ; "Connecticut," North At-
lantic Squadron, 1864 ; " Juniata," South Atlan
tic Squadron, 1865.
While in command of the "Connecticut,"
captured and sent in four noted blockade-running
steamers with valuable cargoes ; ran ashore and
destroyed four others.
Commissioned as captain, March 3, 1865 ; com
manded " Juniata" in a cruise to the South At
lantic (coast of Brazil and south coast of Africa),
1865-67. While on the coast of Brazil rescued
the Brazilian brig " Americo" and crew from
shipwreck, attended with great danger, for which
service received the thanks of His Imperial Ma
jesty the Emperor of Brazil. Ordnance duty at
the navy-yard, New York, 1868-69.
Commissioned as commodore, December 30,
1869 ; chief signal-officer of the navy at Wash
ington, 1870-72.
Commissioned as rear-admiral, August 24,
1873, and the following month took command
of the United States naval forces in the Pacific
Ocean. While at Panama, in October, 1873, a
serious and violent revolution broke out, charac
teristic of that country, which continued for
three weeks. The city of Panama and the
Panama Railroad were in imminent danger of
being destroyed. A force of seamen and marines
numbering 200, under competent officers, was
landed from the ships and kept on shore until the
revolution terminated, affording efficient pro
tection to the railroad, to American and to
European interests. Two United States ves
sels, the flag-ship " Pensacola" and the " Be-
nicia," were the only men-of-war in port. Pas
sengers, freight, and specie continually passed
over the road in safety and without interruption.
For these services Rear- Admiral Almy received
the thanks of the Panama Railroad Company,
the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and of all
the consuls and the foreign merchants at Pa
Was in command of the United States naval
forces in the Pacific for two years and ten months.
Has performed altogether twenty-seven years
and ten months' sea service ; shore, or other duty,
fourteen years and eight months.
In April, 1877, was retired, having reached
the age prescribed by law for retirement.
Alnus Caver. Early English transports, so
called from the wood of which they were made.
Aloft. Overhead ; on high ; anywhere about
the upper masts, yards, or rigging. See ALOW.
LAY ALOFT ! "The command to the men to
run up to their stations.
ALOFT THERE ! The hail to men on the yards
and in the rigging.
ALOFT is used in a figurative sense for heaven.
Alonde. An old word for ashore ; on land.
Along. Lengthwise.
LYING ALONG. Heeling over to leeward under
a press of sail with a beam wind.
LYING ALONG THE LAND. Skirting the shore.
Alongshore. A nautical phrase signifying
along the coast, or a course which is in sight of
the shore. See 'LONGSHORE.
Alongst. In the middle of the stream, moored
head and stern.
Aloof. At a distance.
Alow. Below. All sail alow and aloft is all
plain sail and stun'-sails.
Alphabet Telegraph. An apparatus which
marks symbols on paper, in contradistinction to
those whose signals are made by a needle, mirror,
or sound.
Alphard. The star a Hydros.
Alpheratz. a Andromedce.
Altair. a Aquilce.
Altar. A step of a dry-dock.
Alternate. To happen or act by turns.
ALTERNATING WINDS. Blow for a time in
one direction, and suddenly, from an alteration
of the temperature, change and blow in the op
posite directions. See MONSOON and BREEZE.
Altiscope. An instrument which enables an
observer to look over an intervening object.
This instrument has been applied, not very suc
cessfully, to pointing guns, the observer being on
the deck below.
Altitude. Height. Angular distance of a
heavenly body above the horizon measured on a
great circle.
ALTITUDE, CIRCLES OF. Great circles of the
celestial concave perpendicular to the horizon,
and so called because "altitudes" are measured on
them. They all pass through the poles of the
horizon, of which the superior is the "vertex"
of the visible heavens, and hence they are also
called " Vertical Circles," or simply " Verticals."
In a polar system of horizon co-ordinates they
are termed " Circles of Azimuth" as marking out
all points that have the same "azimuth."
earth's surface, from every point of each of which
a given heavenly body is observed to have the
same altitude at any given time. The circle of
equal altitude is a great circle of the sphere when
the body is in the horizon, or its altitude 0 ; the
circle is reduced to a point when the body is in
the zenith, or its altitude 90° ; and between these
two limits the parallels are small circles whose
radii correspond to the complements of the alti
tude. A small arc of a circle of equal altitude,
when projected on a Mercator's chart, will be
approximately a straight line, especially if the al
titude of the body be low. Such a line is called
"A Line of Equal Altitude." The determina
tion of one or two such lines intersecting each
other forms the basis of what is called " Sum-
ner's Method" of finding a ship's position at sea.
tion to be applied to the apparent altitude to de
duce the true altitude. In the case of the stars,
it is due solely to refraction, but for appreciably
near bodies to the combined effects of refraction
and parallax.
ALTITUDE, A DOUBLE. Two altitudes taken
for the solution of the same problem. The ordi
nary problems for which the method furnishes the
data are finding the latitude, and rating a chro
nometer. These altitudes may 1 e of the same
body, taken at different times, either both on the
same side or on opposite sides of the meridian ;
or of different bodies similarly situated jobserved
at the same time ; or, lastly, of different bodies
similarly situated observed at different times.
ALTITUDE, MERIDIAN. The altitude of a ce
lestial body when on the meridian. In the case
of a circumpolar star, whose whole diurnal circle
is completed above the horizon, the body comes to
the meridian twice, when its altitudes are spoken
of respectively as "the Meridian Altitude below
the Pole," and " the Meridian Altitude above the
Pole" ; the former is the lowest altitude the body
has in its revolution, the latter the highest.
The meridian altitude is easily observed at sea
with a sextant, and furnishes the simplest and
most satisfactory method of determining the
latitude, the declination of the body only being
required in addition.
ALTITUDE, MOTION IN. An instrument is said
to move " in altitude" when it is turned on a
horizontal axis ; in contradistinction, it is said to
move "in azimuth" when it is turned on a ver
tical axis. An azimuth and altitude instrument
admits of both motions.
TRUE. The altitudes of heavenly bodies are ob
served from the deck of a ship at sea with the sex
tant. Such an altitude is called the " Observed
Altitude." There are certain instrumental and
circumstantial sources of error by which this is
affected : the sextant (supposed otherwise to be
in adjustment) may have an index error; the
eye of the observer being elevated above the sur
face of the sea, the horizon will appear to be de
pressed, and the consequent altitude in reality
too great ; and one of the limbs of the body may
be observed instead of its centre. When the
corrections for these errors and method of ob
serving are applied — the "index correction,"
"correction for dip," and "semi-diameter" —
the observed is reduced to the " Apparent Alti
tude." But again, for the sake of comparison
and computation, all observations must be trans
formed into what they would have been had the
bodies been viewed through a uniform medium,
and from one common centre, — the centre of the
earth. The altitude supposed to be so taken is
called the " True Altitude" ; it may be deduced
from the apparent altitude by applying the cor
rections called "correction for refraction" and
"correction for parallax." " Correction for re
fraction" : when a body is viewed through the
atmosphere, refraction will cause the apparent
to be greater than the true altitude ; hence the
correction for refraction is subtractive in finding
the true from the apparent altitude. " Correc
tion for parallax" : the position of the observer
on the surface, especially for near bodies, will
cause the apparent to be less than the true alti
tude ; hence the correction for parallax is addi
tive in finding the true from the apparent al
ALTITUDE, PARALLELS OF. Lesser circles of
the celestial sphere parallel to the horizon. They
mark all the points of the heavens which have
the same altitude. The Arabic term for this
system was "Almacantars.'"
body is near the meridian, and altitudes are ob
served with a view of solving problems by first
finding from these the meridian altitude, such
altitudes are conveniently distinguished as Cir-
cummeridian Altitudes.
ALTITUDES, EQUAL. Double altitudes of the
sun, when at the same altitude in the forenoon
and afternoon.
altitudes of the sun, its declination changes
slightly in the interval between the forenoon and
afternoon observation, and therefore the hour-
angles corresponding to the two altitudes are not
exactly equal. Hence half the interval added
to the time of the first observation requires a cor
rection in order to give the time shown by chro
nometer when the sun is on the meridian. This
correction is called " The Equation of Equal
Altitudes." It is given in tables.
tudes of different bodies taken at the same time.
Altometer. The theodolite.
Altona. A city and free port of Prussia, in
Holstein, on the right bank of the Elbe, a little
below Hamburg. It is accessible to sea-going
vessels, and has a large trade. Pop. 90,000.
Aluffe, or Aloof. A very old form for luff.
Alveus. An ancient boat made of a single
trunk ; a dug-out.
Amadas (or Amidas), Philip, b. Hull, 1550;
d. England, 1618. A commander of one of the
vessels sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh, with
Barlow, to take possession of lands on the east
ern shore of America. He discovered Ocracoke
Inlet, and landed on Wocoken Island, in Flor
ida, subsequently exploring Pamlico and Albe-
marle Sounds arid Roanoke Island. The title of
admiral was conferred upon him, and he was
united with Lane in the settlement of North
Carolina, afterwards called Virginia.
Amain. With force or vigor ; all at once ; as,
lower amain. An old word for yield. The low
ering of the topsail was called striking amain,
and it was demanded by the wave amain, or the
brandishing of a sword.
Amain. A city and seaport of Italy, in the
Gulf of Salerno, and 23 miles S.E. of Naples.
Lat. 40° 38' N. ; Ion. 14° 37' 10" E. A naval
school is located at Amalfi. Pop. 6500.
Amalgam. A compound of mercury with
another metal. See ALLOY.
Amalphitan Code. The oldest code of modern
sea laws, compiled during the first Crusade by
the people of Amalfi, in Italy.
Amaye. Sea-marks on the French coast.
Ambassador. A diplomatic officer of the
highest rank. A practical joke, in which the
victim is unmercifully ducked.
Amber. A hard, resinous, vegetable sub
stance, generally of a bright yellow color, and
Ambergris. A fragrant substance, the origin
of which was long a matter of dispute. It is
now known to be a morbid product developed in
the intestines of the sperm whale. It is of a
grayish color, very light, and fusible, and is used
as a perfume and as a cordial.
Amelioration. An allowance made to the
neutral purchaser, on reclaiming a ship improp
erly condemned, for the repairs she has under
gone at his expense.
America. See CONTINENTS.
Americus Vespucci. See VESPUCCI.
Amidships. The middle part of a ship,
whether in regard to her length or breadth, but
more generally applied to the axis or fore-and-
aft line.
Ammen, Daniel, Rear-AdmiralU.S.N. Born
in Ohio, May 15, 1820. Appointed midshipman,
July 7, 1836; attached to the Exploring Expedi
tion, 1837-38 ; sloop " Levant" and " Vandalia,"
in the West Indies, 1838-39; sloop "Preble,"
on the coast of Labrador and in the Mediterra
nean, 1840-41 ; returned to the United States on
board ship-of-the-line "Ohio," 1841, and to
Naval School ; passed examination, June, 1842,
and received warrant of passed midshipman ;
store-ship " Lexington," as navigator, 1843-44,
to the Mediterranean; sloop "Vincennes," as
navigator, East India Squadron, 1845-47 ; coast
survey, 1848-49.
Commissioned as lieutenant, November 4,
1849; frigate "St. Lawrence," Mediterranean
Squadron, 1850; coast survey, 1851 ; attached
to a commission for selecting a naval station in
the Bay of San Francisco, Cal., 1852; scientific
expedition of steamer "Water Witch," Para-
§uay Kiver, 1853-54 ; brig " Bainbridge," Brazil
quadron, 1854-55; Naval Observatory, Wash
ington, 1856-57; steam-sloop "Saranac," Pa
cific Squadron, 1858; steam-frigate " Merrimac,"
Pacific Squadron, 1859-60; steam-frigate " Ro-
anoke," as executive-officer, North Atlantic
Blockading Squadron, 1861 ; commanding " Sen
eca," South Atlantic Blockading Squadron,
1861-62, at battle of Port Royal, November 7,
1861 ; the day following hoisted our flag over
Fort Beauregard, and made formal delivery to
the army, by order of Rear-Admiral Du Pont ;
Tybee Island, December, 1861 ; commanded
forces entering by way of Whale Branch in
attack on Port Royal Ferry, January 1, 1862;
engaged in the operations against Fernandina
through St. Andrew's Sound and in St. John's
Promoted to commander, February 21, 1863;
commanding monitor "Patapsco," South At
lantic Blockading Squadron, against Fort McAl
lister, March, 1863, and in the attack on Fort
Sumter, April 7, 1863 ; had charge of a draft of
220 seamen on board of the California passenger
steamer " Ocean Queen, "May, 1864, bound to As-
pi n wall ; two days after leaving New York sup
pressed an open and organized mutiny, with the
assistance of Boatswain Thomas G. Bell, who
was the only aid assigned, receiving in doing so
the excellent co-operation of Captain Tinkle-
paugh, — who commanded the "Ocean Queen," —
his officers, and several of the passengers ; com
manding steam-sloop "Mohican," North At
lantic Blockading Squadron, 1864-65; in the
bombardment of Fort Fisher, December, 1864,
and again when it was carried by assault by the
army, January, 1865 ; commanding ironclad
"Miantonomah," special service, 1866.
Commissioned as captain, July 25, 1866 ; spe
cial duty, Hartford, Conn., 1866-67; command
ing flag-ship " Piscataqua," Asiatic Squadron,
1867-68; Chief of Bureau of Yards and Docks,
Commissioned as commodore, 1872. Chief of
Bureau of Navigation, 1871-78. Commissioned
as rear-admiral. 1877 ; retired at his own re
quest, 1878. July, 1878, appointed chairman of
a board for the re-location of the Naval Obser
vatory. April, 1879, ordered to attend the con
vocation at Paris, France, known as the Inter-
oceanic Ship-Canal Congress. Had constructed
on his design a cask " balsa," or life-boat, which
is now at the navy-yard, Portsmouth, N. H., at
which place are built life-boats on this design for
all of our vessels of war. Total sea-service 21
years and 1 month ; other duty, 17 years and 3
Ammunition. In early times this word sig
nified every description of warlike stores and
provisions for attack or defense.
In modern usage its signification is limited to
articles in use for charging fire-arms and ord
nance of all kinds.
FIXED AMMUNITION. For guns of small
calibre the charge and projectile are united for
convenient transportation and rapidity in load
AMMUNITION BOXES. The boxes carried on
the carriage of howitzers.
AMMUNITION CHESTS. Chests stowed in the
tops for the convenience of the riflemen stationed
there in action.
AMMUNITION-WIFE. A woman of doubtful
Amnesty. An act of oblivion or general par
don for all acts committed in time of war, or the
proclamation of such pardon.
Amok. Slaughter. The practice, of Malays
under the influence of bang, of running about
the streets, attacking anybody and everybody.
To RUN A-MUCK. To make an indiscriminate
Amorce. (Fr.} Priming powder.
Amoy. A seaport town of China, on an island
of the same name. Lat. 24° 10' 3" N. ; Ion.
118° IS' 5" E. ; nearly opposite to the centre of
the island of Formosa. The population, mostly
employed in the coasting trade, is about 300,000.
Amperes. An ancient vessel in which the
rowers pulled two oars each.
Amphibia. A class of animals which can live
either in the water or on the land.
Amphiprorae. Ancient vessels, both ends of
which were prow-shaped, so that in narrow chan
nels they need not turn ; the prototypes of the
Amphiscii. The inhabitants of the torrid
zone are thus denominated from their shadow
being turned one part of the year to the north
and the other to the south.
Amplitude. The angular distance of a heav
enly body in the horizon from the east or west
point. The magnetic amplitude is the angular
distance of the body from the east or west point
as indicated by the compass. The difference be
tween the true and the magnetic amplitude is the
variation of the compass.
At a given latitude the amplitude depends on
the declination of the object. Amplitude is
sometimes used to denote the horizontal distance
to which a projectile is expelled from a gun, or
what is more frequently called the range.
instructions for taking amplitudes are laid down
with the view that the body shall be observed at
the moment when its centre is really in the ra
tional horizon. Thus the bearing of the sun is
directed to be taken when its lower limb appears
half-way between the horizon and its centre ; the
bearing of a star is to be taken at an altitude of
34' : the amplitude of the moon cannot be thus
directly observed with accuracy, especially in
high latitudes, by reason of her great depression
by parallax, but may be found approximately by
observing her bearing when her upper limb is in
the horizon. In all cases, however, the better
plan is to obtain by observation the bearing when
the centre of the body appears on the horizon,
and apply the necessary corrections (for dip, re
fraction, and parallax) taken from a table. For
the sun, when rising, observe the bearing of the
upper limb as it appears on the horizon, and
continue to take the bearings of the centre, hi-
seating the sun's disk by keeping the upright
wire on the upper limb until the lower limb ap
pears. Read off each bearing. At sunset, when
the lower limb touches the horizon, proceed in
like manner until the upper limb disappears.
The mean of the readings, reckoning from the
east or west point, is the observed amplitude.
When practicable, the moon may be observed in
the same way. In the case of the sun and stars,
a table (with latitude and declination for argu
ments) gives the necessary correction for refrac
tion, to which the requisit^ dip is added. The
same table applied in the contrary way gives the
correction for the moon, which is the excess of
the effect of parallax over the combined effects
of refraction and dip. The amplitude of a star
should be observed at setting, to admit of the
body being easily identified.
Ampotis. The running out of the sea.
Amsterdam. An important commercial city,
one of the capitals of the Netherlands, at the
former confluence of the Amstel with the Y, a
lake-like river, now mostly drained, but a small
part remains and serves as a port for the city. It
has a' new artificial harbor on the North Sea,
with which it is connected by a ship canal 15
miles long. Pop. 300,000.
Amulet. A charm worn by superstitious peo
ple as a preservative against disease or disaster.
Amusette. A shoulder-gun fitted with a
swivel, carrying a ball weighing from half a
pound to two pounds.
Anabus. A bony fish that has the power of
living long out of water and moving considerable
distances on land.
Anadromous. A term applied to migratory
Analemma. An orthographic projection of
the sphere on the plane of the meridian. An in
strument of brass or wood on which this projec
tion is made. An old form of sun-dial.
Anan. An old word for ' ' What did you say ? ' '
Also a corruption of anon.
Anas. A genus of water-birds of the order
Natatores, now restricted to the typical ducks.
Anaumachion. Among the ancients the crime
of refusing to serve in the fleet, the punishment
for which was infamy.
Anchiromachus. A boat of the middle ages
for transporting anchors and naval stores.
Anchor. A heavy iron instrument for re
taining a ship in her place. It is attached to the
ship by a rope or chain, and is thrown overboard
from the bows.
The earlier anchors were made of wood with
an arm, and later two arms. Stones were at
tached to give weight to sink and greater holding
power. With all the improvements of modern
times, the anchors now in use have undergone
but little change of form.
After the wooden anchor followed the iron
anchor with a wooden stock. At the present day
all navy anchors are fitted with iron stocks.
Anchors are solid when the shank and arms
are welded together. In most patent anchors the
arms are movable and capable of being separated
from the shank.
The solid or common anchor consists of the
shank, the ring (shackle, or Jew's-harp), the
arms, and the stock.
The shank is the main body of the anchor.
The ring is bolted to the upper end and the arms
are welded to the other. The crown is the heavy
end of the shank to which the arms are welded.
It is the part which first strikes the ground when
the anchor is let go perpendicularly.
The stock is the iron beam at right angles to
the shank. It has a shoulder near its middle
part, and when this shoulder is snug up against
the shank it is keyed on the other side. The end
opposite to the shoulder is bent for convenience
in stowage.
On the ends of the stock are cast-iron balls, the
one on the bent end being movable and the other
The arm consists of the palm (or fluke), the
bill (point, or pee), and the blade. The palm is
shaped much like a shield, and is welded and
riveted to the blade. The bill is the part of the
arm which projects beyond the palm. The ring
is that part of the anchor to which the cable is
The essential properties of an anchor are
strength, holding, quick-holding, canting , facility
of sweeping, of stowing, and of transport in boats,
exemption from fouling, and quick-tripping. Of
these the most important are strength, holding,
and quick-holding.
These qualities depend upon the weight of
metal, size and shape of the cross-section of
arms and shank, length of arms, shank, and
stock, angle at which the arms are set on, size
and shape of palm, finish of the bill, curvature
of the arm, quality of the material, and the
The development of one of these qualities to
an extreme degree may involve the sacrifice of
another. For instance, the Trotman anchor is
notably exempt from fouling, as the upper fluke
lies down against the shank, but this peculiarity
renders it almost impossible to pick it up by
sweeping for it. An anchor that holds well does
not trip quickly. The holding power of an an
chor depends a great deal on the length of the
arm ; but a long arm is an element of weakness.
So there is much to be considered in the form
and dimensions of anchors, and it has required
a great many experiments to determine them.
The American Anchor, designed by Mr. James
Brown, master-smith at the Washington Navy-
Yard, fulfills all required conditions.
Anchors for the navy are forged under the
steam-hammer from scrap-iron, and are gotten
out in five parts, viz.: the shank, two arms,
stock, and shackle (or ring).
The scrap-iron is first hammered into blooms,
the most convenient size being 36 inches long,
10 inches wide, and 4 inches thick. The blooms
being in readiness, the parts of the anchor are
forged and put together in the following order :
The shank. The blooms are piled on the end
of a porter bar, heated and welded under a steam-
hammer until the mass of iron on the end of the
bar is of sufficient size to make the shank. The
building-up process begins at the crown, and the
mass is gradually drawn out towards the ring
end, and swaged smooth under the hammer. The
holes are punched for the ring and stock, and the
shank is then cut off from the bar.
The two arms are forged separately, also the
two palms. The palms are welded on to the
arms and riveted, and the bill is drawn out and
finished up. The shank is then heated at the
crown end, scarfed on one side, and the arm welded
on ; then scarfed on the other side and the second
arm welded on. The arms are welded on straight,
and afterwards heated and bent to the proper
The stock is forged from blooms in the same
manner as the shank. The ring is forged straight,
and afterwards heated and bent to the proper
shape and a bolt fitted to the eyes.
The process of annealing anchors has now
generally gone out of use.
The following are the proportions of a 6000-
pound anchor :
Shank. — Length, 13 feet 8 inches ; cross-section
at the largest part where the arms are welded on,
10J- by 8£ inches ; cross-section at the stock, 8£ by
7 inches, the greatest dimension being in the
plane of the arms.
Stock. — The length is equal to the length of
the shank over all, and in diameter it is about
two-thirds the smallest width of the shank meas
ured in the plane of the arms.
The length of the arm is nearly one-third the
length of the shank, and in bending them an
equilateral triangle is formed with the length of
the arm for one side, the same distance laid off
on the shank from the crotch for the second side,
and the distance from the end of this line to the
bill completes the triangle.
In forging anchors a great deal is done by eye
for shape and proportions. The crown and throat
are rounded off, and the shank has eight faces,
with a straight taper from the crotch to the
stock. The weight of an anchor is inclusive of
the ring and exclusive of the stock, which is
about one-fourth the weight of the anchor. —
C. T. Hutchins, Lieutenant U.S.N.
PATENT ANCHORS. Many designs have been
submitted, the most prominent of which are
mentioned below. The oxidation of the movable
parts of portable anchors is the great source of
failure, as they require constant care and atten
tion to keep them in working order.
Isaac's Anchor has a bar of iron from each
end of the stock to the middle of the shank, and
the palms are connected by a flat elliptical bar of
iron. It has great strength, and is notably ex
empt from fouling, but is deficient in other re
Latham's Anchor has an arm provided with
three flukes, and the shank is made of two pieces,
which separate at the crown end to allow the
midship fluke to pass. When the three flukes
enter the ground, the flange on the crown-piece
takes on the shank and the arms are held rigid.
No stock is required.
Marshall's Anchor. The arms are straight
and move independently on a pivot, which passes
through the crown. The arms are fitted with
projections, which assist the flukes to enter the
Martin's Anchor is supplied to the turret-ships
of the British navy. The anchor is very com
pact, and for that reason is especially recom
mended to rams and turret-ships, as it does not
impede the fire nor project from the bows.
Morgan's Anchor has a curved bar of iron,
which passes through a slot in the shank and
connects the two arms to each other. The arms
are separately pivoted to the shank. When one
fluke enters the ground the other is drawn down
against the shank, the connecting bar serving to
strengthen the arms.
Porter's Anchor is the same in principle as
Trotman's, which see.
Rodger's Anchor has a shank with a wooden
core, the object being to give greater strength
with a given weight of metal. He also designed
the pick-ax anchor, an anchor without palms.
Trotman's Anchor. The oscillatory system is
the principal feature of this anchor. The arms
are in one piece and work in a slot in the shank.
When one fluke enters the ground the other is
drawn down against the shank. The backs of the
arms are fitted with horns to assist the flukes to
enter the ground. It is one of the best of the
patent anchors.
The BOWER-ANCHORS are so named
their being carried on the bows. In early days
they were of different sizes ; the larger one,
called the best bower, was carried on the star
board bow, the other was known as the small
bower. These designations are yet retained,
though the anchors are now of equal size.
The WAIST- or SHEET-ANCHORS are equal in
weight to the bower-anchors, and are carried on
the side, abaft the fore-rigging. They are se
cured with the stock perpendicular, and the shank
resting on two shores.
The SPARE-ANCHOR, when no sheets are car
ried, is of the same size as a bower-anchor, and
is stowed inboard.
The STREAM- ANCHOR is one-fourth the weight
of the bower-anchor, and is carried inboard.
KEDGES are small anchors, from one-sixth to
one-fourteenth the weight of the bower. They
are stowed in the chains.
BOAT-ANCHORS are small anchors supplied for
the use of the boats. They are stowed in the
hold of the ship until needed for service.
With reference to their position anchors are
termed flood, ebb, weather, lee, sea, or shore
To SHOE AN ANCHOR. To fit triangular
pieces of wood to the palms to give greater hold
ing power.
To COCKBILL THE ANCHOR. To ease off the
shank-painter, and hang the anchor by the ring-
To LET Go THE ANCHOR. To release it from
the cat-head that it may fall to the bottom and
hold the ship.
To DRAG THE ANCHOR. To trail it over the
bottom by force of the wind or current.
To BACK THE ANCHOR. To increase the hold
ing power of an anchor by planting a smaller
one ahead of it, and connecting the two with a
chain. The holding power of an anchor may be
increased by attaching a weight to the bight of
the chain, thus bringing the strain lower down,
and causing the fluke to bite harder.
To TRIP THE ANCHOR. To heave it clear of
the bottom.
To SIGHT THE ANCHOR. To heave it up to
the surface of the water.
To WEIGH AN ANCHOR. To heave it up to
the bows.
To CAT THE ANCHOR. To hoist it up to the
cat-head and pass the ring-stopper.
To FISH THE ANCHOR. To hoist the flukes
up to the bill-board and pass the shank-painter.
To STOW AN ANCHOR. To secure it in its
proper place.
To TRANSPORT AN ANCHOR. To shift it from
one position to another in the ship.
it up close to the cat-head, and get the inner fluke
inboard, and pass extra lashings.
take off the extra lashings, and heave the inner
fluke up and outboard, so it will slip off the bill
board when the shank-painter is let go.
To endeavor to pick up an anchor or the chain
by trailing for it with a grapnel or the bight of
a rope.
FOUL-ANCHOR. The ^condition of an anchor
when the chain has taken a turn around the
flukes, shank, or stock, or when the anchor has
caught into some other anchor, chain, or wreck.
The anchor is aweigh or atrip the moment it is
disengaged from the ground. It is apeak when
the chain is up-and-down. It comes home when
it is trailed over the bottom as the ship drifts.
Anchor, Drag-, or Floating-. See SEA-AN
Anchor, Jury. A temporary anchor con
structed to supply the place of one which has
been lost. Ships are sometimes obliged to resort
to their guns, boilers, and other heavy articles.
Anchor, Mushroom. Has a head shaped like
a bowl, and no stock is required. It is used for
Anchor, Screw. Large screws with broad
flanges, used for moorings and to shoe piles.
Anchor, Sea. A species of raft or drag formed
of spars and canvas to keep a ship's head to the
wind and to decrease her drift. It is attached to
the ship by a hawser, and is generally fitted with
a buoy and an anchor.
Anchorage. A duty levied upon vessels upon
coming to a port for the use of its advantages.
The set of anchors belonging to a ship. A place
suitable for anchoring. It is marked on charts
by an anchor, and is described according to its
attributes as good, snug, open, or exposed.
Anchor-ball. A pyrotechnical combustible
attached to a grapnel.
Anchor-bar. A large handspike to pry the
anchor off the bill-board.
Anchor-chock. Pieces let into an anchor-
stock. Pieces of wood or iron upon which an
anchor rests when it is stowed.
Anchor-hold. The fastness of the flukes in
the ground.
Anchor-hoops. Heavy iron hoops binding a
wooden stock to the shank and over the nuts of
the anchor.
Anchor-ice. The ice which forms on and in-
crustates the beds of lakes and rivers.
Anchoring, (p. pr. of v. t. TO ANCHOR.) (Lat.
ancora, anchor.) The mano3uvre by which a
•vessel is brought to anchor, i.e. brought to a
state of temporary rest and security by means of
an anchor let go from the vessel.
The anchor, attaching itself to the bottom, is
enabled by means of the intervening cable to
hold the vessel in 7 "ace. A vessel may be brought
to anchor under a great variety of conditions of
wind, tide, and sea.
The peculiar nature of th'e anchorage itself, and
the number of vessels occupying it, must also be
considered. For the minor details of all that
precede, accompany, and follow this manoeuvre,
the reader is referred to works on Seamanship.
The principal points to be observed are, First,
that on approaching the anchorage both bower
anchors (see ANCHOR) and their cables should be
in readiness for use, always having the second
anchor ready to let go in case the first, from any
cause, should fail. Second, that the vessel should
be head to tide, or nearly so, when the anchor is
let go. Third, on approaching the anchorage,
under favorable circumstances, the speed of the
vessel should be gradually reduced, then stopped,
and finally a stern-board be given her, either by
the action of the wind or tide, or by the use of
sails or engine. The moment of starting astern
is that for letting go the anchor. Fourth, that
the vessel should have sufficient stern-board to*
lay her cable out clear and straight from the an
chor. Fifth, that the stern-board should not be
so great as to endanger running out too much
cable, or of parting in attempting to check it.
Sixth, that when the cable is finally secured there
should be a good scope out. Seventh, that when
anchored the vessel should be in a good berth.
It is generally conceded that a vessel should
never ride to a shorter scope of cable than six
times the depth of water. That is to say, if an
chored in ten fathoms of water she should not
have out less than sixty fathoms of cable for or
dinary security. In general, there are three dif
ferent classes of vessels +hat may be treated of
under this head : the square-rigged sailing-ves
sel, the fore-and-after, and the steamer. To
bring one of the former into a crowded harbor,
to pick out a good berth and come to anchor in
a proper manner, calls forth all the skill and
judgment of a practical seaman, and an amount
of knowledge which can be obtained only by long
and varied experience.
With a schooner we have, ordinarily, only to
haul down the head-sails, luif up into the wind,
and when the headway is lost and she begins to
go astern, to drop the anchor, and then to pay
out the necessary scope as she takes it. Or beat
ing in with a strong windward tide (see TIDES),
we should reverse the operation ; lower the fore
and mainsails, wear around under the jib, and,
when head to tide, let go the anchor.
With a steamer the operation is still more
simple. Steering directly for her berth, the en
gines are first " slowed," then stopped, and finally
backed, if necessary ; when the headway ceases
the anchor is let go and the cable paid out as she
takes it. If she had been steaming in against
the tide she will, on stopping the engines, soon
go astern and take her cable. If she has the
tide with her, as soon as the anchor touches the
bottom she will begin to swing to the tide.
When head-to, pay out to the necessary scope.
ANCHORING BY THE STERN is to have the cable
brought in through a stern-chock, so that when
the anchor is let go from the bow the vessel will
ride by the stern.
ANCHORING WITH A SPRING : to attach a hawser
to the ring of the anchor before letting go, so
that when the anchor is down and an equal strain
brought upon the cable and the hawser, the ves
sel will ride to a bridle, presenting her broadside
to the wind or tide as either may prevail. The
vessel's head may be then made to change direc
tion by shortening in, or veering on the cable or
hawser, as desired.
The two last manoeuvres are practiced in war :
the former when it is undesirable to swing
| around, as when anchoring in the ordinary way ;
! the latter when it is desired to change the ship's
head in certain directions so as to bring the bat
teries to bear on the enemy.
Anchoring in very deep water (as a temporary
expedient) may be done by means of the stream-
anchor (see ANCHOR) and a hawser. — S. B. Luce,
Captain U.S.N.
Anchor-lining. Short pieces of plank fast
ened to the ship's side, under the fore-channels,
to prevent the anchor from bruising the side
Anchor-ring. The ring to which the cable
is bent. Now generally a shackle, or Jew's-
Anchor-seat. An old term for the prow.
Anchor-shackle. The shackle in the end
of the shank. The ring.
Anchorsmith. A forger of anchors.
Anchor-stock. A beam of wood or iron,
secured to the shank at right angles to the flukes.
Anchor-stock-fashion. The method of
placing the butt of one plank nearly over the
middle of another; the planks being broadest in
the middle and tapering to the ends resemble an
Anchor-stocking. A method of securing
and working planks with tapered butts.
Anchor-watch. A small number of men
kept on duty at night, while the ship is in port,
to be in readiness to do any duty that may be re
quired, especially to let go an anchor, veer cable,
hoist head-sails, set spanker, or to man a boat.
Anchovy. A fish of the family Clupiedce,
caught in large numbers in the Mediterranean,
and pickled for exportation.
Ancon. The angle of a knee-timber.
ANCON. (Sp.) Harbor, bay, anchorage.
Anderson, Culjohn. A Swede. He made
two journeys into the interior of Africa in ex
ploration of the source of the Niger. He reached
Lake Ngami, in the S.W. of the continent, and
published a work on the Okevengo River.
Andromeda. A northern constellation be
hind Pegasus, Cassiopeia, and Perseus, repre
senting the figure of a woman chained, a An-
dromedce, Alpheratz.
Anemometer. An instrument for measuring
the force and velocity of the wind. They are of
various forms, and indicate the force directly, as
against a plate compressing a spring, or the ve
locity, as by a revolution of a wheel carrying
vanes or hemispherical cups. They are often
Anemoscope. A vane-index with pointers to
show the change of the wind without referring
to the vane.
An-end. The position of a spar when erected
perpendicularly. The topmasts are an-end when
they are fidded.
To STRIKE A PLANK AN-END is to drive it in
the direction of its length.
Anent, or Anenst. Opposite to ; over against.
Aneroid Barometer. See BAROMETER.
Angel-fish. The Squatina angelus, of the
shark family. It is six or eight feet long, with
a rough back and smooth white belly.
Angel-head. The barb of an arrow; prob
ably angle-head.
Angel-shot. A projectile composed of two
hollow half balls connected by a chain, which is
inclosed in their cavity when they are brought
together ; a kind of chain-shot.
Angil. An old term for a fishing-hook, and
also for the red worm used for bait.
Angle. A corner. The difference in direc
tion of two lines in the same plane, proceeding
from the same point.
A SPHERICAL ANGLE is formed by the inter
section of two great circles. It is the inclina
tion of the planes of these circles to each other.
A SOLID ANGLE is formed by the meeting of
three planes at one point. See ELEVATION, FIRE,
Angon. A half-pike or javelin.
Angosiade. An astronomical falsehood ; a
term originating from the pretended observations
of D'Angos at Malta.
Angra. (Sp.) Bay or inlet.
Anguilliform. Having the appearance of
Angular Crab. An ugly long-armed crusta
cean, with eyes on remarkably long stalks.
Anilla. A commercial term for indigo.
Animal Flowers. Actiniae, or sea-anemones
and similar animals project a circle of tentacula
resembling flowers. They were formerly all
classed under Zoophytes.
Animate. To give power or encouragement.
To ANIMATE A NEEDLE. To magnetize it.
To ANIMATE A BATTERY. To put the guns
in position.
Anker. A Dutch measure containing ten
wine gallons.
ANKER-FISH. A kind of cuttle-fish.
Ankle-bone. A sailor's name for the craw
Anna. In the East Indies, the 16th part of a
rupee, about three cents in United States cur
Annapolis. A city and port of entry in Mary
land, on the S.W. bank of the Severn River, 3
miles from its entrance into the Chesapeake Bay,
30 S. by E. from Baltimore. Lat. 38° 58' 50"
N. ; Ion. 76° 30' W. The United States Naval
Academy is here located. Pop. about 6000.
Annealing. There are many substances which ,
when rapidly cooled after having been heated,
become exceedingly brittle; this result may be
prevented by very slow cooling, which process
is termed annealing. By this process the sub
stance is rendered softer and less brittle, but its
elasticity is impaired.
Annet. A kind of gull.
Annex. A term used on the Mississippi and
other Western rivers to indicate the pilot-house
of steamboats, called also " Texas." The term
is said to have originated about the time of the
annexation of Texas to the United States.
Annihilator, Fire. See FIRE-EXTINGUISHER.
Anniversary Winds. Those which blow con
stantly at a certain season of the year ; as, mon
soon and etesian winds.
Annotinae. The ancient Roman provision
Annual. Yearly.
ANNUAL ACCOUNTS. The ship's books and
papers for the year.
ANNUAL VARIATION. The yearly change in
the variation of the compass. The change pro
duced in the right ascension or declination of a
star by the precession of the equinoxes and the
proper motion of the star taken together.
Annul. To revoke ; to rescind.
Annular. Resembling a ring.
AN ANNULAR ECLIPSE takes place when the
apparent diameter of the moon is less than that of
the sun, and a ring of light surrounds the moon
while central.
ANNULAR SCUPPER. A scupper in which the
hole may be enlarged or diminished by a movable
concentric ring.
Annulling Signal. A signal which denotes
that the previous signal is void.
Annulus Astronomicus. A ring of brass used
formerly in navigation.
Anode. The positive pole of an electric bat
tery ; or, more strictly, the path by which the
current passes out and enters the electrolyte on
its way to the other pole ; opposed to cathode.
Anomalistic Revolution or Period. The pe
riod during which a planet makes a complete
revolution from any point in its orbit back again.
The time in which the earth makes its anoma
listic revolution, which is longer than the tropi
cal year on account of the precession of the equi
Anomaly. Deviation from established rules.
Anomoural. Irregular in the character of
the tail or abdomen ; as, the anomoural crus
taceans, a group between the crabs and the
Anon. Quickly ; immediately. At another
Anonymous Partnerships. Those not carried
on under a special name, and the particulars of
which are known only to the parties themselves.
Ansae. The handles of old ordnance. The
projections of Saturn's rings in certain situations.
Anser. A Linnaean order of natatorial birds
swimming by means of web-feet, as the duck, or
of lobe-feet, as the grebe.
Anson, George, Lord. An English admiral ;
born in Staffordshire, England, in 1697 ; entered
the navy at an early age, and in 1724 was made
post-captain. He was soon ordered to the Caro
lina station, where he purchased land and built
a town called after his own name. He was sub
sequently appointed to the command of the South
Sea Expedition which sailed from England in
1740. After his return, in 1744, he was succes
sively created rear-admiral of the blue, commis
sioner of the admiralty, and vice-admiral. In
1747 he commanded the Channel Fleet, and cap
tured six French ships of war. As a reward for
this brilliant exploit he was created a peer, with
the title of Lord Anson, Baron of Soberton. He
was First Commissioner of the Admiralty from
1751 to 1756. In 1757 Anson was made ad
miral, and in the same year was placed at the
head of the admiralty. Died in 1762. No book
in the English language possesses a greater
charm for youth and the lover of adventure than
" Anson's Voyage."
Answer. To reply. To suit ; as, this boat will
not answer.
ANSWER THE HELM. A ship is said to an
swer the helm when she obeys it readily.
Answering Pennant. A pennant which is
hoisted to indicate that a signal has been read
and understood.
Antarctic. Eelating to the South Pole or to
the region near it.
ANTARCTIC CIRCLE. A parallel 23° 28' from
the South Pole.
ANTARCTIC OCEAN. The portion of the ocean
included within the Antarctic Circle.
Antares. A star of the first magnitude, popu
larly known as the Scorpion's heart (a Scorpionis).
Antecians. Those inhabitants of the earth
who live on the same meridian, but in opposite
Antelucan. Before daybreak.
Ante-meridian. Before noon.
Anthelion. A luminous appearance on a cloud,
over against or opposite to the sun. It consists
of a circular ring or rings around the shadow
of the spectator's own head as projected on a
cloud or on some opposite fog-bank.
Anthracite. See COAL.
Anticthones. Inhabitants of countries di
ametrically opposite to each other.
Anti-friction Composition. See FRICTION.
Anti-friction Metals. See FRICTION.
Anti-gallicians. Extra backstays sometimes
used by merchant vessels running before the
Anti-guggler. A straw or tube introduced
into a bottle or cask to suck out the contents.
Anti-parallels. Lines which make equal
angles with two other lines but contrary ways.
Antipathes. A kind of coral having a black,
horny stem.
Antipodes. The inhabitants of the earth di
ametrically opposite to each other. The term is
now applied to the countries which are at the
opposite ends of any diameter of the earth.
Antiscii. The people who dwell in opposite
hemispheres, and whose shadows at noon fall in
contrary directions.
Antiscorbutic. Opposed to, or counteracting
scurvy. See SCURVY.
Antiseptic. Opposed to, or counteracting
putrefaction, or tendency to putrefaction, in the
Antlia. A constellation known as the Air-
Antwerp. A city of Belgium, on the right
bank of the Scheldt. Lat. 51° IS' 2' N. ; Ion.
4° 24' 2" E. It is strongly fortified, the walls
and other defenses completely incompassing the
city on the land-side, having more than 12 miles
of solid ramparts. Of the stocks, dock-yard, and
basins, constructed by Napoleon at an expense
of $10,000,000, the last only remain. The har
bor is one of the finest in the world ; it admits
vessels of any size, and can easily hold 1000.
Pop. 150,000.
Anvil. The massive block of iron on which
shipsmiths hammer forge-work. A streamer at
the end of a lance.
Any Port in a Storm. A phrase signifying
contentment with one's lot. The best practicable
way out of a difficulty.
Ape, or Sea-Ape. The long-tailed shark. An
active American seal.
Apeak. Near the perpendicular. An anchor
is apeak when the chain is up-and-down. The
oars are apeak when the blades are thrown for
ward and the crew is waiting for the order to
" give way" in racing. With an awning spread
in a boat it is impossible to " up oars." When
they are raised as high as the awning permits
they are said to be apeak.
Apertse. Ancient deep-waisted ships with
high-decked forecastle and poop.
Aperture. The clear diameter of the object-
glass of optical instruments.
Apex. The summit or vertex.
Aphelion. The point in a planet's orbit which
is at the greatest distance from the sun.
Aphelian. Castor, a Geminorum.
Aphracti. Ancient vessels with open waists.
Aplanatic. Having two or more lenses of
different curvatures so combined that their re
spective aberrations neutralize each other, and
the resulting compound lens is free from spheri
cal aberration.
Aplets. Nets for the herring fishery.
Aplustre. An old word for the ornament at
the bow and for the ensign at the stern.
Aplysia. A sea-hare of the genus of mol-
lusks of the order Tectibranchiata, Some of the
species have the power of throwing out a deep
purple liquor, which colors the water for a con
siderable distance and serves to conceal the ani
Apobathrse. Ancient gang-boards from the
ship to the wharf.
Apogee. That point of the moon's orbit which
is at the greatest distance from the earth. For
merly, on the supposition that the earth was the
centre of the system, this name was given to the
point in the orbit of the sun, or of a planet, which
was at the greatest distance from the earth.
A-poise. Balanced ; properly trimmed.
Apostle. A knight-head or bollard timber.
A paper sent up on appeals in the admiralty
Apothecary. The chief assistant of the medi
cal officer. He is appointed by the surgeon for
the cruise. Familiarly known as u Pills."
Appalachicola. A port of entry of Florida,
on the Gulf of Mexico, at the mouth of the Ap
palachicola Eiver. Pop. 1200.
Apparatus. Ammunition and equipage for
Apparel. In marine insurance, the furniture
of a ship ; as, masts, sails, ground-tackle, guns,
etc. It is a more comprehensive term than ap
Appareled. Fully equipped.
Apparent. (Lat. apparere^ to appear.) An ad
jective indicating that which appears to the
senses — phenomenal.
11 Apparent" is sometimes equivalent to true or
real, when contrasted with fictitious or imaginary.
Thus the " apparent sun" is the true sun we see,
as opposed to the imaginary u mean sun" ; " ap
parent time" is reckoned by the hour-angles of
the same sensible body opposed to " mean time,"
which is defined by the movement of the fictitious
mean sun; "apparent noon" is when the true
sun is on the meridian, and is distinguished from
the " mean noon," which is marked by the transit
of the mean sun.
" Apparent" is sometimes used as a qualifica
tion, distinguishing on the one hand from ob
served, and on the other from true. It is in this
sense applied to elements corrected for instru
mental and circumstantial sources of error, but
not yet reduced to the common standard for com
parison and computation. We thus have the
" apparent altitude" of a heavenly body, and the
" apparent distance" of two heavenly bodies,
distinguished on the one hand from the "ob
served," and on the other from the " true" alti
tude and distance. So also there is the " appa
rent place" of a heavenly body in the celestial
concave, and the " true place."
" Apparent" is sometimes opposed to proper, to
distinguish the phenomenal diurnal motion of
the heavenly bodies resulting from the earth's
rotation on her axis, from that which is due to
the annual revolution of the earth in her orbit,
and to the motion of each body in its orbit.
Apparition. The first appearance of a star
after occultation.
circle whose distance from the elevated pole is
equal to the latitude of the place of observation.
Within this circle the stars never set.
Appearance. The first making of a land-fall ;
formerly astronomically used for phenomenon
and phase.
Appendages. The valves, gauges, etc., of a
boiler. The comparatively small portions out
side the main body of the ship ; as the keel,
rudder, etc. Their volume is computed sepa
rately and added to the main calculation to de
termine the displacement of a ship.
Apple-pie-order. In excellent condition ; neat
and trim.
Appoint. To assign or designate by authority.
APPOINTED OFFICERS are petty officers shipped
for the cruise for special service, and not entitled
to continuous-service certificates ; as, master-at-
arms, yeomen, etc.
An acting appointment may be issued by the
commander-in-chief when a permanent vacancy
occurs which cannot be filled from the super
numerary officers of other ships. This appoint
ment must be in writing, and subject to revoca
tion by himself, his successor, and the Secretary
of the Navy. An officer holding an acting ap
pointment wears the uniform of the grade to
which he is appointed, and annexes his acting
rank to his official signature.
Appointments. The various details consti
tuting the equipment of a vessel, or the accoutre
ments of an officer or enlisted man.
Apportionment. The act of apportioning ; a
dividing into just proportions or shares ; as, in
the distribution of prize-money.
Appraisement. A valuation. A law instru
ment taken out by the captors of a vessel.
to punishment.
Apprehend. To seize a person with a view
Appropriation. A sum of money set apart by
Congress for a particular purpose.
Approve. To sanction officially.
Appulse. The near approach of one heavenly
body to another, so as to form an apparent con
Apron. A timber conforming to the shape of
the stem, and fixed in the concave part of it, ex
tending from the head to some distance below
the scarf, joining the upper and lower stem-
APRON OF A DOCK. The platform on which
the sill is fastened down.
APRON OF A GUN. The metal cover for the
lock and vent.
Apsides, Line of. The right line joining the
aphelion and perihelion points of the orbit of a
planet. The term is also applied to the line
joining the perigee and apogee of the moon.
Apsis. Each extremity of the line of apsides.
Apus. A constellation known as the Bird of
Aquarius. The W^ater-carrier, the eleventh
sign in the zodiac, which the sun enters about
the 21st of January ; so called from the rains
which prevail at that season in Italy and the
Aquatic. Inhabiting or relating to the water.
Aquatites. The law-term for everything
living in the water.
Aque. Wall-sided, flat-floored boats, which
navigate the Rhine.
Aqueduct. A conduit or canal built for the
conveyance of water.
Aquila. The Eagle ; a constellation in which
is a very bright star (Altair] much used by nav
igators in taking observations.
Aquilon. The northeast wind.
Ara. The Altar ; a southern constellation,
containing nine stars.
Aramech. The Arabic name for the star
Arbalist. An engine to throw stones, or the
cross-bow used for darts and arrows. Formerly
arbalisters formed part of the naval force.
Arbiter. The judge to whom a matter is re
ferred for adjustment.
Arbitrage. The referring of commercial dis
putes to two or more disinterested persons.
Arbitration. The settlement of disputes out
of court.
Arbor. A spindle or axis.
Arby. The thrift, or sea-lavender.
Arc. A part of a circle.
DIURNAL ARC. That part of a circle, paral
lel to the equator, which a heavenly body de
scribes from its rising to its setting. The noc
turnal arc is the arc described by the body from
its setting to its rising.
the arc which a planet appears to describe when
its motion is direct in the order of the signs.
ARC OF VISION. The sun's depth below the
horizon when the stars begin to appear.
Archangel. A town of Russia, on the Dwina,
20 miles from its embouchure in the Bay of
Archangel. Lat. 64° 32' N. ; Ion. 40° 33' E.
This is one of the oldest ports in Russia, having
been founded in 1584, and was long the only
one. Pop. 20,000.
Arch-board. The part of the stern over the
counter, immediately under the knuckle of the
Arched Squall. See SQUALL.
Archel, Archil, or Orchil. A lichen found
on the rocks of the Canary and Cape de Verde
Islands. Litmus is obtained from it.
Arches. A term among seamen for the Arch
ipelago. See GALLEY-ARCH KS.
Archi-gubernus. The commander of the im
perial ship in olden times.
Archimedes' Screw. An ingenious spiral
pump invented by Archimedes B.C. 260. It is
also used for removing grain from a lower to a
higher level. The name is applied also to the
Arching. The drooping of the extremities of
a vessel. See HOGGING.
Archipelago. Originally the ^Egean Sea. A
body of water interspersed with many islands.
Archives. Public records and papers, which
are preserved as evidence of facts.
Arch of the Cove. An elliptical moulding
sprung over the cove of the ship, at the lower
part of the taffrail.
Arctic. Northern, or lying under Arktos, the
AKCTIC POLE. The north pole of the globe.
ARCTIC OCEAN. The expanse of water within
the Arctic Circle.
ARCTIC CIRCLE. A parallel distant 23° 28'
from the north pole. It divides the north frigid
from the north temperate zone.
Arcturus. A star of the first magnitude close
to the knee of Bootes, a Bootis.
Ardent. Said of a ship when she has a tend
ency to come to the wind, and keeps a strain on
the weather tiller-rope.
Ardent Spirits. Distilled liquors. They are
not permitted to be on board a man-of-war ex
cept as medicinal stores.
Arenaceous. Brittle; sandy; partaking of
the qualities of sand.
Arenal. In meteorology, applied to a cloud
of dust so thick as to prevent seeing a stone's-
throw off, common in South America, being
raised by the wind from adjoining shores.
Arenation. The burying of scorbutic patients
up to their neck in sand ; spreading hot sand
over a diseased person.
Arendal. A seaport town of Norway, 36 miles
N.E. of Christiansand, on the Skager-Rack, at
the mouth of the Nid-Elv. It has a custom
house and yards for ship-building. Pop. 5800.
Areometer. An instrument for measuring the
specific gravity of fluids ; a hydrometer.
Argin. An old word for embankment.
Argo. The name of the ship which carried
Jason and his companions on their romantic ex
pedition to Colchis in quest of the golden fleece.
Argol. The lees of wine adhering to the cask ;
supertartrate of potassa.
Argonauta. The paper-nautilus. The sail
which it spreads is a modified arm, which invests
the outer surface of the shell.
Argonauts. The company that sailed in the
"Argo." A geographical society instituted at
Venice, to which we are indebted for the charts
and maps of Coronelli. In the United States,
the men who first emigrated to California on the
discovery of gold in 1849 are sometimes styled
Argo Navis. The constellation of the Ship,
containing 9 clusters, 3 nebulae, 540 single and
13 double stars, of which 64 are visible.
Argosy. A ship of great burden, particularly
of the Levant.
Argozin, or Argnesys. The person who at
tended to the shackles of the galley-slaves.
Argument. (Lat. argumentum, a reason.) In
astronomical tables the argument is that quan
tity upon which the tabulated one depends, and
with which, therefore, the table is "entered.''
Thus, in a table of correction for refraction, the
altitude is the argument. When the element
tabulated depends upon two given ones, then
there are two arguments with which to enter the
table,— one at the side, the other at the top.
Thus, for the correction for the moon's altitude,
the arguments of the principal table are the ap
parent altitude and the minutes of the moon's
horizontal parallax.
Argus-shell. A species of shell beautifully
variegated with spots, resembling in some meas
ure those in a peacock's tail.
Aries, the Constellation of. (Lat. Aries, Ari-
etis, ' ' The Ram. ' ') The first constellation of the
Ancient zodiac, marking the period for the com
memoration of the mythical golden fleece. The
only two stars in it of any note are a and (3 near
together in the horns, a being the more north
ARIES, THE SIGN OF. The division of the
ecliptic, including the first 30° of longitude, reck
oning from the first point of Aries. This origin,
owing to the precession of the equinoxes, is at
present in the constellation Pisces. Symbol 7.
noctial Point," one of the points where the eclip
tic crosses the equinoctial, so called as being the
commencement of the sign Aries. See EQUI
Aries. A battering-ram. (Roman Antiq.)
Aris. Sharp corners of stones in piers and
Aris-pieces. Those parts of a made mast
which are under the hoops.
Ark. Noah's vessel. It was 300 cubits in
length, 50 in breadth, and 30 in height, and it
was payed over with bitumen. A comparison
of its proportions with those of the " Great East
ern" shows a considerable similarity. Reckon-
ing the cubit at 21 inches, the length of the ark
would be 525 feet, breadth 87 feet 6 inches,
height 52 feet 6 inches, the " Great Eastern" being
in length 680 feet, breadth 83, depth 58. It is
mentioned by German commentators that Peter
Jansen, in 1609, built a vessel of the same pro
portions as the ark, though smaller, viz. : length
120, width 20, depth 12 feet. It was found most
convenient for stowage, containing one-third more
freight than ordinary vessels of the same ton
nage, though it was unsuited for making way
quickly through the water.
ARK. A mare's-tail cloud. A flat-boat.
Arm. A weapon. An inlet of the sea. The
end of a yard, beam, bracket, or axle. A branch
of the military service. One of the wings of
angle-iron. The part of an anchor to which the
flukes are attached. An index-hand or pointer.
To ARMS ! A summons to war or battle.
UNDER ARMS. Armed and ready for fighting.
To BE IN ARMS. To be in a state of hostility.
STAND OF ARMS. A complete set for one sol
dier, with equipments ; frequently the rifle and
bayonet alone.
Arm. To fit, furnish, and provide for war.
To wind rope-yarns around about a cross bar
shot to facilitate ramming it home. To put tal
low in the cavity at the bottom of a lead to bring
up specimens of the bottom.
ARM AND AWAY ! The order for armed boats
to prepare for service.
Armada, The Invincible. The famous Span
ish armament so called consisted of 150 ships,
2650 great guns, 20,000 soldiers, 8000 sailors, and
2000 volunteers, under the Duke of Medina Si-
donia. It arrived in the Channel, July 19, 1588,
and was defeated the next day by Drake and
Howard. Ten fire-ships having been sent into
the enemy's fleet, they cut their cables, put to
sea, and endeavored to return to their rendezvous
between Calais and Gravelines ; the English fell
upon them, took many ships, and Admiral How
ard maintained a running fight from the 21st of
July to the 27th, obliging the shattered fleet to
bear away for Scotland and Ireland, where a
storm dispersed them, and the remainder of the
armament returned by the North Sea to Spain.
The Spaniards lost fifteen capital ships in the
engagement, and 5000 men ; seventeen ships were
lost or taken on the coast of Ireland, and up
wards of 5000 men were drowned, killed, or taken
prisoners. The English lost but one ship.
Armadilla. A squadron of guarda-costas which
formerly cruised on the coast of South America
to prevent smuggling. '
Armador. A Spanish privateer.
Armament. A term expressing collectively
all the great guns and small-arms, with their
equipments, but generally applied to the great
guns only.
Armamenta. The rigging, tackling, and all
necessary furniture of an ancient ship.
Armatae. Ancient ships fitted with sails and
oars, but which fought under oars only.
Armature. A piece of soft metal connecting
the poles of a magnet. It serves to prevent the
dissipation of the magnetic force.
Arm-chest. A portable locker to afford a
ready supply of arms and accoutrements.
Armed. Supplied with weapons ; fitted and
furnished for war.
Armed-in-flute. Partially armed, a part of
the battery having been removed and the effec
tive armament thus reduced below that which
the vessel rates.
Armed-mast. A mast made of more than
one tree.
Armed Neutrality. See NEUTRALITY.
Armed-ship. A vessel fitted out by private
parties to cruise against an enemy's commerce.
She is furnished with a letter-of-marque.
Armed-stem. A prow strengthened by armor.
Arming. The tallow used to arm the* lead.
Armings. Red dress cloths, formerly hung
outside the upper-works on holidays. A kind of
Armipotent. Powerful in war.
Armistice. A cessation of arms for a short
time by convention ; a truce.
Armlet. A small arm of the sea.
Armogan. An old term for good season or
opportunity for navigation, which if neglected
rendered valid a claim for demurrage. A Med
iterranean term for fine weather.
Armor. The term, as now generally accepted,
refers to metallic protection against the fire of
artillery, whether applied to ships or forts. The
metal of which armor has been heretofore com
posed was iron; but the development in the
power of artillery has rendered it necessary to
seek other metals which would be able to offer a
more effective resistance to the impact of heavy
shot with high velocities. Steel has been much ex
perimented with, and has been partially adopted,
and later experiments lead to the supposition
that a combination of iron and steel, called
" compound armor," will ultimately be in gen
eral use. A description of this combination of
metals will be found under its proper heading.
The thickness of armor must of course depend
upon the service on which a ship is to be em
ployed and upon her floating capacity ; and, in
case of forts, upon the depth of water in the
approaching channels, which will determine the
character of vessel that is likely to be able to
approach within range ; but interesting questions
have arisen as to the manner in which armor
should be applied, whether it should be left alto
gether unsupported, or whether partially sup-
FIG. 1.
ported, or whether assisted by direct support
from the structure to which it is attached, or
whether elastic or solid backing is the most ad
vantageous. We will review some of these cases
which have constituted the points of discussion
on armor.
Fig. 1 represents the armor-plate as applied to
the "Warrior," the first regular ironclad vessel
of modern times. In this case the armor is 4£
inches thick, with a wood backing of 18 inches
and a skin-plating of £ inch. The object of the
iron plate is to offer a strong ob
stacle to the blow of the projectile,
expending, unaided, its whole
power of resistance in the effort.
So much of the energy of the
projectile as can be absorbed by
the strength of the plate neutra
lizes that amount of the damage
that might have been done to the
vessel, and if the plate is des
troyed it has done its duty in af
fording this much protection.
The wood backing acts as a cushion to save the
hull of the vessel from receiving any damage
from the shock of the impact. This is the
most simple means of applying armor. It is,
in the words of an eminent constructor, " a good
thickness of wood with a patch of iron on the
outside," which he declared to be "the best
armor in the world for ships."
An improvement on this plan of applying
armor was suggested by Mr. Chalmers, of Eng
land, who, observing the easy manner in which
the wood backing yielded to the force of impact,
conceived the idea of reinforcing it so as to pre
vent it from being so readily deranged. His
idea was that, as the force of impact was con
fined to one point, and as the wood backing nat
urally yielded in all directions to the pressure
applied, an increased element of support could
be supplied to the wood backing if this tendency
could be controlled. Accordingly, he proposed
that thin plates of iron should be sandwiched in,
horizontally, between the layers of wood back
ing, so as to control in a measure the yielding
of the wood in a vertical direction. These plates
of iron were loosely disposed between the layers
of wood, being attached neither to the skin-
plating nor to the armor. On this principle there
was constructed in England a Chalmers target,
which was fired at with very good results favor
ing the idea, but it was never officially adopted
by the English government. Fig. 2 represents
the " Warrior" armor with the Chalmers plates,
as proposed by the inventor.
About the time of the experiments with the
Chalmers target, the chief con
structor of the English admi
ralty introduced into the con
struction of vessels, intended
for ironclads, a horizontal iron
girder on the outside of the
hulls, which was riveted to the
side by angle-irons, and which
gave much additional rigidity
to the hull. Fig. 3 represents
the armor of the " Bellero
phon," in which the horizontal
girder was introduced.
In comparing Figs. 2 and 3, it will be seen
that the object of the horizontal plate of the
FIG. 2.
Chalmers target is achieved in the backing of the
armor of the " Bellerophon," but with a differ
ence. In both instances the horizontal disposi
tion of the iron plate between the layers of the
wood backing satisfies the demand made by Mr.
Chalmers for the support of the wood backing,
but the proposition of Mr. Chalmers went no
farther than this. His idea was simply to rein
force the backing so as to enable it to afford a
more decided support to the armor; the object
was to prevent the derangement of the wood
backing, consequent upon impact at one point,
by obstructing the vertical yielding of the wood
away from the point of pressure. This effort
was confined solely to the backing. But, in the
" Bellerophon" armor, it will be seen that the
horizontal girder, which does the work of the
Chalmers plate between the layers of the wood
backing, is connected with the hull of the vessel,
and forms a part of the structure. This involves
another and a very important consideration, for
the shock of impact is thus carried to the hull
of the vessel, and the consideration of the sub
ject presents a very different aspect. A " thick
ness of wood with a patch of iron on the out
side," bolted to a ship's side, is simply an inde
pendent attachment, and if the armor is shattered
by the projectile, and the backing is pierced, all
the independent work that can be done by this
covering has been performed ; but if the inner
face of the armor rests against the edge of a hori
zontal iron plate or girder which is connected to
the hull, this plate acts as a strut behind a target,
and in supporting the armor it
receives the force of the blow,
which it communicates to the
hull. A point made in defense
of the use of the girder as a sup
port to the armor is, that the
force of the shock is not commu
nicated to one point alone of the
frame of the hull, but is dissem
inated along an extensive por
tion of the vessel on each side of
the point of impact.
Mr. John Hughes, of the late Millwall Iron-
Works, on the Thames, England, developed the
idea of support to the armor-plate by the intro
duction of a hollow stringer, which bears his
name, which was most successfully applied in
the celebrated Millwall shield, — a target which
was fired at at Shoeburyness in 1868. The Mill-
wall shield exhibited very superior power of re
sistance to all other targets that were experi
mented on at that time. The experiments of
that year were made particularly interesting
from the fact that a Rodman 15-inch gun was
one of those that were used in the firing, and
the inferiority of the gun in capacity to pene
trate armor was made clearly perceptible. Fig.
4 represents the Hughes hollow girder or stringer,
which is placed horizontally and riveted to the
side of the vessel.
The hollow portion of the stringer is filled in
with oak.
On the closing of the Millwall works, Mr.
Hughes undertook the establishment of large
iron-works in Russia, under the patronage of
the government, and his hollow stringers were
adopted by that government and were applied
to the turreted vessel called the " Hercules"
that was building in St. Petersburg in 1871.
FJG. 3.
The name of this vessel was afterwards changed
to "Peter the Great." The hollow stringers,
as applied to this vessel, were estimated to
be equal to two inches of iron in increasing
her defensive capacity. An objection has been
made to the use of the Hughes hollow stringer
on the ground that it gave too much solidity
to the backing, thereby neutralizing the advan
tage that was supposed to rest in the elasticity
afforded by the wood cushion ; but the Russian
authorities" assert that, under the violence of
the impact of a heavy projectile, there is a de-
FIG. 4.
cided amount of elasticity developed in the
stringer itself, which is quite sufficient to refute
the charge that the whole structure is rendered
rigid by the use of this device. In the case of
the "Peter the Great," the Hughes stringers
were not placed in positive contact with the
armor-plate, but were provided with a cushion
of lignum-vitse, about two inches thick, which
intervened between the outer face of the stringer
and the inner side of the plate ; this was consid
ered as a refinement in the details of applying
the stringer, which answered all objections to
its use.
Fig. 5 represents a method of reinforcing the
backing for armor which was adopted for the
"Colossus" and her class of monitors for the
United States navy, but the idea has not pro
gressed beyond its conception.
At the present time the Chalmers horizontal
plate, as applied by the English admiralty, con
nected by an angle-iron to the hull and encir
cling the vessel, may be considered as the most
generally adopted plan of reinforcing the armor
of ironclad ships.
In the case of forts, the general plan is to plate
with iron the stone-works
already constructed, and, at
Spithead, for example, the
same plan is carried out with
new fortifications ; but a no
table exception is made to
this rule by the Russians in
the new works which they
have established for the de
fense of St. Petersburg at
Cronstadt. A description
of the different systems of
armor used in these defenses will be the best cita
tion that can be made of such plans for defense
as have been considered worthy of being adopted.
On the south side of the channel the defenses
consist entirely of turrets, constructed on the
English plan of rotation as used in the English
turreted ironclads. The outside plating of these
turrets is 12 and 14 inches thick, and the hollow
stringers of Hughes constitute the backing.
On the northern side of the channel there are
erected five casemated batteries, the armor of
each differing from that of all the others.
FIG. 5.
Fig. 6 represents the system adopted for the
first one of these batteries. It consists of a 9-
inch iron plate, backed by 12 inches of teak, rest
ing against a 1-inch plate of iron, which is sup,
FIG. 7.
FIG. 6.
ported by horizontal girders of iron, 12 inches
wide, riveted to an inner 1-inch skin, all of
which is backed by struts, which serve to divide
the interior space in the battery allotted to the
service of each.
Fig. 7 represents the
armor of the second bat
tery, which is constructed
on the same plan as that
of the first battery, with
the exception of the gird
ers and the inner skin,
the 1-inch plate behind
the wood backing form
ing the inner skin. In
this plan the wood back
ing is increased to 18
inches thickness.
Fig. 8 represents the armor of the third bat
tery, which is called the Lancaster armor. The
edges of the plates are tongued
and grooved, and are built up
one upon the other. A part of
each plate has a thickness of 14
inches, while the rest of the
same plate is 8 inches thick.
The inner side of this armor
presents a surface of horizontal
ribs, the exterior surface is
smooth, the inequality of the
thickness of each plate being
confined to the inner side. The
armor is supported behind by
iron uprights, having on one
surface projecting squares, which
enter into the recesses between the ribs of the
plates. These uprights are separated by inter
vals of 2 or 3 feet. The whole is backed by
Fig. 9 represents the fourth
battery with its armor. This
battery is built of granite blocks
of Finland stone, 10 feet thick.
This is covered by 2 inches of
teak, on which is placed the
armor, consisting of plates 9
inches in thickness. This con
struction not requiring the sup
port of struts, the battery is
quite open from one end to the
other, which gives the beautiful
stone an opportunity of showing to advantage.
Fig. 10 represents the fifth battery, which has
9 inches of armor on the exterior. Behind this
there are placed uprights of iron 6 inches square
FIG. 8.
placed G inches apart, the intervals being filled
with wood. Behind this is a wood backing con
sisting of 12 inches of teak. Behind this arc
placed the hollow stringers of Hughes tilled in
with wood. These stringers are JO inches in
width, the thickness
at the outer rectan
gular face is l£ inch,
and the spread of the
angle-irons forming
their base is 12 in
ches. The stringers
are thus 12 inches
apart. These are riv
eted by their angle-
iron base to the inner
skin of 1-inch iron.
In this combination of systems the Russian
authorities have adopted each in its complete
ness. Each invention has been taken as a whole,
and the result is a combination of many systems
without a complication of different ideas.
Propositions have been made to increase the
elasticity of the backing by the introduction of
hardened rubber, etc., but these plans have been
found rather to assist than to impede the pene
tration of projectiles. — E. Simpson, Commodore
Armor, Compound. Wrought iron and steel
have, each, advantages and disadvantages as
material for armor for vessels of war. Wrought
iron is tenacious, but does not offer sufficient re
sistance to the punching power of the projectile,
whereas steel offers great resistance to the punch
ing power, but is comparatively easily crumbled
or shattered by a succession of blows.
COMPOUND ARMOR is the result of an effort to
combine the good qualities of the two metals by
facing the iron armor with steel plates. The
steel prevents the penetration of the shot, and
the iron backing by its great tenacity prevents
the destruction of the steel by shattering.
The plates are welded together in the following
manner : The iron plate, raised to a red heat, is
placed in a form, and over it is poured molten
steel. The temperature of the molten steel being
higher than the fusing-point of iron, the surface
of the iron plate becomes partially fused, and a
complete union of the two metals is obtained.
By this process the weld is not confined to a
simple line as in an ordinary weld, but a third
metal or semi-steel is formed, varying in thick
ness from \ to f of an inch. By the formation
of this anomalous steel the two metals are joined
together inseparably, or, in other words, the iron
has run into the steel, and steel into the iron.
Experiments to tear the two asunder have re
sulted in the tearing of the iron while the weld
remained intact.
The compound armor-plates thus obtained may
be rolled to any thickness.
By the invention of compound armor it would
seem that the defense is once more placed on an
equality with the attack. — H. T. Stockton, Lieu
tenant U.S.N.
Armor, Submarine. The water-tight dress of
a diver. See DIVING.
Armorer. A petty officer whose duty it is to
keep the small-arms in condition for service.
Formerly he was the blacksmith of the ship.
Armorer's Mate. The assistant of the ar
Armoric. The language of Brittany, Corn
wall, and Wales. The original signification was
Armory. A place reserved for the storage of
Arm-rack. A frame, generally vertical, for
holding small-arms.
Arms. Weapons of offense and defense.
Arms and weapons both signify instruments of
offense and defense, but we say fire-arms, never
fire-weapons. Cannons, muskets, pistols, are
fire-arms; bows and arrows, clubs, stones, are
weapons. Instruments made on purpose to fight
witn are called arms, or weapons ; such as are
accidentally employed to fight with, weapons.
(Mech.) The two parts of a balance or other
lever on opposite sides of the fulcrum.
Armstrong, James, Commodore U.S.N. Born
Shelby ville, Ky., January 17, 1794, died Charles-
town, Mass., August 27, 1868. Midshipman,
November 15, 1809; lieutenant, April 27, 1816;
commander, March 3, 1825; captain, September
8, 1841 ; commodore, July 16, 1866. Captured
in the "Frolic" in 1814 by the British frigate
"Orpheus," and kept a prisoner until March,
1815. Commanded the East India Squadron
1855-58, and in 1857 attacked and captured the
Barrier forts in the Canton River. Compelled
by a large rebel force to surrender the Pensacola
navy-yard, January 12, 1801.
Armstrong, Sir William George. Noted for
various mechanical inventions, and particularly
that of a gun of extraordinary power and pre
cision. Born at Newcastle, England, in 1810,
was articled to Mr. Armourer Donkin, an emi
nent solicitor in Newcastle, who, at the expira
tion of his time, made him a partner. About
1838, observing one day a little stream descend
ing along a height near Newcastle and driving
but a single mill, he thought to how much more
purpose it might be applied hydraulically, and
thus was led into a course of experimenting
which resulted in his producing a much improved
hydraulic engine. In 1845 he invented a hy
draulic crane, which has proved to be of eminent
utility in raising weights in harbors. Soon after
the invention of the gun which bears his name
an office was created for him, that of Chief En
gineer of Rifled Ordnance. For description of
Armstrong gun, see ORDNANCE.
Army. An armed force under regular mili
tary organization employed for national offense
or defense. An army may comprise the whole
military force employed by a state, or only a por
tion under a particular commander. A fleet is
sometimes called a naval army.
Armye. An early name for a fleet.
Arnot. A shrimp.
Arquebuse. A sort of hand-gun ; an old spe
cies of fire-arm resembling a musket, and sup
ported upon a forked rest when in use.
Arrack. A spirituous liquor manufactured in
the East Indies from various substances, but
chiefly from fermented rice arid the sap of the
cocoa palm.
Arraign. To call, or set as a prisoner, at the
bar of the court to answer to the matter charged
in an indictment or complaint.
Array. The order of battle. The whole body
of officers constituting a court-martial.
To ARRAY. To equip ; to arm for battle ; to
arrange in order of battle.
Arrears. That which is behind in payment,
but supposes a part already paid.
Arrest. To suspend from duty, and restrain
from liberty, preparatory to a court-martial.
Arrow. A slender shaft to be shot from a
bow. It is generally armed at one end and
feathered at the other, though the natives of
Africa frequently feather the barbed end.
Arsenal. A manufactory or depository for
arms and all military equipments.
Artemon. The mainsail of ancient ships.
Articles. The express stipulations to which a
seaman binds himself when he joins a merchant
Articles for the Government of the United
States Navy. The Navy of the United States
shall be governed by the following Articles :
Article 1. The commanders of all fleets, squad
rons, naval stations, and vessels belonging to the
navy are required to show in themselves a good
example of virtue, honor, patriotism, and subor
dination ; to be vigilant in inspecting the con
duct of all persons who are placed under their
command ; to guard against and suppress all
dissolute and immoral practices, and to correct,
according to the laws and regulations of the
navy, all persons who are guilty of them ; and
any such commander who offends against this
article shall be punished as a court-martial may
Article 2. The commanders of vessels and
naval stations to which chaplains are attached
shall cause divine service to be performed on
Sunday, whenever the weather and other circum
stances allow it to be done ; and it is earnestly
recommended to all officers, seamen, and others
in the naval service diligently to attend at every
performance of the worship of Almighty God.
Article 3. Any irreverent or unbecoming be
havior during divine service shall be punished as
a general or summary court-martial may direct.
Article 4. The punishment of death, or such
other punishment as a court-martial may ad
judge, may be inflicted on any person in the
naval service —
1. Who makes, or attempts to make, or unites
with any mutiny or mutinous assembly, or,
being witness to or present at any mutiny, does
not do his utmost to suppress it ; or, knowing of
any mutinous assembly or of any intended mu
tiny, does not immediately communicate his
knowledge to his superior or commanding officer ;
2. Or disobeys the lawful orders of his superior
officer ;
3. Or strikes orassaults, or attempts or threatens
to strike or assault his superior officer while in
the execution of the duties of his office ;
4. Or gives any intelligence to, or holds or
entertains any intercourse with, an enemy or
rebel, without leave from the President, the
Secretary of the Navy, the commander-iii-chief
of the fleet, the commander of the squadron, or,
in case of a vessel acting singly, from his com
manding officer ;
5. Or receives any message or letter from an
enemy or rebel, or, being aware of the unlawful
reception of such message or letter, fails to take
the earliest opportunity to inform his superior or
commanding officer thereof;
6. Or, in time of war, deserts or entices others
to desert ;
7. Or, in time of war, deserts or betrays his
trust, or entices or aids others to desert or betray
their trust ;
8. Or sleeps upon his watch ;
9. Or leaves his station before being regularly
relieved ;
10. Or intentionally or willfully suffers any
vessel of the navy to be stranded, or run upon
rocks or shoals, or improperly hazarded ; or ma
liciously or willfully injures any vessel of the
navy, or any part of her tackle, armament, or
equipment, whereby the safety of the vessel is
hazarded or the lives of the crew exposed to
danger ;
11. Or unlawfully sets on fire, or otherwise un
lawfully destroys, any public property not at the
time in possession of an enemy, pirate, or rebel ;
12. Or strikes or attempts to strike the flag to
an enemy or rebel, without proper authority, or,
when engaged in battle, treacherously yields or
pusillanimously cries for quarter ;
13. Or, in time of battle, displays cowardice,
negligence, or disaffection, or withdraws from
or keeps out of danger to which he should ex
pose himself;
14. Or, in time of battle, deserts his duty or
station, or entices others to do so ;
15. Or does not properly observe the orders of
his commanding officer, and use his utmost exer
tions to carry them into execution, when ordered
to prepare for or join in, or when actually en
gaged, in battle, or while in sight of an enemy ;
16. Or, being in command of a fleet, squadron,
or vessel acting singly, neglects, when an en
gagement is probable, or when an armed vessel
of an enemy or rebel is in sight, to prepare and
clear his ship or ships for action ;
17. Or does not, upon signal for battle, use his
utmost exei'tions to join in battle ;
18. Or fails to encourage, in his own person,
his inferior officers and men to fight coura-
19. Or does not do his utmost to overtake and
capture or destroy any vessel which it is his duty
to encounter ;
20. Or does not afford all practicable relief and
assistance to vessels belonging to the United
States or their allies when engaged in battle.
Article 5. All persons who, in time of war, or
of rebellion against the supreme authority of the
United States, come or are found in the capacity
of spies, or who bring or deliver any seducing
letter or message from an enemy or rebel, or en
deavor to corrupt any person in the navy to be
tray his trust, shall suffer death, or such other
punishment as a court-martial may adjudge.
Article 6. If any person belonging to any pub
lic vessel of the United States commits the crime
of murder without the territorial jurisdiction
thereof, he may be tried by court-martial and
punished with death.
Article 7. A naval court-martial may adjudge
the punishment of imprisonment for life, or for a
stated term, at hard labor, in any case where it
is authorized to adjudge the punishment of
death ; and such sentences of imprisonment and
hard labor may be carried into execution in any
prison or penitentiary under the control of the
United States, or which the United States may
be allowed, by the legislature of any State, to
use ; and persons so imprisoned in the prison or
penitentiary of any State or Territory shall be
subject, in all respects, to the same discipline
and treatment as convicts sentenced by the courts
of the State or Territory in which the same may
be situated.
Article 8. Such punishment as a court-martial
may adjudge may be inflicted on any person in
the navy —
1. Who is guilty of profane swearing, false
hood, drunkenness, gambling, fraud, theft, or
any other scandalous conduct tending to the de
struction of good morals ;
2. Or is guilty of cruelty toward, or oppression
or maltreatment of, any person subject to his
orders ;
3. Or quarrels with, strikes, or assaults, or uses
provoking or reproachful words, gestures, or
menaces toward, any person in the navy ;
4. Or endeavors to foment quarrels between
other persons in the navy ;
5. Or sends or accepts a challenge to fight a
duel or acts as a second in a duel ;
6. Or treats his superior officer with contempt,
or is disrespectful to him in language or deport
ment, while in the execution of his office ;
7. Or joins in or abets any combination to
weaken the lawful authority of, or lessen the re
spect due to, his commanding officer ;
8. Or utters any seditious or mutinous words ;
9. Or is negligent or careless in obeying orders,
or culpably inefficient in the performance of
10. Or does not use his best exertions to pre
vent the unlawful destruction of public property
by others ;
11. Or, through inattention or negligence, suf
fers any vessel of the navy to be stranded, or run
upon a rock or shoal, or hazarded ;
12. Qr, when attached to any vessel appointed
as convoy to any merchant or other vessels, fails
diligently to perform his duty, or demands or
exacts any compensation for his services, or mal
treats the officers or crews of such merchant or
other vessels ;
13. Or takes, receives, or permits to be re
ceived, on board the vessel to which he is at
tached, any goods or merchandise, for freight,
sale, or traffic, except gold, silver, or jewels,
for freight or safe-keeping ; or demands or re
ceives any compensation for the receipt or trans
portation of any other article than gold, silver,
or jewels, without authority from the President
or Secretary of the Navy ;
14. Or knowingly makes or signs, or aids, abets,
directs, or procures the making or signing of,
any false muster ;
15. Or wastes any ammunition, provisions, or
other public property ; or, having power to pre
vent it, knowingly permits such waste ;
16. Or, when on shore, plunders, abuses, or
maltreats any inhabitant, or injures his property
in any way ;
17. Or refuses, or fails to use, his utmost exer
tions to detect, apprehend, and bring to punish
ment all offenders, or to aid all persons appointed
for that purpose ;
18. Or, when rated or acting as master-at-
arms, refuses to receive such prisoners as may be
committed to his charge, or, having received
them, suffers them to escape, or dismisses them
without orders from the proper authority ;
19. Or is absent from his station or duty with
out leave, or after his leave has expired ;
20. Or violates or refuses obedience to any law
ful general order or regulation issued by the
Secretary of the Navy ;
21. Or, in time of peace, deserts, or attempts to
desert, or aids and entices others to desert ;
22. Or receives or entertains any deserter from
any other vessel of the navy, knowing him to be
such, and does not, with all convenient speed,
give notice of such deserter to the commander of
the vessel to which he belongs, or to the com-
mander-in-chief, or to the commander of the
Article 9. Any officer who absents himself
from his command without leave may, by the
sentence of a court-martial, be reduced to the
rating of an ordinary seaman.
Article 10. Any commissioned officer of the
navy or marine corps who, having tendered his
resignation, quits his post or proper duties with
out leave, and with intent to remain permanently
absent therefrom, prior to due notice of the ac
ceptance of such resignation, shall be deemed
and punished as a deserter.
Article 11. No person in the naval service
shall procure stores or other articles or supplies
for, and dispose thereof to, the officers or enlisted
men on vessels of the navy, or at navy-yards or
naval stations, for his own account or benefit.
Article 12. No person connected with the
navy shall, under any pretense, import in a pub
lic vessel any article which is liable to the pay
ment of duty.
Article 13. Distilled spirits shall be admitted
on board of vessels of war only upon the order
and under the control of the medical officers of
such vessels, and to be used only for medical
Article 14. Tine and imprisonment, or such
other punishment as a court-martial may ad
judge, shall be inflicted upon any person in the
naval service of the United States —
Who presents or causes to be presented to any
person in the civil, military, or naval service
thereof, for approval or payment, any .claim
against the United States or any officer thereof,
knowing such claim to be false or fraudulent ; or
Who enters into any agreement or conspiracy
to defraud the United States by obtaining, or
aiding others to obtain, the allowance or pay
ment of any false or fraudulent claim ; or
Who, for the purpose of obtaining, or aiding
others to obtain, the approval, allowance, or pay
ment of any claim against the United States, or
against any officer thereof, makes or uses, or pro
cures or advises the making or use of, any writ
ing or other paper, knowing the same to con
tain any false or fraudulent statement ; or
Who, for the purpose of obtaining, or aiding
others to obtain, the approval, allowance, or
payment of any claim against the United States
or any officer thereof, makes or procures or ad
vises the making of any oath to any fact, or to
any writing or other paper, knowing such oath
to be false ; or
Who, for the purpose of obtaining, or aiding
others to obtain, the approval, allowance, or pay
ment of any claim against the United States or
any officer thereof, forges or counterfeits, or
procures or advises the forging or counterfeiting
of any signature upon any writing or other paper,
or uses or procures or advises the use of any such
signature, knowing the same to be forged or
counterfeited ; or
Who, having charge, possession, custody, or
control of any money or other property of the
United States, furnished or intended for the
naval service thereof, knowingly delivers, or
causes to be delivered, to any person having au
thority to receive the same, any amount thereof
less than that for which he receives a certificate
or receipt ; or
Who, being authorized to make or deliver any
paper certifying the receipt of any money or
other property of the United States, furnished
or intended for the naval service thereof, makes
or delivers to any person such writing, without
having full knowledge of the truth of the state
ment therein contained, and with intent to de
fraud the United States ; or
Who steals, embezzles, knowingly and will
fully misappropriates, applies to his own use or
benefit, or wrongfully and knowingly sells or
disposes of any ordnance, arms, equipments,
ammunition, clothing, subsistence stores, money,
or other property of the United States, furnished
or intended for the military or naval service
thereof; or
Who knowingly purchases, or receives in
pledge for any obligation or indebtedness, from
any other person who is a part of, or employed in,
said service, any ordnance, arms, equipments,
ammunition, clothing, subsistence stores, or other
property of the United States, such other person
not having lawful right to sell or pledge the
same ; or
Who executes, attempts, or countenances any
other fraud against the United States.
And if any person, being guilty of any of the
offenses described in this article while in the
naval service, receives his discharge, or is dis
missed from the service, he shall continue to be
liable to be arrested and held for trial and sen
tence by a court-martial, in the same manner
and to the same extent as if he had not received
such discharge nor been dismissed.
Article 15. The commanding officer of every
vessel in the navy entitled to or claiming an
award of prize-money, shall, as soon as may be
practicable after the capture, transmit to the
Navy Department a complete list of the officers
and men of his vessel entitled to share, stating
therein the quality of each person rating ; and
every commanding officer who offends against
this article shall be punished as a court-martial
may direct.
Article 16. No person in the navy shall take
out of a prize, or vessel seized as a prize, any
money, plate, goods, or any part of her equip
ment, unless it be for the better preservation
thereof, or unless such articles are absolutely
needed for the use of any of the vessels or armed
forces of the United States, before the same are
adjudged lawful prize by a competent court ; but
the whole, without fraud, concealment, or em
bezzlement, shall be brought in, in order that
judgment may be passed thereon; and every
person who offends against this article shall be
punished as a court-martial may direct.
Article 17. If any person in the navy strips
off the clothes of, or pillages, or in any manner
maltreats any person taken on board a prize, he
shall suffer such punishment as a court-martial
may adjudge.
Article 18. If any officer or person in the
naval service employs any of the forces under
his command for the purpose of returning any
fugitive from service or labor, he shall be dis
missed from the service.
Article 19. Any officer who knowingly en
lists into the naval service any deserter from the
naval or military service of the United States,
or any insane or intoxicated person, or any minor
between the ages of 16 and 18 years without the
consent of his parents or guardian, or any minor
under the age of 16 years, shall be dishonorably
dismissed from the service of the United States.
Article 20. Every commanding officer of a
vessel in the navy shall obey the following rules :
1. Whenever a man enters on board, the com
manding officer shall cause an accurate entry to
be made in the ship's books, showing his name,
the date, place, and term of his enlistment, the
Cce or vessel from which he was received on
rd, his rating, his descriptive list, his age,
place of birth, and citizenship, with such re
marks as may be necessary.
2. He shall, before sailing, transmit to the
Secretary of the Navy a complete list of the
rated men under his command, showing the par
ticulars set forth in rule one, and a list of offi
cers and passengers, showing the date of their
entering. And "he shall cause similar lists to be
made out on the first day of every third month
and transmitted to the Secretary of the Navy as
opportunities occur, accounting therein for any
casualty which may have happened since the last
3. He shall cause to be accurately minuted on
the ship's books the names of any persons dying
or deserting, and the times at which such death
or desertion occurs.
4. In case of the death of any officer, man,
or passenger on said vessel, he shall take care
that the paymaster secures all the property of the
deceased, for the benefit of his legal representa
5. He shall not receive on board any man
transferred from any other vessel or station to
him, unless such man is furnished with an ac
count, signed by the captain and paymaster of
the vessel or station from which he came, speci
fying the date of his entry on said vessel or at
said'station, the period and term of his service,
the sums paid him, the balance due him, the
quality in which he was rated, and his descrip
tive list.
6. He shall, whenever officers or men are sent
from his ship, for whatever cause, take care that
each man is furnished with a complete statement
of his account, specifying the date of his enlist
ment, the period and term of his service, and his
descriptive list. Said account shall be signed by
the commanding officer and paymaster.
7. He shall cause frequent 'inspections to be
made into the condition of the provisions on his
ship, and use every precaution for their preserva
8. He shall frequently consult with the sur
geon in regard to the sanitary condition of his
crew, and shall use all proper means to preserve
their health. And he shall cause a convenient
place to be set apart for sick or disabled men, to
which he shall have them removed, with their
hammocks and bedding, when the surgeon so
advises, and shall direct that some of the crew
attend them and keep the place clean.
9. He shall attend in person, or appoint a
proper officer to attend, when his crew is finally
paid off, to see that justice is done to the men
and to the United States in the settlement of the
10. He shall cause the articles for the govern
ment of the navy to be hung up in some public
part of the ship, and read once a month to his
ship's company.
Every commanding officer who offends against
the provisions of this article shall be punished as
a court-martial may direct.
Article 21. When the crew of any vessel of
the United States are separated from their vessel
by means of her wreck, loss, or destruction, all
the command and authority given to. the officers
of such vessel shall remain in full force until
such ship's company shall be regularly dis
charged from or ordered again into service, or
until a court-martial or court of inquiry shall be
held to inquire into the loss of said vessel. And
if any officer or man, after such wreck, loss, or
destruction, acts contrary to the discipline of the
navy, he shall be punished as a court-martial
may direct.
Article 22. All offenses committed by persons
belonging to the navy which are not specified in
the foregoing articles shall be punished as a
court-martial may direct.
Article 23. All offenses committed by persons
belonging to the navy while on shore shall be
punished in the same manner as if they had been
committed at sea.
Article 24. No commander of a vessel shall
inflict upon a commissioned or warrant officer
any other punishment than private reprimand,
suspension from duty, arrest, or confinement,
and such suspension, arrest, or confinement shall
not continue longer than ten days, unless a fur
ther period is necessary to bring the offender to
trial by a court-martial ; nor shall he inflict, or
cause to be inflicted, upon any petty officer, or
person of inferior rating, or marine, for a single
offense, or at any one time, any other than one
of the following punishments, namely :
1. Eeduction of any rating established by
2. Confinement, with or without irons, single
or double, not exceeding ten days, unless further
confinement be necessary, in the case of a pris
oner to be tried by court-martial.
3. Solitary confinement, on bread and water,
not exceeding five days.
4. Solitary confinement not exceeding seven
5. Deprivation of liberty on shore.
6. Extra duties.
No other punishment shall be permitted on
board of vessels belonging to the navy, except
by sentence of a general or summary court-
martial. All punishments inflicted by the com
mander, or by his order, except reprimands, shall
be fully entered upon the ship's log.
Article 25. No officer who may command by
accident, or in the absence of the commanding
officer, except when such commanding officer is
absent for a time by leave, shall inflict any other
punishment than confinement.
Article 26. Summary courts-martial may be
ordered upon petty officers and persons of in
ferior ratings by the commander of any vessel,
or by the commandant of any navy-yard, naval
station, or marine barracks to which they be
long, for the trial of offenses which such officer
may deem deserving of greater punishment than
such commander or commandant is authorized
to inflict, but not sufficient to require trial by a
general court-martial.
Article 27. A summary court-martial shall
consist of three officers not below the rank of
ensign, as members, and of a recorder. The
commander of a ship may order any officer under
his command to act as such recorder.
Article 28. Before proceeding to trial the mem
bers of a summary court-martial shall take the fol
lowing oath or affirmation, which shall be admin
istered by the recorder: "I, A B, do swear (or
affirm) that I will well and truly try, without
prejudice or partiality, the case now depending,
according to the evidence which shall be adduced,
the laws for the government of the navy, and
my own conscience." After which the recorder
of the court shall take the following oath or af
firmation, which shall be administered by the
senior member of the court : " I, A B, do swear
(or affirm) that I will keep a true record of the
evidence which shall be given before this court
and of the proceedings thereof."
Article 29. All testimony before a summary
court-martial shall be given orally, upon oath
or affirmation, administered by the senior mem
ber of the court.
Article 30. Summary courts-martial may sen
tence petty officers and persons of inferior ratings
to any one of the followingpunishments, namely :
1. Discharge from the service with bad-con
duct discharge; but the sentence shall not be
carried into effect in a foreign country ;
2. Solitary confinement, not exceeding thirty
days, in irons, single or double, on bread and
water, or on diminished rations ;
3. Solitary confinement, in irons, single or
double, not exceeding thirty days ;
4. Solitary confinement not exceeding thirty
days ;
5. Confinement not exceeding two months ;
6. Reduction to next inferior rating ;
7. Deprivation of liberty on shore on foreign
station ;
8. Extra police duties, and loss of pay, not to
exceed three months, may be added to any of the
above-mentioned punishments.
Article 31. A summary court-martial may
disrate any rated person for incompetency.
Article 32. No sentence of a summary court-
martial shall be carried into execution until the
proceedings and sentence have been approved by
the officer ordering the court and by the corn-
man der-in-chief, or, in his absence, by the senior
officer present. And no sentence of such court
which involves loss of pay shall be carried into
execution until the proceedings arid sentence
have been approved by the Secretary of the
Article 33. The officer ordering a summary
court-martial shall have power to remit, in part,
or altogether, but not to commute, the sentence
of the court. And it shall be his duty either to
remit any part or the whole of any sentence the
execution of which would, in the opinion of the
surgeon or senior medical officer on board, given
in writing, produce serious injury to the health
of the person sentenced ; or to submit the case
again, without delay, to the same or to another
summary court-martial, which shall have power,
upon the testimony already taken, to remit the
former punishment, and to assign some other of
the authorized punishments in the place thereof.
Article 34. The proceedings of summary
courts-martial shall be conducted with as much
conciseness and precision as may be consistent
with the ends of justice, and under such forms
and rules as may be prescribed by the Secretary
of the Navy, with the approval of the President ;
and all such proceedings shall be transmitted, in
the usual mode, to the Navy Department.
Article 35. Any punishment which a sum
mary court-martial is authorized to inflict may
be inflicted by a general court-martial.
Article 36. No oflicer shall be dismissed from
the naval service except by the order of the Pres
ident or by sentence of a general court-martial ;
and in time of peace no officer shall be dismissed
except in pursuance of the sentence of a general
court-martial or in mitigation thereof
Article 37. When any officer, dismissed by or
der of the President since 3d March, 1865, makes,
in writing, an application for trial, setting forth,
under oath, that he has been wrongfully dis
missed, the President shall, as soon as the neces
sities of the service may permit, convene a court-
martial to try such officer on the charges on
which he shall have been dismissed. And if
such court-martial shall not be convened within
six months from the presentation of such appli
cation for trial, or if such court, being convened,
shall not award dismissal or death as the punish
ment of such officer, the order of dismissal by
the President shall be void.
Article 38. General courts-martial may be con
vened by the President, the Secretary of the
Navy, or the commander-in-chief of a fleet or
squadron ; but no commander of a fleet or squad
ron in the waters of the United States shall con
vene such court without express authority from
the President.
Article 39. A general court-martial shall con
sist of not more than thirteen nor less than five
commissioned officers as members ; and as many
officers, not exceeding thirteen, as can be con
vened without injury to the service, shall be
summoned on every such court. But in no case,
where it can be avoided without injury to the
service, shall more than one-half, exclusive of
the president, be junior to the officer to be tried.
The senior officer shall always preside, and the
others shall take place according to their rank.
Article 40. The president of the general court-
martial shall administer the following oath or
affirmation to the judge-advocate or person offi
ciating as such :
" I, A B, do swear (or affirm) that I will keep
a true record of the evidence given to and the
proceedings of this court ; that I will not divulge
or by any means disclose the sentence of the
court until it shall have been approved by the
proper authority ; and that I will not at any time
divulge or disclose the vote or opinion of any
particular member of the court, unless required
so to do before a court of justice in due course of
This oath or affirmation being duly adminis
tered, each member of the court, before proceed
ing to trial, shall take the following oath or af
firmation, which shall be administered by the
judge-advocate or person officiating as such :
u I, A B, do swear (or affirm) that I will truly
try, without prejudice or partiality, the case now
depending, according to the evidence which shall
come before the court, the rules for the govern
ment of the navy, and my own conscience ; that
I will not by any means divulge or disclose the
sentence of the court until it shall have been ap
proved by the proper authority ; and that I will
not at anytime divulge or disclose the. vote or
opinion of any particular member of the court,
unless required so to do before a court of justice
in due course of law."
Article 41. An oath or affirmation in the fol
lowing form shall be administered to all wit
nesses, before any court-martial, by the president
u You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the
evidence you shall give in tne case now before
this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth, and that you will state
everything within your knowledge in relation to
the charges : so help you God ; (or, ' this you do
under the pains and penalties of perjury.')"
Article 42. "Whenever any person refuses to
give his evidence or to give it in the manner pro
vided by these articles, or prevaricates, or be
haves with Contempt to the court, it shall be
lawful for the court to imprison him for any time
not exceeding two months.
Article 43. The person accused shall be fur
nished with a true copy of the charges, with the
specifications, at the time he is put under arrest ;
and no other charges than those so furnished
shall be urged against him at the trial, unless it
shall appear to the court that intelligence of such
other charge had not reached the officer ordering
the court when the accused was put under ar
rest, or that some witness material to the support
of such charge was at that time absent and can
be produced at the trial ; in which case reason
able time shall be given to the accused to make
his defense against such new charge.
Article 44. Every officer who is arrested for
trial shall deliver up his sword to his command
ing officer, and confine himself to the limits as
signed him, on pain of dismissal from the ser
Article 45. "When the proceedings of any
general court-martial have commenced, they
shall not be suspended or delayed on account of
the absence of any of the members, provided
five or more are assembled ; but the court is en
joined to sit from day to day, Sundays excepted,
until sentence is given, unless temporarily ad
journed by the authority which convened it.
Article 46. No member of a general court-
martial shall, after the proceedings are begun,
absent himself therefrom, except in case of sick
ness, or of an order to go on duty from a superior
officer, on pain of being cashiered.
Article 47. Whenever any member of a court-
martial, from any legal cause, is absent from
the court after the commencement of a case, all
the witnesses who have been examined during
his absence must, when he is ready to resume his
seat, be recalled by the court, and the recorded
testimony of each witness so examined must be
read over to him, and such witness must ac
knowledge the same to be correct, and be subject
to such further examination as the said member
may require. Without a compliance with this
rule, and an entry thereof upon the record, a
member who shall have been absent during the
examination of a witness shall not be allowed to
sit again in that particular case.
Article 48. Whenever a court-martial sen
tences an officer to be suspended, it may suspend
his pay and emoluments for the whole or any
part of the time of his suspension.
Article 49. In no case shall punishment by
flogging, or by branding, marking, or tattooing
on the body be adjudged by any court-martial
or be inflicted upon any person in the navy.
Article 50. No person shall be sentenced by a
court-martial to suffer death, except by the con
currence of two-thirds of the members present,
and in the cases where such punishment is ex
pressly provided in these articles. All other
sentences may be determined by a majority of
Article 51. It shall be the duty of a court-
martial, in all cases of conviction, to adjudge a
punishment adequate to the nature of the offense ;
but the members thereof may recommend the
person convicted as deserving of clemency, and
state on the record their reasons for so doing.
Article 52. The judgment of every court-mar
tial shall be authenticated by the signature of the
president, and of every member who may be
present when said judgment is pronounced, and
also of the judge-advocate.
Article 53. No sentence of a court-martial,
extending to the loss of life or to the dismissal
of a commissioned or warrant officer, shall be
carried into execution until confirmed by the
President. All other sentences of general court-
martial may be carried into execution on con
firmation of the commander of the fleet or officer
ordering the court.
Article 54. Every officer who is authorized to
convene a general court-martial shall have power,
on revision of its proceedings, to remit or miti
gate, but not to commute, the sentence of any
such court which he is authorized to approve and
Article 55. Courts of inquiry may be ordered
by the President, the Secretary of the Navy, or
the commander of a fleet or squadron.
Article 56. A court of inquiry shall consist of
not more than three commissioned officers as
members, and of a judge-advocate, or person
officiating as such.
Article 57. Courts of inquiry shall have power
to summon witnesses, administer oaths, and pun
ish contempts in the same manner as courts-
martial ; but they shall only state facts, and
shall not give their opinion, unless expressly re
quired so to do in the order for convening.
Article 58. The judge-advocate, or person
officiating as such, shalfadminister to the mem
bers the following oath or affirmation : " You do
swear (or affirm) well and truly to examine and
inquire, according to the evidence, into the mat
ter now before you, without partiality." After
which the president shall administer to the judge-
advocate, or person officiating as such, the fol
lowing oath or affirmation : u You do swear (or
affirm) truly to record the proceedings of this
court, and the evidence to be given in the case
in hearing."
Article 59. The party whose conduct shall be
the subject of inquiry, or his attorney, shall have
the right to cross-examine all the witnesses.
Article 60. The proceedings of courts of in
quiry shall be authenticated by the signature of
the president of the court and of the judge-ad
vocate, and shall, in all cases not capital, nor ex
tending to the dismissal of a commissioned or
warrant officer, be evidence before a court-mar
tial, provided oral testimony cannot be obtained.
Artificer. One who works by hand in wood
or metal.
Artificial. Made by art ; not genuine.
ARTIFICIAL GLOBE. A spherical representa
tion of the earth or the heavens.
logarithms of the natural sines, tangents, etc.
ARTIFICIAL LINES. Lines on a sector or
scale, so contrived as to represent logarithmic
signs and tangents, which, by the help of the
line of numbers, solve, with tolerable exactness,
problems in trigonometry and navigation.
ARTIFICIAL EYE. An eye worked in the
end of a rope. It is neater but not so strong as
a spliced eye.
Artificial Horizon. A reflector whose surface
is perfectly horizontal, used for observing alti
tudes. Artificial horizons are of two kinds, —
those for use on shore, and those for use on board
The most usual form of the shore artificial
horizon is a rectangular trough of quicksilver or
other fluid. Quicksilver is the fluid most conve
nient and the best adapted for obtaining a surface
which shall quickly subside after being disturbed.
No altitude can be observed which is greater
than half the range of the instrument ; thus,
with a sextant no altitude above 60° can be ob
served. For altitudes less than 15° the observa
tion is generally impracticable. One advantage
of the artificial horizon is, that when the angle
shown by the instrument is halved to obtain the
angle of elevation, all errors of observation are
halved at the same time. There is no correction
for "dip." The instrument used for observing
is sometimes fixed upon a small pillar. In this
artificial horizon an essential condition is the
parallelism of the faces of plate-glass forming
the roof. The effects of refraction may be prac
tically eliminated by these plates being made
circular disks which admit of being turned in
their own plane. One set of observations hav
ing been taken, the plates are turned through
180° and a new set taken, the two being used in
combination ; or with a common roof the error
may be practically eliminated by reversing it. A
small mirror of polished metal or of darkened
plate-glass is sometimes used as an artificial
horizon, its horizontally being ascertained by
means of a spirit-level placed upon it, and the
adjustment effected by means of screws which
form its stand. Such an instrument, though
convenient and portable, does not give satis
factory results.
At sea the celestial bodies are sometimes dis
tinctly visible when the horizon is enveloped in
mist ; the sea-horizon is often disturbed by haze
or fog, and by moonlight is often uncertain.
Hence the attempts to invent an artificial horizon
adapted for use on board ship. Mr. Serson sug
gested to apply the principle upon which a top,
when spinning, tends to preserve a vertical
position. A pivot carrying a mirror thus ro
tating would theoretically give the horizontal
reflector required ; but it failed in practice. Ad
miral Beechey's contrivance is more successful.
The telescope of the sextant is fitted with a bal
ance carrying a glass vane, one half of which is
colored blue to represent the sea-horizon, and to
which the celestial object is brought down. The
amount of oscillation above and below the level
is indicated by divisions on the glass, the values
of which are determined by the maker. Other
constructions, where the horizon is attached to
the sextant, have been tried with more or less
Artillery. Formerly synonymous with arch
ery, but now comprehends everything relating
to guns and to the service of guns.
Arx. A fort or castle.
Ascii. The inhabitants of the torrid zone,
who, being twice a year under a vertical sun,
have no shadow.
Ashes. The earthy part of combustible sub
stances remaining after combustion.
ASH-PIT. The space underneath the grate-
ASH-CHUTE. A receptacle into which ashes
are dumped to be conve}Ted overboard.
ASH-WHIP. A whip for hoisting ashes out of
the fire-room.
Ashlar. Blocks of stone masonry fronting
docks and piers.
Ashore. On land, — opposed to aboard ; when
applied to a ship, means that she is aground.
Asiento. A contract between the king of
Spain and other powers, for furnishing the Span
ish dominions in America with negro slaves. It
began in 1689, and was vested in the South Sea
Company in 1713. By the treaty of Utrecht it
was transferred to the English, who were to fur
nish 4800 negroes annually to Spanish America.
This contract was given up to Spain at the peace
in 1748.
Askew. Awry ; aslant.
Aslant. Obliquely.
SAILING ASLANT. Beating to windward.
Asleep. A sail filled with just enough wind
for swelling or bellying out is said to be asleep.
Aspect. The general appearance of the land
from seaward.
Aspic. An ancient 12-pounder about 11 feet
Aspinwall. A seaport of the United States
of Columbia, on the Atlantic side of the Isthmus
of Panama. The harbor has a depth of water
sufficient for the largest ships, and is very spa
cious. Pop. 2500.
Aspirant de Marine. (Fr.) Midshipman.
Assail. To attack with violence or in a hos
tile manner.
Assault. A hostile attack. An effort to gain
possession of a fortification by main force.
Assegai. A spear, or javelin used by the
Asseguay. A dagger used in the Levant.
Assembly. A beat of the drum or call on the
bugle, as a signal to troops to assemble.
Assilag. A name given in the Hebrides to a
small bird with a black bill. The stormy petrel.
Assurance. Insurance. A con-tract to pay
a certain sum on the occasion of a certain event ;
as, loss or death.
Assurgent. A heraldic term for a man or
beast rising out of the sea.
A-starboard. The situation of the helm when
the tiller is borne over to the starboard side of
the ship.
HARD A-STARBOARD. The order to put the
helm over to the extreme limit.
Astatic Needle. See NEEDLE.
A-stay. The anchor is said to be a-stay when
the cable forms an acute angle with the surface
of the water. A long stay signifies that the cable
forms a line parallel with the main-stay, and a
short stay means that it is parallel with the fore-
Asteria. A genus of radiated marine ani
mals ; the star-fish.
Asterism. A constellation ; a group of stars.
Astern. Any distance behind, a vessel in the
direction of the stern.
To DROP ASTERN. To be left behind.
behind the position determined by logging.
Asteioid. The name which Herschel proposed
to give the minor planets which have been dis
covered between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
The first one was discovered in 1801, but since
that time over 80 have been added to the number.
The largest one is but 300 miles in diameter.
They closely resemble small stars, and can only
be distinguished from them by their motion.
Astragal. Mouldings on old cannon.
Astral. Relating to the stars.
Astrolabe. The armillary sphere.
A sea-astrolabe is a brass ring with a mov
able arm, for observing altitudes of stars and
Astrology. Formerly synonymous with as
tronomy ; subsequently, the art of foretelling
events by the positions and aspects of the stars.
Judicial astrology was invented by the Chal-
dseans, and hence was transmitted to the Egyp
tians, Greeks, and Romans. It was much in
vogue in France in the time of Catherine de
Medicis, 1533. The early history of astrology
in England is very little known : Bede was ad
dicted to it, 700 ; and so was Roger Bacon, 1260.
Cecil, Lord Burlcigh, calculated the nativity of
Elizabeth ; and she, and all the European princes,
were the humble servants of Dee, the astrologer
and conjurer. But the period of the Stuarts was
the acme of astrology in England. Sir Walter
Scott has made ample use of Sir William Lilly,
the noted astrologer, in his tales of this period ;
and it is certain that Lilly was consulted by
Charles I. respecting his projected escape from
Carisbrook Castle in" 1647.
Astronomical Clock. A pendulum clock
regulated to sidereal time. The error is its dif
ference from sidereal time, and the rate is the
daily change of error.
The Astronomical Day begins at noon, and the
hours are numbered from one to twenty-four.
Astronomicals. Sexagesimal fractions.
Astronomy. (Gr. aster, a star, any luminary
body; nomos, a law.) The science which treats
of the heavenly bodies. It is generally divided
into Spherical Astronomy, which treats of the
appearances, magnitudes, motions, and distances
of the heavenly bodies ; and Physical Astronomy ,
which applies the principles of mechanics to ex
plain the motions of the heavenly bodies and
the laws by which they are governed. That
portion of spherical astronomy which is applied
to purposes of navigation is called Nautical
The earliest astronomical observations were
made at Babylon, it is said, about 2234 B.C. The
study was much advanced in Chaldaea under
Nabonassar ; was known to the Chinese about
1100 B.C., some say centuries before.
Lunar eclipses observed at Babylon, and re
corded by Ptolemy, about 720 B.C.
Spherical form of the earth and the true cause
of lunar eclipses taught by Thales, about 600 B.C.
Further discoveries by Pythagoras, who taught
the doctrine of celestial motions and believed
in the plurality of habitable worlds, died about
470 B.C.
Meton introduces the lunar-solar cycle, 433
Treatises of Aristotle " concerning the heav
ens," and of Autolycus "on the motion of the
sphere" (earliest extant works on astronomy),
about 350 B.C.
Aratus writes a poem on astronomy about 281
Archimedes observes solstices, etc., about 212
Hipparchus, greatest of Greek astronomers,
determines mean motion of sun and moon ; dis
covers precession of equinoxes, etc., about 160-125
The precession of the equinoxes confirmed, and
the places and distances of the planets discovered
by Ptolemy, 139-161 A.D.
Astronomy and geography cultivated by the
Arabs about 760 A.D. ; brought into Europe about
1200 A.D.
Clocks first used in astronomy about 1500 A.D.
True doctrine of the motions of the planetary
bodies revived by Copernicus, founder of modern
astronomy; his "Revolution of the Heavenly
Bodies" published 1543 A.D.
Astronomy advanced by Tycho Brahe, who yet
adheres to the Ptolemaic system, about 1582 A.D.
True laws of the planetary motions announced
by Kepler ; 1st and 2d, 1609 A.D ; 3d, 1618 A.D.
Galileo constructs a telescope, 1609 ; and dis
covers Jupiter's satellites, etc., 8th January,
1610 A.D.
Various forms of telescopes and other instru
ments used in astronomy invented, 1608-40 A.D.
Cartesian system published by Des Cartes,
1637 A.D.
The transit of Venus over the sun's disk first
observed by Horrocks, 24th November, 1639 A.D
Cassini draws his meridian line after Dante,
1655 A.D.
The aberration of the light of the fixed stars
discovered by Horrebow, 1659 A.D.
Huyghens completes the discovery of Saturn's
ring, 1654 A.D.
Gregory invents a reflecting telescope, 1663 A.D.
Charts of the moon constructed by Scheiner,
Langrenus, Hevelius, Riccioli, etc., about 1670
Discoveries of Romer on the velocity of light,
and his observation of Jupiter's satellites, 1675
Motion of the sun round its own axis proved
by Halley, 1676 A.D.
Newton's " Principia" published, and the sys
tem as now taught demonstrated, 1687 A.D.
Catalogue of the stars made by Flamsteed,
1688 A.D.
Cassini's chart of the full moon executed, 1692
Satellites of Saturn, etc., discovered by Cassini,
1701 A.D.
Halley predicts the return of the comet (of
1759), 1705 A.D.
Flarnsteed's " Historia Ccelestis" published,
1725 A.D.
Aberration of the light of the stars discovered
and explained by Dr. Bradley, 1727 A.D.
John Harrison produces chronometers for de
termining the longitude, 1735 etseq., and obtains
the reward, 1764 A.D.
Celestial inequalities found by La Grange, 1780
Uranus and satellites discovered by Herschel,
13th March, 1781 A.D.
" Mecanique celeste," by La Place, published
1796 A.D.
Beer and Madler's map of the moon published,
1834 A.D.
Lord Rosse's telescope constructed, 1828-45 A.D.
The planet Neptune discovered, 23d Septem
ber, 1846 A.D.
Bond photographs the moon, 1851 A.D.
Hansen's table of the moon published at ex
pense of the British government, 1857 A.D.
Spectrum analysis applied in astronomy, 1861
Astrum, or Astron. Sirius, the Dog-star. A
cluster of stars.
Aswim. Afloat.
Asylum. A place of refuge.
Asylum, Naval, of the United States. This
important and interesting institution has been in
existence about half a century, and is situated
upon the banks of the Schuylkill, within the
limits of the city of Philadelphia, and in the old
district of Passyunk.
The property upon which the institution is
situated comprises an irregular plat of about 23
acres, bounded by the Gray's Ferry Road, Bain-
bridge Street, Southerland Avenue (running
parallel with the Schuylkill River), and a wall
running thence eastward to meet the Gray's
Ferry Road again.
Originally a part of a tract of 150 acres, ex
tending from the Schuylkill to Long Lane, it
was, long previous to the Revolution, the site of
a handsome country-seat, belonging to the Pem-
berton family, it having been purchased from
the Penns in'l735.
The place, which was known as " Plantation,"
was then quite remote from the built-up parts of
the town, and, in spite of its name, appears never
to have been a farm, but to have been taken up
with lawns, shrubberies, and gardens. The house
was of brick ; large, square, roomy, and comfort
able. This mansion was afterwards, and previ
ous to the erection of the present large building,
the naval asylum and hospital. Two brick tene
ment or servants' houses stood to the north of the
mansion, and were also used until superseded by
the present building. "When demolished, their
debris was used by Commodore Biddle to metal
the roads and walks which now exist.
"Plantation" was a favorite residence for
some of the British officers during their occupa
tion of Philadelphia, and there is frequent men
tion of it in contemporary journals and corre
spondence. Soldiers were flogged, and one or
two hung for depredations upon the gardens and
smoke-houses, and Mrs. Pemberton, whose hus
band was absent, extorted an ample apology
from a certain Lord Murray, who had treated
the tenants with "barbarious and unbecoming
behavior, very unworthy of a British nobleman
and officer, after being previously shown General
Howe's protection posted up in the house." For
some time previous to the evacuation the house
was occupied by General Pattison, the com
mander of the Koyal Artillery.
From the Pembertons the place passed to the
Abbots, and was purchased from that family by
the government.
On May 26, 1826, Surgeon Thomas Harris, of
the navy, was authorized by the Hon. Samuel
L. Southard, Secretary of the Navy, to purchase
" the Abbot lot, of about 23 acres, for $16,000."
From the accounts it appears that $17,000 was
ultimately paid, however, — a very small sum
compared with the value of the land at this day.
As soon as it was established that we were to
have a permanent naval force, it became neces
sary to make provision for the sick, wounded,
and disabled. In 1798 an act of Congress pro
vided that 20 cents a month should be deducted
from the pay of all seamen of the merchant
marine for the relief of the sick and disabled,
the money to be in charge of the Secretary of the
Treasury. And in the next year — 1799 — its bene
fits were extended to the "officers, seamen, and
marines of the navy, who were to receive the
same relief as the sick and disabled seamen of the
merchant service."
Under the working of this law naval seamen
were sent to civil hospitals, where their officers
lost control of them, and they disappeared. Nor
did it seem proper that officers, seamen, and
marines of a military service should, as an after
thought, be foisted upon the Treasury Depart
ment. It was evidently necessary for the navy
to have a hospital department of its own, in
charge of its own medical officers, who, from
being identified with the service, could sympa
thize with and understand the virtues and fail
ings of the seamen. Accordingly, in 1810, an
act of Congress appointed the Secretaries of War,
the Navy, and the Treasury a " Board of Com
missioners of Naval Hospitals," and the fund
derived from monthly assessments upon all per
sons in the naval service was turned over to them,
to constitute a "Naval Hospital Fund," and
$50,000 from the unexpended balance of the "Ma
rine Hospital Fund" was placed by the same act
in their hands, this being the estimated share of
the amount which had accrued since the acts of
From this act of 1810 dates the origin of the
Naval Asylum, as well as of all the rest of our
naval hospitals.
Mr. Paul Hamilton, then Secretary of the
Navy, addressed a letter to the House Committee
on the Naval Establishment warmly supporting
naval hospitals as places of relief and main
tenance, not only for the sick of the service, but
for the disabled and infirm who should prefer it
to a pension. He even recommended that the
widows and children of seamen killed in action
should be supported in such institutions, the
boys to be brought up for the naval service. He
also recommends that the midshipmen should be
sent to these hospitals for a period of instruction
in navigation and general learning.
On February 26, 1811, the commissioners of
naval hospitals were authorized to acquire sites,
and to buy or build hospitals, and this same act
requires one of these establishments to provide
a permanent "asylum" for " decrepid and dis
abled naval officers, seamen, and marines."
"Asylum" is thus used in the first law upon
the subject. It seems an unfortunate term, al
though truly expressing the intent of the charity.
In the year 1826, as has been said, Dr. Harris
bought the asylum property, and the hospital at
the navy-yard, on the Delaware, was abandoned,
and the Pemberton mansion used instead ; and
continued in use until 18;?3, when the present
asylum building, was sufficiently finished for
In the records of the hospital from 1826 to
1833 appear the names, as patients, of Farra-
gut, Bainbridge, Twiggs, Hull, Levy, Izard,
Newell, Ogden, Howard, P. Voorhees, Engle,
Mercer, and other well-known officers.
The government selected the Philadelphia
Hospital as the one which was to be the "asy
lum" directed by the act of 1811 ; and from the
correspondence, it is clear that Dr. Harris is re
sponsible for the selection of the site upon the
Gray's Ferry Koad, it being already in possession
and occupied for hospital purposes. He was de
tailed by the Secretary of the Navy to superin
tend the construction, receiving a certain sum,
over and above his pay, therefor. Mr. Strick
land, the architect, was associated with him in
the superintendence.
In 1832 the asylum building was under roof;
and up to this time the expense had been wholly
borne by the "Naval Hospital Fund," which
had become so drained that, in July of that year,
a bill passed Congress appropriating $27,300 for
" completing the navy asylum at Philadelphia,"
and $6600 for " fixtures, furniture, and appara
tus." During the time the asylum was being
built the naval hospitals at Chelsea, Brooklyn,
Norfolk, and Pensacola were going up, under
regular annual appropriations.
In this same year — 1832 — there was a transfer,
by act of Congress, of all powers of commissioners
of hpspitals to the Secretary of the Navy. They
were directed to turn over to him all cash and evi
dences of value previously held by them jointly
for "the payment of navy and privateer pen
sions, and for expenditures on account of naval
hospitals." The Secretary of the Navy wus
henceforth to keep this fund as sole commissioner,
reporting annually to Congress, as he does to
this day.
The asylum building, though by no means
completed internally, was occupied toward the
close of 1833. From that time until 1842 an
aggregate of $93,000 was appropriated for the
building, grounds, etc.
According to the report of the architect, the
building cost $195,000, and adding the cost of
the land brings the total to $212,600, of which
four-ninths came from appropriations, and the
rest from the hospital fund.
The building faces nearly east, and is con
structed of a grayish-white marble, with a gran
ite basement. It is 380 feet in length, and con
sists of a central building, with a high, broad
flight of marble steps, and imposing abutments,
and a marble colonnade and pediment, in the
bastard classic style, which was the fashion at
the period of its erection, and which has fastened
upon the country numbers of solid and costly
buildings, utterly unsuited to our climate, and
unsightly from lack of fitness.
The wings are symmetrical, and terminate in
pavilions, or transverse buildings at each end.
These wings are supplied with broad covered
verandas on each of the two main floors, which
are admirably adapted to their purpose, and, of
course, entirely out of keeping with the classic
central structure.
A fine attic and basement complete the build
ing, which is most thoroughly and substantially
constructed in every part. The marble stair
cases of the interior are especially noticeable
from their ingenious construction and economy
of space. The ceilings of two floors are vaulted
in solid masonry, and there is a remarkably fine,
lofty domed apartment, used as a muster-room
and chapel.
The beneficiaries, as they are called, have each
a small room, and the use of several reading-
and smoking-rooms in the pavilions, beside which
there are quarters for officers and employes.
When the asylum was first occupied four bene
ficiaries were transferred to it from the old build
ing, as were the sick of the station.
The whole of the interior was not finished
until 1848, when the increase in the number of
inmates rendered it necessary. For many years
— from 1840 to the close of the civil war — the
second floor of the south wing and the rooms in
the pavilion were used as the hospital proper.
During the war much of the attic was also so
used. For many years the beneficiaries were
supported in the same way, and from the same
fund as patients in hospital. In 1842 their num
ber was 42, and in 1858 there were considerably
over 100 ; and in the latter year the hospital
fund was relieved by an appropriation " for sup
port of beneficiaries, $26,392;" and ever since a
separate and specific annual appropriation has
been made for the same purpose. The annual
appropriation, from the naval pension fund, is
now about $60,000.
The first " Governor" of the Naval Asylum
was Commodore James Biddle, who was ap
pointed by Secretary J. K. Paulding, upon com
plaint and scandal resulting from the adminis
tration of an old lieutenant who had charge of
the beneficiaries as " superintendent." The Sec
retary proposed to the commodore to take charge,
with the title of " Governor," as adding dignity
to the position. His appointment was dated
August 1, 1838, and he remained until 1842,
when he was relieved upon his own application.
During his service the classes of midshipmen
preparing for examination were placed at the
asylum, with one or two professors to instruct
them, — a partial fulfillment of Mr. Paul Hamil
ton's idea. They at first had the basement
rooms at the north end, which were truly re
ported as being "damp, cold, cheerless, and un
healthy." Afterwards, through the energetic
remonstrances of Lieutenant Foote, they were
placed on the floor above. Here they remained
until the Naval Academy at Annapolis was
founded, in 1845.
About 1842, during the administration of Sec
retary Upshur, a division of the building into
two parts was effected by a lath-and-plaster par
tition, one part being hospital and the other
asylum. The partition ran through the centre
of the hall, and the wings being precisely alike,
afforded equal conveniences. This arrangement
did not continue long, however.
During the late war the necessity for a separate
naval hospital became evident, and a large and
commodious building for that purpose was erected
upon a portion of the grounds nearer the river.
During the early years of the asylum those
who died there were buried to the north of the
asylum, but the cutting of a street led to the
bodies being removed to ground to the west.
When the hospital was built it was found neces
sary to remove the bodies again, and they were
transferred to a lot belonging to the government
in Mount Moriah Cemetery, where all inter
ments now take place.
At the Naval Asylum hundreds of old men
who have deserved well of their country have
passed their declining years in tranquillity and
comfort, not unfrequently attaining a great age.
The present number of beneficiaries ranges from
130 to 150, and they die about as fast as new
ones come in. Under the regulations no one is
eligible for the asylum who has not passed at
least twenty years in the naval service, but ex
ceptions are made in cases of serious disability
in the line of duty.
Upon entering the asylum a beneficiary has
to give up to the hospital fund any pension of
which he may be in receipt. Each one has a
separate room, and is furnished with three whole
some meals a day, a good allowance of clothing,
free washing, and one dollar and one pound and
a half of tobacco per month.
There is a good library for the use of the in
mates, and pleasant reading- and smoking-
rooms, with open fires, and tables covered with
newspapers and periodicals. No restraint is
placed upon their movements, within reasonable
hours, so long as their conduct is marked with
propriety, and the usual punishment for miscon
duct is confinement to the grounds for a few
days. — E. Shippen.
Asymtote. A line which continually ap
proaches a curve but never meets it.
Atabal. A Moorish drum.
Atagan. See YATAGAN.
A-taunt-o, or All A-taunt-o. Every mast
an-end and fully rigged.
Ategar. An old English hand-dart.
Atherine. A silvery fish used in the manu
facture of artificial pearls. It is also called ar
Athwart. Transversely; at right angles to
the keel ; across the line of the ship's course.
ATHWAKT HAWSE. A vessel, boat, or float
ing timber drifted across the stem.
ATHWART-SHIPS. From side to side ; in oppo
sition to fore-and-aft.
ATHWART THE TIDE. Across the tide.
Atlantic. The ocean which separates the New
World from Europe and Africa, so named from
the Atlas Mountains, in Africa. See OCEANS.
Atlantides. The daughter of Atlas ; a name
of the Pleiades.
Atlas. A book of maps or charts, so called
from the character of that name in ancient myth
ology, represented as carrying the world on his
back. The name was first applied to maps by
Mercator, the famous geographer, in the 16th
Atmosphere is the name applied to the gaseous
fluid which surrounds the earth. It exhibits, in
common with all fluid bodies, the usual charac
teristics of hydrostatic pressure, but its internal
condition differs from that of a liquid, inasmuch
as its particles repel each other, and can only be
held in proximity by external force. From this
circumstance it follows that the volume of any
portion of air varies much more under the influ
ence of external pressure than that of an equal
volume of water ; hence the stratum of air near
est the earth is denser than strata in the upper
regions, where, from their being subjected to
the weight of a smaller mass of superincumbent
air, the repulsive force of the particles has freer
Chemical Composition of the Atmosphere.
Volumes. Grains.
Nitrogen 79.02 76.84
Oxygen 20.94 23.10
Carbonic acid 0.04 0.06
100.00 100.00
Besides the substances just named other gas
eous matters occur, but in quantities so small as
not sensibly to increase the bulk of the at
Posidonius first calculated the height of the
atmosphere, stating it to be 800 stadia, nearly
agreeing with our modern ideas, about 79 B.C.
Its weight was determined by Galileo and Torri-
celli, about 1643; its density and elasticity by
Boyle; and its relation to light and sound by
Hooke, Newton, and Derham. The composition
of the atmosphere was ascertained by Hales,
Black, Priestley, Scheele, Lavoisier, and Caven
dish ; and its laws of refraction were investigated
by Dr. Bradley, 1737.
Atolls. An East Indian name for the coral
formations known as lagoon-islands.
Atomizer. An instrument to reduce a liquid
to a spray.
Atrie. To bring-to in a gale.
A-trip. The anchor is a-trip when it is just
hove clear of the ground. Sails are a-trip when
they are sheeted home, hoisted taut up, and
ready for trimming. Yards are a-trip when
they are hoisted up and ready to be swayed
across. A mast is a-trip when the fid is out
ready for lowering.
Attached. Belonging to. An officer is said
to be attached to any ship or station to which he
is ordered for duty.
Attack. To fall upon with hostile intent ; to
Atterage. (Fr.) A land-fall.
Attested. Legally certified.
Attile. An old law term for the furniture of
a ship.
Attraction. The principle 'by which bodies
mutually tend toward each other, distinguished
into the attraction of gravitation, of cohesion,
and capillary, magnetic, and electrical attraction.
Atween, or 'Tween. Between.
Atwixt, or 'Twixt. Betwixt.
Auckland. A town of New Zealand, on the
"Waitamata Inlet. Lat. 36° 50' S. ; Ion. 174°
50' E. It has two fine harbors. Auckland is
the third port in the colony in the value of ex
ports and imports. Pop. 12,000.
Audit. To settle or adjust an account.
Auditor, Fourth. Chief of a bureau of the
Treasury Department, established in 1817. Pre
viously an accounting clerk in the Navy Depart
ment. The Auditor's office receives the accounts
of all paymasters of United States vessels, navy-
yards, and navy pay offices, of navy pension
agents, paymasters, and quartermasters of the
marine corps, and other disbursing agents for
the Navy Department, and passes upon the cor
rectness and legality of their receipts and expen
ditures. ' All claims for pay, bounty, prize-
money, traveling expenses, or other compensation
for services in the navy and marine corps should
be made to this office. All allowances by the
Fourth Auditor are subject to revision by the
Second Comptroller. An appeal may be taken
to the Comptroller from an adverse decision of
the Auditor, and the decision of the former is
final, except with Congress and the United States
courts. The Auditor is the custodian of all pay-
and muster-rolls of officers, men, and mechanics
on board ship or at navy-yards, from which the
state of their accounts can be readily ascertained.
He also preserves all vouchers for expenditures
of money and stores ; the papers in claims of all
characters ; and the original or copies of all let
ters received or written. Records are kept of all
accounts rendered to the office, and the amounts
allowed and disallowed thereon ; of all claims re
ceived, and the disposition thereof ; of all moneys
drawn from or refunded to the Treasury by navy
disbursing officers ; of all transfers of money,
clothing, and small-stores between pay officers ;
of the amount of money appropriated for each
specific naval purpose and the expenditures there •
from; of prizes captured, the participants in the
capture, and the amounts distributed to claim
ants, and remaining unclaimed ; of all allot
ments of pay, amount paid to each allottee, and
amount deducted from the pay of each allottee ;
and other records of the transactions of the office.
It is the duty of the Auditor to prepare the ac
counts of delinquent pay officers for suit on their
official bonds, and transmit the same to the
Solicitor of the Treasury. The Auditor has no
power to compromise claims of the United States
against its debtors. The office consists of the
Auditor, Deputy Auditor, and about 40 clerks,
and is organized in divisions, as follows : pay
masters' accounts, prize-money, general claims,
navy pay accounts, bookkeeper's, records, and
navy pensions.
Auges. Apsides.
Auget. A tube filled with powder for firing a
Augmentation of the Moon's Diameter. The
increase in apparent diameter, due to an increase
of elevation.
Auk. A sea-bird of the Alca family.
Aulin. An Arctic gull ( parasiti-
cus). It is called dirty aulin by the northern
Aumbrey. An old term for a bread and
cheese locker.
Aume. A Dutch measure for wine, contain
ing 40 English gallons.
Auriga. A northern constellation, popularly
known as the "Wagoner." a Aurigce, Capella.
Aurora. The goddess of morning. The faint
light which precedes the rising of the sun.
AURORA BOREALIS. The northern lights. A
luminous meteoric phenomenon, supposed to be
of electrical origin. This species of light usually
appears in streams, ascending toward the zenith
from a dusky bank, a few degrees above the north
ern horizon. Sometimes it assumes a wavy ap
pearance, arid is then called the merry -dancers,
The streams assume a variety of colors, from
pale yellow to blood-red.
AURORA AUSTRALIS. The southern^ lights.
Auster. The south wind of the ancients.
Austral. Relating to the south.
Australia. See CONTINENTS.
Austral Signs. The last six of the zodiac.
Austrian Navy. The geographical position
of this immense empire renders it next to impos
sible that it should either possess or require a
large navy. When the territory extended over
Lombardo-Venetia, the ports of Venice and
Trieste were commanded by Austria, and the
trade there carried on needed the protection of
ships of war. But that extensive portion of the
empire which was assigned to Austria by the
treaty of Vienna, in the year 1815, was wrested
from her in the year 1859, when France united
with Sardinia to achieve the independence and
unification of Italy under one monarch. Con
sequently her maritime pqssessions have dwin
dled to the Danube and the ports in Dalmatia,
etc., and as the former has but one outlet to the
Black Sea, which does not admit of vessels draw
ing many feet of water, Austria needs not many
ships of war to protect her commerce. At the
present moment, therefore, she possesses but 47
steamers and 17 ships of war, and as their united
burden is only 93,270 tons, and they altogether
mount no more than 365 guns, it may be con
ceived that they are for the greater part very
small vessels. The entire annual cost of the
navy and the establishments connected with it is
rather above ten millions of florins. The trade
which the navy shelters is limited to 35 ports in
the Littoral provinces, 54 in Dalmatia, and 11 in
Autan. Gusts of wind from the south
Automatic Fire. An explosive mixture of
the Greeks, compounded of equal parts of sul
phur, saltpetre, and sulphide of antimony finely
pulverized and mixed into a paste with equal
parts of the juice of black sycamore and liquid
asphaltum, a little quicklime being added. The
rays of the sun would set it on fire.
Autumn. The fall : the months of September,
October, and November.
AUTUMNAL EQUINOX. The time when the
sun crosses the equator, moving south.
AUTUMNAL POINT. That point on the ecliptic
whence the sun descends southward.
AUTUMNAL SIGNS. Libra, Scorpio, and Sa
Auxiliary Screw. A screw with which a full-
rigged vessel is sometimes supplied, to be used in
calms, working to windward, entering port, etc.
Avast. Stop ; cease. From the Italian basta.
Avenue. The inlet into a port.
Average. A rule was established by the Rho-
dian law, and has prevailed in every maritime
nation, that where a loss has been sustained or
an expense incurred, for the general safety of the
ship and cargo, a contribution should be made,
in proportion to their respective interests, by the
owners of the ship, freight, and goods on board ;
or, in modern times, by the insurer of these. To
this contribution the name of general average is
given. Personal property of the passengers, not
carried for the purpose of traffic, is not liable for
any share in this contribution. See JETTISON.
PARTICULAR AVERAGE. The loss of an an
chor, the leakage of a cask, the washing over
board of goods, etc., where the common safety
was not in question, and where there is, conse
quently, no contribution.
PETTY AVERAGES are pilotage, anchorage
duty, etc. If these occur in the ordinary course
of the voyage they are not loss, but simply a part
of the expenses necessarily incurred. But if
they have occurred under extraordinary circum
stances, and for the purpose of avoiding imme
diate danger, they are a loss, which is included in
the general average, and covered by the contribu
AVERAGE BOND is a deed which parties liable
to a general average are in the habit of execut
ing, by which they empower an arbiter to value
the property lost, and fix the proportion which
shall be borne by each proprietor.
AVERAGE ADJUSTER. A qualified person to
adjust the loss, damage, and expense in conse
quence of an accident or misfortune.
AVERAGE AGREEMENT. A written document
signed by the consignees of a cargo, binding
themselves to pay a certain proportion of gen
eral average that may arise against them.
Avviso. An Italian advice-boat.
Awaft, or Awhef t. The displaying of a stopped
Await, Lying in. In ambush for the purpose
of cutting off passing vessels.
Award. A judgment by arbitrators in mari
time cases.
A-wash. At the surface of the water.
Away Off. At a distance, but in sight.
AWAY SHE GOES! The cry when a vessel
starts on the ways in launching. An order to
walk away briskly with a tackle.
AWAY THERE ! The call for a boat's crew to
man their boat; as, away there, launches!
AWAY WITH IT ! An order to walk away
briskly with a tackle.
A-weather. The position of the helm when
the tiller is borne over to the weather side.
When it is put over to the extreme limit it is
hard a-weather.
Aweigh. The position of the anchor just after
breaking ground.
Awkward Squad. A squad of raw recruits,
or of men detailed for extra drill on account of
their stupidity.
Awning. A canvas covering spread over the
deck of a vessel to protect the crew from the sun
and weather. The forecastle awning extends
from the foremast forward. The main-deck
awning is spread between the foremast and the
mainmast. The quarter-deck awning is spread
between the main- and mizzen-masts, and the
poop awning extends from the mizzen-mast aft.
The back-bone is a rope stitched to the middle
of the awning. It runs fore-and-aft, has a
thimble in one end, and to the other is hooked
the fore-and-aft tackle. The awning is hauled
out at the corners by earings, and at the sides by
stops and bull-earings.
The ridge-rope is a rope fore-and-aft the ship on
both sides, forming a straight line from stem to
, stern, and is supported by the rigging and by
I wooden or iron supports called stanchions.
The sharks-mouth is an opening to accommo
date the masts and stays abaft, and the dog-s-ear
is one of the irregularly-shaped corners thus
formed. The euphroe is a block of wood through
which is rove a combination of small lines called
a crowfoot. To this is hooked the crowfoot-hal
The lacing is the line which draws together
the ends of adjoining awnings.
AWNING- or SIDE-CURTAINS are strips of can
vas set between the ridge-rope and the rail.
haul it taut between the masts.
To SPREAD AN AWNING. To suspend it paral
lel with the deck by means of the fore-and-aft
tackle, earings, and side-stops.
To HOUSE AN AWNING. To bring the edges
close down to a housing-line near the deck, thus
giving the canvas a greater angle and causing it
to shed the water.
To TRICE UP AN AWNING. To hook whips
to the earings and edges and hoist it up to dry.
The whips are sometimes hooked to the back
To FURL AN AWNING. To roll it up and pass
stops around it.
Ax. A tool for chopping wood.
. BROAD-AX, a carpenter's tool. It has a wider
and thinner blade and a shorter handle than the
ordinary ax.
BATTLE-AX. The ancient weapon had, some
times, a double edge. The tool by this name
now in use is simply a hatchet.
Axis. A straight line passing through a body
upon which it revolves, or may be supposed to
Axis OF THE EARTH. That diameter upon
which the earth rotates diurnally from west to
east. In consequence of this rotation the earth
has assumed its present form, — an oblate sphe
roid, being compressed at the extremities of the
axis (the poles), and bulging in the regions most
remote from thein(the equatorial). With refer
ence to its extremities, the axis is called the
' ' Polar Diameter. ' '
Axis OF THE HEAVENS. That diameter about
which the celestial concave appears to revolve
diurnally from east to west. It passes through
the observer's place"; and is parallel to the axis
of the earth, with which it is generally consid
ered coincident.
Axle. The cross-piece of a gun-carriage, on
the extremities of which the trucks revolve, which
extremities are called the arms of the axle.
Aye. Yes. Aye-aye, the response of com
missioned officers, not commanding or flag-
officers, to the hail of the sentry. Aye-aye, sir,
the usual response to denote that an order is un
derstood and will be obeyed.
Aylet. The sea-swallow.
Ayont. Beyond.
Ayr. An open sea-beach. A bank of sand.
The mediaeval term for oar.
Ayt. See EYGHT.
Azimuth. The arc of the horizon intercepted
between the meridian of the place and a vertical
circle passing through the centre of any body
The magnetic azimuth is the arc of the horizon
intercepted between the vertical circle and the
magnetic meridian. The difference between the
true and the magnetic azimuth is the variation of
the compass.
AZIMUTH CIRCLE, a vertical circle, or great
circle passing through the zenith and nadir.
AZIMUTH AND ALTITUDE. The horizon co-or
dinates for defining points of the celestial con
cave in its diurnal revolution relatively to the
position of an observer on the earth's surface.
instrument for taking azimuths and altitudes si
multaneously. The telescope by which the ob
servations are made is capable of motion in two
planes at right angles to each other, and the
amount of its angular motion in each is measured
in two circles co-ordinate to each other, whose
planes are parallel to those in which the tele
scope moves. In the azimuth and altitude in
strument one of these planes is horizontal, the
other vertical.
AZIMUTH, MOTION IN. An instrument is said
to move "in azimuth" when it is turned on a
vertical axis ; in contradistinction, it is said to
move " in altitude" when it is turned on a hori
zontal axis. An azimuth and altitude instru
ment admits of both motions.
AZIMUTH COMPASS. A compass specially
adapted for observing bearings.
by means of which the true azimuth can be
rapidly and simply obtained without calculation,
the data being the latitude, the sun's declination,
and the apparent time. The scale on which it is
constructed gives the result to within one-eighth
of a degree.
Azogue. Quicksilver. A Spanish ship fitted
expressly to carry quicksilver.
Azumbal. A Spanish wine measure, eight of
which make an arroba.
B. Abbreviation for before in the U. S.
General Service Code of Signals. In the log b
denotes blue sky.
Baard. A mediaeval transport.
Baas. A Dutch skipper.
Babbing. A method of catching crabs.
Babbitt Metal. A soft alloy of copper, zinc,
and tin, used for the bearing of journals to di
minish friction.
Bac. A French ferry-boat. A punt used by
shipwrights for carrying tar, pitch, etc.
A broad flat boat for transporting carriages,
cattle, etc., over streams by means of a rope
stretched across.
Bacallao (Sp.). Newfoundland and adjacent
islands. The name is also applied to the codfish
salted in Newfoundland.
Bache, Alexander Dallas, LL.D., A.A.S.,
physicist, born Philadelphia, Pa., July 19, 1806 ;
died Newport, R, I., February 17, 1867. West
Point, 1825. He was a great-grandson of Dr.
Franklin, and his mother was ^,he daughter of
A. J. Dallas. He was a lieutenant of engineers
until his resignation, in 1829. Engaged in con
structing Fort Adams and other works at the en
trance of Narragansett Bay. From 1827 to 1832
he was professor of mathematics in the University
of Pennsylvania, and then took charge of the
organization of Girard College, spending some
time, in 1836, inspecting the great schools of
Europe, publishing, upon his return, a valuable
report on the subject. In 1839 he resigned his
connection with this college, and became, in 1841,
principal of the Philadelphia High School. In
1843 he was appointed superintendent of the U. S.
Coast Survey. Its valuable contributions to
geodetic and physical science are found in the
annual reports of the survey, and in the proceed
ings of the Association for the Advancement of
Science. He was one of the founders of the
American Association for the Promotion of Sci
ence, took a prominent part in founding the
American Academy of Science, was made presi
dent of the American Philosophical Society in
1855, and was an active and efficient member of
the United States Sanitary Commission through
out the war of the Kebellion. The degree of
LL.D. was conferred on him by the University
of New York in 1836, by the University of Penn
sylvania in 1837, and by Harvard University in
1851. He was made a regent of the Smithsonian
Institution in August, 1846. In 1833 he edited
Brewster's " Optics," with notes. He published
" Observations" at the observatory of Girard Col
lege, 1840-45, 3 vols. 8vo, " Report of Experi
ments to Navigate the Chesapeake and Delaware
Canal by Steam," Philadelphia, 1834, and con
tributed many valuable papers to the scientific
journals of the day.
Back, Sir George, born at Stockport, England,
November 6, 1796. In the year 1819 this British
naval officer accompanied Sir John Franklin on
his first Arctic voyage. Fourteen j-ears later he
was sent out on an expedition in search of Cap
tain Boss, an Arctic navigator, and published an
interesting account of his voyage. In 1839 he
was knighted, and in 1867 he became an admiral.
Back. The outside or convex part of compass-
timber. The outermost board of a sawn tree.
BACK OF A SHIP.. A figurative term for the
keel and kelson. See BROKEN-BACKED.
BACK OF THE POST. An additional timber
bolted to the after part of the stern-post.
chain taut by hoisting the mizzen-topsail. If
the wind falls she should be hove a-peak.
To BACK A SAIL. To lay the yard so that
the wind acts on the forward surface, and thus
check or stop the headway.
To BACK WATER. To row in a direction
contrary to the usual mode, so as to give a boat
stern way.
To back on one side and give way on the other,
so as to round quickly.
To BACK A ROPE OR CHAIN. To put on a
To BACK THE WORMING. To fill the holidays
between the worming and the rope, so as to give
a smooth surface for the service.
The wind is said to back when it changes di
rection against the sun.
To BACK AND FILL. A method of working
to windward with a weather tide in a narrow
channel. The main object is to keep the ship in
mid-channel broadside on to the current. The
yards are counterbraced, or the sails are kept
shivering. The ship is kept well under control
by bracing the yards and giving her the jib and
spanker as circumstances demand. To attempt
this manoeuvre a correct knowledge of the
strength and set of the currents and the depth
of the water is required.
BACK HER ! The order to reverse the engine
and give the vessel sternway.
Back-board. A board across the stern-sheets
of a boat to form the coxswain's box, and also to
support the backs of the passengers.
Back-bone. The fore-and-aft rope stitched
to the midship part of an awning.
Backer. A broad piece of sennit nailed around
the yard inside of the sheave. It is fitted with
an eye or a thimble, and the head-earing is rove
through it.
Back-frame. The vertical wheel which turns
the whirlers of a rope-winch.
Backing. The timber behind the armor-plates
of a ship. See ARMOR.
Back-lash. The reaction or striking back of
the moving parts of machinery when the power
is not uniform or the load is variable.
Back-o'-beyond. Said of a great unknown
Back-observation. A name applied to an
observation in which the greatest distance of the
heavenly body from the horizon is measured. It
is so called because the back of the observer is
turned to the object when its altitude is taken.
Back-pressure. The resistance of the atmos
phere or waste steam to the piston.
Back-rope. A rope which fits over the dol
phin-striker with a cuckold's neck and sets up to
the bows on each side. See GOB-LINE.
Back-sight. The breech-sight of fire-arms.
Back-staff. An old navigating instrument
invented in 1590; so named because the back of
the observer was turned to the heavenly body
when its altitude was measured. See BACK-OB
Backstays. Ropes which extend from all
mast-heads— except the lower — to the ship's side
or channels.
STANDING BACKSTAYS set up well aft and
support the masts when the wind is abaft the
BREAST-BACKSTAYS set up in the channels and
support the masts when on the wind. They are
not now in use.
order to come up the breast-backstays and bear
them abaft, in order that the yards may be braced
sharp up.
PREVENTER-BACKSTAYS. Additional supports
to assist the backstays when carrying on.
TRAVELING-BACKSTAYS are fitted with a trav
eler, which moves up and down with the topsail-
yard. The support is thus kept where it is most
needed. They are not now in use.
To BACKSTAY A YARD. To brace it up as far
as the backstays will permit.
Backstay-plates. Plates to which the back
stays set up.
Backstay-stools. Small detached channels
fixed abaft the principal ones, to which the stand
ing backstays set up. They are introduced in
preference to extending the channels.
Back-strapped. A ship with a wind fair, but
so light as not to enable her to stem the current,
is said to be back strapped.
Back-sweep. That which forms the hollow
of the top-timber of a frame.
Back- wash. See WASH.
Back-water. Water thrown back by the turn
ing of a paddle-wheel or propeller. Water held
by a dam or reservoir. The smooth water free
from current in a small stream which runs into
a large stream. It is caused by the rising of the
water in the main stream.
Baculite. A genus of fossil shells of a straight
form, a little conical, and in their cellular struc
ture resembling the ammonites.
Badderlock. The Fucus esculentus, a kind
of edible sea-weed.
Badge, Good-conduct. Any enlisted man
holding a continuous-service certificate, who is
distinguished for obedience and sobriety, and is
proficient in seamanship and gunnery, shall re
ceive, upon the expiration of his enlistment,
a good-conduct badge ; after he has received
three such badges, under three consecutive re-
enlistments, within three months from the dates
of his discharge, he shall, if qualified, be enlisted
as a petty officer, and hold a petty officer's rating
during subsequent continuous re-enlistments ;
and shall not be reduced to a lower rating except
by sentence of a court-martial.
Badge, Quarter. False quarter-galleries. A
carved ornament on a vessel's quarter, contain
ing a window or a representation of one.
Badger. To worry ; to nag.
Badger-bag. The burlesque Neptune, who
boards the ship on crossing the line.
Badger Whiskers. In 1841, Hon. George E.
Badger, Secretary of the Navy, issued a general
order regulating the uniform of the navy, in
which was a clause requiring that no part of the
beard should be worn long except the whiskers,
and that they should not descend more than one
inch below the tips of the ears, and thence in a
line with the corners of the mouth. These were
nicknamed " Badger Whiskers." Fashion, how
ever, proved more powerful than the regulation,
and the order was never fully enforced.
Baessy. The old name of a gun, afterwards
called base.
Baffin, Wm., born in 1584. Engaged with Jas.
Hall in Arctic investigations begun in 1612;
this navigator discovered the gulf which commu
nicates with the North Atlantic Ocean by Davis'
Strait, and he earned immortality by giving the
fulf the name of Baffin's Bay, in 1016 ; was
illed at the siege of Ormuz, May 23, 1622.
Baffling. A light breeze, which is continually
hauling and veering, is said to be baffling.
Bag. A pouch or sack to hold or convey any
thing. The bag in which the sailor's clothing is
stowed is made of canvas painted black, with the
owner's name and ship's number plainly sten
ciled thereon.
Jack's facetious inquiry addressed to a comrade
starting out on perilous duty from which he
may never return. The saying originated from
the'habit seamen formerly had of going through
a dead comrade's bag before his effects" could be
sold at auction.
DITTY-BAG. A small bag to hold sewing-
gear, shaving-tackle, etc.
MONK-BAG. A small purse, which sailors
wear strung around their neck, to contain their
valuables. So named from the habit monkeys
have of stowing away food in their cheeks.
BAG AND BAGGAGE. The whole movable
BAG "OF THE HEAD-RAILS. The lowest part
or sweep of the head-rails.
To BAG ON A BOWLINE. To be leewardly.
A sail is said to bag when, the leeches being
taut, there is a great deal of slack canvas in the
sail. Formerly sails were so cut intentionally,
the idea being that they would catch more wind.
Sails are now cut so as to set as flat as possible.
Bagala. A two-masted Arab boat, used both
for commerce and for piracy. They are from 50
to 300 tons burden, and sail with great rapidity.
Baggety. The lump or sea-owl (Cyclopterus
turn pus).
Baggonet. An old term for bayonet, and not
a vulgarism.
Baghela. A Muscat one-masted vessel, 200 to
300 tons burden.
Bag-net. A fishing-net shaped like a bag.
Bagnio. A barrack for galley-slaves and
Bagpipe. To bagpipe the mizzen is to lay it
aback by bringing the sheet to the mizzen
Bag-reef. The lower reef of fore-and-aft
sails ; the upper reef of topsails.
Bagrel. A minnow or baggie.
Baguio. A rare but very violent wind among
the Philippine Islands.
Bahar. A weight used in the East Indies,
varying considerably in different localities, ran
ging from 223 to 625 pounds.
Bahia. A city and seaport of Brazil, situated
in an elevated position on the strip of land form
ing the E. side of the entrance to All-Saints Bay,
immediately within Cape San Antonio, on which
is a revolving light 140 feet above sea-level ; in lat.
13° 0' 42" S., Ion. 38° 31' 42" W. It is 800 miles
N.N.E. of Kio de Janeiro.
The harbor is one of the best in America, and
is suitable for vessels of any size. The commerce
consists chiefly in the export of sugar, cotton, to
bacco, coffee, etc. The whale-fisheries of this city
were once the greatest in the world, and large
numbers of whales are still caught in the neigh
boring waters. Pop. 140,000.
Baidar. An Arctic canoe used for pursuing
otters and even whales. It consists of a frame
18 to 25 feet long, covered with hides, and is
impelled by 6 to 12 paddles.
Baikie. A name for the Larus marinus, or
black-backed gull.
Bail. A surety. The cargo of a captured or
detained vessel is not allowed to be taken on bail
before adjudication except by mutual consent.
To lade water out of a ship or boat with buckets
(which were of old called bayles), cans, or the
Bail-bond. The obligation entered into by
sureties. In prize matters the bail-bond is not
a mere personal security given to the individual
captors, but an assurance to abide by the adjudi
cation of the court.
Bailey, Theodorus, Rear-Admiral U.S.N.
Born in New York, and appointed midshipman
from that State, January 1, 1818. Commissioned
as lieutenant, March 3, 1827 ; receiving-ship, at
New York, 1829; sloop " Vincennes/' Pacific
Squadron, 1834-36; special duty, 1837; navy-
yard, New York, 1840; frigate "Constellation,"
East India Squadron, 1843; rendezvous, New
York, 1846; commanding store-ship "Lexing
ton," 1847-48. While in command of the store-
ship "Lexington," during the Mexican war,
rendered eificient and valuable aid to the com
mander of the Pacific Squadron by his energy,
enterprise, and gallantry in fitting out and lead
ing numerous expeditions against the enemy.
Commissioned as commander, March 6, 1849 ;
commissioned as captain, December 15, 1855 ;
commanding sloop-of-war "St. Mary's," 1856-
57; commanded frigate "Colorado," Western
Gulf Blockading Squadron, 1861-62.
Captain Bailey was Farragut's second in com
mand in the battle at New Orleans, and led the
attack and passage of the forts. He was officially
commended by Admiral Farragut for his bravery
and ability, and further complimented by being
sent to Washington as the bearer of dispatches,
announcing the victory. Commissioned as com
modore, July 16, 1862.
Commodore Bailey, although his health was
seriously impaired, asked for active duty, and in
the fall of 1862 was ordered to command the
Eastern Gulf Blockading Squadron, where he
displayed great energy and perseverance in his
successful attempt to break up blockade-running
on the Florida coast. Commandant Portsmouth
navy-yard, 1865-67.
Commissioned as rear-admiral, July 25, 1866.
On special duty at Washington, D. C., 1867-70
Died 1876.
Bails. The frame which supports the canopy
spread over the stern-sheets of a boat.
Bainbridge, William, Commodore U.S.N.
Born in Princeton, N. J., May 7, 1774; was the
son of Dr. Absalom Bainbridge, a leading phy
sician of New York. His maternal grandfather
was John Taylor, Lord High Commissioner of
New Jersey under the crown. Bainbridge made
his first cruise in the frigate "Alliance," then
sold out of the navy and engaged in the India
trade. When 18, he sailed as first mate of a ves
sel, and when 19, was made her commander.
Appointed a lieutenant-commandant in the navy
in 1798, and given command of the " Retalia-
tion," 14. Captured off Guadaloupe by the
French frigates " Insurgente" and " Le Volon-
tier." Promoted to master commandant and
given command of the "Norfolk," 18. Cap
tured several French privateers. Promoted to
captain in 1800, when 26 years old. Took the
"George Washington," 28, to Constantinople
with tribute-money from the Dey of Algiers,
and was the first to show our flag in Turkey.
Commanded next the " Essex," 32, in the Medi*
terranean. Next took command of the " Phila
delphia," 38, joining the squadron of Commodore
Preble. Captured "the Moorish pirate " Mesh-
boha," 22. While blockading Tripoli harbor,
October 31, 1803, the "Philadelphia" grounded
on a reef not laid down in the chart, and the
•vessel was captured by the Tripolitans, her com
mander, officers, and crew suffering imprison
ment until the end of the Tripolitan war, — June,
1805. Made several cruises in the merchant ser
vice during the peace that followed. In Decem
ber, 1808, hoisted his broad-pennant in the
"President," 44, remaining in her until May,
1810. Sailed again in the merchant service until
1812, when war with England became imminent.
It was the temper of the government to lay up
our navy during this war, but by the earnest
protest of Bainbridge and Stewart this terrible
blunder was avoided. Commanded the Charles-
town navy-yard until the declaration of war, —
June 18/1812. He relieved Hull in command
of the "Constitution," 44, September 15, 1812.
Ran down the coast of Brazil, and when in lat.
13° Q/ S. and Ion. 31° W., she fell in with and
captured the English frigate "Java," 38. The
" Constitution" went into action and came out
with royal yards across, and without losing a
spar. The "Java" was reduced to a mastless
wreck, too much injured to be taken into port.
The " Constitution" had 9 killedand 25 wounded.
Bainbridge was seriously shot with a musket-
ball, and^hurt by a splinter from the wheel. The
" Java" had 124 killed and wounded. Her cap
tain — Lambert — was fatally injured. Among
the prisoners taken was Lieutenant-General
Hislop, bound to Bombay as governor. Men and
officers were released on parole at San Salvador.
Reached Boston February 27, 1813, Bainbridge
relinquishing her command. For this action he
received a gold medal from Congress. Com-
manded the Charlestown navy-yard until the
end of the war. Commanded the Mediterranean
Squadron in 1815, his flag-ship being the " In
dependence," 74, and again in 1819, his flag-ship
in this instance being the " Columbus," 80. Re
turned home in 1821, and was made a navy com
missioner. Commanded the Philadelphia navy-
yard. Died in Philadelphia, July 28, 1833,
aged 59 years and 3 months. He married Susan
Heyliger, granddaughter of Captain-General
Heyliger, governor of the Dutch West Indies.
His youngest daughter married Rear-Admiral
Henry Kuhn Hoff, of the navy, and his grand
son, William Bainbridge Hoff, is still in the
service. — Wm. Bainbridge Hoff, Lieutenant- Com
mander U.S.N.
Bait. The charge of a hook to allure fish.
Baitland. An old word used to signify a port
where refreshments could be procured.
Bala-chong. A kind of cake formed of small
fishes pounded up with salt and spices and then
dried. It is much esteemed in China as a condi
ment for rice, etc.
Balsena. The zoological name for the right
Balaklava. A town of Russia, in the Crimea,
on the Black Sea. Lat. 44° 29' N. ; Ion. 33° 34'
40/x E. It has an excellent port. Pop. 742.
Balance. To contract a sail into a narrower
compass ; — this is peculiar to the mizzen of a ship,
and to the mainsail of those vessels wherein it is
extended by a boom. The operation of bal
ancing the mizzen is performed by lowering the
yard or gaff a little, then rolling up a small por
tion of the sail at the peak or upper corner, and
lashing it about one-fifth down towards the mast.
A boom mainsail is balanced by rolling up a
portion of the clew, or lower aftermost corner,
and fastening it strongly to the boom.
Balance-fish. The hammer - headed shark
(which see).
Balance-frames. Those frames or bends of
timber, of an equal capacity or area, which are
equally distant from the ship's centre of grav
Balance of Power. An expression used in
diplomacy for that state of matters in which no
one of the European states is permitted to have
such a preponderance as to endanger the inde
pendence of the others.
Balance of Trade. The term commonly used
to express the difference between the value of the
exports from, and the imports into, a county.
The balance is said to be favorable when the
value of the exports exceeds that of the imports,
and unfavorable when the value of the imports
exceeds that of the exports.
Balance-reef. To balance-reef a sail is to re
duce it to its last reef, generally applied to fore-
and-aft sails.
Balance-reef-band. A reef-band that crosses
a spanker or trysail from the head-earing to the
tack diagonally, making it nearly triangular, and
is used to contract it in very blowing weather.
A balance-reef-band is generally placed in all
gaff-sails ; the band runs from the throat to the
clew, so that it may be reefed either way, — by
lacing the foot or lower half; or by lacing the
gaff dropped to the band : the latter is only done
in the worst weather.
Balance, Steam. The ordinary safety-valve
(which see).
Balancing-point. A familiar term for centre
of gravity.
Balandra. A Spanish pleasure-boat. A
lighter, a species of schooner.
Balanus. The acorn-shell. A sessile cirriped.
Balcar, or Balcor. See BALKAR.
Balch, George B., Rear-Admiral U.S.N.
Born in Tennessee, January 3, 1821. Appointed
from Alabama, December 30, 1837 ; attached to
sloop "Cyane," Pacific Squadron, 1840; Naval
School, Philadelphia, 1843.
Promoted to passed midshipman, June 29,
1843; special duty, 1845; in war with Mexico,
November 1, 1846, engaged in first attack on
Alvarado by squadron under Commodore Con
nor ; engaged in active operations from Ma}',
1846, to'surrender of Vera Cruz, March, 1847;
in Mosquito Fleet, under Commodore Tatnall,
covered the landing of the army under General
Scott, March 9, 1847 ; at the time acting master
of the "Falcon" ; March, 1847, engaged in the
joint bombardment of Vera Cruz with the army,
and was present at the surrender of that city and
the Castle of San Juan d'Ulloa to the military
and naval forces; steamer "Princeton," Medi
terranean Squadron, 1847-48 ; Naval Observa
tory, Washington, 1849-50.
Commissioned as lieutenant, August 16,1850;
sloop "Plymouth," Pacific Squadron, 1851-54;
while in the " Plymouth," Lieutenant Balch, in
command of the advance post at Shanghai,
China, was wounded in the hip in a fight be
tween the rebels and Imperialists ; nav}7-yard,
Washington, 1855-57; sloop "Jamestown,"
Home Squadron, 1857-58; sloop "St. Mary's,"
Pacific Squadron, 1858-59; frigate "Sabine,"
1860; while in the " Sabine," fell in with the
transport "Governor" and rescued nearly 400
marines, under Lieutenant-Colonel Reynolds,
the transport sinking under the " Sabine's" stern,
November 24, 1861 ; in command of steamer
" Pocahontas," South Atlantic Squadron, 1861-
62; volunteered for command of boats in taking
possession of Tybee Island, December 26, 1861.
Commissioned as commander, July 16, 1862 ;
engaged rebel battery at Stono, South Carolina;
in August, 1862, ascended Black River the dis
tance of seventy-five miles, and drove rebel bat
tery from earth-works, and engaged rebel infantry
on the bluffs ; commanding steamer " Pawnee,"
South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, 1863-65;
July 16, 1863, was attacked by two batteries, the
rebels making a simultaneous attack on General
Terry's forces. They were repulsed, and Com
mander Balch was informed by General Terry
that he had saved his command. The " Paw
nee" was struck forty-six times. On December
25, 1863, the " Marblehead" was opened on by
rebel batteries ; the " Pawnee" took an enfilading
position in the Keowah River, and demoralized
the enemy and caused him to retreat ; afterward
captured two rebel guns. While in command
of the "Pawnee," Commander Balch engaged
in the combined operations of the naval forces
under Rear-Admiral Dahlgren, and the army
under General Foster, in Stono River, South
Carolinar from July 3 to 11, 1864, and particu
larly in the bombardment of Battery Pringle, on
James Island, South Carolina. On February 9,
1865, having with him the " Sonoma" and " Daf
fodil," he ascended the Togoda Creek, North
Edisto, South Carolina, and engaged three rebel
batteries of eleven or twelve guns, driving the
rebels from their earth- works. The u Pawnee"
was hit ten times, the "Sonoma" twice, and
the " Daffodil" twice ; navy-yard, Washington,
Commissioned as captain, July 25, 1866 ;
commanding flag-ship "Albany," N^ Atlantic
Squadron, 1868-69; navigation duty, Washing
ton, 1870-71 ; navy-yard, Washington, 1872.
Commissioned as commodore, August 13,
1872 ; Governor Naval Asylum, Philadelphia,
1873-76 ; member Light-House Board, 1877-78.;
promoted to rear-admiral, 1878 ; superintendent
of Naval Academy, 1879-80.
Balcony. The projecting open galleries of
old line-of-battle ships' sterns.
Baldrick. A leathern girdle or sword-belt.
Also the zodiac.
Baldwin, Charles H., Commodore U.S.N.
Born in New York, September 3, 1822. Ap
pointed from New York, April 24, 1839; at
tached to frigate " Brandywine," Mediterranean
Squadron, 1839-40; sloop "Fairfield," Mediter
ranean Squadron, 1840-43; sloop "Vandalia,"
1843-44; Naval School, Philadelphia, 1844-45.
Promoted to passed midshipman, July 2,
1845; frigate "Congress," Pacific Squadron,
1845-49 ; war with Mexico ; operations in the
neighborhood of Mazatlan during the time that
place was in possession of the United States naval
forces, from November, 1847, to June, 1848 ; two
engagements with the enemy.
Commissioned as lieutenant, November, 1853;
resigned, February 28, 1854 ; re-entered the ser
vice as lieutenant, 1861 ; commanded steamer
" Clifton" at the passage of Forts Jackson and
St. Philip, and capture of New Orleans, also at
first attack on Vicksburg, 1862.
Commissioned as commander, November 18,
1862; commanding steamer " Vanderbilt" ;
special service, 1863-64 ; ordnance duty, Mare
Island navy-yard, California, 1864-67 ; fleet-
captain, North Pacific Squadron, 1868-69.
Commissioned as captain, 1869 ; Inspector of
Ordnance, Mare Island, California, 1869-71 ;
commanding " Colorado," Asiatic Squadron,
1871-73; commanding naval rendezvous, San
Francisco, 1873.
Commissioned as commodore, August 8, 1876 ;
member Board of Examiners, 1876-79.
Bale. A pack or bundle.
BALE-GOODS. Goods or merchandise done up
in bales.
Baleen. The scientific term for the whale
bone of commerce, derived from balcena, a
whale. It consists of a series of long horny
plates growing from each side of the palate in
place of teeth. These plates are 10 to 15 feet in
length, and about a foot in width at the base.
Bale-fire. A beacon-fire.
Balenot. A porpoise or small whale, which
frequents the river St. Lawrence.
Balestilha. The cross-staff of the early Por
tuguese navigators.
Balinger, or Balangha. A kind of small
sloop or barge ; small vessels of war, formerly
without forecastles. A trading-boat of the Phil
ippines and Moluccas.
Balistes. A genus of ganoid fishes, charac
terized by their solid coat of mail extending over
the head as well as the body. Commonly called
Balit. A one-masted vessel of Muscat, from
100 to 200 tons burden.
Balize is on the Bay of Honduras, at the
mouth of the river Balize. Lat. 17° 29' 18"
N. ; Ion. 88° 12' W. The anchorage is safe and
the harbor spacious. The chief trade is in ma
hogany. Exports and imports about $1,000,000
per annum. Pop. 4000.
Balk. Young trees felled and squared. A
beam of timber used for temporary purposes, and
under eight inches square. Timbers, squared, of
any size, intended for planks, or, when very
large, for booms or rafts.
Balkar. A man placed on an eminence to
watch the movements of shoals of fish. In
early statutes he is called balcor.
Ball. A round body or globe. A solid shot
or bullet discharged from a cannon or other
gun. Formerly the word ball in its military
sense sufficiently described the projectiles of fire
arms, as nothing but round solid substances, such
as stone, iron, or lead, were so employed. With
the introduction of the mortar, however, which
was probably not long after the invention of can
non, irregularly-shaped pieces of stone or metal
came to be used, and at the siege of Naples by
Charles VIII. , in 1435, we first hear of shells or
hollow shot being used. The word, therefore, as
applied to the projectiles of fire-arms is not now
inclusive of all the projectiles used, but only of a
Ball, with a prefix more or less descriptive of
its purposes, such as fire-ball, stink-ball, etc.
(for which see separate headings), denotes pyro-
technical compositions, or missiles filled with
mal-odorous matter.
BALL AND SOCKET. A joint, of which the
inner part is formed like a ball and the outer
part is a hollow socket, inclosing the greater
portion of the ball, and fitting close upon it, but
allowing freedom of motion in every direction.
To BALL OFF. To wind up into a ball ; as,
Ballahou. A fast-sailing schooner, common
in Bermuda and the West Indies. The foremast
rakes forward and the mainmast aft ; hence the
term ballahou is sometimes applied to men-of-
war in which the masts are not kept properly
stayed, or which are slovenly in other respects.
Ballarag. See BULLYRA'G.
Ballast. A heavy substance employed to give
a ship sufficient hold on the water to give her
stability. The amount of ballast depends not
only on the ship's size and cargo, but also on
her build. It is not merely the weight of ballast
which the mariner has to consider ; he is re
quired to take into account its distribution.
To ballast a ship is the act of disposing the bal
last so that the ship will maintain her proper
equilibrium, and be neither too stiff nor too
crank. If she be too stiff she will sail sluggishly,
and her masts will be endangered by her violent
rolling. If she be too crank she will be unable
to carry sail without the danger of capsizing.
Stiffness is occasioned by stowing the ballast well
down, which brings the centre of gravity very
near the keel. Crankness, on the other hand, is
occasioned by raising the centre of gravity too
The object, therefore, is to so place the ballast,
neither too high nor too low, neither too near
the head nor too far aft, that the ship may be
brought down so that the surface of the water
will be brought nearly to the extreme breadth
The cargo and ballast are considered together,
the quantity and distribution of the latter being
made dependent upon the former. In a man-of-
war the ballast is permanent, and is made sub
servient to the guns and other top-weights she is
required to carry. The substances used as bal
last are various, chiefly iron, stone, gravel, sand,
mud, and water.
A ship is said to be in ballast when she carries
no weight except the ballast, crew, passengers,
provisions for, and baggage of, crew and pas
To LOSE ONE'S BALLAST is to become top-
heavy from conceit.
To HEAVE or SHOOT BALLAST is to dump
mud or gravel ballast overboard. In order to
prevent the filling up of harbors and channels
certain regulations have been made at most
maritime places for the disposal of ballast. The
ballast is said to shift when from violent rolling
it is removed from its original position.
BAG-WATER BALLAST is contained in water
proof bags laid upon the floor of a vessel, and tilled
or emptied by means of a pump and hose.
BOTTOM-WATER BALLAST is confined beneath
a false bottom in the vessel.
HOLD- WATER BALLAST is contained in a large
receptacle, which may be filled with cargo when
the ship is not in ballast.
PIG-IRON BALLAST is supplied to men-of-war.
It has the great advantage of taking up but little
SHINGLE BALLAST is composed of coarse
TANK-WATER BALLAST is contained in two
fore-and-aft tanks, which can be easily filled and
emptied by means of a pump.
Ballastage. A duty paid for taking up
ballast from a port.
Ballast-basket. A basket made of osier for
the measure and transport of ballast.
Ballast-lighter. A large flat-floored barge,
for heaving up and carrying ballast.
Ballast-mark. The horizontal line described
by the surface of the water on the body of a ship,
when she is immersed with her usual weight of
ballast on board.
Ballast-master. A person appointed to see
the port-regulations in respect to ballast carried
Ballast-ports. Square holes cut in the sides
of merchantmen for taking in ballast.
Ballast-trim. Trim when in ballast.
Ballatoon. A sort of long heavy luggage-
vessel of upwards of a hundred tons, employed on
the river between Moscow and the Caspian Sea.
Ball-cartridge. See CARTRIDGE.
Ball-clay. Stiff clay brought up by the flukes
of the anchor.
Ballistic Pendulum. An instrument invented
by Robins for measuring the force or velocity of
cannon- and musket-balls. To one extremity of
an iron bar was fixed a heavy cubical block of
wood, lined at the back with iron. A transverse
bar of iron at the other extremity of the first
bar served as an axis of suspension, in which the
pendulum swung freely, backwards and forwards.
In order to measure the extent of the vibration
which the pendulum made after receiving the
impact of the projectile, a ribbon was attached
to the lower end of the pendulum, passing loosely
through an orifice in a horizontal bar in the
frame-work ; when the pendulum was raised it
drew the ribbon along with it, and the quantity
which thus passed through the orifice measured
the chord of the arc of vibration. The instru
ment now used consists of a case or mortar of
cast iron, partly filled with sand-bags or block-
lead, suspended by wrought-iron bars from an
axis working on knife-edges on V-supports, and
the arc of vibration is measured on a copper arc
by an index carrying a vernier. If such a pen
dulum, when at rest, be struck by a body of a
known weight, and the vibration which the pen
dulum makes after the blow be known, the ve
locity of the striking body may thence be deter
mined. The quantity of motion of the projectile
before impact is equal to that of the pendulum
and projectile after impact. See ELECTRO-BAL
Ballistics. The art or science of throwing
weapons by means of engines.
Balloen. A Siamese state-galley built to
imitate a sea-monster, and pulling seventy to
a hundred oars of a side.
Ballon. A brigantine-rigged vessel used in
Siam, and made of a single tree.
Balloon. A bag of silk or other fabric filled
with gas specifically lighter than the atmos
phere, and hence deriving a tendency to ascend.
Balloon-fish. A fish of the genus Diodon,
having the power of inflating its body until it
becomes almost globular.
Balloon -jib. See JIB.
Ballot. To bound from side to side; as, a
shot in the bore of a gun.
Ballow. Deep water inside a shoal or bar.
Bally. A Teutonic word for inclosure, now
prefixed to many seaports in Ireland, as Bally-
castle, Ballyhaven, etc.
Balsa (Sp.). 1. A pool; a lake. 2. A raft,
or float, for conveying goods or persons across a
river. It seems probable that the original sig
nification of a pool or lake was converted into
the means employed to cross lakes or rivers. On
the west coast of South America balsas are made
of bullocks' hides sewn together over a frame
work in two cylinders joined together, not un
like in form to the jaw-bone of a horse. An
other kind of balsa is made of several pieces of
an extremely light wood, sharpened at the ends
and lashed together, with transverse slats to hold
them singly in position. Both these means were
employed centuries ago for landing in the surf.
The same primitive arrangement of the second
kind, using a sail, is the fishing-boat met far out
of sight of land on the coast of Brazil. The
general acceptation of the word on this con
tinent is either two or more inflated bags of
india-rubber, or long casks of metal or wood
secured together in " pairs, held some distance
apart by a frame-work, or logs of light wood
held together as before described, usually em
ployed where the eurf is heavy. 3. Any form
of flotation capable of propulsion not designed
for temporary use, differing from a raft in that
the latter is a mere temporary expedient. See
LIFE-BOATS and LIFP>RAFTS. — Daniel Ammen,
Rear- Admiral U.S.N.
Baltheus Orionis. The three bright stars
constituting Orion's Belt.
Baltimore, a city and port of entry of Mary
land, is on the estuary of the Patapsco River, 12
miles from its entrance into Chesapeake Bay,
and 250 miles by ship-channel from the sea.
Lat. 39° 17' N. ; Ion. 76° 37/ W. The harbor
is spacious and secure. The facilities for the
transfer of freight from the railways to the ship
ping are excellent, and in recent years Che city
has become one of the leading places of export
in the United States. Steamship lines connect
it with Liverpool, Bremen, and the principal
domestic ports. Pop. 330,000.
Balusters. The ornamental pillars of the
balconies or galleries of ships.
Bamba. A commercial shell of value on the
Gold Coast of Africa.
Bamboo. A plant of the family of grasses,
and genus Bambusa, growing in tropical coun
tries. Bamboo arundlnacea has a round, straight,
hollow, woody, jointed stem ; it grows to the
height of forty feet and upward. Old stalks are
five or six inches in diameter, and are so hard
and durable that they are used in the manufac
ture of agricultural implements, and in building
houses and ships. Bamboo is in general use in
China for masts of'junks, hence the pidgin-Eng
lish expressions, "two piecee bamboo" and
" three piecee bamboo" for brig-rigged and full-
rigged vessels.
Bamboozle. To deceive ; to play low tricks
upon. To decoy the enemy by hoisting false
Banana. A species of the genus Musa and
its fruit.
Band. An iron hoop around a mast or yard.
A company of musicians allowed to a ship or
navy-yard. See REEF-BAND, ROBAND.
BANDSMAN. A member of the band.
MASTER OF THE BAND. The leader of the
Bandage. A fillet, roller, or swath used in
dressing wounds.
Bandala. The fibre from which the Manilla
white rope is made. It is an outer layer of the
abaca, a variety of the plantain. See ROPE.
Bandaleer, or Bandoleer. A large leathern
belt thrown over the right shoulder and dangling
under the left arm, worn by ancient musketeers
for sustaining their musket. A small leather
case, of which every musketeer wore twelve, sus
pended by a belt.
Banded-drum. See GRUNTER.
Banderole. A small streamer or banner car
ried at the mast-head of a vessel, or at the end of
a pike or lance.
Band-fish, or Ribbon-fish. A popular name
of the Gymnetrus genus.
Bandle. An Irish measure of two feet.
Bang. An astringent and narcotic drug made
from the large leaves and capsules of the wild
hemp (Cannabis Indica}. A mixture of opium,
hemp-leaves, and tobacco, of an intoxicating
quality, chewed and smoked by the Malays and
other people in the East.
Bange. Light, fine rain.
Bangkok, capital of Siam, on the Menam, 20
miles from its mouth. Lat. 13° 38' N. ; Ion. 100°
34' E. Steamers ply hence to Singapore and
Hong Kong. Value of exports in 1877, $8,200,000;
of imports, $7,500,000. Vessels of 250 tons come
up to the town. Pop. 500,000.
Bangles. The hoops of a spar. The rings on
the wrists and ankles of Oriental people, chiefly
worn by females.
Bangor. A city and port of entry in Maine,
on the right bank of the Penobscot River, about
60 miles from the ocean. Lat. 44° 48' N. ; Ion.
68° 47' W. It is the head of navigation on the
Penobscot River, which traverses extensive forests
of pine, cedar, etc. The average quantity of
lumber shipped annually from Bangor is about
200,000,000 feet. Pop. about 23,000.
Banian. A sailor's colored frock.
Banian-, or Banyan- days. A cant term among
sailors to denote those days on which meat does
not form a part of the ration. The term is de
rived from a religious sect in the East who never
eat flesh.
Banian-, or Banyan-tree. The India fig-tree
(Ficus Indica). The tendrils from the branches
take root on reaching the ground, and form new
stocks, till they cover a space of an acre or more.
Religious rites, from which women are excluded,
are there performed.
Banjo. The brass frame in which a screw-
propeller is hung.
Bank. The border or margin of a river or
lake. A shoal composed of sand, mud, or gravel.
A seat or bench for rowers in a galley. The ,com-
mon galleys had 25 banks on each side, with one
oar to each bank, and four men to each oar. The
galeasses had 32 banks on a side, and six or seven
rowers to each bank. See GALLEY.
To DOUBLE-BANK AN OAR is to set two men
to pulling one oar.
A SINGLE-BANKED BOAT is one in which a
thwart is occupied by one man.
A DOUBLE-BANKED BOAT is one in which two
rowers sit on the same thwart.
Banka. A canoe of the Philippines consisting
of a single piece.
Banker. A vessel engaged in the cod-fishery
on the banks of Newfoundland.
Bankerk, Joseph van Trappen. A Dutch
admiral, born at Flushing about 1590; fought in
the battle of Dunkirk, and defeated the Portu
guese fleet near Brazil in 1647. Died on his
voyage home the same year.
Bank Fires. To allow the fires in the furnace
to burn down low, and then cut off the supply
of oxygen by covering the fires with ashes and
closing the doors of the furnace and ash-pit. By
this means fuel will be saved, and in an emer
gency fires can be spread and steam generated
with great rapidity.
Bank-harbor. A harbor protected from the
violence of the sea by banks of sand, mud, or
Bankhead, John Pine, Captain U.S. N. Born
in South Carolina, August 3, 1821. Entered as a
midshipman August 6, 1838, became a passed
midshipman in 1844, a lieutenant in 1852, a com
mander in 1862, and a captain in 1866. Died
at Aden, Arabia, April 27, 1869. In command
of the gunboat "Pembina," November 7, 1861,
at the battle of Port Royal, and subsequent
operations on the coast of South Carolina. In
command of the original ""Monitor" when she
foundered off Cape Hatteras, December 31, 1863.
Bank-hook. A large fish-hook laid baited in
running water with line attached to the bank.
Banking. A general term applied to fishing
on the great bank of Newfoundland.
Banksal, or Banksaul, and in Calcutta spelled
bankshall. A shop, office, or other place, for
transacting business. A square inclosure at the
pearl-fishery. A beach store-house wherein ships
deposit their rigging and furniture while under
going repair. A place where small commercial
courts and arbitrations are held.
Bannag. A name for a white trout ; a sea-
Bannak-fluke. A name of the turbot, as dis
tinguished from the halibut.
Banner. A small square flag edged with fringe.
Bannerol. A little banner or streamer.
Bannock. A name given to a certain hard
Banstickle. A diminutive fish, called also
the three-spined stickle-back (Gasterosteus acu-
Baptism. A ceremony practiced on sailors
and passengers on their first crossing the equator :
a riotous and ludicrous custom, which from the
violence of its ducking, shaving, and other prac
tical jokes, is becoming annually less in vogue.
It is esteemed a usurpation of privilege to bap
tize on crossing the tropics.
Bar. A boom formed of huge trees, or spars
lashed together, moored transversely across a
port, to prevent entrance or egress. The short
bits of bar-iron, about half a pound each, used as
the medium of traffic on the Negro coast. An
accumulated shoal or bank of sand, shingle,
gravel, or other uliginous substances, thrown up
by the sea to the mouth of a river or harbor.
The shore on which the deposition of sediment
is taking place will be flat, whilst the opposite
one is steep. It is along the side of the latter that
the deepest channel of the river lies ; and in the
line of this channel, but without the points that
form the mouth of the river, will be the bar. If
both the shores are of the same nature, which
seldom happens, the bar will lie opposite the
middle of the channel. Rivers in general have
what may be deemed a bar, although it may not
rise high enough to impede the navigation, — for
the increased deposition that takes place when
the current slackens must necessarily form a
bank. Bars of small rivers may be deepened by
means of stockades to confine the river cur
rent, and prolong it beyond the natural points
of the river's mouth ; they operate to remove the
place of deposition farther out, and into deeper
water. Bars, however, act as breakwaters in
most instances, and consequently secure smooth
water within them. The deposit in all curvilin
ear or serpentine rivers will always be found at
the point opposite to the curve into which the
ebb strikes and rebounds, deepening the hollow
and depositing on the tongue. Therefore if it
be deemed advisable to change the position of a
bar, it may in some cases be aided by works
projected on the last curve seaward. By such
means a parallel canal may be formed which will
admit vessels under the cover of the bar.
BAR-HARBOR. One which from a bar at its
entrance cannot admit ships of great draft, or
can only do so at high water. Bar-shallow,
a term sometimes applied to a portion of a bar
which has less water on it than other parts of the
Baracoota. A tropical fish (Sphyrcena bara-
citda), considered in the West Indies to be dan
gerously poisonous at times, nevertheless eaten,
and deemed the sea-salmon.
Barangay. An East Indian vessel propelled
by oars.
^Barbadoes Tar. A mineral pitch or petro
leum, which flows from the earth or rocks in
many places.
Barbalot. The barbel. Also, a puffin.
Barb-bolt. A rag-bolt. A bolt with a jagged
end to make it hold when it cannot be clinched.
Barbel. A fresh-water fish found in many
European rivers ; its upper jaw is furnished
with four beard-like appendages.
Barber. A singular vapor rising in streams
from the surface of the water. The condensed
breath on the beard and moustache. A rating
on the ship's books for the man who shaves the
Barbette (Fr.}. A mound on which guns are
mounted to fire over the top of the parapet.
Guns are in barbette when they are mounted so
as to fire over a parapet, and not through an
embrasure. Barbette gun, or barbette battery, a
gun or battery mounted in barbette. Barbette
carriage, a carriage which permits of its gun
being mounted in barbette.
Barca (Sp.). A small two-masted vessel.
Barca-longa (Sp.}. A large Spanish coasting
vessel with pole-masts and lug-sails. The name
is also applied to Spanish gunboats.
Barcarolle. A popular song sung by Vene
tian gondoliers.
Barcelona. A seaport town of Spain. Lat.
(mole light) 41° 22' 36" N. ; Ion. 2° II' E. The
port is commodious, two moles having been built
for its improvement. Pop. 225,000.
Barces. Short guns with large bores, for
merly used in ships.
Barchetta. A small bark for transporting
Barcon. A Mediterranean lighter.
Bareka. A small barrel, spelled also barika.
Bare poles. A vessel at sea is said to be
under bare poles when no sail is set; in which
case she may be either lying-to, or scudding
before the gale.
Barge. A vessel or boat of state elegantly
furnished. A double-decked passenger or freight
boat having no power of its own, but towed by a
steamboat. A long double-banked boat of spa
cious construction for the use of flag-officers. A
spacious light-draft river-boat for the transporta
tion of heavy merchandise.
BARGEES. The crews of canal-boats and river-
BARGE-MATE. The officer who steers a boat
of state on occasions of ceremony.
BARGE-MEN, or BARGES. Picked men who
pull the barges.
BARGET. An old term for a small barge.
Bari. A city and seaport of Italy, on a penin
sula in the Adriatic. Lat. 41° 7'*52" N. ; Ion.
16° 53' 4" E. The quay and roadstead are good,
and the harbor has been much improved of late.
Pop. 52,000.
Barilla. A sea-shore or maritime plant from
which soda is made. In commerce this name is
applied to the impure carbonate of soda made by
burning certain maritime plants. See ALG^E.
Bark, or Barque. Any small vessel. A
three-masted vessel square-rigged on the fore
and main, with fore-and-aft sails on the mizzen-
mast. Bark-rigged, rigged as a bark, with no
square-sails on the mizzen-mast.
Barkantine, or Barquantine. A three-masted
vessel square-rigged on the fore-mast, and fore-
and-aft rigged on the main- and mizzen-masts.
Barkers. An old term for lower deck guns
and pistols.
Barkey. A sailor's term of endearment for
the ship to which he belongs.
Barking-irons. Large dueling pistols.
Barling. An old term for the lamprey.
Barling-spars. Spars fit for any small mast
or yard.
Barnacle (Conch.). A species of the Bala-
nidce, a family of sessile crustaceans. The shells
are common along sea-shores, where they adhere
to rocks, timber, and vessels. (Ornith.) A spe
cies of goose (Anas lucopsis) frequenting the
northern seas in summer and migrating south
wards in winter. Formerly the strange notion
prevailed that they grew out of the barnacles at
tached to ships ; hence the name.
Barnstable (Mass.). A port of entry on a
bay of the same name, which is a part of Cape
Cod Bay. Pop. about 430, mostly engaged in the
coast-trade and fisheries.
Barometer (Gr. baros, weight, and metron,
measure). An instrument for measuring the
weight or pressure of the atmosphere. The dis
covery of the instrument resulted from an appli
cation, made to Galileo by workmen engaged in
preparing a suction pump for a deep well, to
know why, notwithstanding great care in form
ing and fitting the valves and piston, the water
would not rise higher than about 32 English
feet. In that age the doctrine of a plenum was
an axiom in philosophy ; and the ascent of water
in the barrel of the pump was universally as
cribed to nature's horror of a vacuum; Galileo
therefore contented himself with replying that the
power of nature to overcome a vacuum was lim
ited, and did not exceed the pressure of a column
of water 32 feet in height. Before his death,
however, which happened soon after, in 1642, he
earnestly recommended to his pupil Torricelli to
undertake the investigation of the subject. Tor
ricelli, suspecting the true cause of the suspension
of the water, namely, the weight of the atmos
phere, conceived the idea of trying the experi
ment with mercury. He perceived that if the
weight of the atmosphere forms a counterpoise
to a column of water of 32 feet, it must also
counterpoise a column of mercury of about 28
inches in height, the weight of mercury being
about 14 times greater than that of water.
Having procured a glass tube of about 3 feet in
length and a quarter of an inch in diameter,
hermetically sealed at one end, he filled it with
mercury; and covering the open end with the
finger, he immersed it in an open vessel contain
ing mercury. On bringing the tube to the verti
cal position, and removing the finger, the mer
cury instantly sank, leaving a vacuum at the top
of the tube, and after making several oscillations,
stood in the tube at the height of about 28 inches
above the surface of that in the vessel. On cov
ering the mercury in the vessel with a portion of
water, and raising the tube till the lower end
came into contact with the water, the mercury
all ran out, and the water rushed up to the top
of the tube. This experiment, called after its
author, the Torricellian experiment, demonstrated
that the mercury was sustained in the tube, and
the .water in the barrel of the pump, by exactly
the same counterpoise, whatever the nature of it
might be. Torricelli died shortly after without
completing his discovery, but the fame of his
experiment attracted to the subject the attention
of philosophers in other countries ; among others
the celebrated Pascal. After various experi
ments, all of which tended to establish the press
ure of the atmosphere, it occurred to Pascal that
if the mercurial column was really supported by
atmospheric pressure it must be affected by the
weight of the superincumbent mass of air, and
consequently be "diminished at considerable ele
vations. Assisted by his brother-in-law, Perier,
he conclusively established by experiments the
correctness of the theory, and thereupon pro
posed the barometer as an instrument for meas
uring the height of mountains, or the relative
altitudes of places above the surface of the earth.
"While Pascal, therefore, is justly credited with
the practical demonstration of the value of the
barometer in the determination of heights, it is
claimed that Claudio Beriguardi, at Pisa, had
made the same application of the instrument five
years before; and it appears that Alhazen, the
Saracen, A.D. 1100, was aware that the atmos
phere decreases in density with increase of height.
The barometer in its ordinary form consists of
a tube 34 inches in length, closed at the top, ex
hausted of air, and with its lower end immersed
in a cup of mercury, which the pressure of the
atmosphere causes to ascend in the tube. The
height of the mercurial column varies with
changes in the weight of the atmosphere, and a
graduated scale alongside the tube, embracing
the range of oscillation, enables the variations
to be noted.
In all barometric observations there are, in
general, two essential corrections to be made:
one for capillarity, or depression of the mercury
in the tube, and the other for temperature. The
following are the corrections for tubes of different
diameters according to the theory of Mr. Ivory:
Diam. of tube. Depression. Diam. of tube. Depression.
Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches.
.10 .1403 .40 .0153
.15 .0863 , .45 .0112
.20 .0581 .50 .0083
.25 .0407 .60 .0044
.30 .0292 .70 .0023
.35 .0211 .80 .0012
In siphon barometers (so called from their
shape), having both branches of the same di
ameter, the depression is equal at both ends ;
consequently the effect is destroyed, and no
correction is required. The correction for the
temperature, which is the most important, de
pends on the expansion of the mercury and the
expansion of the scale on which the divisions are
marked ; this latter expansion being very small,
is disregarded. In order to ascertain the neces
sary correction for expansion of the mercury, a
thermometer must be attached to the barometer
and observed at the same time. The rule usually
followed is to "subtract the ten-thousandth part
of the observed altitude for every degree of Fah
renheit above 32°. ' ' Calculated correction tables
are published.
and neros, a fluid). In this instrument the vary
ing pressure of the atmosphere is indicated, not
by the varying height of a column of fluid, but
by the compression and expansion of a small
metal vessel from which nearly all the air has
been exhausted. Its external appearance is that
of a circular brass box having a dial face, the
graduations of which are pointed out by a finger,
which is moved by machinery attached to the
elastic nearly exhausted vessel fixed within. At
the back of the instrument is a screw for the pur
pose of adjusting its indications by reference to
the mercurial barometer. The aneroid requires
to be thus originally set, and should be thus ad
justed from time to time. It possesses the ad
vantages of being very susceptible and portable,
and is a most convenient " weather glass" for
ship's use. It is also a convenient instrument
for roughly estimating the heights of mountains.
For additional information respecting the ba
rometer and its uses, see " Weather Guides," by
Rear-Admiral Jenkins.
Barometer-gauge. An appendage to a boiler
or condenser. to indicate the state of the vacuum.
Barquantine. See BARKANTINE.
Barque. See BARK.
Barra-boats. Vessels of the western isles of
Scotland, carrying ten or twelve men. They are
extremely sharp fore and aft, having no floor,
but with sides rising straight from the keel, so
that a transverse section resembles the letter V.
They are swift and safe, for in proportion as they
heel to a breeze their bearings are increased.
Barrack-smack. A corruption of Berwick-
smack ; a word applied to small Scotch traders.
Barracoon. A slave warehouse, or an in-
closure where slaves are kept.
Barrator. The master of a ship who commits
any fraud in the management of the ship, or in
relation to his duties as master, by which the
owners or insurers are injured.
Barratry. A fraudulent breach of duty or
willful act of known illegality on the part of a
master of a ship, in his character as master, or of
the mariners, to the injury of the owner of the
ship or cargo, and without his consent, and it
includes every breach of trust committed with
dishonest views ; as, by running away with a ship,
by scuttling or deserting her, or by embezzling
her cargo.
Barred Killifish. A fish from two to four
inches in length, which frequents salt-water
creeks, floats, and the vicinity of wharves.
Barrel. The cylinder between the whelps and
the pawl-rim constituting the main piece of a
capstan. The part of the wheel on which the
tiller-ropes are wound. The tube of a fire-arm.
The piston-chamber of a pump. A cylindrical
wooden vessel or cask, greater in length than in
breadth, bulging in the middle, and composed
of staves and headings held together by hoops
of wood or iron. A measure of capacity, as 31£
gallons of wine, 36 gallons of ale, or 196 pounds
of flour.
BARREL-BUILDER. An old rating on the ship's
books, now called cooper.
BARREL-BULK. A measure used in estimating
capacity for freights. It is equal to five cubic
feet, or one-eighth of a ton.
Barrel-screw. A powerful machine, consist
ing of two large poppets, or male screws, moved
by levers in their heads upon a bank of plank,
with a female screw at each end. It is of great
use in starting a launch.
Barrier of Ice. Ice stretching from the land-
ice to the sea- or main ice, or across a channel, so
as to render it impassable.
Barrier Reefs. Coral reefs that either extend
in straight lines in front of the shores of a con
tinent or large island, or encircle smaller isles,
in both cases being separated from the land by a
channel of water. Barrier reefs exist in New
South Wales, the Bermudas, Laccadives, Mal
dives, etc.
Barren, James, Commodore U.S.N. Born
in Virginia in 1769. Went to sea early in life,
and served with his father in the early marine of
Virginia, commanding the " Patriot." Entered
the navy as lieutenant, March 9, 1798, and
cruised under Barry, in the " United States," in
the West Indies, and afterwards to France. Pro
moted to captain, May 22, 1799, commanded the
"President" (44) in Dale's squadron to Tripoli,
and returned in Morris's squadron in the " New
York" (36) in 1802. Transferred to the " Chesa
peake" (38), and returned home in her. Again
went to the Mediterranean, in the " Essex" (32),
under the flag of his brother, S. Barren, and was
transferred to the "President" (44) in 1805. Was
sixth captain on the new navy list. Returning
home in 1806, he was given the "Chesapeake"
(44), and hoisted a broad-pennant on her in June,
1807. He put to sea June 22, and was followed
out of Chesapeake Bay by the "Leopard" (50), an
English frigate, and, while unprepared to fight,
was fired into from that ship, after some parley
concerning search, and compelled to surrender,
having been wounded. He was tried on several
charges, found guilty of two, and suspended from
rank and pay for five years, until 1813. During
the period of his suspension he was absent from
the United States, and on his return became
involved in a quarrel with Commodore Decatur,
and killed that officer in a duel, March 22, 1820,
himself being seriously wounded. Resided in
Norfolk until 1825. Commanded Philadelphia
navy-yard, 1825-27 ; Norfolk navy-yard, 1827-
32; Philadelphia navy-yard, 1833-37; wait
ing orders, 1838-42. He became the. senior
officer of the navy in 1839. On leave and wait
ing orders until' his death, which occurred at
Norfolk in 1851, April 21, he being 82 years old,
and having been in the navy 53 years. — F. S.
Bassett, Lieutenant U.S.N.
Barry, John, Commodore U.S.N. Born in
Wexford County, Ireland, in 1745. He went to
sea in the merchant service while yet young.
Arriving in America at the age of 15, he adopted
it as his home. He received one of the first com
missions incur navy. Commanded the "Lex
ington," brig (16), the first cruiser to sail, and
captured the British tender "Edward." Was
transferred to the frigate " Effingham" the same
year, and commissioned captain, No. 7 on the
list. Successfully removed the ships up the river
when Philadelphia was taken, and captured a
schooner by a bold dash with boats. Volun
teered with the army, and was aid to General
Cadwalader at Trenton. Appointed to command
the " Raleigh" (32), and being chased by a British
squadron, he made a brave defense, but ran his
ship ashore and lost her.
Commanded several letters of marque in the
West Indies. Sailed in February, 1781, in
command of the " Alliance" (32), with our min
ister, Laurens, to France, and on his return in
the same year, May 29, captured the English
sloop " Atalanta" and brig " Trepassa," and was
severely wounded.
Sailed again in 1781, conveying Lafayette and
De Noailles to France. Left L'Orient February,
1782, and cruised in the Atlantic. Returning
from Havana in March, he was chased by three
English ships, but, engaging the first, so injured
her that he was able to escape.
Sailed at intervals during the war in letters of
marque. Made senior officer of the navy in
1794. In command of the " United States" (44)
at Philadelphia, and was influential in having
set on foot the construction of those heavy frigates
that won so many victories. During the war
with France he cruised in European waters in
the " United States," protecting our commerce.
He died at Philadelphia, September 13, 1803, at
the age of 58. He was the third commander-
in-chief of the navy. — F. S. Bassett, Lieutenant
Barse. The common river-perch.
Bar-shot. Two half balls joined together by
a bar of iron, for cutting and destroying spars
and rigging. "When whole balls are thus fitted
they are more properly double-headed shot.
Bart, Jean. Born at Dunquerque, October,
1650. Died in the same place, April, 1702. The
life of Jean Bart is, or was, a text-book in the
French naval schools, and his memory has al
ways been preserved among the French sea
faring population as a type of a French sailor.
He is to the French navy what Bayard and
Latour d'Auvergne are to the army. In the
English navy every old prejudice, as well as the
custom of hard fighting, is said to come down
from Benbow, and so in the French navy all
such traditions are traced to Jean Bart. He
was a member of a seafaring family of Dun
querque, on the very N.E. confines of France.
He was rather more Flemish than French, in fact.
His father commanded a corsaire (somewhat
equivalent to a " letter of marque") out of the
port of Dunquerque. Jean Bart went to sea at
twelve years of age, and long before his major
ity became " second" of a brigantine, with the
euphonious name of the Cochon Gras, or " Fat
Hog," which cruised in the dangerous naviga
tion of the English Channel as a lookout against
the advance of the British fleet.
In 1666, Jean Bart entered the Dutch Marine,
serving under the celebrated Admiral de Ruyter
in the war with the English. He returned home
in 1672, having attained the rank of lieutenant,
leaving the Dutch service on account of war
breaking out between Holland and France.
Still a very young man, he commenced his
career as corsaire, and for six years his whole
sale captures of Dutch vessels caused his name
to be known in all northern ports.
In 1679, upon the recommendation of the cele
brated Vauban, Jean Bart was commissioned
as lieutenant de vaisseait in the French Royal
In 1681 he was sent by Colbert, in command
of two frigates, against the Salee pirates. He
made a brilliant cruise, bringing back with him
many important Moorish prisoners. Two years
after, during the war between France and Spain,
he made important and successful cruises in the
Mediterranean, and was advanced to the rank of
capitalize de fregate. At this time he organized
squadrons of fast frigates and corsaires combined,
and so drilled them that they were not only able
to greatly interfere with the enemy's commerce,
but were able to unite and fight in line upon
By this time his reputation as a bold and skill
ful commander was so well established that his
services were always sought for when anything
especially difficult or daring was to be attempted
by sea.
In 1689 he convoyed a fleet of powder and
provision vessels from Calais to Brest, fighting
his way down the channel through a fleet of
English and Dutch cruisers. During one of
these fights he saw his son, a child of ten years
old, showing some trepidation, and at once had
him lashed to the mainmast until the action was
over. This boy became a vice-admiral in the
French navy.
Soon after this Jean Bart was, with Captain
the Chevalier Forbin, wounded and taken pris
oner in a bloody frigate action in the channel.
They were taken to Plymouth, but, owing to
the stubborn resistance of the men-of-war, their
convoy escaped. He was not many days a pris
oner, but succeeded in escaping during foggy
weather, and, with Forbin and two or three
sailors, seized the yawl of a merchant vessel, and
pulled for the French coast. After forty-eight
hours of exposure and excessive labor, they
landed on the coast of Brittany, near St. Malo.
Both he and Forbin were made capitaines de vais-
seau for this exploit.
Jean Bart was soon at sea again, this time in
command of a squadron of frigates, with which
he fought several actions and made captures.
In 1690 he commanded the frigate " Alcyon,"
in Tourville's fleet, with great approval from his
admiral ; and, upon his return from this cruise,
he was allowed to carry out his idea of forming
a special squadron to destroy the Dutch com
merce in the North Sea and in the Baltic.
By the time he had, at Dunquerque, got
ready seven frigates and a fire-ship, he found
himself blockaded by thirty-five English and
Dutch vessels. He managed, however, to elude
them all, and to make his cruise, during which
he burnt nearly a hundred English vessels,
landed near Newcastle, burnt a number of houses,
and returned safely to his port, with his squadron
intact and laden with spoil. Never willing to be
idle, he was soon off again into the North Sea,
this time with only three ships, and again re
turned with prizes.
Jean Bart's fame was now such that he was sent
for by Louis XIV., when the brilliant courtiers
of that august monarch were much amused with
his brusque manners and ways. He had already
been popularly called "the Sea Bear," and all
sorts of stories" are told of how he bore himself in
the presence of the " Sun of France,"— how he
smoked his pipe in his presence, clapped the
princes of the blood on the back, and generally
behaved as a genuine loup-de-mer. There ap
pears to be little truth in these relations. Jean
Bart was no doubt of simple, plain manners,
but long before this period he had associated
with some of the best men in France, and he
had commanded fleets very successfully. It is
not likely, therefore, that he would have been
found wanting in common courtesy. The fact
appears to be that the stories told of his be
havior at court were only a corollary to those
popularly related of him, so great was the en
thusiasm created by his exploits.
It has been said by Eugene Sue, in his " His-
toirede Marine," that Jean Bart could not write,
and only signed his name mechanically. This is
not probable in the case of one who was a good
navigator. The "Archives de la Marine" show
exceedingly well-formed signatures of his, al
though the letters themselves are written by a
clerk, as is the case in all services and at all times.
The naval registers of Dunquerque show the
same thing. M. Vanderest, in his " Histoire de
Jean Bart," disposes of these stories in an en
thusiastic but complete fashion.
Portraits of Jean Bart show him to have been
a square-built man, of fair height, with a good,
open, Flemish countenance, blue eyes, and light
hair. He spoke several languages, including
English, but, it is said, spoke French with a
Flemish accent.
In 1693, Louis XI V., wishing to repair the
disgrace of La Hogue, gave Tourville command
of a new fleet, in which Jean Bart commanded
the " Glorieux," and in her fought at the battle
of Lagos.
After this he had command of a squadron of
six frigates to escort an immense convoy of
grain, and succeeded in getting his charge safely
into Dunquerque, after a severe battle with the
Anglo-Dutch fleet. By this action he saved that
part of France from impending famine ; and the
event was considered so important that a medal
was struck to commemorate it. In the same
year Jean Bart took three English frigates and
their convoy of transports, loaded with provisions
and stores.
In 1694, Louis XIV. gave Jean Bart lettres
de noblesse, with the cross of Saint Louis, and
the right to wear the fleur-de-lis in his arms.
In the same year the ennobled sailor nar
rowly missed capturing, in the North Sea, Wil
liam of Orange, who was returning from Hol
land to England. A curious speculation could
be elaborated upon the result of such a capture.
Certainly William would have fared badly as
prisoner of Louis XIV., and most likely James
II. would have had the English throne.
In 1696, Jean Bart went cruising in the North
Sea again, and though, as usual, blockaded in
Dunquerque by a strong Anglo-Dutch fleet, he
succeeded in eluding them and getting to sea.
Just north of the Texel he encountered the Dutch
Baltic fleet, and captured their escort of frigates
and some forty merchant vessels. When about
to take possession of them a very superior force
of the enemy hove in sight, and Jean Bart was
obliged to burn his prizes, which he did thor
oughly, and then made sail in retreat in line of
battle, the enemy not caring to pursue. His
thorough ability and boldness on this occasion
elicited the admiration of the very men opposed
to him. Forbin, in his " Memoires," pretends
that Jean Bart was only fitted for frigate actions
and coups de main, but we have seen that he
handled squadrons well, and his dispatches con
cerning such affairs were always clear and well
considered. On his return from this cruise Louis
XIV. sent for him, and said, "Jean Bart, I
have made you chef d'escadron" (commodore, —
a higher rank than in our day). " Sire," Jean
Bart replied, "you have done well." In the
previous year the "Grand Monarque" had hurt
Jean Bart's feelings by telling him he had not
done as well as usual.
In 1697, Jean Bart took the Prince de Conti to
Dantzic, where he went in the hope of obtaining
the throne of Poland. On their voyage they
were met by an enemy's squadron of no less than
nine line-of-battle ships, but they succeeded in
escaping from them. The prince said, " We
were near being taken!" "Oh, no," said Jean
Bart : "I had my son in the magazine, to blow
us up before that should happen." The prince
was, naturally, shocked at this, and said, "Your
remedy is worse than the evil ! I forbid any
thing of the kind while I am on board." Conti
got safe to Dantzic, but, as we all know, effected
In 1697 occurred the peace of Ryswick, and
then Jean Bart, for the first time in his life, had
a period of repose, which he spent most simply,
with his family, at Dunquerque.
As soon as the war of the Spanish Succession
broke out he was ordered to command a fleet
again. Unfortunately, in his personal exertions
in pressing on the preparations he caught cold,
had a pleurisy, and died, in April, 1702, just at
the time that France had most need of him, for
she was soon to be brought to suffer great dis
asters, both by sea and land.
His successor in the fleet never tried to pass the
blockade, as Jean Bart had done so often, and
by so doing kept ten times his number employed
against him.
Jean Bart was only fifty-two years old when he
died, and the loss of no man of his time was more
In spite of all his prizes he had saved very
little money, but the king gave his widow a pen
sion of 2000 crowns.
In 1845 a statue to Jean Bart, by the cele
brated David, was erected at Dunquerque. As
has been stated, his son became a vice-admiral,
and died at the age of 78. His grandson became
a chef d'escadron, and died in 1784, being the
last of his direct descendants.
The last of the descendants of his brother, and
the last who bore the name of the great French
sailor, died a lieutenant de vaisseau in 1843. —
E. Shippen,
Barton, Wm. P. C., Surgeon U.S. Navy.
Born in Philadelphia, Pa., November 17, 1786.
He was descended from Rev. Thomas Barton, an
Episcopal clergyman who came to America under
the patronage of the Penn family, and married
in Philadelphia the sister of David Rittenhouse,
the celebrated mathematician and astronomer,
and the first president of the Philosophical So
ciety. Dr. Barton received his classical educa
tion at Princeton College, where he graduated
with distinction at an early age. He commenced
the study of medicine under the direction of his
uncle, Dr. Benjamin Smith Barton, and gradu
ated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1808.
After graduating Dr. Barton commenced the
practice of medicine in Philadelphia. He was
surgeon at the Pennsylvania Hospital, and upon
recommendation of the celebrated Dr. Benjamin
Rush and Dr. Physick he was appointed surgeon
in the navy. He was for many years on active
duty, and distinguished himself in the treatment
of cases, and by his great skill in the perform
ance of difficult and delicate operations. During
his reliefs from sea service he was not content to
pass his time unemployed, but devoted himself
with great professional ardor to the publication
of various works, which acquired at the time
cpnsiderable reputation. Among others, his
work on " Marine Hospitals" (published in 1814) ;
his " Vegetable Materia Medica," and " Flora of
North America," with drawings from nature,
made by himself and colored by his wife (pub
lished in 1817 and 1818) ; his translation of the
work of the celebrated Gregory on the Influences
of climate, and other treatises, were extensively
circulated, and gained for their author consider
able celebrity. He was chosen professor of bot
any in the University of Pennsylvania, became
a Fellow of the College of Physicians of Phila
delphia, a member of the American Philosophi
cal Society, president of the Linnsean Society,
and honorary member and surgeon of the First
City Troop. Upon the creation of the Bureau
of Medicine and Surgery in the navy, Dr. Barton
was tendered and accepted the appointment of
chief of that bureau. In this position he intro
duced many reforms, corrected and abolished
many abuses, and secured the warm commenda
tion and approval of the government. He re
signed his position as head of the bureau, but re
tained his commission in the navy, and had been
at the time of his death for several years the se
nior surgeon of the navy. He died at Philadel
phia, February 29, 1856.
Baruth. An East Indian measure, with a
corresponding weight of 3£ pounds avoirdupois.
Base. The hemispherical portion of the
breech of a gun. The lowest part of the perim
eter of a geometrical figure. When applied to
a delta it is that edge of it which is washed by
the sea, or recipient of the deltic branches. The
lowest part of a mountain or chain of mountains.
The level line on which any work stands, as the
foot of a pillar. An old boat-gun ; a wall-piece
on the musketoon principle, carrying a 5-ounce
BASE-LINE. In surveying, the base on which
the triangulation is founded. In gunnery, a line
traced around the breech of a gun, which marks
the division between the breech and cylinder.
BASE OF OPERATIONS. That secure line of
frontier or fortresses, or strong country occupied
by troops, or of sea occupied by fleets, from
which forward movements are made, supplies
furnished, and upon which a retreat may be
made, if necessary.
BASE-RING. A molding around the breech
of a gun, between the base and first reenforce.
Bashaw. A Turkish title of honor and com
mand ; more properly pacha.
Basil. The angle to which the edge of ship
wrights' cutting tools is ground away.
Basilicus. A name of Regulus, or the Lion's
Heart, a Leonis ; a star of the first magnitude.
Basilisk. An old name for a long 48-pounder,
the gun next in size to the carthoun : called
basilisk from the snakes or dragons sculptured
in the place of dolphins. Also, in still earlier
times, a gun throwing an iron ball of 200
pounds weight.
Basillard. An old term for a poniard.
Basin. A wet-dock provided with flood-gates
for restraining the water, in which shipping may
be kept afloat at all times of tide. Also, all those
sheltered spaces of water which are nearly sur
rounded with slopes from which waters are re
ceived ; these receptacles have a circular shape
and narrow entrance. Geographically basins
may be described as upper, lower, lacustrine,
fluvial, mediterranean, etc.
Basket-fish. A name for several species of
Euryale; a kind of star-fish, the arms of which
divide and subdivide many times, and curl up
and intertwine at the ends, giving the whole
animal something of the appearance of a round
Basket-hilt. The guard continued up the
hilt of a cutlass, so as to protect the whole hand
from injury.
Basking Shark. So called from being often
seen lying still in the sunshine. A large carti
laginous fish, the Squalus maximus of Linnaeus,
inhabiting the Northern Ocean. It attains a
length of 30 feet, but is neither fierce nor vora
cious. See SAIL-FISH,
Bass, or Bast. A soft sedge or rush (Juncus
Icevis), of which coarse kinds of rope and mat
ting are made. A Gaelic term for the blade of
an oar.
Basse. A species of perch (Perca labrax),
found on the coast and in estuaries, commonly
about 18 inches long.
Bassos. An old term for shoals. Rocks
a- wash, or below water.
Bast. The inner bark of the lime-tree or
linden, hence the cordage or mats made from
this bark. See BASS.
Basta. A word from the Italian, in former
use for enough.
Bastard. A term applied to all pieces of ord
nance of unusual or irregular proportions. A
square-sail in use in some Mediterranean craft;
it was occasionally used as an awning.
Bastard-mackerel, or Horse-mackerel. The
Caranx trachurus, a dry, coarse, and unwhole
some fish of the family Scomberidce.
Bastard-pitch. When a mixture of equal
parts of colophony, black pitch, and tar is boiled
down, it forms a liquid substance called by the
French bray gras. When a thicker consistence
is required more colophony is added, and it is
then called bastard-pitch.
Baste. To beat; to cudgel. To sew with
long stitches.
Bastile. A temporary wooden tower used
formerly in military and naval warfare. The
name is specifically applied to an old fortification
in Paris built in the 14th century, long used as a
state prison, but demolished by the populace in
Bat, or Sea-bat. An Anglo-Saxon word for
boat or vessel. A broad-bodied thoracic fish
(Chcetodon vespertilio}.
Batardate. A square-stemmed row-galley.
Batardeau. Planks to prevent the entrance
of water when a ship is hove down for repairs.
Batardelle. A galley less strong than the
Batavia. A city and seaport of Java, at the
mouth of the Jukatra River, on the N. coast of
the island, with a free port, extensive and safe.
Lat. 6° 8' S. ; Ion. 106° 50' E. The bay or har
bor forms a roadstead of great beauty, and may
be entered by vessels of the largest class. Pop.
Bateau. A flat-bottomed, sharp-ended, clumsy
boat used on the lakes and rivers of Canada. A
peculiar army pontoon.
Bated. A plump, full-roed fish is said to be
Batella. A small plying-boat.
Bath (Maine). A city and port of entry on
the right bank of the Kennebec Kiver, 12 miles
from the ocean, 36 miles N.E. of Portland.
Wooden ship-building is carried on at Bath to a
very large extent. Pop. 11,000.
Bath-brick. A preparation of calcareous
earth in the form of a brick, used for cleaning
Bathometer. A sounding apparatus, which
Bathymetry. The art or science of measuring
the depth of the sea.
Batillage. An old term for boat-hire.
Batman. A weight used in the East, varying
according to locality.
Bat-swain. An Anglo-Saxon expression for
Battard. An early cannon of small size.
Batteloe. A lateen-rigged vessel of India.
Batten. Scantlings from one inch to three
inches broad. Long slips of timber used for set
ting fair the sheer lines of a ship, for staying the
lower masts, and for setting off distances gener
ally. Strips of wood secured to masts, yards, or
rigging to protect them from chafe. Slips of
wood used for confining the edges of the tarpau
lins over the hatches.
the tarpaulins and secure them by nailing bat
tens over them.
Battering Charge. A charge of powder
heavier than the ordinary charge, to be used
against ironclads or masonry at short range for
a limited number of fires.
Battering-guns, or Battering-pieces. Guns
whose weight and power fit them for demolishing
by direct force the works of the enemy.
Battery. A place where guns or mortars are
mounted. A body of cannon taken collectively ;
as, the starboard battery. Two or more pieces
of artillery in the field. Barbette battery, one
without embrasures. Floating-battery, a vessel
heavily clad with iron, and having little or no
steam-power, used for harbor defense ; a battery
mounted on a raft or hulk. Masked, or covered
battery, one concealed from the enemy by a bank
or breastwork until it opens fire. Water-battery,
one close to and nearly on a level with the water.
Mortar-batteries have no embrasures, the mortar
being generally fired at an angle of 45°. See
Battle-lantern. A lantern supplied to each
gun for lighting up the decks during an engage
ment at night.
Battle-royal. A term derived from cock-
fighting, but generally applied to a noisy, con
fused row.
Battle the Watch. To contend with a diffi
culty ; to shift as well as one can ; to depend on
one's own exertions.
Bat-ward. An old term for a boat-keeper.
Bavin. See BORE.
Baw-burd. An old expression for larboard.
Bawdrick. A corruption of baldrick.
Bawe. A species of worm used for bait for
Bawgie. One of the names given to the great
black and white gull (Larus marinus).
Bawkie. A name for the awk, or razor-bill.
Baxios (Sp.). Bocks or sand-banks covered
with water.
Bay. An inlet of the sea, having a wide
entrance, and usually smaller than a gulf, al
though many large sheets of water are named
bays. Of the many names adopted to designate
inlets from the seas, those of fiord and viik may
be properly included under the head of bays.
The greater portion of inlets so named are of salt
water, but many fresh-water bays exist, espe
cially in the great American lake-region. An
enumeration of the bays would require several
pages, and some that are not from their size ge
ographically important are remarkable never
theless from the rivers that empty into them, as
Delaware Bay ; the cities that are situated on
them, as Boston Bay ; from natural causes, as
Fundy Bay from its great rise of tides ; from
historical reasons, as Aboukir Bay ; from stra
tegical causes, as Gibraltar Bay ; or from some
use made of them, rendering them peculiarly
notable, as Botany Bay, the home of English
Keith Johnston, in his "Royal Atlas," enu
merates more than a thousand bays, and this
number would doubtless increase threefold on a
careful count of our charts of the known coasts
of the world. Of these, Europe has by far the
greater number, there being about 440 on the
chart, and North America comes next with 230,
while South America and Oceanica have up
wards of 100 each, and Asia has upwards of 80,
Africa having no more than 60. Of European
countries, the British Isles have the most bays,
and Norway comes next with her fiords. Hol
land, Belgium, and Corsica have none; Italy,
Portugal, Austria, and Turkey one each.
The principal bays of Asia are the Tidanski,
Taimurski, Katangski, and Borkaia on the Arctic
Ocean, Avatcha, Ulbansk, Vladimir, Victoria,
Broughton, Hangchow, Yeddo, Hakodadi, Wan-
chow, Manila to the eastward, and the great
Bay of Bengal on its south shores.
The principal African bays are Sofala, Dela-
§oa, and Algoa to the eastward, False, Table,
t. Helena, and Walfisch on the west, Algiers,
Tunis, and Arab bays to the northward. Neu-
stadt, Kiel, and Liibeck on the Baltic, Cardigan,
Donegal, and Galway in the British Isles, and
Biscay, Cancale, and Fetubal on the west coast,
comprise the principal European bays. North
America has many large bays, chief of which
are Mackenzie, Baffin's, Frobisher's, Hudson,
James, Ungava, and Cumberland on the north
coast, Melville and Disco in Greenland, Bay of
Fundy, Massachusetts, Cape Cod, Delaware,
Chesapeake, Long, and Onslow bays on the east
coast, Appalachicola, Pensacola, and Galveston
on the Gulf, Campeachy, Fonseca, and Tehuan-
tepec in Mexico and Central America, and Mag-
dalena, Seb. Vizcaino, Monterey, San Francisco,
and Bristol bays on the west coast. South
America has Bahia de Todos os Santos, Rio
Janeiro, and White bays on its east coast, and
Arauco, Coquimbo, Salado, Moreno, Pisco, Se-
chura, and Buenaventura on her west coast.
Australia is well provided with bays, Prince
Charlotte, Hervey, Encounter, Geographe, and
Shark bays being the most important.
Three bays are particularly noticeable from
their great size, viz. : 1. Bay of Bengal. This
is a triangular sheet of water, an arm of the
Bengal Sea, washing the northeastern shores of
Hindostan and the west coast of Pegu. It ex-
tends over 6 degrees of latitude and 10 of longi
tude, being about 200,000 square rniles in area.
It is the recipient of the great Brahmapootra,
Ganges, and Shina rivers, but contains no ob
stacles to navigation except near the land. 2.
Bay of Biscay. This is a trapezoidal-shaped bay,
an arm of the Atlantic, washing the southwest
coast of France, where its shores are low and
marshy, and the rocky and mountainous north
coast of Spain. It embraces some 8 degrees of
latitude and 5 of longitude, being about 125,000
square miles in area. It receives the waters of
the Adour, Garonne, and Loire. 3. Hudson^s
Bay, discovered in 1615 by Hendrik Hudson.
It is situated wholly within the North American
continent, and is nearly square, having, as an
addition, James Bay, itself of some extent.
Hudson's Bay occupies some 9 degrees of lati
tude and 14 of longitude, and contains some
300,000 square miles "of area. It communicates
with the Atlantic by a strait of the same name,
and with the Arctic Ocean by several passages.
Some idea of the great size of these bays is ob
tained by a comparison with countries. The
Bay of Bengal is as large as Germany, or its own
neighbor, Siam. The Bay of Biscay is as large
as Holland, and Hudson's Bay would about cover
Spain. — F. S. Bassett, Lieutenant U.S.N.
Bay. The fore part of the ship between decks.
Bayamos. Violent blasts of wind blowing
from the land, on the south coast of Cuba, and
especially from the Bight of Bayamo. They are
accompanied by wind and lightning, and gen
erally terminate in rain.
Bay-bolt. A bolt with a barbed shank.
Bay-gulf. A branch of the sea of which the
entrance is the widest part, as contradistin
guished from the strait-gulf.
Bay-ice. Ice newly formed on the surface of
the sea, and having the color of the water ; it is
then in the first stage of consolidation. The
term is sometimes applied to ice a foot or two in
thickness in bays.
Bayle. An old term for bucket.
Bayonet. A short triangular dagger fitted to
the muzzle of a musket or rifle, for the purpose
of giving the fire-arm effect as a thrusting
weapon. It takes its name from Bayonne,
France, where it is said to have originated. It
was first used by the French in the Netherlands
in 1647. Formerly the handle of the bayonet
was inserted into the bore of the fire-arm, and
had to be unfixed when the piece was fired; to
remedy which it is now made with a hollow
handle and a shoulder so that it fits over thebarrel,
and sets otf from the line of fire. Modifications
affecting the shape of the blade have also been
made, of which the sabre-bayonet and the more
recent trowel-bayonet are examples. The latter
form of bayonet, invented by Bvt. Lt.-Col. Rice,
"U.S.A., is 'less sightly than the triangular, either
fixed or worn as a side-arm, but is most valuable
as an intrenching tool to forces operating on
Bayou. The outlet of a small lake ; a creek
or small river.
Bazaras. A large pleasure-boat of the Ganges
impelled by oars and sails.
Beach. A shelving tract of sand or shingle
washed by the sea or a lake, and interposed be
tween the water and the land on which vegeta
tion grows. The beach of the ocean is, generally
speaking, little more than the space between low-
and high- water mark ; the beach of a lake that
between the water-marks of the highest and
lowest ordinary level of the lake. An inland
sea without tide, such as the Mediterranean, has
generally little beach, except on flat coasts, where
the waters are apt to rise and fall considerably,
according to the prevailing winds. To land a
person with the intention of deserting him, an
old buccaneer custom. To run a boat or a vessel
on the beach, either to land or for the purpose of
repairs where there are no other accommodations.
BEACH-COMBERS. Long waves rolling in from
the ocean. Loiterers around a bay or harbor.
BEACH-COMBING. Loafing about a port to
filch small things.
BEACH-FLEA. A small crustacean (Talitra)
frequenting sandy shores.
BEACH-GRASS. Alga marina thrown up by the
surf or tide.
BEACH-MAN. A person on the coast of Africa
who acts as interpreter to shipmasters, and
assists them in conducting trade.
BEACH-MASTER. An officer appointed to su
perintend the disembarkation of an attacking
force, who holds plenary powers, and generally
leads the storming party.
BEACH-MEN. A name applied to boatmen and
those who land people through a heavy surf.
BEACH-RANGERS. Men hanging about sea
ports, who have been turned out of vessels for
bad conduct.
BEACH-TRAMPERS. A name applied to the
coast-guard of England.
Beacon. A post or stake erected over a shoal
or sand-bank, as a warning to seamen to keep at
a distance ; also a signal-mark placed on the top
of hills, eminences, or buildings near the shore
for the safe guidance of shipping.
BEACONAGE. A payment levied for the main
tenance of beacons.
Be -aft. A term frequently used by sailors for
Beak, or Beak-head. A piece of brass like a
beak, fixed at the head of the ancient galleys,
with which they pierced their enemy's vessels.
Pisjeus is said to have first added the rostrum or
beak-head. Later it was a small platform .at the
fore part of the upper deck, but the term is now
applied to that part without the ship before the
forecastle, or knee of the head, which is fastened
to the stem and is supported by the main knee.
Latterly the whole of this is enlarged, strength
ened, and armed with iron plates, and thus the
armed stem revives the ancient strategy in sea-
Beam. A long double stratum of murky
clouds generally observed in the Mediterranean
previous to a violent storm. A collection of
parallel rays emitted from the sun or other lu
minous body. Any large piece of timber or iron
long in proportion to its other dimensions. One
of the heavy transverse timbers which support
the deck and retain the sides of a ship in shape.
Beam, or breadth of beam, the width of a ship.
On the beam, in a line with the beams, or at
right angles to the keel.
"BEAM^CENTRE. The fulcrum on which the
walking-beam vibrates.
BEAM-ENDS. A ship is said to be on her beam-
ends when she has heeled over so much that her
beams approach a vertical position. The expres
sion is used figuratively for a person in distress.
BEAM-ENGINE. An engine with an oscillating
beam, by which the power is transmitted from
the piston to the shaft.
BEAM-FILLINGS. Short pieces of wood to fit
between the beams, to complete a cargo of timber.
BEAM-LINE. A line which indicates the in
tersection of the upper part of the beams with the
frames of a ship.
BEAM, WALKING-. The beam of a beam-en
gine, called also working-beam.
Bean-cod. A small fishing-vessel, or pilot-
boat, common in Spain and Portugal. It is
fitted with a large lateen-sail, and sometimes has
an outrigger over the stern. It is extremely
sharp forward, and works well to windward.
Bear. A coir-mat filled with sand, or a block
of stone, matted, loaded with shot, and fitted
with ropes, for hauling to and fro to grind the
Bear. To bear down upon a vessel is to ap
proach her from to windward. To bear up, to
put the helm up and run oif to leeward. To bear
sail, stiff under canvas. To bring the guns to
bear, to so lay the ship's head that the guns may
be pointed at the enemy. To bear in with (or
off from) the land is to stand in toward (or off
from) the coast. To bear off, to push one object
off from another ; as, a lighter from the ship's
BEAK A BOB, or A FIST. Jocular for lend a
Beard. The silky filaments by which some
testacea adhere to the rocks. The gills of an
oyster. The rays of a comet emitted toward that
part of the heavens to which its proper motion
seems to direct it.
Bearding. The diminution of the edge or
surface of a piece of timber from a given line;
as, on the stem, deadwood, etc.
Bearding-line. The trace of the inner surface
of the ship's skin on the keel, stem, and stern-post.
Bearer. An instrument used in handling
heavy shells.
Bearing. The manner in which a person
conducts himself. The portion of an axle or
shaft in contact with its supports. The bearing
of an object or place is the angle contained be
tween the meridian and the vertical plane
through the object. It is the same as the course
to the place.
BEARING, COMPASS. The bearing of an ob
ject as observed by the compass. It is the angle
between the needle of the standard compass on
board the ship of the observer and the direction
of the object : it is, therefore, affected by the de
viation and variation of the compass. If the
correction for deviation be applied, the True
Magnetic Bearing is obtained ; and if, further,
the correction for variation be applied, the True
Bearing or Azimuth is deduced
BEARING, MAGNETIC. The magnetic bearing,
or " True Magnetic Bearing," of an object is the
angle which its direction makes with the mag
netic meridian. This is the bearing which "is
observed with the azimuth compass after being
corrected for local deviation ; from it the True
Bearing is deduced by applying the correction
for variation.
BEARING, TRUE. The true bearing of an ob
ject, or the " Bearing," properly so called, is the
angle which the direction of the object makes
with the meridian. It is thus qualified to dis
tinguish it from the Compass and Magnetic Bear
ing. See AZIMUTH.
BEARING, TAKING A. Taking a bearing of an
object is to ascertain its direction by the com-
BEARINGS, CROSS. " Cross Bearings" are the
bearings of two or more objects taken from the
same place, and therefore intersecting or " cross
ing" each other at the station of the observer.
"When near a coast where the landmarks are
well laid down on the chart, cross bearings give
the position with ease and accuracy.
BEARING, LINE OF. If a ship is in the vicin
ity of land, one " Circle of Equal Altitude"
(Sumner's Method) is often of great use to the
navigator who is uncertain of his exact position.
He is on some point of this circle, but does not
know where. Let him project it on his chart
and produce the resulting line till it meets or
passes near the land. Such a line is called a
"Line of Bearing." If it hit any prominent
mark or light, the bearing of this is known, and
by sailing along the line of bearing till the object
is sighted, the exact position of the ship may be
picked up. The line of bearing may cross the
range of a light-house, and consequent!}', when
the light is first sighted, the exact position of the
ship is known. Or the position on the line of
bearing may be found by soundings. When
the coast trends parallel to the line of bearing,
the distance of the ship from the shore is indi
cated, though her absolute position is uncertain.
Bearing Binnacle. A small binnacle, gener
ally placed in the centre of the forward part of
the poop-deck.
Bearings. The widest part of a vessel below
the plank-shear. The line of flotation when
properly trimmed with stores and ballast on
board. To bring a person to his bearings is to
bring him to his senses ; to put him under control.
Beat. To make progress against a head wind
by a series of zigzag courses.
Beaten Back. Forced to return on account
of a head wind and sea.
Beating Wind. A wind which necessitates
tacking to make progress.
Beating the Booby. Swinging the arms from
side to side to create a warmth by accelerating
the circulation of the blood.
Beaufort (S. C.), a port of entry, on Port
Royal or Beaufort Island, on an inlet called
Port Royal River, about 14 miles from the
ocean, and 55 miles W.S.W. of Charleston.
Pop. 2000.
Beaumont, J. C., Commodore U.S.N. Ap
pointed midshipman, March 1, 1838; sloops-of-
war "Ontario" and "Erie," 1838-40; frigate
"Constellation" during her cruise around the
world, 1840-44.
Promoted to passed midshipman, 1844; sloop-
of-war " Jamestown," coast of Africa, acting mas
ter, 1844-46; ship-of-the-line "Ohio," West
India Squadron, 1846; at the fall of Vera Cruz ;
frigate " Columbia," 1847, acting lieutenant ;
Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C., 1848;
razee " Independence," Mediterranean Squadron,
master and acting lieutenant, 1849-52.
Promoted to lieutenant in 1852; Naval Ob-
servatory, 1852-54; steamer "San Jacinto," on
the coast of Europe and the West Indies, 1854-
55; frigate "Potomac," Home Squadron, 1856;
steam-frigate " Wabash," Home Squadron, 1857 ;
receiving-ship at New York, 1857-58; steam-
sloop "Hartford," East India Squadron, 1859-
60; sloop-of-war "John Adams," executive-
oificer, 1860-61 ; lieutenant-commander, com
manding steamer " Aroostook," North Atlantic
Squadron, 1862; was an active participant in
the engagements with the enemy's batteries in
the James River and at Fort Darling, in May,
Promoted to commander, 1862 ; commanded
the steam-gunboat "Sebago," South Atlantic
Squadron, 1862-63; commanded monitor "Nan-
tucket," 1863, in various engagements with the
rebel fortifications in Charleston harbor, and
took a leading part in the capture of Fort
"Wagner; commanded steamer "Mackinaw,"
1864-65, in the North and South Atlantic
Squadrons ; participated in all of the attacks on
Fort Fisher, where his vessel was badly cut up
by the enemy's shell ; participated in all of the
subsequent engagements with the rebel batteries
on the Cape Fear River ; commanded the iron
clad " Miantonomah," special cruise on the coast
of Europe, 1866-67 ; retired in 1868.
Restored to the active list in 1873, as captain ;
commanded the steamer "Powhatan," 1873-74,
special service.
Promoted to commodore in 1874 ; chief signal-
officer of the navy, 1875-79 ; commandant navy-
yard, Portsmouth, N. H., 1879-80.
Becalm. To render quiet or calm by inter
cepting the current of air in its passage to the
object ; thus the jib is becalmed by the foresail
when before the wind.
BECALMED. Rendered quiet. State of a ves
sel at sea when there is no wind.
Becket. A small grommet used for various
purposes ; as, for reefing with toggles, for hitch
ing the standing part of a fall, "etc. A sailor's
name for pocket.
Bed. Flat thick pieces of wood, lodged under
the quarters of casks containing any liquid,
and stowed in a ship's hold, in order to keep
them bilge-free ; being steadied upon the beds by
means of wedges called quoins. The impres
sion made by a ship's bottom on the mud when
aground. The bite made in the ground by the
fluke of an anchor. A kind of false deck, or
platform, placed on those decks where the guns
were too low for the ports. A platform for sup
porting a mortar. That part of the channel of a
stream over which the water generally flows, as
also that part of the basin of a sea or lake on
which the water lies. Bed of a gun-carriage, or
stool-led. The piece of wood between the brackets
which, with the intervention of the quoin, sup
ports the breech of the gun. It is itself sup
ported, forward, on the bed-bolt, and aft on the
rear axle. Red of the bowsprit, a bearing formed
out of the stem and apron, to support the bow
sprit ; it is lined with lead to prevent the water
from getting below on account of any shrinkage
in the timber.
BED-BOLT. A horizontal bolt passing through
both brackets of a gun-carriage, and on which
the forward end of the stool-bed rests.
BEDDING A CASK. Placing dunnage round it.
Bedlamers. Young Labrador seals, which
set up a dismal cry when they cannot escape
their pursuers.
Bed- or Barrel-Screw. A powerful machine
for lifting large bodies, and placed against the
gripe of a ship to be launched for starting her.
Be-dundered. Stupefied with noise.
Bee-blocks, or Bees. Pieces of hard wood
bolted to the sides of the bowsprit, through
which are rove the fore-topmast stays.
Beef. A figurative term for strength. More
beef ! more men on.
Beef-eater. A man more distinguished for
Shysical strength than for mental weight. It is
ack's term for an Englishman.
Beetle. A shipwright's heavy mallet for
driving the reeming-irons.
Beetle-head. A large beetle used in pile-
Before the Mast. A term used to distin
guish the ship's crew from the officers.
Before the Wind. A vessel having the wind
aft is before the wind. The yards are squared,
and as the mainsail becalms the foresail and
causes the ship to steer badly, it is generally
taken in, though in the very long ships of the
present day it is sometimes carried.
Beggar-bolts. A contemptuous term for the
missiles which were thrown by the galley-slaves
at an approaching enemy.
Behavior. The action and qualities of a ship
under different impulses. Seamen speak of the
manner in which she behaves as if she acted by
her own instinct.
Behring, Vitus, a celebrated Danish navigator.
Born in Jutland, 1680, entered the Russian navy
at an early age, and fought with distinction
against the Swedes. In 1725 engaged in com
mand of an expedition to explore the Sea of Kamt-
chatka, this skillful Danish navigator discovered
in 1728 the straits which connect the Pacific and
the Atlantic, and they received his name. In a
subsequent voyage he was wrecked on Behring 's
Island, where'he died December 8, 1741.
Beikat. See BYKAT.
Beiled. A sea-term in the old law-books, ap
parently for moored.
Belay. To secure a rope with turns around a
pin, cleat, or cavil.
BELAYING-PIN. A small pin of wood or iron
to which are made fast the hauling parts of the
Belcher, Sir Edward. Born in 1799, entered
the navy in 1812 as a volunteer ; in 1816 took
part in the bombardment of Algiers. Distin
guished above every other British admiral for
his voyage round the world and his exploration
of the* American shores of the Pacific, he was
nevertheless unfortunate in an attempt that he
made in 1852 to trace the whereabouts or the
fate of Sir John Franklin. He lost both of his
ships in the enterprise, and was, according to
custom, tried by court-martial for the disaster.
The verdict was honorable acquittal. In 1864 he
became rear-admiral of the red.
Belfast (Me.). A city and port of entry on
the W. side of Penobscot Bay (which is the es
tuary between the Penobscot River and the
ocean), 42 miles E. by N. from Augusta, and 30
miles from the ocean. Many of the inhabitants
are employed in ship-building. Pop. 6200.
Belfry. A frame or shelter under which the
ship's bell is suspended.
Bell. The rapid ringing of a ship's bell is the
fire-alarm, which see. The tolling of the bell is
the summons to divine service. The principal
use of the bell on board ship is to mark the time.
At four, eight, and twelve o'clock the bell is
struck eight times, — half an hour afterwards it is
struck once, and an hour afterwards it is struck
twice, and so on until the end of the watch,
when it is struck eight times, after which the
preceding routine is again carried out. Time is
reckoned by bells, thus three bells in the fore
noon is half-past nine o'clock, and four bells in
the afternoon is two o'clock, etc.
Bell, Charles H., Rear-Admiral U.S.N.
Born in New York, 1798. Appointed midship
man June 18, 1812 ; attached to Commodore De-
catur's squadron all of 1813 and until the spring
of 1814; in the summer of 1814 was transferred
to the squadron of Commodore Chauncey, on
Lake Ontario, where he remained until the war
ended ; attached to Commodore Decatur's squad
ron, in the Mediterranean, in 1815.
Commissioned as lieutenant, March 28, 1820;
serving in sloop-of-war "Erie," West India
Squadron, 1829 ; navy-yard, New York, 1833 ;
sloop " Vincennes," Pacific Squadron, 1834-35;
commanding schooner * ' Dolphin , ' ' Pacific Squad
ron, 1836.
Commissioned as commander, September 10,
1840, and ordered to command the schooner
"Dolphin," Brazil Squadron; commanding
sloop-of-war "Yorktown," coast of Africa,
1846 ; navy-yard, New York, 1850 ; special duty,
Commissioned as captain, August 12, 1854 ;
commanding frigate " Constellation," Mediter
ranean Squadron, 1856-58; commandant Norfolk
navy-yard, 1860.
Commissioned as commodore, July 16, 1862 ;
commanding Pacific Squadron, 1862-64 ; special
duty, James River, 1865.
Commissioned as rear-admiral, July 25, 1866;
commandant navy-yard, New York, 1866-68;
died 1872.
Bell, Henry H.f Rear-Admiral U.S.N. Born
in North Carolina, 1808 ; midshipman, August
4, 1823 ; lieutenant, March 3, 1831 ; commander,
August 12, 1854 ; captain, 1861 ; commodore,
July 16, 1862 ; rear-admiral, July 25, 1866. First
served in the "Grampus" in clearing the coast
of Cuba of pirates. He commanded one of the
vessels of the East India Squadron, which, in
November, 1856, captured and destroyed the four
barrier forts near Canton, China. Assigned to
the Gulf Squadron in 1861, and as fleet-captain
took an active part in the capture of New Or
leans and siege of Vicksburg. He was for a
time in 1863 in command of the West Gulf Squad
ron, and when Admiral Thatcher was ordered to
other duty its command again devolved on him.
In July, 1865, he was ordered to command the
East India Squadron, and was very active in
putting down the pirates that infested the Chi
nese seas. In 1867 he was retired, but had not
been relieved when he was drowned at the mouth
of the Osaka River, Japan, January 11, 1868.
Bella Stella. A name used by old seamen for
the cross-staif.
Bellatrix (Lat. warlike). The name for the
bright star y Orionis.
Bell-buoy. A buoy on which is placed a bell,
which is sounded by the action of the waves.
Belligerent (Lat. bellum, war, and gerens,
gerentis, waging). Waging war. Tending ot
pertaining to war ; as, belligerent rights. A nation,
power, or state carrying on war. See INTER
Bellona. The goddess of war.
Bellows. An old hand at the bellows, a phras(
equivalent to saying that a person is well posted
in all his duties. When a gale increases th(
sailors say there is afresh hand at the bellows.
Bell-rope. A piece of rope spliced around the
clapper for convenience in striking the bell.
Belly. The inner or hollow part of comps
timber. The swell of a sail. Bellying canvas,
sails inflated with wind.
BELLY-BAND. A strengthening band of canvas
from leech to leech, half-way between the lower
reef-band and the foot of the sail.
BELLY-GUY. A rope or tackle applied half-way
up a sheer-leg, or long spar, to keep it from
Belone. A genus of abdominal fishes of the
Esox or pike family.
Below. The opposite of on deck. Below the
Belt. A zone ; as, a calm belt. To strike.
Belting. A beating.
Beluga. A fish of the cetaceous order and
dolphin family. The northern beluga is the
white whale and white-fish of the whalers.
Benbow, John, Admiral. Born in Shrop
shire in 1650. Beginning life as a midshipman
in the reign of James II., Benbow became a
favorite of his successor, William III. After
much hard service in different quarters he was
engaged with a superior French force under Ad
miral Ducasse off St. Martha, in the West In
dies, where he lost his right leg. In the midst
of the fight he was deserted by a part of his
squadron, which sorely galled him, as it reflected
on the honor and credit of the navy. He ex
claimed that he would rather have lost both legs
than witnessed the disgrace of the service. Died
November 29, 1702.
Bench-mark. One of a number of marks
along a line of survey indicating a series of levels
at different elevations.
Bend. To make fast a rope to an anchor, spar,
or another rope. (See STUN'-SAIL-HALLIARD-,
RICK-BEND.) To bend a sail is to make it fast to
its proper yard, gaff, or stay, and reeve all the
gear belonging to it. To bend to the oars, to give
way strong. To bend the cable, the operation of
making fast the cable to the ring of the anchor.
The term is still used for shackling the chain to
the anchor.
Bender. A spree or jollification.
Bend-mold. A mold made to form the fut-
tocks in the square body.
Bends. The thickest and strongest planks on
the outward part of a ship's side. They are more
properly called wales. They are reckoned from
the water, and are distinguished by the titles of
first, second, or third bend. They are the chief
strength of a ship's sides, and have the beams,
knees, and foot-hooks bolted to them. Bends
are also the frames or ribs that form the ship's
body from the keel to the top of the side, indi
vidualized by each particular station. That at
the broadest part of the ship is denominated the
midship-bend or dead-flat.
Be-neaped. The situation of a vessel when
she is aground at the height of spring-tides.
Bengal-light. See BLUE-LIGHT.
Benicia (Cal.). On the north side of the
Strait of Carquinez, about 40 miles N.E^. of San
Francisco, and 56 miles S.W. of Sacramento.
It is at the head of navigation for the largest
ships, and contains the depot and machine-shops
of the Pacific Mail Company. Pop. 2000.
Benjy. A low-crowned straw hat, with a very
broad brim.
Benk. A term for a low bank, or ledge of
rock ; probably the origin of bunk, or sleeping-
places in merchant vessels. See BUNK.
Benn. A small kind of salmon.
Bent. The trivial name of the Arundo are-
naria, or coarse unprofitable grass growing on
the sea-shore.
Bentinck-boom. The boom which stretches
the foot of the foresail in many small square-
rigged merchantmen ; particularly used in
whalers in the ice, with a reefed foresail to see
clearly ahead. The tack and sheet are thus
dispensed with, a tackle amidships bringing the
leeches taut.
Bentincks. Triangular courses, so named
after Captain Bentinck, by whom they were
Bentinck Shrouds. Ropes of the size of the
topmast rigging, seized on to the weather futtock-
staff and set up to the lee channels, to support
the mast when rolling heavily. They are not
now in use.
Bent on a Splice. Going to be married.
Bergen, a fortified city and seaport of Nor
way, is on a peninsula at the end of a deep bay
on the Atlantic, 190 miles W.N.W. of Chris-
tiania. Lat. 60° 24' N. ; Ion. 5° 18' E. Bergen
is the station of a naval squadron. Its harbor is
deep and sheltered, and defended by several forts.
Ship-building is carried on ; the fishery is, how
ever, the principal employment. Pop. 36,000.
Bermuda Sails. See 'MuGiAN.
Bermuda Squall. A sudden and strong wintry
tempest experienced in the Atlantic Ocean, near
the Bermudas ; it is preceded by heavy clouds,
thunder, and lightning. It belongs to the Gulf
Stream, and is felt, throughout its course, up to
the banks of Newfoundland.
Bermudez, Juan. A Spaniard who, in the
era of Spanish discoveries (1522), came upon
the cluster of islands in the "West Indies, to
which he gave his own name. The Bermudas,
though often "vexed" with storms, are among
the most beautiful of the isles of the west, and
are particularly valuable as harbors for vessels
bound either to the north or south of the Amer
ican continent. They are now the property of
Great Britain. "Somerset Island" derives its
name from a navigator who was driven upon it
in a gale.
Bermudians. Three-masted schooners, built
at Bermuda for the English during the war of
1814 ; they went through the waves without
rising to them, and consequently were too tick
lish for northern stations.
Bernak. The barnacle goose (Anser bernicla).
Bersis. A species of cannon formerly much
used at sea.
Berth. The place in which a ship lies when
she is at anchor. Situation, position, or em
ployment of an individual. The space allotted
to a sailor to sleep in. To give a point or rock a
wide berth, to keep at a considerable distance
from it. To berth a ship's company, to allot to
the crew the place in which they are to swing
their hammocks. The watches are distributed
in equal numbers on each side of the ship. The
boys are berthed apart from the men. Marines,
quartermasters, and others who sleep in till six
bells are berthed well aft, so they will not be
disturbed when all hands are called. Boat
swain's mates swing near the hatches. Over
each man's hammock-hook is hung a tin plate
with his hammock-number.
BERTH-DECK. The deck next below the lower
Berthing. The rising or working up of the
planks of the ship's side. Berthing also denotes
the planking outside above the sheer-strake.
Bervie. A haddock split and half dried.
Berwick Smack (Eng.). The old and well-
found packet of former days.
Bessemer Process. See STEEL.
Best Bower. See ANCHOR.
Betelguese, or Betelgeux. The name for the
bright star a Orionis.
Betty Martin. My eye and Betty Martin is
an expression implying disbelief. It is a corrup
tion of the Romish mtAt, beate Marline I
Between-decks. The space comprised be
tween any two whole decks.
Betwixt Wind and Water. That portion of
a vessel's side which is sometimes below and
sometimes above the surface of the water. This
is the most dangerous place to receive a shot,
hence the figurative phrase " a shot betwixt wind
and water," to express a palpable hit in an
Bevel. Any angle except a right angle ;
a sloped surface. An instrument composed of a
stock and movable tongue, used by shipwrights
in getting out frame timber, plank, etc., to the
desired angle.
BEVELING,. The angle formed between one
surface and another. When it is an obtuse
angle it is called a standing beveling ; when the
angle is acute it is called an under beveling.
BEVELING-BOARD. A piece of white pine board
on which the beveling of the frame timbers is
BEVELING-EDGE. The edge of a ship's frame
which is in contact with the skin.
Bewpar. The old name for bunting.
Bezant. An early gold coin, so called from
having been first coined at Byzantium.
Bhur. A lighter used for discharging cargo
at Calcutta.
Bibbs. Pieces of timber bolted to the hounds
of a mast, to support the tressle-trees.
Bible. A small holystone. It is also called
a prayer-book. It is so named because sailors
kneel in using them to clean the decks.
Bible-press. A hand rolling-board for car
tridges, rocket, and port-fire cases.
Biiddle, James, Commodore U.S.N., was born
in Philadelphia in 1783, and entered the navy as
midshipman in 1800. On his second cruise he was
captured, with Capt. Bainbridge and the other
ofiicers and crew of the frigate " Philadelphia,"
by the Tripolitans, when that ship had struck
upon an unknown rock off the harbor. After an
imprisonment of twenty months the captives were
released. From that time until the war of 1812
Biddle was actively employed, end upon the
breaking out of hostilities sailed in the sloop-of-
war "Wasp," Capt. Jacob Jones, as first lieu
tenant. In October, 1812, the "Wasp" cap
tured the British sloop-of-war "Frolic," of
about equal force, this being the second of those
famous naval combats of which Alison says,
" No words can convey an adequate idea of the
impression which the successive capture of these
three frigates and two sloops made, not only in
Great Britain and America, but over the whole
civilized world." For gallantry on this occa
sion Lieut. Biddle was promoted, and placed in
command of the sloop-of-war "Hornet." On
this ship he was blockaded, with Commodore
Decatur's squadron, in New London. Escaping
the blockade he sailed for the East Indies, and
off the island of Tristan d'Acunha encountered
the British brig " Penguin," of equal force with
the "Hornet." After an action of twenty-two
minutes, in which the British ship lost a third
of her officers and crew killed and wounded, the
"Penguin" surrendered, but was so damaged
that it was necessary to scuttle her. Biddle was
severely wounded in the neck, and on his return
to the United States was promoted to the rank
of captain.
After the termination of the war he was con
stantly employed both in the ordinary routine of
duty and also upon special services of more impor
tance. In 1817 he took possession of Oregon Ter
ritory ; in 1826 he signed a commercial treaty with
Turkey. From 1838 to 1842 he was governor of the
Naval Asylum, Philadelphia ; and at his sugges
tion Secretary Paulding sent thither unemployed
midshipmen for instruction, thus laying the foun
dation of a naval school. His last cruise was in
command of a squadron in the East Indies.
After exchanging the' ratifications of the first
treaty with China, in 1845, he touched at Japan,
and was for a short time in command on the
coast of California during the Mexican war. He
died in Philadelphia in October, 1848.
Biddle, Nicholas, Captain U.S.N. An officer
of the Colonial period. In command of the
" Andrew Doria," of 14 guns, he displayed great
activity, zeal, and intelligence. He made a num
ber of prizes, and had at an early period raised
the expectations of his friends to such a height
that by many of them he was pronounced, and
probably justly, not to have his superior in merit
in the service. While cruising near the banks
of Newfoundland he intercepted two transports,
with 400 Highland troops on board, and was so
successful in making captures that it is said he
returned to the Delaware with five only of the
men which composed his crew when he last left
that river. He had distributed them among the
captured, and received in return such of the crews
of his prizes as were disposed to enter the Con
tinental service. Capt. Biddle was appointed by
Congress (June 6, 1776) to command one of the
frigates then building in Philadelphia, — the
" Randolph," of 32 guns. In February, 1777,
she sailed on a cruise. In a few days a defect
discovered in his masts induced him to put into
Charleston, S. C., to repair them. Having re
fitted, he again sailed, and three days after
being out tie fell in with four vessels from
Jamaica, one of them, the "True Briton," of
20 guns. Having captured the whole four, he re
turned with them to Charleston. This success
gave such animation and encouragement to the
State authorities of South Carolina that they
fitted out four small vessels of war (" General
Moultrie," "Fair American," "Polly," and
"Notre Dame"), and placed them under the
orders of Capt. Biddle. The immediate object
was an attack upon the " Carrysfort," 32, the
"Perseus," 24, the " Hinchinbrook," 16, and
a privateer then cruising off Charleston. The
bar of Charleston and adverse winds detained
Capt. Biddle so long in Rebellion Road, that
when he got to sea the British cruisers had dis
appeared. He captured a small schooner, and
proceeded on his cruise till, between 8 and
o'clock at night of March 7, 1778, he fell in
with the "Yarmouth," Capt. Vincent, of 64
guns. An action immediately commenced by a
broadside from the " Randolph," and was main
tained with great energy for twenty minutes or
more, when the "Randolph" blew up, and the
gallant Biddle, with 310 of his crew, perished in
a blaze of glory. Four only of his men escaped,
and they were picked up by the " Yarmouth"
four days after the action, having supported
themselves on a piece of the wreck, without any
thing to subsist on or quench their thirst ex
cepting rain-water sucked from a blanket, which
they had providently preserved.
Bid-hook. A small kind of boat-hook.
Biel-brief. The bottomry contract in Den
mark, Sweden, and the north of Germany.
Bierling. An old name for a small galley.
Bifurcate. A river is said to bifurcate, or to
form a fork, when it divides into two distinct
branches, as at the heads of deltas and in fluvial
Bight. The loop of a rope. A bend of the
coast forming a wide-mouthed bay.
Bilander. A small merchant vessel with two
masts, particularly distinguished by the form of
her mainsail. It is bent to the whole length of
the yard, hangs fore-and-aft, and is inclined at
an angle of 45° to the horizon. Few vessels are
now rigged in this manner, and the name is in
discriminately used.
Bilbo. An old term for a flexible kind of
cutlass from Bilboa, where the best Spanish
sword-blades were made.
Bilboa. A city and seaport of Spain, on the
Nerva, 6 miles from its mouth. Lat. 40° 14'
3" N. ; Ion. 2° 56/ 5" W. Bilboa has large rope-
walks and docks for ship-building, and the an
chors for the Spanish navv are here manufactured.
Pop. 27,000.
Bilboes. Bolts and shackles used by the
Spanish to confine the legs of their prisoners.
Bilge, or Bulge. The largest circumference
of a cask. That part of the hull of a ship which
approaches more nearly to a horizontal than to
a vertical position. W'hen a ship runs aground
and receives an injury in this part of the hull
she is said to be bilged. To bilge, in a figurative
sense, means to be dropped from the service for
failure to pass an examination.
BILGE-BOARD. The board covering the lim
BILOE-FEVEK. A fever caused by the foulness
of the hold.
BILGE-FREE. The situation of a cask when it
rests entirely on its beds, and the bilge is clear
of everything.
BILGE-KEEL. A projection on the bilge of a
vessel parallel with the keel. Used in flat-bot
tomed light-draft vessels to check the rolling.
BILGE-KELSON. A timber extending fore-and-
aft inside the bilge to strengthen the frame.
BILGE-PLANK. A strengthening plank at the
bilge outside or inside.
BILGE-PUMP. A pump for clearing the hold
of water. A small pump for drawing off the
bilge- water when the ship is careened so that the
water cannot make its way to the pump-well.
BILGE-WATER. "Water that has collected in
the bottom of a ship. It should be pumped out
frequently, as it soon gives off an offensive odor
and endangers the health of the crew.
BILGE-WATER ALARM. A bilge water gauge
(which see), to which is an attachment that
sounds an alarm when the water has risen to a
certain height.
BILGE- WATER DISCHARGE. An apparatus for
discharging the bilge- water automatically ; a
tube from the pump-well through the stern,
through which a current is induced by the
vacuum which is formed at the rear orifice by
the passage of the ship through the water.
BILGE-VATER GAUGE. An apparatus to in
dicate the depth of water in the hold.
BILGE-WAYS. A series of timbers on either
side of a vessel on the launching-ways, on which
rests the cradle which supports the body of the
ship in launching.
Bill. The end of a compass or knee-timber.
The extremity of the arm of an anchor. A
point of land, as Portland Bill. The point of a
Bill of Entry. A document containing an
account of goods entered at a custom-house,
either inward or outward.
Bill of Exchange. A note ordering the pay
ment of a sum of money at a specified time and
place, to a person therein appointed, in consider
ation of value received by the drawer at another.
The negotiation of inland bills of exchange, or
those drawn by one person on another residing in
the same country, may be effected either with or
without the agency of bankers.
Usually there are three parties to a bill of ex
change, viz., the drawer, the acceptor, and the
indorser. When a party refuses to accept a bill
drawn upon him, the holder's notary takes pro
test upon it, whereupon it is returned to the
original drawer, who is liable in damages to the
holder. Should the bill be accepted, but not
paid when due, the holder's notary protests for
non-payment. The acceptor is always liable to
the holder ; and the holder has recourse also
against the drawer and the indorsers : the acceptor
is liable only for the expenses of an action against
himself, therefore the holder must make his elec
tion whom to sue. To preserve this recourse the
earliest possible notice of the non-payment of a
bill, to the drawer, and also to the indorsers, must
be given. Every bill must be for payment of
money only ; but it does not affect the validity of
a bill that its payment should depend upon some
contingency, provided it be a contingency which
must eventually happen, such as the death of a
party now living. An alteration in the date, sum,
or time of payment of a bill, will invalidate it ;
but it has been ruled that the words " or order"
may be interlined in it. A bill may be accepted
either absolutely or with qualifications. When
accepted qualifiedly, it does not bind the acceptor
till the contingency stipulated shall have hap
pened. A bill may be also accepted partially,
that is, it may be drawn for $200, but accepted
only for $150. In all cases of conditional or
partial acceptance, it is the duty of the holder,
if he wish to preserve his recourse against the
drawer and indorsers, to give notice to them
of such partial or conditional acceptance. When
a bill is made payable a certain time after sight,
the holder must get the acceptor to note upon
it the day when it was presented for his ac
ceptance. Notice of the dishonoring of a bill
by non-payment, or non-acceptance, should al
ways be given to the immediate indorser, next
day, through the post-office. Bills may be trans
ferred either by delivery only or by indorsation
and delivery. Bills payable to order require in
dorsation and delivery ; but bills payable to
bearer may be transferred by either mode. A
special indorsement precludes the person in
whose favor it is made from making a transfer.
After the payment of a part, a bill may be in
dorsed over for the residue. If a bill is not pre
sented for payment when due, the drawer and
indorser will be exonerated from liability. , If a
bill fall due on Sunday, or a holiday, it must be
presented for payment on the day preceding.
The days of grace ought to have expired before
a bill is presented for payment. No days of
grace are allowed on bills payable on demand, or
where no time of payment is expressed.
Bills of exchange may be drawn payable at
sight, or so many days or months after date, or
at usance, as it is termed ; that is, the usual term
allowed by the law of the place where the bill is
payable. Most countries, however, allow a few
days beyond the term of payment for settling or
taking up a bill. These are called days of grace.
Bill of Freedom. A full pass for a neutral in
time of war.
Bill of Health. A certificate properly authen
ticated by the consul, or other proper authority
at any port, that the ship comes from a place
where no contagious disorder prevails, and that
none of the crew, at the time of her departure,
were infected with any such distemper. Such
constitutes a clean bill of health, in contradis
tinction to &foul bill.
Bill of Lading. A document signed by the
master of a ship by which he acknowledges the
receipt of a merchant's goods, and undertakes to
deliver the same at the place to which they are
consigned. Bills of lading are generally printed,
leaving blanks to be filled in. Three sets are
made out, one of which should be sent to the
consignee by mail ; the second transmitted to
him by the vessel itself ; and the third retained
by the shipper. Bills of lading are transferable
by indorsement. The indorsement and delivery
of the bill of lading transfers the property in
the goods from the time of such delivery. The
bona fide holder of the bill, indorsed by the con
signee, is entitled to the goods if he purchased
the bill for a valuable consideration. Where
there are several bills of lading, each is a con
tract in itself as to the holder of it, but the whole
make only one contract as to the master and
owners. If the several parts of the bill of lading
be indorsed to different persons, a competition
may arise for the goods ; and the rule generally
is that if the equities be equal, the property passes
by the bill first indorsed. See CHARTEK PARTY.
Bill of Parcels. A written account, given by
seller to buyer, of the quantities, sorts, and prices
of goods bought.
Bill of Rights. In English law the declara
tion delivered by the two houses of Parliament
to the Prince of Orange, February 13, 1688, at the
period of his succession to the British throne, in
which, after a full specification of various acts
of James II. which were alleged to be illegal,
the rights and privileges of the people were as
serted. In the United States the term is applied
to a declaration of the fundamental rights and
liberties of the people which, in the shape of ab
stract propositions and elementary principles,
forms part of the constitutions of many of the
Bill of Sale. See VESSELS, TITLE TO.
Bill of Sight. "When an importer, from
ignorance of the actual quantities or qualities
of goods assigned to him, is unable to make an
exact entry at the custom-house, he is allowed to
make an entry by bill of sight, — that is, accord
ing to the best description that can be given.
On this, the collector or comptroller is empow
ered to grant warrant for the landing of the
goods, the importer being bound to make, within
three days afterwards, a perfect entry, and either
to pay down the duties or to warehouse the
Bill of Store. A license granted by the cus
tom-officers for carrying, free of duty, such stores
as may be necessary for a voyage. Returned
goods may be entered by a bill of store.
Bill-boards. Projections of oak plank se
cured to the bow of the ship abaft the cat-heads
for the fluke of the anchor to rest on.
Billet. The tin tag hung above the ham
mock-hook on which the number is painted.
An individual's situation or employment. A
memorandum of the various duties and stations
of a seaman, which is given to him when he first
comes on board for duty.
Billet-head. A scroll-head. A round piece
of wood fitted to the bow or stern of a whale-
boat, around which the line is veered when the
whale is struck.
Billet-wood. Small wood used for dunnage.
Bill-fish. See GAR-FISH.
Billow. A great wave or surge of the sea.
Bindings. A general term for beams, knees,
clamps, transoms, and other connecting parts of
a vessel.
Binding Strakes. Thick planks on the decks,
running just outside the line of hatches, jogged
down over the beams and ledges. The principal
strakes of plank in a vessel, especially the sheer-
strake and wales.
Binge. To rinse a cask.
Bingid. An old term for locker.
Bink. See BENK.
Binnacle. A case or box to contain the com
pass. It is fitted with a lamp to light up the
card at night.
BINNACLE-LIGHT. The lamp used in a bin
Binocle. A telescope adapted to the use of.
both eyes.
BINOCULAR TELESCOPE. A two-barreled tele
scope invented by Galileo in 1617, though the
invention is sometimes credited to Schyrleus de
Bior-linn. A very old word for boat.
Bird's-foot Sea-star. The Palmipes me
branaceous, one of the Arteriadce, with a fl
thin, pentagonal body, of a bright scarlet color.
Bird's-nest. A round top at a mast-head f<
a look-out station. A smaller crow's-n
Chiefly used in whalers, where a constant loo
out is kept for whales. See EDIBLE BIRD'
Bireme. In Roman antiquity, a vessel wi
two rows of oars.
Birt. A kind of turbot.
Birth-marks. Marks denoting the depth
which a ship may be loaded with safety.
Biscuit. Hard bread for naval use.
Bishop. A name of the great northern div
(Colymbus glacialis).
Bismer. A name of the stickleback (Qast\
osteus spinachia}.
Bissextile (Lat. bis, twice, and sextus, sixth
"Leap-year." In the Julian calendar eve
fourth year consisted of 366 days. The add
tional day was inserted after the 24th of Febru
ary, which in the Roman calendar was called
"the sixth day before the Calends of March,"
and being reckoned twice over every fourth year
it was called bissextus dies, and the year was
named Bissextilis.
Bit. A short bit is equal to 12£ cents, a long
bit to 25 cents. The term arose from the cutting
of Spanish silver coins into " bits." It is still in
use in the west, especially in California.
Bite. The hold which the short end of a lever
has under the object to be lifted. When the
fluke of an anchor enters the ground it is said
to bite.
Bitt. To take a turn with the cable around
the head of the bitts. To double bitt or to
weather-bitt the cable is to take an extra turn
around the head of the bitts.
Bitter. Any turn of the cable around the
bitts. Hence a ship is brought to a bitter when
the chain has run out to that point.
Bitter-end. The last end. The end of the
cable not bent to the anchor.
Bitt-head. The upper part of the bitts.
Bitt-pin. A large iron pin in the head of the
bitts to prevent the chain from slipping off in
Bitts. Vertical timbers projecting above the
decks. The bitts for the cable are circular, and
are coated with iron. There are generally two
pairs of them, the after pair being used for the
sheet-chains. The topsail-sheet bitts are fixed
near to, and forward of, the masts.
Bitt-stopper. A stopper used at the bitts for
securing the cable. See STOPPER.
Bize. A cold wind from the summits of the
Blackamoor. A thoroughly black negro.
Black-and-tan. An epithet applied to a
Black-bird Catching. The slave-trade.
Black-birds. Negroes.
Black-fish. A name applied to many differ
ent species of cetaceans.
Black-head. The pewitt-gull (Larus ridi-
Black-hole. A place of solitary confinement.
Black Indies. Newcastle, Sunderland, and
Blacking down. The operation of tarring and
blacking the rigging.
Black-jack. A piratical-looking individual.
The ensign of a pirate.
Black-list. A record of misdemeanors for
merly kept by officers for their private use. The
list of men who are detailed for extra duty as a
Black Ship. A term applied to a ship built
in India, of teak.
Black South-easter. A well-known violent
wind at the Cape of Good Hope, in which vapory
clouds, called the Devil's Table-cloth, appear on
Table Mountain.
Black Squall. This squall may be principally
ascribed to the heated state of the atmosphere
near the land.
Black-strake. The range of planks just above
the wales.
Black-strap. Bad port wine. The dark wines
of the Mediterranean.
Black-tang. The sea-weed Fucus vesicolosus,
or tangle.
Blackwall-hitch. A hitch made by putting
the bight of a rope over the back of a hook, and
jamming the end under the standing part. It
is used principally for the hauling part of a
tackle when there is not sufficient length to
make a cat's-paw.
Black Whale. A name for the right whale
of the south seas (Balcena australis),
Black Vomit. A copious vomiting of dark-
colored matter, or the substance so discharged ;
one of the most fatal symptoms in yellow fever.
Blad. A term used on the northern coasts of
Great Britain for a squall accompanied by rain.
Bladder-fish. A name for the tetrodon. See
Blade. The cutting part of a sword or cutlass.
The part of the arm of an anchor prepared to
receive the palm. One of the projecting arms
of a screw-propeller. The part of an oar which
is immersed in the water in rowing.
Blae, or Blea. The alburnum or sap-wood of
Blake, George S., Commodore U.S.N. Born
in Massachusetts. Appointed midshipman, April
23, 1818 ; commissioned as lieutenant, March 31,
1827; West India Squadron, 1829; survey of
Narragansett Bay, 1831-33 ; navy-yard, Phila
delphia, 1834 ; coast survey, 1837-48 ; navy-yard,
Philadelphia, 1848 ; commissioned as commander,
February 27, 1847 ; fleet-captain, Mediterranean
Squadron, 1850-52 ; bureau construction, 1853-
55 ; commissioned as captain, September 14, 1855 ;
special duty, 1856-57; superintendent Naval
Academy, 1858-65 ; commissioned as commo
dore, July 16, 1862 ; light-house inspector, 1866-
69; died "at Longwood, Mo., June 24, 1871.
Blake, Homer C., Commodore U.S.N. Born
in New York, 1822. Appointed midshipman,
March 2, 1840; frigate "Constellation," East
India Squadron, 1841-43 ; sloop " Preble," coast
of Africa, 1843-45; naval school, 1846; sloop
"Preble," Pacific Squadron, 1846-48.
Promoted to passed midshipman, July 11,
1846; receiving-ship, New York, 1849-50;
frigate " Raritan," Pacific Squadron, 1850-52;
receiving-ship, Boston, 1853-56.
Commissioned as lieutenant, September 14,
1855 ; frigate " St. Lawrence," Brazil Squadron,
1857-59; frigate "Sabine," Home Squadron,
Commissioned as lieutenant-commander, July
16, 1862; commanding steamer "Hatteras," West
ern Gulf Blockading Squadron, 1862-63. On
January 11, 1863, the "Hatteras," while at an
chor off Galveston, Texas, was ordered by signal
from the "Brooklyn," flag-ship of the division
blockading Galveston, to chase a sail to the
southward and eastward. Commander Blake at
once obeyed the signal, and steamed at all speed
in the direction indicated, and rapidly gained
upon the suspicious vessel, which was discovered
to be a steamer. When within about four miles
of the vessel, it was observed that she had ceased
to steam, and was lying "broadside on," await
ing the approach of the " Hatteras." When at
about the distance of seventy-five yards, Com
mander Blake hailed, and asked, " What steamer
is that?" The reply was, " Her Britannic Ma
jesty 's ship « Vixen.' " Commander Blake ordered
a boat to be sent aboard, but before the order
could be obeyed, the commander of the strange
craft hailed and said, " We are the Confederate
steamer ' Alabama,' " which was accompanied by
a broadside. The " Hatteras" returned the fire
almost instantly, and steamed directly for the
"Alabama" in the hope to carry her by board
ing ; but the attempt was defeated by the com
mander of the piratical craft. At length a shell
entered the hold of the " Hatteras," and at the
same instant another shell passed through the
"sick bay," exploding in an adjoining compart
ment, and setting fire to the vessel. Still another
shell entered the cylinder, filling the engine-room
and deck with steam, and depriving Commander
Blake of all power to manoeuvre his vessel or
work the pumps, upon which the reduction of
the fire depended. With the vessel on fire in
two places and her engine disabled, Commander
Blake felt that it was useless to sacrifice the lives
of his command, and so ordered a lee gun to be
fired. The "Alabama" then asked if assistance
was desired, to which an affirmative answer was
given. After considerable delay, the " Ala
bama" sent assistance, and the crew and officers
of the " Hatteras" were transferred to the " Ala
bama." Ten minutes after the crew left her
decks, the "Hatteras" went down bow first.
The battery upon the " Alabama" brought into
action against the "Hatteras" numbered seven
guns, consisting of four long 32-pounders, one
100-pounder rifled gun, one 68-pounder, and one
24-pounder rifled gun. The guns used in the action
by the "Hatteras ' ' were two short 32-pounders, one
30-pounder rifled Parrot, and one 20-pounder
rifled gun. The action was fought at a distance of
about seventy-five yards. The crew of the " Hat
teras" was landed at Port Royal, Jamaica, and
was with all dispatch conveyed from Port
Royal to Kingston, under the guidance of the
American vice-consul, John N. Camp. Com
manding steamer < ' Utah , ' ' North Atlantic Block
ading Squadron, 1863-65; shelled three divisions
of rebel army at Malvern Hill, 1864 ; assisted
to repulse an attack of the rebels on the right of
the army of the James, October, 1864; engage
ment with rebel batteries at Trent Reach, James
River, 1865; navy-yard, Portsmouth, N. H.,
Commissioned as commander, March 3, 1866 ;
commanding steam-sloop " Swatara," European
Squadron, 1868-69 ; commanding steam-sloop
"Alaska," Asiatic Fleet, 1870-72.
Commissioned as captain, May 25, 1871 ; com
manding naval rendezvous, New York, 1873-78.
Promoted to commodore, 1880, and died in
February of that year.
Blake, Robert. Born at Bridgewater, in
Somersetshire, in 1599. In the annals of the
Commonwealth of England few names stand
higher than that of this bold seaman. He was
appointed for his pre-eminent ability and singu
lar intrepidity "General of the Sea" in 1649,
yet he was fifty years of age before he became a
sailor. One of his earliest exploits was the de
feat of Prince Rupert's fleet on the Tagus in
1651. In 1652 he gained a victory over Van
Tromp after a running fight of three days. The
piratical Tunisians had no mercy at his hands.
His greatest achievement was at Santa Cruz, in
1657. The Spaniards, with several treasure-
ships, were, as they supposed, impregnable with
in the fortified harbor; but Blake dashed in,
faced the fire of the castle, silenced the smaller re
doubts, and, seizing the richly-laden galleons,
sailed out without the loss of a single ship. It
was truly said of him that " it would have been
hard to find the thing which Blake dared not
do." Died at Plymouth, August 17, 1657.
Blakeley, Johnston, Captain U.S.N. Born
at Seaford, county Down, Ireland, October, 1781;
lost at sea in 1814. His father emigrated to Wil
mington, N. C. The members of his family dying
one by one, he was left alone in the world, and had
also the misfortune to lose the little remnant of
their property. A friend gave him an education,
and procured for him a midshipman's warrant,
February 5, 1800. Made lieutenant, February 10,
1807; master-commander, July 24, 1813; captain,
November 24, 1814. In 1813 he commanded the
brig " Enterprise," and did good service in pro
tecting our coasting trade. In August he was ap
pointed to "The Wasp," in which, June 28, 1814,
he captured, after an action of nineteen minutes,
in latitude 48° 36' north, H. B. M. ship " Rein
deer," which he was obliged to burn. This
severe action showed the manifest superiority of
American gunnery. The "Reindeer" made
three attempts to board, in the last of which her
gallant commander was slain. For this exploit
Congress voted him a gold medal with suitable
devices. September 1, 1814, in a severe action
with the brig "Avon," he compelled her to
strike ; but the approach of another enemy pre
vented his taking possession of her. " The
Wasp" was afterward spoken off the Western
Isles, and on September 21 captured the brig
" Atalanta," which arrived safely in Savannah,
and brought the last direct intelligence ever re
ceived from " The Wasp." Being heavily armed
and sparred, and very deep-waisted, she probably
foundered in a gale. His only child, a daughter,
was educated at the expense of the State of North
Blank. The white mark in the centre of a
Blanket. The layer of blubber under the skin
of a whale.
Blare. To bellow or roar vehemently. A
mixture of hair and tar, used for calking the
seams of boats.
Blarney. Idle discourse ; obsequious flattery.
Blashy. Watery or dirty ; as, a blashy day.
In parlance, trifling, flimsy.
Blast. A sudden and violent gust of wind.
Blast-engine. An apparatus for urging the
fire of a furnace. A ventilating machine to draw
off the foul air from a ship's hold and force fresh
air into it.
Blast-furnace. A furnace in which the sup
ply of air is furnished by a pneumatic apparatus.
Blast-pipe. A pipe to convey steam into the
smoke-stack to aid the draft.
Blather. Thin mud ; idle nonsense.
Blay. A name of the bleak (which see).
Blazer. A term applied to a mortar-vessel,
from the great emission of flame when the mor
tar is fired.
Blazing-star. A popular name for a comet.
Bleak. The Leuciscus alburnus of naturalists,
and the fresh-water sprat of Izaak Walton. The
name of this fish is from the Anglo-Saxon blican,
owing to its shining whiteness, — its lustrous scales
having long been used in the manufacture of false
Bleed the Buoys. To let the water out.
Bleeding the Monkey. The monkey was a
tall pyramidal kid or bucket, which conveyed
the grog from the grog-tub to the mess, — stealing
from this in transitu was termed bleeding the
Blenny. A small acanthopterygious fish.
Blether-head. A blockhead.
Blethering. Talking idle nonsense ; insolent
Blind. A name on the west coast of Scot
land for the pogge, or miller's-thumb (Coitus
Blind-bucklers. Those fitted for the hawse-
holes, which have no aperture for the cable, and
used at sea to prevent the water coming in.
Blind-harbor. One, the entrance of which is
so shut in as not readily to be perceived.
Blind-rock. One lying just under the surface
of the water, so as not to be visible in calms.
Blind-shell. A shell with a large fuse-hole
and filled with composition, to indicate the range
at night. A shell which does not explode.
Blind-stakes. A sort of river-weir.
Blink. A term in Greenland for iceberg.
Blink of the Ice. The reflection of an iceberg
in the air above it.
Blirt. A gust of wind and rain.
Bloat. To dry by smoke ; a method applied
almost exclusively to cure herrings. Bloated is
also applied to any half-dried fish. i
BLOATER. A herring dried by smoke.
Blocco. Paper and hair used in calking a
vessel's bottom.
Block. The large piece of timber out of which
a figure-head is carved. One of the transverse
timbers on which a ship is built or placed for re
pairs. A flat oval piece of wood containing one
or more sheaves. Blocks are used either to gain
an increase of power or to give a rope a fair lead.
A block consists of the shell, sheave, pin, and
strap. The shell is the frame or outside part, and
is made of ash or elm. In the morticed block
the shell is composed of but one piece of wood ;
in the made block it consists of two or more pieces
pinned together, the two principal outside pieces
being called cheeks. On the sides and at each
end of the shell is cut a single or a double score.
which allows the strap to set snugly on the block
and prevents it from slipping off. The size of a
block is determined by the length of the shell.
The sheave is the wheel over which the rope runs,
and is made of metal or lignum-vitse. It has a
hole in the centre to receive the pin. In a ligr
num-vitse sheave this hole is generally bouched,
or lined with metal, to decrease the friction and
to protect the sheave from chafe. Friction rollers
are sometimes inserted in the sheave when it is
not to be subjected to a very great strain. Around
the circumference of the sheave a groove is cut,
which serves to retain the rope in place and pre
vent it from chafing against the shell. The pin
is the bolt through the shell and sheave on which
the latter revolves. The strap is a rope which
encircles the shell, and by which it is attached to
its particular place. The swallow is the aperture
through which the rope reeves. The hook is
attached to the strap, and is prevented from
chafing by means of a thimble. Two of these
thimbles joined together are called lock-thimbles.
The breech is the end of the block farthest from
the hook.. The becket is a small grommet to
which the standing part of the fall is made fast.
Blocks are single, double, threefold, or fourfold,
according to the number of their sheaves, and
vary in size from four to thirty inches. Iron
blocks, and wooden blocks with iron straps, are
now coming more generally into use. Under the
general head of blocks come hearts, collar-hearts,
dead-eyes, bull's-eyes, wooden thimbles, fair-
leaders, euphroes, cleats, cavils, wooden belaying-
pins, wooden rollers, chocks, toggles, travelers,
wooden hanks, hoops, trucks, etc. (which see
under their proper heads). Blocks receive their
names from some peculiarity of form, from the
position they occupy, or from the rope leading
through them. For description of blocks, see
under the following heads: BEE-BLOCKS, or
Blockade. The shutting up of a port or ports
by troops or ships, so as to prevent egress or in
gress, or the reception of supplies. To constitute
a blockade the investing power must be able to
apply its force to every point of practicable ac
cess, so as to render it dangerous to attempt to
enter or depart. See INTERNATIONAL LAW.
Block-and-block. An expression denoting
that the two blocks of a tackle have been drawn
together, and that the tackle is inoperative. Syn
onymous with two-blocks and chock-a-block.
Blockmaker. A manufacturer of blocks.
Blockmaking Machine. The first set of ma
chinery for making blocks was invented by Bru
nei early in the present century, and was set up
at Portsmouth, England, in 1808. The saving
in the cost of blocks 'is about $100, 000 per annum.
Blood-sucker. A skulker; one who throws
his proportion of work on the shoulders of his
Bloody. A slang superlative, principally used
by Englishmen.
Bloody Flag. A large red flag.
Bloom. A warm blast of wind. A mass of
iron which has been deprived of its dross by
squeezing or shingling.
Blore. An old word for a stiff gale.
Blouse. A light single-breasted sack-coat.
Blout. A name to denote the sudden break
ing up of a gale.
Blow. A gale of wind. The moving of the
air ; as, the winds blow. A violent stroke of the
hand, or any instrument. To eject wind from
the mouth ; hence the term as applied to the
breathing of cetaceans, — the air expelled from
the lungs, being heavily charged with moisture,
condenses on contact with the atmosphere, and
appears like a column of steam. There she
blows! the cry of the look-out when a whale is
Blowe. An old word for scold; hence the
term "blowing-up" for a reprimand.
Blow-holes. The nostrils of the cetaceans.
In some species they are slits placed side by side ;
in others there is but one opening.
Blow Home. The wind does not blow home
when its course is diverted by a chain of moun
tains or other obstacle.
Blowing Great Guns. An expression to de
note a violent gale.
Blowing Off. The operation of ejecting from
the boiler the water which has become saturated
with salt, to prevent the formation of scale.
Blowing the Grampus. Throwing water over
a sleeper on watch.
Blowing Through. The operation of clear
ing the valves, cylinders, and condenser of air
before starting the engine.
Blowing Weather. A term to signify a con
tinuance of strong gales.
Blow-off Pipe. A pipe leading from the
bottom of the boiler to convey the sediment
Blown. Half-dried ; applied to cod and her
Blown Itself Out. A gale is said to have
blown itself out when its energy is expended.
Blow-out. A jollification or spree.
Blow-pipe. An engine of offense used by the
Araucanians and Borneans, and with the latter
termed sumpitan: the poisoned arrow, sumpit,
will wound at the distance of 140 or more yards.
The arrow is forced through by the forcible and
sudden exertion of the lungs. A wafer can be
hit at 30 yards to a certainty, and small birds
are unerringly stunned at 30 yards by pellets of
Blow the Gaff. To reveal a secret; to expose
or inform against a person.
Blow-through Valve. A valve admitting
steam into the cylinder and condenser, in order
to clear them of air and water before starting the
Blow Up. To abuse angrily.
Blow-valve. The snifting-valve. The valve
which permits the steam to escape on blowing
Blubber. The layer of fat in whales between
the skin and the flesh, varying from 10 to 20
inches in thickness, which is flinched or peeled
off, and boiled for oil. See SEA-BLUBBER.
Blubber-forks and Choppers. The imple
ments with which blubber is "made off," or cut
for stowing away.
Blubber-guy. A large rope stretched from
the main- to the foremast-head of whalers, to
which the speck-falls are attached for the opera
tion of flensing.
Blue. Till aWsblue: carried to the utmost,
—a phrase borrowed from the idea of a vessel
making out of port, and getting into blue water.
To look blue, to be surprised, disappointed, or
taken aback, with a countenance expressive of
Blue-book. The name by which the book
containing the regulations for the navy is known ;
also, a book containing the names of all persons
in the employ of the United States government,
with the amount of their pay.
Blue-jackets. The seamen as distinguished
from the marines.
Blue-light. A pyrotechnical preparation for
signals by night. Also called Bengal light.
Blue-lightism. Affected sanctimoniousness.
Blue Moon. An indefinite period.
Blue-nose. A native of Nova Scotia, or a
Nova Scotian vessel.
Blue Peter. A flag with a blue ground and
a white centre, which, when hoisted at the fore,
denotes that the ship is ready to sail. It corre
sponds to the cornet in the navy.
Blue Pigeon. A nickname for the sounding
Blue Water. The open ocean.
Bluff. An abrupt highland, projecting almost
perpendicularly into the sea, and presenting a
bold front, rather rounded than cliffy in out
Bluff-bowed. . Applied to a vessel that has
broad and flat bows, — that is, full and square
formed ; the opposite of lean.
Bluff-headed. Built with the stem nearly
straight up-and-down.
Blunderbuss. A short fire-arm with a large
bore and wide mouth.
Blunk. A sudden squall.
Blustrous. Stormy.
Boadnash. Buckhemshein coins of Barbary.
Boanga. A Malay piratical vessel impelled
by oars.
Board. A piece of sawed timber relatively
broad and thin. The terms board and plank are
often indiscriminately used. See PLANK.
The deck or interior of a vessel. To board a
vessel is to enter either in a friendly or a hostile
The side of a* vessel. Overboard, over the side,
in the water. In-board, inside, or farther from
the side. Out-board, nearer to the side. Board
to board, or board and board, side by side.
The stretch which a ship makes on one tack in
beating to windward. To make a (jood board, to
lose little or nothing to leeward. To make short
boards, to tack frequently. When a ship luffs
up into the wind until the headway has nearly
ceased, and is then made to pay off on the same
tack, she is said to make a 'half-board; with
smooth water and a good working breeze a ship
can eat her way up to windward in this manner.
When the vessel goes astern she makes a stern-
board. It is advisable in this case not to put the
helm hard over, as great strain would be brought
on the rudder.
A word applied to certain individuals in a col
lective capacity who are appointed by competent
authority for the management of "some public
office or trust ; as, The Light-house Board (which
see); or to perform certain specified duties; as,
The Board for the Examination of Officers for
Promotion and Retirement (which see), and The
Board of Inspection (which see). There are also
boards convened from time to time for the pur
pose of collating facts and expressing opinions,
of an advisory character, respecting the matters
submitted to them by the convening authority.
BOARD, THE ACADEMIC. The collective des
ignation of the heads of the departments of
instruction at the Naval Academy.
Boarders. The men detailed to attack the
enemy by boarding. They are armed with pis
tols and cutlasses, and are led by the executive-
officer. Thej7 are summoned by verbal order and
by the springing of the rattle, and assemble in
the part of the ship designated, keeping under
cover as much as possible.
Boarding. The act of entering a vessel, either
with hostile intent or in a friendly manner.
In boarding with hostile intent the way is
cleared for the boarders by a brisk fire from the
rifles and machine-guns, by hand-grenades, and
by streams of hot water from the steam-pumps.
The great guns are depressed, and, at the order
board the enemy, the boarders gain the enemy's
deck as quickly as possible, and use every en
deavor to clear the decks by disabling or driving
the men below. While the boarders are absent
from their guns, the remaining men keep up as
rapid a fire as is possible under the circumstances,
and the ports of the guns not in use are closed.
If the boarders are driven back they rally on
the flanks of the riflemen, taking care to get
quickly out of the line of their fire.
If the enemy manifest a disposition to board,
the marines and riflemen are called away, and
open fire from favorable positions, and the great
guns, howitzers, and machine-guns are brought
to bear on the enemy's boarders. Every effort
should be made to shake or disperse them, and,
if not successful, it will be necessary, before the
enemy closes, to call all hands repel boarders.
The marines and riflemen form on the side which
is engaged, opposite to the point where the en
emy is likely to attempt to enter, the boarders
being on the flank and in the rear. The re
serves are posted in the rear of the flanks of the
riflemen.. If the enemy gain a footing he must
be charged in force, as the necessity for driving
him back at once is absolute. Rallying-points
should be designated, and barricades should be
constructed. The shaft of a paddle-wheel ves
sel, or a gun run in to a taut breeching, affords
a good shelter.
When at close quarters the sword is a more
effective weapon than the rifle and bayonet, in
which case the bayonets are unfixed and used as
When there is a possibility of being boarded,
boarding-nettings are got up, and the torpedoes
are got ready for use.
leeward, and do not go alongside while she has
stern-way on. See that the line by which the
boat rides is long enough to permit the boat to
rise and fall with the sea. The line should not
be belayed, but kept in hand ready for shipping.
Be careful that the masts or oars do not take
under the quarter-boats or chains.
BOARDING A WRECK. The chief dangers to
be apprehended in boarding a wreck are the col
lision of the boat with the ship, or with floating
spars, and the swamping of the boat alongside.
The greater violence of the sea on the weather
side makes it preferable to board to leeward. The
dangers to be guarded against in boarding on the
lee side are the falling of the masts and collision
with floating spars.
The large life-boats that go off to wrecks
anchor to windward and veer down, care being
taken to prevent actual contact.
BOARDING-BOOK. A book in which are entered
the particulars in regard to every ship boarded.
It is not taken on board men-of-war, but the
particulars are afterwards registered.
BOARDING-NETTINGS. A network of wire ropes
or hemp ropes soaked in tar and sanded, to pre
vent boarders from entering a ship. The lower
edge is made fast to the rail, arid the upper edge
triced up by whips or stopped to the ridge-rope.
BOARDING-PIKE. A defensive lance against
BOARD IN THE SMOKE. A figurative expres
sion, signifying to create confusion or enthu
siasm, and then to endeavor to attain one's ob
ject before the effect has passed away. The
expression arose from the custom of delivering
a broadside as the boarders were thrown upon
the enemy's decks.
Boardling (Eng.}. A flippant understrapper
of the admiralty or navy-board.
Board of Trade. See TRADE, BOARD OF.
Boat. A small open vessel, propelled by oars
or sails, and sometimes by stearn. The name is
also applied to large river-craft propelled entirely
by steam, and also to a vessel having no motive
power of its own ; as, a canal-boat. Boats are
built of various materials ; as, wood, iron, paper,
etc. Wood is used for boats for ordinary pur
poses, iron for heavy boats, and wood or paper for
The frame of a carvel-built boat generally con
sists of a floor and two futtocks, and the planks
do not overlap, but make flush seams, which are
calked. In the clinker-built boat the lower edge
of each plank laps over the upper edge of the
one next below. A diagonal-built boat is one in
which the outer skin consists of two layers of
planking at right angles to each other, and
making an angle of 45° with the keel.
Boats are square-sterned, or sharp at both
ends ; in the latter case they are called whale-
boats. Single-banked boats have one oarsman to
each thwart, and a double-banked boat has two.
Oars are double-banked when each oar is pulled
by two men.
The boats in use in the navy are as follows :
steam-launches, steam-cutters, launches, cutters,
whale-boa'ts, dingys, barges, and gigs. For a
description of these various boats, with their
various rigs, see under the proper heads. See
Up boats, the order to hoist all the boats. To
secure a boat for sea, to rig in the davits, and
pass the gripes around the boat and strong-back.
To call away a boat, to pass the word "for the
crew to man their boat. To trim boat, to so dis.-
pose the weight in her that she shall float up
right. To bail a boat, to throw out the water
that may be in her. To moor a boat, to secure it
at a buoy or wharf. To wind a boat, to slue it
around end for end. To man a boat, to send the
crew in it to manage it. To boat the oars, to
place them on the thwarts fore-and-aft ready for
Boats, Equipment of.
KUNNING-BOATS, or boats which do the or
dinary duty of a ship, are supplied with oars,
boat-hooks, fenders, breaker, anchor, colors,
cushions, painter, etc. Masts, sails, compass,
and awnings will be carried as ordered.
ARMED BOATS are equipped according to the
nature of the service they are to perform.
DISTANT SERVICE. The boat is supplied
with provisions, fuel, cooking utensils, ammu
nition, arms and accoutrements, tools and arti
cles for repairing damages, boat-gear, means of
making signals, and a medical outfit. If a gun
is c'arried, ammunition and implements for the
service of the piece afloat are supplied.
OTHER BOATS. The boat is supplied with am
munition, arms and accoutrements, tools and
articles for repairing damages, medical outfit,
means of making signals, a small quantity of
provisions, and as many men as can be carried
without undue crowding. If a gun is carried,
ammunition and implements for the service of
the piece afloat are supplied. See CUTTING OUT.
The boat is supplied with ammunition, arms,
and accoutrements, tools and articles for repair
ing damages, and a small quantity of provisions.
No masts or sails are carried. If a gun is car
ried, ammunition and implements for the service
of the piece afloat and ashore are supplied. For
more minute details, see ORDNANCE INSTRUC
TIONS, 1880.
Boats, Management of.
UNDER OARS. Before leaving the ship see
that she is properly equipped for the service on
which she may be going. Do not shove off
during stern-way. Trim the boat. Keep the
weights amidships. Do not allow the men to
stand up in the boat, or to sit on the gunwale.
Sand is much heavier when wet than when dry,
therefore do not overload the boat with it.
Water in breakers is safest for ballast ; iron or
sand stows better, but in the event of a capsize
would sink the boat. A loaded boat holds her
way longer than when light. Make due allow
ance for the tide; a little judgment may save a
long pull. Keep clear of a vessel with stern-way
on. Keep a boat bows-on to a heavy sea. A
boat may ride out a heavy gale by lashing the
spars, sails, etc., together and riding to leeward
UNDER SAIL. When the ship is not head to
wind, pull well clear of the ship before making
sail. Hoist the jib before the foresail, that the
mast-head may not be dragged aft. Do not
belay the sheets, but keep them in hand. Run
ning before a stiff breeze, reduce sail before luff
ing up. Running dead before the wind in a
light boat is dangerous ; it is safer to run half
the distance with the wind on one quarter, and
then bring the wind on the other quarter. In a
moderate squall ease the sheets ; in a hard squall
luff up and lower the sails. If there be any
doubt about weathering a point, go about at
once. If there be any doubt about going around,
have an oar ready to leeward. If the men are
sitting to windward, make them sit amidships on
passing to leeward of a ship. In a stiff breeze
get the masts down before going alongside of a
BOATABLE. Navigable for boats.
BOAT-CHOCKS. Pieces of wood on which boats
rest when stowed on deck.
BOAT-CLOAK. A mantle for the use of officers
in a boat.
BOAT-DAVIT. The name applied to the timbers
which project over the side or stern of a vessel,
and to which the boats are hoisted.
BOAT-DRILL. The objects of boat-drill are as
follows : first, to accustom the men to rowing
and to the handling of boats under sail (see
MANAGEMENT OF BOATS) ; second, to instruct the
men in the manipulation of boat-guns (see HOW
ITZER) ; third, to familiarize the men with their
duties in providing articles for the equipment of
boats (see EQUIPMENT OF BOATS); fourth, to
familiarize the officers and quartermasters with
making and reading signals (see SIGNALS) ; and,
fifth, to familiarize the officers \vith the princi
ples of fleet tactics. The tactics for boats under
sail are the same as for vessels under canvas, and
when the boats are under oars they conform to
the rules laid down for the regulation of vessels
under steam. See NAVAL TACTICS.
BOAT-FAST. The rope by which a boat is made
BOAT-GEAR. The rigging and furniture of a
BOAT-HIRE. Expenses for the use of shore-
BOAT-HOOK. A staff fitted with an iron or
brass head, used in a boat when alongside of a
wharf or a ship.
BOATILA. A narrow-sterned, flat-bottomed
boat of the Gulf of Manar.
BOATING. Transporting men, munitions, or
goods by boats.
BOAT-KEEPER. One of the boat's crew who
remains in charge during the absence of the
BOAT-ROPE. A rope by which a boat is towed.
A rope fitted to a boat to assist in managing it
when lowered in a sea-way.
BOAT'S-CREW. The men detailed for duty in a
particular boat.
BOAT'S-GRIPES. Lashings for securing davit-
boats at sea.
BOAT-SKIDS. Skids to keep a boat clear of
the ship's side in hoisting or lowering.
Boatswain (Fr. maitred' equipage). Formerly
pronounced and sometimes written bote-son, or
boat's-son, and bo'sun, is in the Spanish and Por
tuguese navies styled " Master of the Canvass."
The title is said to be derived from bat, a boat,
and swan, a swain, or servant. His symbol of
office — the silver call, or whistle — was once the
proud insignia of the Lord High Admiral of
England, and the decorative appendage of the Ad
mirals of the Fleet, who wore it suspended from
a golden chain, and with it " were wont to cheer
their men in battle." The duties of a boat
swain are constant and fatiguing; his station is
the forecastle, whence he can direct the men
aloft. He pipes "all hands" for general work,
and his mates repeat the call on their respective
decks. Boatswains in the United States navy
are warrant-officers, and their principal duties
are as follows :
The boatswain is to be generally upon deck
during the day, and at all times when any duty
shall require all hands to be employed. He is
with his mates to see that the men go quickly
upon deck when called, and that they perform
their duty with alacrity. He will every day at
7.30 A.M., and at such other times as directed^
examine the rigging, and report to the officer of
the deck the state in which he finds it. He is to
be careful that the anchors, booms, and boats are
properly secured, and is to have ready a suf
ficient number of mats, plats, nippers, points,
and gaskets, that no delay may be experienced,
He will be careful that the masts of the ship are
not crippled or strained in setting up the stays
and rigging, and that they retain the same angle
with the keel after the stays and rigging are set
up that they had when they were only wedged.
He is to see when junk is worked up that every
part is applied to the purposes ordered. When
preparing for battle, he is to see that everything
necessary for repairing the rigging is in place.
BOATSWAIN-BIRD (Phaeton cethcreus}. A trop
ical bird, so called from the whistling noise it
makes. It has two long feathers in its tail, called
the marling-spike.
BOATSWAIN-CAPTAIN. A term applied to a
commanding officer who pays great attention to
the minor details which are generally attended
to by the boatswain.
BOATSWAIN'S MATE. The chief petty officer
of the watch. He passes all the orders of the
officer of the watch, and uses his call as circum
stances require.
for the boatswain's stores.
Boat the Oars. To place the oars fore-and-
aft on the thwarts ready for use.
Bob. The ball or balance-Aveight of a clock's
pendulum ; the weight attached to the plumb-
line. , To fish. A knot of worms on a string,
used in fishing for eels ; also colloquially, it
means a berth. Shift your bob, to move about,
to dodge. Bear a bob, make haste, be brisk.
Bobbery. A disturbance, row, or squabble;
a term much used in the East Indies and China.
Bobbing. A particular method of fishing for
Bobbing About. Heaving and setting with
out making any way.
Bobble. The state of waves when dashing
about without any regular set or direction, as in
cross tides or currents.
Bobstay. A rope or chain extending from
the bowsprit to the cutwater. Its use is to coun
teract the strain of the head-stays. The bow
sprit is also fortified by shrouds from the bows
on each side, which are all very necessary, as the
foremast and the upper spars on. the mainmast
are stayed and greatly supported by the bowsprit.
BOBSTAY-COLLAKS. These are made with large
rope, and an eye spliced in each end ; they are
secured round the bowsprit, on the upper side,
with a rose lashing. They are almost entirely
superseded by iron bands.
Bo BST AY-HOLES. Those cut through the fore
part of the knee of the head, between the cheeks,
for the admission of the bobstay ; they are not
much used now, as chain bobstays are almost
universal, which are secured to plates by shackles.
BOBSTAY-PIECE. A piece of timber to which
the bobstays are secured.
BOBSTAY-PLATES. Iron plates by which the
lower end of the bobstay is attached to the stem.
Bocca (Sp. boca, mouth). A term used both
in the Levant and on the north coast of South
America, or the Spanish Main, for a rnouth or
channel into any port or harbor, or the entrance
into a sound which has a passage out by a con
trary way. Bocca Tigris, Canton River.
Body. The principal corps of an army, or the
main strength of a fleet. The figure of a ship,
abstractly considered, is divided into different
parts or figures, each of which has the appella
tion body, as fore-body, midship-body, square-
body, etc.
Body-hoops. The hoops of a made mast.
Body-plan. A plan of a ship showing the
breadth ; it is a transverse section of the ship at
the broadest part.
Body-post. The post at the forward end of
the space in which the screw revolves.
Boggs, Charies Stewart, Rear-Admiral
U.S.N. Born in New Brunswick, N. J., Janu
ary 28, 1811. Appointed midshipman from same
State, November 1, 1826. Attached to Medi
terranean Squadron, — sloop of-war " Warren"
and ship-of-the-line " Delaware," — 1827-30;
West India Squadron, schooner "Porpoise,"
from 1830-32.
Promoted to passed midshipman, April 28,
1832; receiving-ship, New York, 1832; West
Indies, sloop " Fal mouth," 1833-34 ; rendezvous,
New York, 1835-36.
Promoted to lieutenant, September 6, 1837 ;
Pacific Squadron, ship-of-the-line " North Caro
lina" and schooner "Enterprise," 1837-38; re
ceiving-ship " New York," in charge of appren
tices, 1840-41; coast of Africa, sloop "Sara
toga," 1842-43; participated in the destruction
of the Bereby village on that coast ; Home
Squadron, 1846-47, steamer "Princeton"; pres
ent at siege of Vera Cruz ; commanded boat ex
pedition from the " Princeton," which destroyed
the U. S. brig " Truxtun" after her surrender to
the Mexicans ; receiving-ship, New York, 1848 ;
executive-officer of the frigate "St. Lawrence"
to the World's Fair, London, 1848; first lieu
tenant navy-yard, New York, and inspecting for
Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, 1851-54.
Commissioned as commander, September 15,
1855 ; commanding United States mail-steamer
" Illinois," 1856-58 ; light-house inspector, Cali
fornia, 1860-61 ; commanding U. S. steamer
"Varuna" at the passage of Forts Jackson and
St. Philip, April 24, 1862. The " Varuna" was
the only vessel of Farragut's squadron lost at the
passage of the forts. From her great speed she
was able to get ahead of all the fleet, and engage
the rebel squadron above the forts. She was at
tacked by two rams, and sunk after being run
into the bank of the river ; causing, however,
the destruction of the attacking vessels.
Commissioned as captain, July 16, 1862 ; com
manded steam-sloop " Sacramento" on the block
ade of Cape Fear River ; left his command on
account of serious sickness ; special duty under
Admiral Gregory, at New York, 1864-65; super
intended the construction of small steam picket-
boats, and specially designed and fitted out the
torpedo-boat which, under the dashing Gushing,
destroyed the rebel ironclad " Albemarle" ; 1866,
commanded the U. S. steamer "Connecticut,"
special cruise in the West Indies ; fell in with
the rebel ironclad " Stonewall" in the harbor of
Havana, and previous to her being given up to
the Spanish government, demanded her surren
der to the United States.
Promoted to commodore, July 25, 1866 ; com
manded steamer " De Soto," North Atlantic
Squadron, 1866-68 ; special duty, to report on
the condition of steam-engines afloat, 1869-70 ;
commanding light-house depot, Tompkinsville,
Staten Island, and light-house inspector, third
Commissioned as rear-admiral, July, 1870;
commanding European Fleet, 1871-72 ; retired,
Bogue. To fall off from the wind ; to edge
away to leeward. The mouth of a river.
Boiler. A close vessel in which steam is gen
erated, to be used as the motive force in steam-
engines, and for other purposes. It is usually
made of wrought-iron plates, overlapping at the
edges and fastened with rivets. See MARINE
BOILER-ALARM. An apparatus to call atten
tion to the low level of the water in the boiler.
BOILER-FEEDER. An apparatus, usually auto
matic and self-regulating, for keeping the boiler
supplied with water.
BOILER-FLOAT. A float which rises and falls
with the water in the boiler, and which shuts
off the feed-water when the water has risen to
the requisite height.
BOILER-IRON. Rolled plates of iron from one-
fourth to one-eighth of an inch in thickness.
BOILER-PROTECTOR. A non-conducting ma
terial to prevent the escape of heat ; as, felt, lag
ging, etc.
Boiling, the Whole. A contemptuous ex
pression to denote the whole number or entire
Bold Bow. A broad bluff bow.
Boldering Weather. Cloudy and thundery.
Bold Shore. A coast where the Water deep
ening rapidly permits the near approach of ships
without danger of grounding.
Bold-to. A term applied to land when the
adjacent water deepens rapidly. Steep-to.
Bole. A small boat.
Bolide. A name for an aerolite.
Boline. See BOWLINE.
Bollard. A timber around which a turn of
the line is taken when a whale is struck, in
order that the line may be veered steadily. A
vertical timber projecting above the ground, to
which hawsers are secured.
Bollard -timber. Usually called knight-head
(which see).
Boiling, or Bowling Along. Going through
the water rapidly with a free wind.
Bolme. An old term for a waterman's pole
or boom.
Boloto. A small boat of the Philippines and
Bolsters. Small cushions or bags of tarred
canvas, used to preserve the stays from being
chafed by the motion of the masts when the ship
pitches at sea. Pieces of soft wood covered with
canvas, placed on the tressle-trees for the eyes of
the rigging to rest upon and prevent a sharp nip.
Also pieces of oak timber fayed to the curvature
of the bow, under the hawse-holes, and down
upon the upper cheek, to prevent the cable from
rubbing against the cheeks.
Bolt. To start off; to run away. To swallow
food without chewing it. A cylindrical bar of
metal. Bolts take their names from the uses to
which they are applied ; as, bringing-to bolt, drive-
bolt, etc. ; from a peculiarity of construction ; as,
eye-bolt, ring-bolt, etc. ; from the mode of secur
ing them; as, screw-bolt, bay-bolt, etc. For a
description of bolts see under the following
BOLT OF CANYAS. A roll of canvas contain
ing 39 yards. «
BOLT-AUGER. An auger for boring holes for
, BOLT-CHISEL. A cold chisel for cutting off the
projecting ends of bolts.
BOLT-CUTTER. A tool for cutting off bolts. A
tool for cutting the thread on bolts.
Bolt-rope. A superior quality of hemp cord
age used for roping sails.
BOLT-ROPE NEEDLE. A strong needle for
stitching a sail to the bolt-rope.
Bolt-sprit. See BOWSPRIT.
BOLT-STRAKE. Strakes of plank through
which pass the beam fastenings.
Bomb. A hollow ball or shell of cast iron
charged with powder, and furnished with a fuse
so adjusted that when the bomb reaches the end
of its range the fuse ignites the powder in the
shell and blows it to pieces. Bombs appear to
have first come into use in the wars of the Neth
erlands, in the 17th century. See SHELL.
BOMB-BED. The platform which supports a
Bombalo. A delicate kind of sand-eel taken
in quantities at Bombay.
Bombard. An ancient piece of ordnance for
throwing heavy projectiles. Its bore sometimes
exceeded twenty inches in diameter. There were
also smaller varieties of the bombard. See ORD
A vessel in which beer was formerly carried to
soldiers on duty; whence bum-boat (which see).
Bombay. A city and seaport on the island of
Bombay, now artificially converted into a penin
sula, all of which is included in the municipal
limits. Lat. 18° 56' N. ; Ion. 72° 53' E. Since
the development of cotton culture in India, Bom
bay has largely increased in wealth and impor
tance. It is connected by railroads with most of
the large cities of India, and by steamer lines,
via Suez,, with Great Britain. On the S. W. the
fort is connected by Colabba causeway with the
island of Colabba, on which are the light-house,
observatory, and a stone pier. The harbor of
Bombay is unequaled for safety in all India. It
affords good anchorage for ships of the largest
burden, and it has excellent building- and other
docks for ships of the first class. Pop. 700,000.
Bombo. Weak, cold punch.
Bonaventure. The old outer mizzen, long
Bone. To study. To bone up a subject, to
study it thoroughly.
Bon-grace. Junk-fenders, to hang over the
bows and sides of a vessel. See BOW-GRACE.
Bonito. The Thynnus pelamys, a fish of the
scomber family, commonly about 2 feet long,
with a sharp head, small mouth, full eyes, and a
regular semilunar tail.
Boni-vochil. The Hebridean name for the
great northern diver (Colymbus glacialis}.
Bonnet. An additional part laced to the foot
of the jibs, or other fore-and-aft sails, in small
vessels in moderate weather, to gather mor
Bonnet-flook. The well-known flat-fish, brill,
pearl, or mouse-dab ; the Pleuronectes rhombus.
Bony-fish. A name for the hard-head (which
Bony Pike ! Lepidosteus}. A genus of ganoid
fishes, conspicuous by being examples of a nearly
extinct type.
Booby. A well-known tropical sea-bird, Sula
fusca, of the family Pelecanidce. It is fond of
resting out of the water at night, even preferring
an unstable perch on the yard of a ship. The
name is derived from the way in which it allows
itself to be caught immediately after settling.
The direction in which it flies as evening comes
on often shows where land may be found.
Booby-hatch. A smaller kind of companion,
but readily removable. A kind of wooden hood
over a hatch, fitted with a sliding top and readily
Book. A commercial term for a peculiar pack
ing of muslins, bastas, and other stuffs. Brought
to book, made to account.
Books. Oflicial documents. See SHIP'S BOOKS.
Boom. A long spar used to extend or boom
out the foot of a particular sail. It takes its
name from the sail it extends. (See JIB-, FLY
TAIL-, and MAIN-BOOM.) The name is also
applied to a chain stretched across a river or
mouth of a harbor to prevent the entrance of an
enemy's vessel. See FIRE-SHIPS.
Booms may be employed in the defense of har
bors either by themselves, or in combination with
submarine mines. The essential qualities of a
boom are that it shall possess great strength
and be easy to manipulate. The main cable
should be of wire or chain, and is buoyed up
by spars, logs, etc. A space is left between each
float to give the whole structure flexibility. The
boom should be moored with heavy anchors up
stream, and with heavy chains without anchors
down-stream ; the former to counteract the force
of the current, and the latter to oppose a yielding
obstacle to the shock of ramming. The boom
should be moored obliquely to the current, which
compels an enemy's vessel to place herself athwart
the current in order to ram the boom at right
angles. The boom should be protected from the
enemy's boats by small mechanical mines, and
should be covered by batteries on each side of
the bay or river. To boom off, to shove off a ves
sel or boat with spars. To top up a boom is to
elevate one end of it by hauling on the topping
lifts. A person is said to top up his boom when
he fortifies himself with ardent spirits.
Booms. The space between the fore- and main
masts, in which the boom-boats and spare spars
are stowed.
BOOM-BOATS. Boats carried inboard and
stowed in the booms.
BOOM-BRACE. A rope extending from the
outer extremity of the topmast studding-sail-
boom through a tail-block in the rnain-rig-
BOOM-COVER. The large tarpaulin, or painted
canvas cover, extending over the booms and
BOOM-IRONS. Metal hoops or rings on the
lower and topsail yards through which the
booms traverse. See PACIFIC-IRONS.
BOOM-JIGGER. A tackle used for rigging in
and out the topmast studding-sail-booms.
BOOM-MAINSAIL. A fore-and-aft mainsail the
foot of which is spread by a boom.
BOOM-TRICING-LINE. The line which trices
up the heel of a stun 'sail-boom.
Boopah. A Tongatabou canoe with a single
Bootes (G-r. bootes, a plowman). The con
stellation following the Great Bear, which, it is
probable, originally figured as an ox or wagon.
Bootes is also called Arctophylax, the Bear-
watcher ; and the bright star a Bootis is named
Arcturus, which means the Bear-keeper.
Boothyr. An old word for a small river
Boot-lick. One who cringes and flatters to
obtain favors.
Boot-topping. The old operation of scraping
off the grass, slime, shells, etc., which adhere to
the bottom, near the surface of the water, and
daubing it over with a mixture of tallow, sul
phur, and resin, as a temporary protection
against worms. This is chiefly performed where
there is no dock or convenient situation for bream
ing or careening, or when the hurry of a voyage
renders it inconvenient to have the whole bottom
properly cleansed. The term is now applied to
sheathing a vessel with planking over felt.
Booty. That sort of prize which may be
distributed at the capstan-head, or at once.
Booze. A carouse ; hence, boozy, elevated by
liquor. •
Bora. A very violent wind experienced in
the upper part of the Adriatic Sea, but which
fortunately is of no great duration.
Borasca. A storm, with thunder and light
Bord. The sea-coast, an old term. Formerly
meant the side, edge, or brim ; hence, as applied
to a ship, to throw overboard is to cast anything
over the side of the vessel.
Borda,Jean Charles, a scientific French navi
gator, born at Dax, May 4, 1733 ; died in Paris,
February 20, 1799. He was a teacher of mathe
matics ; became a captain in the French navy,
and by his scientific knowledge was of great ser
vice to the Count d'Estaing during the American
war, in which he commanded the " Solitaire"
with distinction. Made a member of the Acad
emy of Sciences in 1756. In 1771 he made a
voyage to America for scientific purposes, and
again in 1774, and at a later period, of which he
published an account in 1778. He founded the
School of Naval Architecture in France, in
vented nautical instruments, was one of the sci
entific men who framed the French metric sys
tem, and published some treatises on hydraulics.
Member of the French Institute.
Bordeaux. A city in the S. W. of France, on
the Garonne, 60 miles from its mouth, and chiefly
on its left bank. Lat. 44° W 19" N. ; Ion. 0°
84X 32/7 W. Situated on a navigable river, in
this part 2600 feet wide and from 60 to 90 feet
deep, Bordeaux takes, rank next after Marseilles
and Havre among the ports of France both in
foreign and coastwise trade. Its harbor or basin,
formed by the Garonne, is capable of containing
1200 ships of the largest size, and is accessible for
vessels of 600 tons at all times of the tide. It has
docks and building-yards for every size of ves
sels. Its principal exports are wines, brandy,
and fruits. Pop. 225,000.
Bordels. An old word for houses built along
a strand.
Bord You. A saying of a man waiting, to
one who is drinking, meaning that he claims the
next turn.
Bore. The cavity, generally cylindrical in
shape, of a piece of ordnance ; also, the diameter
of this cavity. A sudden and rapid flow of tide
in certain inlets of the sea ; as, the monstrous
wave in the river Hoogly, called bahn by the
natives, which rolls in with the noise of distant
thunder at flood-tide. It occurs from February
to November, at the new and full moon. Its
cause has not been clearly defined, although it
probably arises from the currents during spring
tides, acting on a peculiar conformation of the
banks and bed of the river ; it strikes invariably
on the same part of the banks, majestically roll
ing over to one side, and passing on diagonally
to the other with impetuous violence. The bore
also occurs in England, near Bristol ; and in
America, in several rivers, but especially in the
Bay of Fundy, where, at the river Petticodiac,
the tide rises 76 feet. It also occurs in Borneo
and several rivers in the East.
Attention to the bore in different places is of
great importance to the seaman. No boat ven
tures to navigate the channels between the islands
at the mouth of the Brahmapootra at spring
tide ; in the Hoogly, the bore running along
one bank only, on its approach the smaller ship
ping is removed to the other side, or ride it out
in mid-stream ; and in some of the rivers of
Brazil the barges, at the spring-tides, are always
moored in deep water, it being noticed that the
bore is only dangerous on the shoals.
Boreas. Son of ^Estrseus and Heribeia, gen
erally put for the north wind.
Bore Down. Sailed down from to wind
Boring. In Arctic seas, the operation of
forcing a ship through the loose ice.
Boring-bit. A tool for clearing the vent of a
Borrachio (Sp. borracho, drunk). A skin,
usually a goat's, for holding wine or .water.
Used "in the Levant. A skin-full ; literally,
gorged with wine.
Borrow. To approach closely either to land
or wind ; to hug a shore or coast to avoid an ad
verse tide.
Bort. The name given to a fishing-line in the
Shetland Isles.
Boscawen, Edward, Admiral. Born August
19, 1711. Measuring men by their success,
this very distinguished sailor occupies a high
place in British annals. For twenty years he
was in continual active service. The West In
dies, the South American coast, the Mediterra
nean, India, and the coast of North America were
the scenes of his professional employment. Fre
quently engaged in contests with the French, he,
singularly enough, three times took prisoner the
same admiral, and carried more prizes into Eng-
lish'ports than any other seaman before or since.
Vice-admiral of the blue, 1756. Died January
10, 1761.
Boss. An elevated or thickened portion,
usually around an aperture ; as, a socket for a
Sivot-bolt. A master-workman or superinten-
Boston (Mass.) is on a bay called Boston
Harbor, which forms the inner bight of Massa
chusetts Bay, at the mouth of the Charles and
Mystic Kivers. Lat. 42° '2V 27.6" N. ; Ion. 71°
3' 30" W. The harbor is excellent, and the
wharves, warehouses, and other shipping facili
ties are not surpassed. Steamers ply hence to
Europe and to the principal ports of the United
States. Boston has a large trade with the West
Indies, and with Nova Scotia and New Bruns
wick, and the coastwise traffic is extensive. Her
commerce with India, China, and Liverpool is
very large, although less than it was twenty years
ago. Much capital has been expended in the
extension of harbor facilities. The inner harbor
is completely sheltered, not difficult of access,
and is seldom encumbered by ice. Several large
works have been constructed for its defense,
Forts Warren, Independence, and Winthrop
being the most important. The channel is well
lighted, the structure on Minot's Ledge being
the outermost and highest of its four light-houses.
The harbor covers 75 square miles, and has a
minimum depth of 23 feet above mean low tide.
Charlestown, formerly a suburb of Boston, now
incorporated with it, is the seat of a large United
States navy-yard. Pop. about 352,000.
Botany Bay. Discovered by Cook in 1770,
and received its name from the great variety of
herbs found on its shores. The settlement was
selected as a site for a colony of English convicts,
and the first governor arrived in January, 1788.
The colony was eventually located at Port Jack
son, 13 miles north of the bay.
Botarga. The roe of the mullet pressed flat
and dried ; that of commerce, however, is from
the tunny, a large fish of passage which is com
mon in the Mediterranean.
Botch. To make bungling work.
Bote's-carle. An old word for coxswain.
Both Sheets Aft. A ship before the wind
has both fore-sheets hauled aft. The expression
is also applied to a half-drunken sailor rolling
along with both hands in his pockets and elbows
Botte. An old word for boat.
Bottle-charts. Charts on which the set of
surface currents is marked, when the set has been
calculated from the data found in bottles thrown
overboard and washed upon the beach, or picked
up by ships.
Bottle-nose, or Bottle-nosed Whale. A name
applied to several of the smaller cetaceans of the
northern seas, more especially to the Hyperoodon
Bottom. The lowest part of anything. The
rich low land formed by alluvial deposits. The
part of a ship under water ; hence, the ship itself;
as "foreign bottoms." A. full bottom denotes
that such a form has been given to a ship as to
allow her to carry a large amount of merchan
dise. The bed of a body of water ; it is charac
terized as muddy, rocky, sandy, etc.
BOTTOM-CLEAN. Thoroughly clean, free from
weeds, etc.
Bottomry. A contract in1 the nature of a
mortgage of a ship when the owner, or his agent,
borrows money to enable him to carry on his
voyage, and pledges the keel or bottom of the
ship ( partem pro toto) as a security for the re
payment. If the ship be lost the lender loses
also his whole money ; but if it return in safety
then he shall receive back his principal, and also
the premium stipulated to be paid, however it
may exceed the usual or legal rate of interest.
And this is allowed to be a valid contract in all
trading nations, for the benefit of commerce, and
by reason of the extraordinary hazard run by
the lender. And in this case the ship and tackle,
if brought home, are answerable (as well as the
borrower personally) for the money lent. But
if the loan be not upon the vessel, but upon the
goods and merchandise, which must necessarily
be sold or exchanged in the course of the voyage,
then only the borrower, personally, is bound to
answer the contract, and in this case he is said
to take the money at respondentia (which see).
BOTTOMRY PREMIUM. The high rate of in
terest charged on the safety of the ship, — the
lender losing his whole money if she be lost.
Bottom-wind. A phenomenon that occurs on
the lakes in the north of England, especially
Derwent Water, which is often agitated by swell
ing waves without any apparent cause.
Bouche. See BUSH.
Bougainville, Louis Antoine de. Born in
Paris, November 11, 1729. The first voyage
round the world by a Frenchman was made by
this illustrious seaman. He crossed the Atlantic,
braved the stormy seas around Cape Horn, and
passed into the Pacific. He visited many places
on the western shores of America and among
the islands in the Pacific, but the charts which
he prepared and bequeathed to his country and
posterity are not reliable, owing to the great dif
ficulty in Bougainville's day of making astro
nomical observations, and the imperfect character
of the plans laid down by men of science for as
certaining the longitude. Died August 31, 1811.
Bouge. See BOWGE.
Bouge and Chine, or Bowge and Chime. A
method of stowing casks with the bilge of one
against the end of another.
Bouguer, Pierre. Born at Le Croisic, in Bre-
tagne, February 16, 1698. A profound French
mathematician, who was one of a body of savants
deputed in 1735 to proceed to South America to
measure a degree of the meridian at the equator.
Died August 15, 1758.
Bouilli. Preserved beef in hermetically-sealed
cans; termed by sailors "bully-beef," or "soup
and bully."
Boulder. See BOWLDER.
Boulogne. A town of France, on the Eng
lish Channel, at the mouth of the Lianne. Lat.
50° W 32" N. ; Ion. 1° 36' 15" E. The port
is formed by piers stretching out only to low-
water mark, but the tide rises upwards of 16
feet, and vessels find good anchorage about half
a mile from the harbor. There is also a wet-
dock with other harbor improvements. Pop.
Bounce. The larger dog-fish.
Bouncer. A gun which kicks violently when
Bound. The path of a projectile between two
grazes. Destined ; going, or intending to go.
Where are you bound ? to what place are you
going. Ice-bound, entirely surrounded by ice.
Tide-bound, beneaped, or prevented from sailing
by an adverse tide. Wind-bound, prevented
from sailing by an unfavorable wind.
Boundary-line. The trace of the outer sur
face of the skin of a ship on the stern-post,
stem, and keel.
Bounty for Destruction of Enemies' Vessels.
An amount awarded to a ship or vessel of the
United States which sinks or destroys a vessel
of war belonging to an enemy. If the vessel de
stroyed was of equal or superior force to the
United States vessel, the latter is awarded $200
for each person on board the former at the begin
ning of the engagement ; if of inferior force,
$100 for each person. If the captors of an
enemy's vessel are instructed to, or do immedi
ately, destroy the vessel for the public interest,
$50 is awarded for each person on board the ves
sel at the time it was captured. The gross
amount awarded as above is divided among the
officers and crew in the same manner as prize-
money. (See PRIZE-MONEY.) When the actual
number of persons on board the destroyed vessel
cannot be ascertained, it is estimated according
to the complement of a vessel of its class in the
United States navy. This bounty is authorized
by the laws of the United States, but cannot be
paid unless an appropriation is made by Con
gress for that purpose.
Bourdonnais, Bertrand F. de. A naval officer
in the service of the French East India Com
pany. He held the post of Director-General of
Mauritius (then called the Isle of France) and
Bourbon ; and in 1746, when France and Eng
land were at war, he beat a squadron under Ad
miral Bassett, and bombarded the city of Madras.
Bourse (Fr.). An exchange; a place where
merchants congregate to transact business.
Bouse. See BOWSE.
Bout. A turn, round, or trial. A convivial
'Bout-ship. A contraction of about-ship. An
order to prepare for going about.
Bow. The forward part of a vessel. A full
or bluff bow is broad and round ; a sharp or lean
bow is narrow and thin. The bow flares more
or less as it falls out or increases in breadth at
the upper part. Doubling of the bows, a thick
planking secured on the bow to prevent the point
of the anchor from injuring it. Bows on, stem
first. On the bow, at an angle less than 45° from
the ship's course. Broad off the bow, at an angle
of 45° from the ship's course.
Bow. An old instrument for taking angles,
consisting of a graduated arc of 90°, three vanes,
and a staff.
Bow-bye. An old expression for the situation
of a ship when she is in irons.
Bow-chaser. A gun placed in the bow to fire
on a retreating vessel.
Bowd-eaten. An old term for eaten by wee
Bowditch, Nathaniel, LL.D., F.R.S., mathe
matician and astronomer, born in Salem, Mass.,
March 26, 1773 ; died at Boston, March 16, 1838.
The poverty of his parents occasioned his with
drawal from school at the age of 10, and after an
apprenticeship in a ship-chandler's shop until he
was 21 , he spent nine years in a seafaring life, at
taining the rank of master. He published in 1800,
while engaged as a supercargo, his well known
a PracticarNavigator," still a standard work of
great utility and value. His fame as a man of
science will principally rest on his Commentary
on the "Mecanique Celeste" of La Place, of which
he made the first entire translation, and which
he elucidated in a manner that commands the
admiration of scientific men. The elucidations
and commentaries of Bowditch form more than
half the work. They record subsequent discov
eries, and show the sources whence La Place
derived assistance. He contributed many valu
able papers to " The Memoirs of the American
Academy," and an article on modern astronomy
to vol. xx. " North American Review." At his
death he was a member of the principal scientific
societies of Europe. He twice had a seat in the
.executive council of Massachusetts.
Bowditch's Practical Navigator. The stand
ard work on navigation, published by the gov
ernment and supplied to all government vessels.
It contains, with the "Nautical Almanac," all
the data necessary for the solution of problems in
Bowed. The state of a yard when it arches
in the centre from hoisting it too taut. Also of
a mast when it bellies or is crippled by inju
diciously setting up the rigging too taut.
Bower. See ANCHOR and CHAIN.
Bow-fast. A rope or chain for securing a
vessel by the bow. See FAST.
Bowge, or Bouge. An old term for bilge.
Bow-grace. A kind of frame or fender of old
junk, placed round the bows and sides of a ship
to prevent her receiving injury from floating ice
'or timbers. See BON-GRACE.
Bowing the Sea. Meeting a turbulent swell
in coming to the wind.
Bowlder. A large stone worn and rounded by
the attrition of the waves of the sea.
Bowlder-head. A work against the encroach
ment of the sea made of wooden stakes.
Bowline. A rope leading forward connected
by bridles to cringles on the leech of the square-
sails ; it is used to keep the wealher-edge of the
sail steady when the ship is close-hauled, and
enables the ship to come nearer to the wind.
On a bowline and on a taut bowline are expres
sions to signify that a ship is sailing as close as
possible to the wind. To check, slack, or come up
a bowline is to let it go when the wind becomes
free. To clear away a bowline is to let it go
when preparing to swing the yard. To sharp,
haul taut, or steady out a bowline is to pull it as
taut as it can well bear.
BOWLINE-BRIDLE. The span attached to the
cringles on the leech of a square-sail to which
the bowline is toggled or clinched.
BOWLINE- CRINGLE. An eye worked into the
leech-rope of a sail, to which a bowline or the
bowline-bridle is attached.
Bowline-bend. The mode of bending warps
or hawsers together by making a bowline in the
end of one rope, and passing the end of the other
through the bight, and making a bowline upon it.
Bowline-knot. A knot much in use on board
ship. The loop can be made of any size, and
does not jamb nor render.
the scenes of his professional employment. Fre
quently engaged in contests with the French, he,
singularly'enough, three times took prisoner the
same admiral, and carried more prizes into Eng
lish 'ports than any other seaman before or since.
Vice-admiral of the blue, 1756. Died January
10, 1761.
Boss. An elevated or thickened portion,
usually around an aperture ; as, a socket for a
pivot-bolt. A master-workman or superinten
Boston (Mass.) is on a bay called Boston
Harbor, which forms the inner bight of Massa
chusetts Bay, at the mouth of the Charles and
Mystic Kivers. Lat. 42° 21' 27.6" N. ; Ion. 71°
3' 30" W. The harbor is excellent, and the
wharves, warehouses, and other shipping facili
ties are not surpassed. Steamers ply hence to
Europe and to the principal ports of the United
States. Boston has a large trade with the West
Indies, and with Nova Scotia and New Bruns
wick, and the coastwise traffic is extensive. Her
commerce with India, China, and Liverpool is
very large, although less than it was twenty years
ago. Much capital has been expended in the
extension of harbor facilities. The inner harbor
is completely sheltered, not difficult of access,
and is seldom encumbered by ice. Several large
works have been constructed for its defense,
Forts Warren, Independence, and Winthrop
being the most important. The channel is well
lighted, the structure on Minot's Ledge being
the outermost and highest of its four light-houses.
The harbor covers 75 square miles, and has a
minimum depth of 23 feet above mean low tide.
Charlestown, formerly a suburb of Boston, now
incorporated with it, is the seat of a large United
States navy-yard. Pop. about 352,00(X
Botany Bay. Discovered by Cook in 1770,
and received its name from the great variety of
herbs found on its shores. The settlement was
selected as a site for a colony of English convicts,
and the first governor arrived in January, 1788.
The colony was eventually located at Port Jack
son, 13 miles north of the bay.
Botarga. The roe of the mullet pressed flat
and dried ; that of commerce, however, is from
the tunny, a large fish of passage which is com
mon in the Mediterranean.
Botch. To make bungling work.
Bote's-carle. An old word for coxswain.
Both Sheets Aft. A ship before the wind
has both fore-sheets hauled aft. The expression
is also applied to a half-drunken sailor rolling
along with both hands in his pockets and elbows
Botte. An old word for boat.
Bottle-charts. Charts on which the set of
surface currents is marked, when the set has been
calculated from the data found in bottles thrown
overboard and washed up on the beach, or picked
up by ships.
Bottle-nose, or Bottle-nosed Whale. A name
applied to several of the smaller cetaceans of the
northern seas, more especially to the Hyperoodon
Bottom. The lowest part of anything. The
rich low land formed by alluvial deposits. The
part of a ship under water ; hence, the ship itself;
as "foreign bottoms." A. full bottom denotes
that such a form has been given to a ship as to
allow her to carry a large amount of merchan
dise. The bed of a body of water ; it is charac
terized as muddy, rocky, sandy, etc.
BOTTOM-CLEAN. Thoroughly clean, free from
weeds, etc.
Bottomry. A contract in1 the nature of a
mortgage of a ship when the owner, or his agent,
borrows money to enable him to carry on his
voyage, and pledges the keel or bottom of the
ship (partem pro toto] as a security for the re
payment. If the ship be lost the lender loses
also his whole money ; but if it return in safety
then he shall receive back his principal, and also
the premium stipulated to be paid, however it
may exceed the usual or legal rate of interest.
And this is allowed to be a valid contract in all
trading nations, for the benefit of commerce, and
by reason of the extraordinary hazard run by
the lender. And in this case the ship and tackle,
if brought home, are answerable (as well as the
borrower personally) for the money lent. But
if the loan be not upon the vessel, but upon the
goods and merchandise, which must necessarily
be sold or exchanged in the course of the voyage,
then only the borrower, personally, is bound to
answer the contract, and in this case he is said
to take the money at respondentia (which see).
BOTTOMRY PREMIUM. The high rate of in
terest charged on the safety of the ship, — the
lender losing his whole money if she be lost.
Bottom-wind. A phenomenon that occurs on
the lakes in the north of England, especially
Derwent Water, which is often agitated by swell
ing waves without any apparent cause.
Bouche. See BUSH.
Bougainville, Louis Antoine de. Born in
Paris, November 11, 1729. The first voyage
round the world by a Frenchman was made by
this illustrious seaman. He crossed the Atlantic,
braved the stormy seas around Cape Horn, and
passed into the Pacific. He visited many places
on the western shores of America and among
the islands in the Pacific, but the charts which
he prepared and bequeathed to his country and
posterity are not reliable, owing to the great dif
ficulty in Bougainville's day of making astro
nomical observations, and the imperfect character
of the plans laid down by men of science for as
certaining the longitude. Died August 31, 1811.
Bouge. See BOWGE.
Bouge and Chine, or Bowge and Chime. A
method of stowing casks with the bilge of one
against the end of another.
Bouguer, Pierre. Born at Le Croisic, in Bre-
tagne, February 16, 1698. A profound French
mathematician, who was one of a body of savants
deputed in 1735 to proceed to South America to
measure a degree of the meridian at the equator.
Died August 15, 1758.
Bouilli. Preserved beef in hermetically-sealed
cans; termed by sailors "bully-beef," or "soup
and bully."
Boulder. See BOWLDER.
Boulogne. A town of France, on the Eng
lish Channel, at the mouth of the Lianne. Lat.
50° 44' 32" N. ; Ion. 1° 36' 15" E. The port
is formed by piers stretching out only to low-
water mark, but the tide rises upwards of 16
feet, and vessels find good anchorage about half
a mile from the harbor. There is also a wet-
dock with other harbor improvements. Pop.
Bounce. The larger dog-fish.
Bouncer. A gun which kicks violently when
Bound. The path of a projectile between two
grazes. Destined ; going, or intending to go.
Where are you bound1? to what place are you
going. Ice-bound, entirely surrounded by ice.
Tide-bound, beneaped, or prevented from sailing
by an adverse tide. Wind-bound, prevented
from sailing by an unfavorable wind.
Boundary-line. The trace of the outer sur
face of the skin of a ship on the stern-post,
stem, and keel.
Bounty for Destruction of Enemies' Vessels.
An amount awarded to a ship or vessel of the
United States which sinks or destroys a vessel
of war belonging to an enemy. If the vessel de
stroyed was of equal or superior force to the
United States vessel, the latter is awarded $200
for each person on board the former at the begin
ning of the engagement; if of inferior force,
$100 for each person. If the captors of an
enemy's vessel are instructed to, or do immedi
ately, destroy the vessel for the public interest,
$50 is awarded for each person on board the ves
sel at the time it was captured. The gross
amount awarded as above is divided among the
officers and crew in the same manner as prize-
money. (See PRIZE-MONEY.) When the actual
number of persons on board the destroyed vessel
cannot be ascertained, it is estimated according
to the complement of a vessel of its class in the
United States navy. This bounty is authorized
\>y the laws of the United States, but cannot be
paid unless an appropriation is made by Con
gress for that purpose.
Bourdonnais, Bertrand F. de. A naval officer
in the service of the French East India Com
pany. He held the post of Director-General of
Mauritius (then called the Isle of France) and
Bourbon ; and in 1746, when France and Eng
land were at war, he beat a squadron under Ad
miral Bassett, and bombarded the city of Madras.
Bourse (Fr.). An exchange; a place where
merchants congregate to transact business.
Bouse. See BOWSE.
Bout. A turn, round, or trial. A convivial
'Bout-ship. A contraction of about-ship. An
order to prepare for going about.
Bow. The forward part of a vessel. A full
or bli<ff"bow' is broad and round ; a sharp or lean
bow is narrow and thin. The bow fares more
or less as it falls out or increases in breadth at
the upper part. Doubling of the bows, a thick
planking secured on the bow to prevent the point
of the anchor from injuring it. Bows on, stem
first. On the bow, at an angle less than 45° from
the ship's course. Broad off the bow, at an angle
of 45° from the ship's course.
Bow. An old instrument for taking angles,
consisting of a graduated arc of 90°, three vanes,
and a staff.
Bow-bye. An old expression for the situation
of a ship when she is in irons.
Bow-chaser. A gun placed in the bow to fire
on a retreating vessel.
Bowd-eaten. An old term for eaten by wee
Bowditch, Nathaniel, LL.D., F.R.S., mathe
matician and astronomer, born in Salem, Mass.,
March 26, 1773 ; died at Boston, March 16, 1838.
The poverty of his parents occasioned his with
drawal from school at the age of 10, and after an
apprenticeship in a ship-chandler's shop until he
was 21 , he spent nine years in a seafaring life, at
taining the rank of master. He published in 1800,
while engaged as a supercargo, his well known
11 PracticarNavigator," still a standard work of
great utility and value. His fame as a man of
science will principally rest on his Commentary
on the "Mecanique Celeste" of La Place, of which
he made the first entire translation, and which
he elucidated in a manner that commands the
admiration of scientific men. The elucidations
and commentaries of Bowditch form more than
half the work. They record subsequent discov
eries, and show the sources whence La Place
derived assistance. He contributed many valu
able papers to " The Memoirs of the American
Academy," and an article on modern astronomy
to vol. xx. " North American Review." At his
death he was a member of the principal scientific
societies of Europe. He twice had a seat in the
.executive council of Massachusetts.
Bowditch's Practical Navigator. The stand
ard work on navigation, published by the gov
ernment and supplied to all government vessels.
It contains, with the "Nautical Almanac," all
the data necessary for the solution of problems in
Bowed. The state of a yard when it arches
in the centre from hoisting it too taut. Also of
a mast when it bellies or is crippled by inju
diciously setting up the rigging too taut.
Bower. See ANCHOR and CHAIN.
Bow-fast. A rope or chain for securing a
vessel by the bow. See FAST.
Bowge, or Bouge. An old term for bilge.
Bow-grace. A kind of frame or fender of old
junk, placed round the bows and sides of a ship
to prevent her receiving injury from flouting ice
'or timbers. See BON-GRACE.
Bowing the Sea. Meeting a turbulent swell
in coming to the wind.
Bowlder. A large stone worn and rounded by
the attrition of the waves of the sea.
Bowlder-head. A work against the encroach
ment of the sea made of wooden stakes.
Bowline. A rope leading forward connected
by bridles to cringles on the leech of the square-
sails ; it is used to keep the weather-edge of the
sail steady when the ship is close-hauled, and
enables the ship to come nearer to the wind.
On a bowline and on a taut bowline are expres
sions to signify that a ship is sailing as close as
possible to the wind. To check, slack, or come up
a bowline is to let it go when the wind becomes
free. To clear away a bowline is to let it go
when preparing to swing the yard. To sharp,
haul taut, or steady out a bowline is to pull it as
taut as it can well bear.
BOWLINE-BRIDLE. The span attached to the
cringles on the leech of a square-sail to which
the bowline is toggled or clinched.
BOWLINE- CRINGLE. An eye worked into the
leech-rope of a sail, to which a bowline or the
bowline-bridle is attached.
Bowline-bend. The mode of bending warps
or hawsers together by making a bowline in the
end of one rope, and passing the end of the other
through the bight, and making a bowline upon it.
Bowline-knot. A knot much in use on board
ship. The loop can be made of any size, and
does not jamb nor render.
Bow-lines. Longitudinal curves representing
the ship's fore-body.
Bowling Along. Sailing rapidly with a free
Bowman, or Bow-oarsman. The man who
pulls the forward oar in a single-hanked loat.
In a double-banked boat there are two bowmen.
Bow-oar. The foremost oar or oars in a pull
ing bqat.
Bow-rail. The rail around the bows.
Bowse. To haul heavily upon a rope or tackle.
Bowse up the jib, a colloquialism to denote the act
of tippling. It is an old term, probably derived
from the Dutch buyzen, to booze.
Bowsprit. A large spar projecting over the
bows to support the foremast and extend the
head-sails. It is supported laterally by shrouds,
and from below by the gammoning and bobstays.
The outer end is the head, the inner end the heel,
and that portion which is inboard is called the
housing. A running-in bowsprit is used in boats,
and when the jib is hauled down, the bowsprit is
run in.
BOWSPRIT-BITTS. Strong upright timbers se
cured to the beams below the deck ; they have a
cross-piece bolted to them, the inner end of the
bowsprit steps between them, and is thus pre
vented from slipping in. The cross-piece pre
vents it from canting up.
BOWSPRIT-CAP. The cap on the outer end of
the bowsprit, through which the jib-boom tra
BOWSPRIT-CHOCK. A piece placed between the
knight-heads, fitting close upon the upper part
of the bowsprit.
BOWSPRIT-GEAR. A term denoting the ropes,
blocks, etc., belonging to the bowsprit.
BOWSPRIT-HEART. The heart or block of wood
used to secure the lower end of the fore-stay,
through which the inner end of the jib-boom is
inserted. It is seldom, if ever, used now.
BOWSPRIT-HORSES. The ridge-ropes which ex
tend from the bowsprit-cap to the knight-heads.
BOWSPRIT-NETTING. The netting placed just
above a vessel's bowsprit, for stowing the fore-
topmast staysail ; it is usually lashed between
the ridge-ropes.
BOWSPRIT-SHROUDS. Strong ropes or chains
leading from nearly the outer end of the bow
sprit to the bow, giving lateral support to that
Bow-timbers. The timbers which form the
bow of a ship.
Boxhauling. An evolution by which a ship
is veered short round on her heel, when the ob
ject is to avoid making a great sweep. Luff;
when headway has ceased, haul up mainsail,
brail up spanker, square after-yards, brace abox
head-yards. Keep the after-sails lifting till
braced up sharp on the other tack, and lay the
head-yards square. Shift the helm when the
ship gathers headway, and set the mainsail and
spanker when they will take on the other tack.
With much wind and sea this evolution would
be dangerous, and it is seldom performed except
in a case of emergency, as a seaman never likes
to see his ship have sternway.
Boxing. Any projecting wood forming a
rabbet ; as, the boxing of the knight-heads.
Box-metal. A composition of 32 parts of
copper to 5 of tin.
Box-off. To force the ship's head off from the
wind by hauling aft the head-sheets and bracing
aback the head-yards.
Box the Compass. To repeat the names of
the points of the compass in regular order.
Boy. A rating in the navy. See NAVAL
Boyart. An old term for a hoy.
Boyer. A sloop of Flemish construction,
with a raised work at each end.
Brab. The sheaf of the young leaves of the
Palmyra palm, from which sennit for hats is
Brab-tree. The Palmyra palm.
Brace. A composition strap to receive a pin
tle of the rudder ; a gudgeon. A prop or sup
port. In carpentry and engineering the term
strictly applies to something that supports parts
in compression, being the opposite of a stay or
tie; but in boiler-making it is sometimes ap
plied to parts in tension.
One of the ropes attached to the extremities of
the yards by which they are moved about hori
zontally. They also assist in counteracting the
lateral strain brought on the yard by the wind
acting on the sail. To brace a yard, to move it
horizontally by the braces. To brace up, to haul
in the lee braces. To brace up sharp, to brace a
3'ard as far forward as the stay and rigging will
permit it logo. To brace in, to haul in the weather
braces. To brace to, to check the lee head-braces
and haul in the weather ones to allow the ship's
head to come up to the wind rapidly. To brace
aback, to so brace a yard that its sail will be
aback. To brace abox, to lay the head-yards
abox. To counter-brace the yards is to brace
them all sharp up, the head-yards by opposite
braces to the after-yards.
Brace of Shakes. An expression signifying
"in a moment"; as, I will be with you in a
brace of shakes. The expression is taken from
the napping of a sail.
Brace Pendant. A length of rope or chain
into which the yard-arm brace-blocks are spliced.
They are in use in the merchant service, and
have the following advantages, viz., rope is
saved, the blocks have more play, and when the
lee brace is let go the weight of the chain over
hauls the brace.
Brace Up ! Gather Aft ! An order to brace
up the head-yards and haul aft the head-sheets
which had been flowing.
Bracket. A short crooked timber resembling
a knee, used as a support. One of the vertical
side pieces of a gun-carriage; when made of
wood they are generally formed of two pieces
jogged and doweled together.
Brackish. Moderately salty ; applied to river
water mingled with sea water.
Brad. A small nail without a head, having a
projection at the top on one side.
BRAD-AWL. A tool to pierce holes for the in
sertion of brads.
Brail. Brails are ropes, the bights of which
are seized to the leech of a trysail, leading
through blocks on the gaff or luff. All trysails
are fitted with them. They serve to gather up
the sail ready for the furling-line. When a jib
is fitted with brails it is for the purpose of lifting
the clew clear of the stays when the sheet is
shifted over. Foot-brails, the lowest brails. Peak-
brails, the outermost brails on the gaff. Throat-
brails, the brails which make fast to the clew of
the sail and reeve through a block at the jaws of
the gaff. Brail-up ! the order to pull on the
brails and thereby spill the sail and haul it up
for furling.
Brake. The lever which works a pump. A
piece of mechanism for retarding or stopping
machinery by friction.
Bran. To go on. To lie under a floe edge, in
foggy weather, in a boat in Arctic seas, to watch
the approach of whales.
Branch (Eng.}. The diploma of those pilots
who have passed at the Trinity House, as compe
tent to navigate vessels in particular places.
Branch-pilot (Eng.}. One approved by the
Trinity House, and holding a branch, for a par
ticular navigation.
Brand. The Anglo-Saxon for a burnished
sword. A burned device or character.
Branded Ticket (Eng.}. A discharge given
to an infamous man, on which his character is
written, and the reason he is turned out of the
service. In the army, deserters are branded with
D ; also B for bad character. In the navy, a
•corner of the ticket is cut off.
Brandling. A supposed fry of the salmon
species, found on the north of England coasts.
Also, the angler's dew-worm.
Bran-new. Brand-new ; quite new.
Brash. Small fragments of crushed ice, col
lected by the wind or sea near the shore, which a
ship can force her way through.
Brass. Impudent assurance. An alloy of
copper and zinc. The proportions vary accord
ing to the required color and proposed use. The
term is often employed as synonymous with
bronze (which see), as when it is applied to ord
nance, the bearings of machinery, etc. See
Brave. This word is used to express strength
as well as courage; as, a brave wind.
Brawet. A kind of eel.
Brazil, Navy of. Fifty-seven steamers, of
which 18 are ironclads, carrying 68 guns, and
possessing 5080 horse-power, represent the navy
of the Brazilian empire. The gunboats are 23 in
number. The rest of the vessels are corvettes and
transports, and 1 small frigate. The crews consist
altogether of 4200 sailors, and for their command
and the general management of naval affairs
there is a minister of marine, 1 admiral, 2 vice-
admirals, 4 rear-admirals, 8 chiefs of division, 16
post-captains, 30 captains of frigates, 60 com
manders, 146 lieutenants, and 88 sub-lieutenants.
There are 5 naval arsenals and^ „ good naval
school. ft!
Breach. An old term for a * j ivy surf. An
old word to denote the gap ir ^J levee or bank
made by the breaking in of ( sea, now also
applied to the opening or gay jiav/ortified works,
made by an enemy's guns. ra^yolling of waves
over a vessel ; a clear bres ' Inplies that the
waves roll over without yo feJng, and a sea
makes a clean breach whene(j Blasts and every
object on deck are swept ament |
Breaching. A word ma ga}|,- the act of leap
ing out of the water ; apr_0 a ™5 whales.
Breach/. Brackish, a^an fed to water, prob
ably derived from the fa^r for'Jt water was made
brackish by the sea break, an Jji.
Bread. The usual name given to biscuit for
ship's use.
Bread-fruit. The fruit of a tree (Artocarpus
incisa] found in the islands of the Pacific. When
baked it somewhat resembles bread. The name
is also applied to the tree.
Bread-room. A water-tight compartment in
which the bread is stowed.
Bread-room Jack. See JACK o' THE DUST.
Bread-tree. See BREAD-FRUIT.
Break. An opening in the clouds. An inter
ruption ; as, a break in an electric circuit. A
sudden ending ; as, the break of the poop. To
deprive of commission, warrant, or rating. To
shatter into pieces ; as, a wave breaks. To break
one's liberty or leave is to remain away beyond
the time specified for returning. To break off,
to be forced off to leeward of the course by a
change in the direction of the wind. Break off!
An order to stop working at one job to begin
at another. To break up, to separate into parts ;
as, the ice breaks up. To break up a ship is to
take her to pieces when she becomes old and un
serviceable. Breaking up of the monsoon, the
ending or shifting of a monsoon. This period
is generally prolific of violent storms. Breaking
of a gale, indications of a return of fair weather.
To break bulk, to destroy the entirety of a cargo
by removing a portion of it. To break ground,
to heave the anchor clear of the ground. To
break joints, to so arrange the planking that the
joints in adjoining courses do not coincide with
each other. When a ship at anchor is forced by
the wind or current out of her proper position
she is said to break her sheer.
Breakage. Damage to goods in being broken.
The leaving of empty spaces in stowing the hold.
Break-beam. A beam at the break of a deck.
Breaker. A small water-cask. A wave which
breaks violently over reefs or rocks lying at, or
under, the surface of the water. They are dis
tinguished both by their appearance and by their
sound, as they cover the sea with foam and pro
duce a loud roaring. Breakers ahead I A warn
ing from the lookout that there is broken water
in the direction the ship is standing.
Breakwater. Any structure or contrivance,
as a mole, mound, wall, or sunken hulk, to break
the force of waves and protect a harbor or any
thing which is exposed to the force of the waves.
Bream. A common fresh- as well as salt
water fish (Abramis brama], little esteemed as
Breaming. Cleaning a ship's bottom by burn
ing off the grass, ooze, shells, or sea- weed, which
it has contracted by lying long in harbor ; it is
performed by holding kindled furze, fagots, or
reeds to the bottom, which, by melting the pitch
that formerly covered it, loosens whatever filth
may have adhered to the planks ; the bottom is
then covered anew with a composition of sulphur,
tallow, etc., which not only makes it smooth
slippery, so as to divide the fluid more readily,
but also poisons and destroys those worms which
eat through the planks in the course of a voyage.
This operation may be performed either by lay
ing the ship aground after the tide has ebbed
from her, or by docking or careening.
Breast. To run abeam of a cape or object.
To cut through a sea, the surface of which is
poetically termed breast. To breast the sea, to
meet it by the bow on a wind. To breast the
surf, to brave it, and overcome it by swimming.
To breast a bar, to heave at the capstan. To
breast to, the act of giving a sheer to a boat.
Breast-backstay. Breast-backstays extend
from the head of an upper mast, through an out
rigger, down to the channels forward of the
standing backstays, for supporting the upper
spars from to windward. When to leeward,
they are borne abaft the top-rim.
Breast-fast. A rope or chain used to confine
the midship part of a ship to a wharf or another
ship, as the bow-fast confines her forward, and
the .stern-fast abaft. See FAST.
Breast-gaskets. An old term for bunt-gas
Breast-hooks. ( Large pieces of compass-tim
bers or knees fitted in the bows of ships against
the apron and stemson, with the arms running
back across the timbers of the bow. Those in the
line of the de^-ks are called deck-hooks.
Breast-rail. The upper rail of the balcony ;
formerly it was applied to a railing in front of
the quarter-deck, and at the after-part of the
Breast-rope, or Breast-band. A rope or
band fitted between the shrouds in the chains for
the safety of the leadsman.
Breather. A tropical squall.
Breath of Wind. The lightest perceptible
Breech. The outer angle of a knee-timber.
The end of a block farthest from the hook. The
portion of a gun abaft the chamber.
B RE KCH-BLOCK. A mass of metal which closes
the breech of a gun, and receives the rear thrust
of the charge when it is fired.
BREECHING. A large rope rove through the
cascabel of a gun and secured to the ship's side,
to limit the recoil. Breechings are made of
hemp, and they are not to be covered, blackened,
nor rendered less pliable in any way.
BREECHING-BOLT. A bolt in the ship's side to
which the breeching is shackled.
BREECH-LOADER. A gun, large or small, which
is charged at the breech. The objects sought to
be attained by this change from the old system
are rapidity in loading, facility of cleaning, ac
curate adjustment of the size of the shot to the
calibre of the gun, and facility in making the
shot accommodate itself to the rifling. Addi
tional mechanism is required, as the breech
must be so far opened as to admit the shot and
cartridge, and then so firmly closed as to resist the
immense pressure occasioned by the discharge
of the piece. See ORDNANCE and SMALL-ARMS.
BREECH-PIN. A plug screwed into the rear-
end of a gun-barrel, forming the bottom of the
bore. Called also a breech-screw or breech-plug.
Breese, Samuel L., Rear-Admiral U.S.N.
Born in New York. Appointed at large, Sep
tember 10, 1810. Midshipman Breese was pre
sent at the battle of Lake Champlain. Commis
sioned as lieutenant, April 27, 1816, and as com
mander, December 22, 1835. Commissioned as
captain, September 8, 1841.
Captain Breese was in the Pacific during the
Mexican war, and was present at the attack on,
and capture of, the towns Tuspan and Tobasco,
Mexico, and at the capture of Vera Cruz, 1847 ;
special duty on the lakes, 1848; commandant
Norfolk navy-yard, 1853-55 ; commanding Medi
terranean Squadron, 1856-58 ; commandant navy-
yard, New York, 1859-61.
Commissioned as rear-admiral, July 16, 1862 ;
light-house inspector, 1862; special duty, New
York, 1865 ; port admiral at Philadelphia, 1867-
68. Died in Philadelphia, 1870.
Breeze. A wind which may be characterized
as light, gentle, moderate, fresh, stiff, or strong.
The^land and sea breezes are occasioned by the
unequal heating of the land and water. On the
coast within the tropics, a light breeze sets in
from the sea in the morning, and gradually in
creases in strength until the hottest portion of
the day, when it begins to decrease, and sinks to
a cairn toward sunset. Soon after the land-
breeze commences to blow, and continues until
the morning, when it gives place, in turn, to the
During the day the land becomes more heated
than the sea, and the air over 'the land ascends,
and the cold air from the sea rushes in to supply
its place. After sunset the land parts with its
heat more readily than the water, and the tem
perature falls below that of the sea, and the air
becoming heavier and denser, flows out to sea as
a land-breeze.
To KICK UP A BREEZE. To create a disturb
ance. When the wind increases it is said to
breeze up.
Brest. A city of France, on the N. shore of
a small gulf, called the Road of Brest. Lat. (of
observatory) 48° 23' 32" N. ; Ion. 4° 29' 25" W.
It is a fortified city of the first class. From its
natural advantages, the extent of its various es
tablishments, and its means of defense, Brest is
one of the first naval ports in Europe. The outer
road is one of the finest in the world, and has
no superior in the safety and excellence of its an
chorage. It communicates with the sea by a single
passage, called the Goulet, 1750 yards broad. In
the middle of the passage rise the Mingan Rocks,
which contract the entrance, and oblige vessels
to pass directly under the batteries. It has ex
tensive quays, large basins, vast magazines, ship
yards, etc. Brest has important educational
establishments, and the naval school is here lo
cated. The port has little trade, and its manu
facturing establishments outside the arsenals are
not la^e. A telegraph cable extends to Dux-
bury, Mass. Pop."70,000.
Brewing. Gathering or forming ; as, a storm
which is foretold by the gathering of clouds, or
other indications.
Bricklayer's Clerk. A contemptuous expres
sion for on 9 cho pretends to have seen " better
days," bu' imo is forced to betake himself to
seafaring. ^eidoN
Bridge.v & ^Wangement of electrical circuits
used for r v\ye ^d w<r the resistance of a substance
in the cir^ -Atv i^mal
A platij^ef the ^or other substance, in a cir
cuit, whi c^ \t, A eat resistance to the passage
of the cuiv eStV$s. lason of this resistance heat
is evolve^e tiUs art the current be suflicient,
ignites th ^r. the 1
Bridge. ^^w? on th/ ridge of rock, sand, or
shingle, aie,^ V. them, torn of a channel, so as to
occasion a' ^\\ »r the .yhich the tide ripples.
Bridge. '^\\wviils it ; partition in a furnace.
It may be ?. . „ Uof thc-brick or of iron. Some-
times it is hollow, and forms a portion of the
water-space of a boiler.
Bridge. A platform extending across the
deck above the rail for the convenience of the
officer in charge of the ship. Some vessels have
two bridges, one forward of the main- and the
other forward of the mizzen-mast. In paddle-
wheel vessels it connects the paddle-boxes.
Bridgeport, a city and port of entry of Con
necticut, is on a small inlet of Long Island
Sound, at the mouth of the Pequonnock River.
Steamers ply daily between this port and New
York. Pop. 20,000.
Bridle. A chain or rope span, both ends of
which are made fast, the power being applied to
the bight or middle portion.
BOWLINE-BRIDLE. A span the legs of which
are attached to the leech of a sail, and the bow
line is bent to the bight.
BRIDLE-CABLE. The cable which is bent to a
MOORING-BRIDLE. The chains of permanent
Bridle-port. The forward port on the gun-
Brig. The name given to the place where
prisoners are confined on board men-of-war. A
two-masted square-rigged vessel. See BRIG-
Brigantine. A two-masted square-rigged ves
sel, differing from a brig in that she does not
carry a square mainsail.
Bright Look-out. A vigilant look-out.
Bright-work. A term applied to metal objects
which are kept bright by polishing ; as, the rail
ing about the hatches, capstan-head, cap-squares,
lock- and sight-covers, metal blocks, rear face of
the cascabel, face of the muzzle, ring-bolts in
the decks, etc. Bright wood-work is a term ap
plied to the wood-work which is scraped and
scrubbed; as, the pin-rails, cavils, cleats, halliard-
racks, etc.
Brig-schooner. A two-masted vessel with
square-sails on the foremast and fore-and-aft sails
on the main ; an hermaphrodite brig.
Brill. The Pleuronectes rhombus, a common
fish, allied to, but smaller than, the turbot.
Brine. A saturated solution of salt.
Brine-gauge. See SALTNOMETER.
Brine-pump. A pump to draw off the super-
salted water from a boiler.
Brine-valve. A blow-off valve.
Bring by the Lee. See BROUGHT BY THE LEE.
Bring 'em Near. A spy-glass.
Bringers Up. The men who are last in a
boarding party. The rear-most men.
Bring Home. When the toggle becomes dis
engaged and the chip slips through the water the
ship brings home the log. When in heaving up
the anchor, the anchor comes home, the ship
brings home the anchor.
Bringing-to Bolt. A bolt having an eye in
one end and a nut and screw at the other ; used
in keying up a structure.
Bring the Sun Down. To bring in contact
the horizon and the reflected image of the sun
in a sextant or other instrument.
Bring-to. To bring-to a sail is to bend it to
its yard or gaff. To bring to a messenger or cable
is to put it around the capstan. To bring a ship
to is to lie-to or heave-to or force another ship so
to do. To bring a ship to an anchor is to let go
the anchor. To bring an enemy to action is to
force him to give battle.
Bring-up. To stop. A ship is brought up
when her way is stopped either by letting go
the anchor, or by running on a rock or shoal.
To bring-up with a round turn is to stop the run
ning of a rope by taking a round turn around a
cavil or pin; figuratively used in speaking of
doing anything effectually though abruptly. To
bring-up all standing is to be stopped suddenly
and without warning.
Briny. An adjective which, used as a noun,
signifies the sea ; as, plowing the briny.
Brisas. A northeast wind which blows on
the coast of South America during the trades.
Brismak. A name among the Shetlanders for
the excellent fish CM lied tusk or torsk, the best of
the cod kind (Brosmus vulgaris}.
Bristol (England) is on the Avon, at its con
fluence with the Frome, 8 miles from Bristol
Channel. It is one of the leading British ports
in foreign trade. Large ships can ascend the
river to the city, where spacious docks, quays,
and ship-yards have been constructed. It is the
fourth town in Great Britain in customs rev
enue. Pop. 190,000.
Brit. A fish of the herring kind (Clupea
minima] from 1 to 4 inches long, found, at some
seasons, in immense numbers, on the eastern coast
of New England.
British-built Ship. A ship built in Great
Britain or Ireland, Guernsey, Jersey, the Isle of
Man, or some of the colonies* plantations, islands,
or territories in Asia, Africa, or America, which,
at the time of building, belonged to or were in
possession of Great Britain ; or any ship whatso
ever which has been taken and condemned as
lawful prize. See INTERNATIONAL LAW.
British Seas. The four seas which surround
Great Britain.
Brittle-star. The common name of a long-
rayed starfish (Ophiocoma rosula).
Broach. To pierce ; to tap ; as a cask, to draw
off the fluid. To broach a business, to begin it.
Broach-to. To fly up into the wind. It gen
erally happens when there is considerable sea on,
and the ship is carrying a press of canvas with a
good deal of after-sail set. When a ship sails
with the wind aft, or on the quarter, the wind
acts in the direction of the ship's course and the
pressure on the sails is very much diminished.
If from this position the ship suddenly presents
her broadside to the wind, the sails, masts, and
rudder will be endangered, and in extreme cases
the ship may capsize or be forced down stern
foremost. Broaching-to is generally occasioned
by the difficulty of steering the ship ; by the neg
ligence or incapacity of the helmsman ; or by an
accident happening to the helm which renders it
incapable of governing the ship. See BROUGHT
Broad Arrow (Eng.}. The royal mark for
government stores.
Broad-ax. See Ax.
Broadcloth. Square-sails. A wide and su
perior article of woolen cloth, plain or twilled.
Broad-horn. An old name for a flat-boat on
the Western rivers.
Broad of Water. An extensive lake with a
channel communicating with the sea, or a wide
opening of a river after passing a narrow en
commerce of Buffalo is large and constantly in
creasing, a fact due to its location at the foot of
the great chain of lakes, and to its being the
terminus of the Erie Canal and of several rail
road lines. Grain is the most important article
of commerce, and the facilities for handling and
storing it are unexcelled by those of any other
city on the continent. Pop. 150,000.
Bug. An old term for a vessel more remark
able for size than efficiency.
Bugalilo. A large trading-boat of the Gulf
of Persia ; called buglo by sailors.
Bugazeen. An old term for calico.
Buggy-boat. A boat fitted with wheels for
use as a vehicle on land.
Bugling. At the Naval Academy the bugle
sounds a call to terminate each recitation, and
when a midshipman has a problem which he is
unable to solve, he sometimes remains at the black
board until this call is sounded, trusting thus to
evade the consequences of a poor recitation.
This manoeuvre is termed bugling.
Bugologist. Jack's term for an amateur
Build. A vessel's form or construction.
Build a Chapel. To turn a vessel suddenly
by negligent steering. See CHAPEL.
Builder's Certificate. A document contain
ing an account of a ship's denomination, tonnage,
where and by whom built, etc.
Built. A suffix to denote the construction of
a boat or vessel ; as. carvel-built, frigate-built,
sharp-built, etc.
Built-block. A made block.
Built-up. An expression applied to masts or
guns made of several pieces.
Bulch. To bilge.
Bulge. See BILGE.
Bulk. The greater part. Substances stowed
without cases or packages are stowed in bulk. To
break hulk, to commence discharging cargo.
BULKER. A person employed to measure
goods> and ascertain the amount of freight with
which they are charge'able.
Bulk-head. Anv partition separating apart
ments on the same deck. Some are very strong,
and others are light and can be removed at pleas
ure. To hulk-head is to carry on a conversation
which is intended for the ears of a third party.
Bull. A male whale. Weak grog made by
pouring water into a spirit-cask nearly empty.
When the tide and wind cause the ship to bump
up against her buoy she is said to bull the buoy.
Bull-dance. A stag-dance.
Bull-dogs. A general term for the main-deck
Bullet. A small projectile, usually of lead,
and either spherical or elongated, for use in the
smaller kinds of fire-arms, such as muskets, rifles,
carbines, and pistols. Formerly spherical bullets
were made by melting lead and pouring it into
molds. They are now made more expeditiously
and more truly spherical by compression. The
load is first formed into a rod about a yard long
by five- or six-eighths of an inch thick', which is
passed between rollers for the purpose of con
densing it; other rollers then press it into a row
of nearly globular pieces, to each of which the
proper form is given by means of a spherical die,
after which a treadle- worked punch separates
them into bullets. The spherical bullet is, how
ever, rapidly becoming obsolete, having been
almost entirely superseded by the elongated bullet,
which encounters less resistance from the air, and
has a longer range and greater penetrating power
than the spherical. Several forms of the elon
gated bullet are used. In most of them the base
of the bullet is made expansive either by being
hollowed, or by being fitted with a wooden plug,
so that the force of the powder shall dilate the
lead and cause it to fill the grooves of the rifle.
By this means the bullet acquires a rotatory mo
tion around its long axis which tends to increase
its range and precision. See EXPLOSIVE BULLET.
BULLET-COMPASSES. A pair of compasses
with a ball on one leg to fit in a hole.
BULLET-LADLE. A ladle for melting lead for
casting bullets.
BULLET-MOLD. An implement for shaping
BULLET-PROBE. An instrument for exploring
tissue to find the situation of a bullet.
BULLET-SCREW. A screw on the end of a
rammer for drawing a bullet from a fire-arm.
BULLET-SHELL. An explosive bullet.
Bull-head, or Bull-jub. A name of the fish
called miller's thumb (Coitus gobio).
Bullion. Heavy twisted fringe for ornaments.
Bullock-block. A block formerly used under
the topmast cross-trees for the topsail-ties.
Bullock-slings. Slings for hoisting in live
Bull's-eye. A small annular block of hard
wood without a sheave ; it has a groove to take
a strap, and is measured by its diameter. A
small circular cloud ruddy in the centre, a fore
runner of a storm. The centre of a target. The
lens of a dark lantern ; hence the lantern itself.
A small, thick, circular piece of glass inserted
in the decks, port-lids, etc., for the admission of
light. A popular name for the star Aldebaran
(a Tauri).
BULL'S-EYE CRINGLE. A cringle worked
around a bull's-eye.
Bull-trout. The salmon-trout of the Tweed.
A large species of trout taken in the waters of
Northumberland. The sea-trout.
Bullyrag. To reproach contemptuously, and
in a hectoring manner ; to bluster, to abuse, and
to insult noisily.
Bulwark. The planking or wood-work round
a vessel above the deck.
BULWARK-NETTING. An ornamental frame
of netting answering the purpose of a bulwark.
Bumbard. A cask or large vessel for liquids.
Bum-boat. A boat employed to carry pro
visions, vegetables, and small merchandise for
sale to ships. The name is corrupted from bom
bard, the vessel in which beer was formerly car
ried to soldiers on duty.
Bumkin, Bumpkin, or Boomkin. A short
boom or beam of timber projecting from each
bow of a ship. Its use is to extend the weather
clew of the foresail. The name is also applied
to the timber projecting from each quarter for
the main-brace blocks.
Bummaree. A word synonymous with bot-
tomri/ in maritime law. It is also a name given
to a class of speculating salesmen of fish, not rec
ognized as regular tradesmen.
Bump. To bump a boat is to pull astern of
her in another, and insultingly or inimically give
her the stem.
Bump-ashore. To run stem-on to a beach or
bank. A ship bumps by the action of the waves
lifting and dropping her on the bottom when she
is aground.
Bumper. A log of wood over the side, used
as a fender.
Bumpkin. See BUMKIN.
Bund. In the East, an embankment or sea
Bundle. To load things into a boat in a slovenly
manner. Bundle up I Hurry up from below.
Bungle. To perform duty in a slovenly man
Bungo, or Bonga. A dug-out made from the
Bung-starter. A stave or bat used for starting
bungs by beating on the cask on either side of
the bung. A sobriquet for the captain of the
Bung-up and Bilge-free. A cask placed with
the bung-stave uppermost, and the bilge clear of
Bunk. A standing bed-place.
Bunker. A bin for stowing coal on board a
Bunt. The middle part of a sail. The sail
which is tossed up on the centre of the yard in
furling. A high bunt is formed when the bunt-
whip is hauled taut-up and a great amount of
sail is stowed in the exact centre of the yard ; in
a lorv or roiling bunt the sail tapers gradually
from the centre.
BUNTERS. The men who stow the bunt.
BUNT-FAIR. Before the wind.
BUNT-JIGGER. A small purchase for rousing
up the bunt of heavy sails.
BUNT-WHIP. A whip for rousing up the bunts
of the light sails in furling.
Bunting. A thin woolen stuff of which flags
are made.
Buntline. One of sev" il ropes toggled to the
foot of a sail and leadin _, thence, before all, to
blocks above the yard and thence to the deck.
They are used for hauling the foot of the sail up
to the centre of the yard.
BUNTLINE-CLOTH, A narrow lining on the
forward surface of a sail in the wake of the bunt-
line to protect the '. iil from chafe.
^E. A cringle worked into
,il to which the buntline was
have been superseded by
the foot-rope of r
clinched. Crin
a thimble in o-
is rove ; the
block to keep
ally called a
foot-rope of
tached by a
bowline, th<
and are attf
Buoy. .
tight cask,
attached t
serve to m;
tion of obj
rocks, she
for other
of a sein
A short piece of rope with
through which the buntline
nd is made fast to the tie-
into the yard. It is gener-
A toggle seized to the
;j which the buntline is at-
\;'hen the sail is loosed to a
are unbent from the bridles
ese toggles.
body, commonly a water-
ilock of wood. They are
n by a rope or chain, and
annel, or indicate the posi-
le surface of the water ; as,
,etc. They are also used
>, life-preservers, floats for
floats for the upper edge
r are generally made of
wood, or sheet-iron, but gutta-percha has some
times been used. They are variously shaped
and colored, and sometimes named and num
bered, in order that they may be easily distin
guished from each other. A cone- or can-buoy is
conical in shape, a cask-buoy cylindrical or nearly
so, and a nut- or nun-buoy is shaped like the frus-
trum of two cones with the bases joined together.
A spar-buoy is a spar, one end of which is an
chored. Anchor-buoys are attached to the an
chors, and serve to mark out the position of the
anchors, so that they may be avoided in tending
ship, or picked up in case of being obliged to
slip. A bell-buoy is a large buoy on which is
placed a bell, which is sounded by the heaving
and setting of the sea. A whistling-buoy is fitted
with an apparatus which makes a peculiar
whistling noise at certain stag*es of the tide or
sea. To buoy an object is to indicate its posi
tion by means of a buoy and a rope or chain.
To buoy the cable is to attach a buoy to the
bight to keep it from sinking and chafing
against the rocks. To bleed a buoy\s to let the
water out of it. A buoy watches when it floats
on the water. To stream the buoy is to let an
anchor-buoy fall from the bows previous to
letting go the anchor.
Buoyancy. The quality of floating in a liquid.
The weight of a floating body as measured by the
volume of fluid displaced.
Buoys, Directions for Coloring, Numbering,
and Placing. UNITED STATES. — In conformity
to the terms of the act of Congress, approved
September 28, 1850, prescribing the manner of
coloring and numbering the buoys along the
coasts and in the bays, sounds, rivers, and har
bors of the United States, the following order
must be observed, viz. :
1. In approaching the channel, etc., from sea
ward, red buoys, with even numbers, will be found
on the starboard side of the channel, and must
be left on the starboard hand in passing in.
2. In approaching the channel, etc., from sea
ward, black buoys, with odd numbers, will be
found on the port side of the channel, and must
be left on the port hand in passing in.
3. Buoys painted with red and black horizontal
stripes will be found on obstructions, with chan
nel-ways on either side of them, and may be left
on either hand in passing in.
4. Buoys painted with white and black per
pendicular stripes will be found in mid-channel,
and must be passed close-to to avoid danger.
5. All other distinguishing marks to buoys
will be in addition to the foregoing, and may be
employed to mark particular spots, a descrip
tion of which will be given in the printed list of
6. Perches, with balls, cages, etc., will, when
placed on buoys, be at turning-points, the color
and number indicating on what side they shall
be passed.
The following abbrevations are used on charts
and buoy lists :
R., red buoys, Nos. 2, 4, 6, etc., starboard. B.,
black buoys, Nos, 1, 3, 5, etc., port. P. S., white
and black perpendicular stripes, without num
bers, in mid-channel. H. S., red and ^ black
horizontal stripes (on obstructions), without
BELGIUM. — On entering the channel from sea-
ward, white buoys must be left on the starboard
hand, black buoys on the port.
CANADA.— The same as the United States.
ENGLAND. — The starboard side of a channel is
the right-hand side proceeding from seaward.
The entrance to a channel or a turning-point is
marked by a spiral buoy, with or without staff
and globe, triangle, cage, etc. Single-colored
can-buoys, black or red, mark the starboard side,
and buoys of the same shape and color, either
checkered or vertically striped with white, mark
the port side. Globes are used on buoys on the
starboard hand, and cages on the port. When a
middle ground exists in a channel, each end of
it is marked by a buoy with horizontal white
stripes. Wrecks are marked by green buoys.
All buoys have their names painted on them in
conspicuous letters.
FRANCE. — On entering a channel from sea
ward, all buoys and beacons painted red with a
white band near the summit, must be left to star
board ; those painted black must be left to port.
Buoys that can be passed on either side are painted
red with black horizontal bands. That part of a
beacon below the level of high water, and all
warping buoys, are painted white. The small
rocky heads in frequented channels are colored
the same as beacons when they have a surface
sufficiently conspicuous. Each buoy or beacon
has upon it the name of the danger it is intended
to point out, and also its number, commencing
from seaward. The even numbers are on the red
buoys, and the odd numbers on the black. The
buoys that can be passed on either side are named
but not numbered.
HOLLAND. — The same as Belgium.
SCOTLAND. — Coming from seaward, leave the
red buoys on the starboard hand, and the black
buoys on the port. Red and black buoys are
placed on detached dangers, and may be passed on
either side. Wrecks are marked by green buoys.
Fairway buoys are plainly marked, and all buoys
have their names painted on them. Liverpool is
buoyed on the same system.
BUOY-ROPE. The rope which attaches the
buoy to the anchor ; it should always be of suffi
cient strength to lift the anchor should the cable
BUOY-ROPE KNOT. A knot made by unlaying
the strands of a cable-laid rope, and also the
small strand of each large strand ; and after single
and double walling them, as for a stopper-knot,
worm the divisions, and round the rope.
Burbot. A fish of the genus Lota, shaped
like an eel, but shorter and thicker, with a flat
head, having on the nose two small beards and
another on the chin. Sometimes called an eel-
Burden. The quantity of merchandise that
a ship carries when properly trimmed. See TON
Bureau. A department of government. In
most European countries the highest depart
ments of government receive the name of bureaus.
In England and the United States the term is
confined to subordinate departments, as Bureau
of Ordnance. See ORGANIZATION.
Burgall. A fish of our eastern coasts, from 6
to 12 inches long ; also called the blue-perch, the
chogset, and the nibbler, — the last from its habit
of nibbling off the bait thrown for other fishes.
Burgee. A swallow-tailed flag ; in the mer
chant service it generally has the ship's name on
Burgomaster. In the Arctic Sea, a large
species of gull (Larus glaucus).
Burgoo. A dish made of boiled oatmeal sea
soned with salt, butter, and sugar.
Burgoyne, Hugh Talbot. Born in 1838. Only
son of Sir John Burgoyne, Royal Engineers.
He was a captain in the English navy. During
the Crimean war, while still a junior officer, he
commanded a small but active vessel. For his
action at Kinburn he was made one of the first
recipients of the Victoria cross. At the close
of the war he was made Knight of the Legion
of Honor, and received the order of Medjidie.
After this he was rapidly promoted. He was lost
while in command of the Coles turret-ship
" Captain," which foundered off Cape Finisterre,
September 7, 1870. The "Captain" had an ex
tremely low free-board, and was built by Laird,
of Birkenhead, under the supervision of her de
signer, Captain Coles, and Captain Burgoyne.
During her first cruise, in May, 1870, Admiral
Sir Thomas Symonds reported her as behaving
extremely well in all weather, using her heavy
guns readily in a seaway, very stable, and es
pecially handy under sail. She capsized, how
ever. Her constructor, Captain Cowper Coles,
R.N., perished in her, with 542 out of 560 souls,
who composed her complement.
The former chief constructor of the Royal
navy, Mr. E. J. Reed, had always declared that
the " Captain" was uhseaworthy. — E. Shippen.
Burley-twine. A strong coarse twine.
Burnettizing. A process for the preservation
of timber. The timber is immersed in a solution
of chloride of zinc for a certain period, which
depends upon the size of the timber.
Burn the Water. A phrase denoting the act
of killing fish at night with a gig. The fisher
men have a torch in the boat ; hence the phrase.
Burr. The hazy c ile which appears around
the moon before rain.
Burrel. Langrage shot, consisting of bits of
iron, bullets, nails, etc., got together in haste for
a sudden emergency.
Burrock. A small weir over a river, where
weels are laid for taking fist.
Burr-pump. A name foi the bilge-pump.
Burser. See PURSER.
Burster-bag. A bag for bursting charge
of a shell.
Bursting Charge. The ?ce charge of a
shell as distinguished from '•lowing charge.
In some shells the bursting ^ is inclosed in
a bag as a guard against pr e explosions.
Burt. A flat fish of the ttnd.
Burthen. See BURDEN
Burton. A tackle used
as, swaying aloft a topsa:
etc. A top-burton is kept J
at the topmast-head. It i
long enough to permit the
ing part to come down to
the main top-burton is th
ging in a ship. See SPAN
Burt's Nippers. An ;
tached to a deep-sea le
line to run readily throi
descending ; but as soon
bottom, releasing the te
the surface of the water.
us purposes ;
ting a yard,
the pendants
ckle, and is
k and haul-
The fall of
>iece of rig-
-netimes at-
allows the
,he lead is
trikes the
& "ne at
Bush. A perforated piece of metal let into
certain parts of machinery to receive the wear
of pivots, journals, etc. Any similar lining of
a hole with metal ; as^ the vent of a gun. The
bush or bushing of the vent of a gun is made of
pure copper ; the outer orifice is faced with steel,
and the inner orifice, in heavy guns, is lined
with platinum.
Bushing. See BUSH.
Bush-metal. An alloy of copper and tin.
Bushnell, David, of Connecticut, was the first
to show practically that a charge of gunpowder
could be fired under water, and is therefore en
titled to the credit of inventing torpedoes or sub
marine mines (1775).
Busking. Piratical cruising. Beating to
windward along a coast, or cruising oiF and on.
Buss. A small strong-built Dutch vessel
with two masts, used in the herring and mack
erel fisheries, generally of 50 to 70 tons burden.
Bust-head. See FIGURE-HEAD.
Busy as the Devil in a Gale of Wind. Fid
gety restlessness, or double diligence in a bad
cause ; the imp being supposed to be mischievous
in hard gales.
But. A conical basket for catching fish.
Butcher's Bill. A nickname for the official
return of killed and wounded which follows an
Butescarli. The early name for the sea-officers
in the British navy.
Butt. A wine measure of 126 gallons. The
large end of the stock of a fire-arm. A target ;
hence a person at whom are leveled the shafts of
sarcasm or ridicule. The joining of two timbers
or planks endways ; also the ends of the timbers
or planks so joined. The largest end of any tim
ber or plank. To start or spring a butt is to
loosen the end of a plank by the laboring of the
Butt-and-butt. A term denoting that the butt
ends of two timbers meet but do not overlap.
Butter-box. A name given to the brig-traders
of lumpy form, from London, Bristol, and other
English ports. A cant term for a Dutchman.
Butter-bump. A name of the bittern.
Butter-fingered. Having a careless habit of
allowing things to slip through the fingers.
Buttock. The after-part of the ship on each
side below the knuckle. A ship is said to have
a broad or narrow buttock according to her tran
som convexity under the stern.
BUTTOCK-LINES. Represented on the sheer
draught as curve lines cutting the ship into ver
tical longitudinal sections parallel to the centre
Button. The knob of metal which terminated,
the breech-end of old guns, and which afforded a
convenient bearing for the application of hand
spikes, breechings, etc.
Buttons, To Make. A common time-honored,
but strange expression for sudden apprehension
or misgiving.
Butt- shaft, or Butt-bolt. An arrow without
a barb, used for shooting at a butt.
By. Being, or passing, near. By the wind, as
near the wind as possible. Full and by, rap-
full, but close to the wind. By and large, to the
wind and off it. Stand by ! Be prepared. By
the board, over the ship's side ; a mast carried
away near the deck is said to go by the board.
A ship is doiun by the head (or stern) when she
draws more water forward (or aft) than she does
when she is in her proper trim.
Bykat. A term for a male salmon of a certain
age, because of the beak which then grows on its
Byllis. An old spelling for bill.
Byrth. The old expression for tonnage.
Byssa. An ancient gun for discharging stones
at the enemy.
Byssus. The silken filaments of any of the
bivalved mollusks which adhere to rocks, as the
Pinna, Mytilus, etc. The silken byssus of the
great pinna, or wing-shell, is woven into dresses.
In the Chama gigas it will sustain 1000 pounds.
Also, the woolly substance found in damp parts
of a ship.
By-wash. The outlet of water from a dam
or discharge channel.
C. Abbreviation for can in the TJ. S. General
Service Signal Code. Among the letters used in
the log-book to register the state of the weather
c denotes cloudy.
Caaing Whale (Globicephalus deductor). A
cetacean belonging to the genus Delphinus, but
differing from the other Delphinidce in having
the phalanges more numerous and the limbs
lower and more approximated in position. It
resembles the common porpoise in general form,
but is much larger, measuring from 16 to 24 feet
in length, and rather more than 10 feet in cir
cumference at its thickest part, which is at the
root of the dorsal fin, whence the body tapers
towards the tail, which is deeply forked. In
color it is black, with a white streak on the
under side. Its pectoral fins are long and nar
row. Its vertebrae number 55. It is very
gregarious, and is found on the coasts of Great
Britain, North America, and Iceland, while
other species of the same genus exist in the
South Seas and the North Pacific. It is most
frequently taken on the Scottish coast, whence
also it derives its name, the word "caaing"
being Scotch for "driving." The animal is so
called from the fact that owing to its sheep-like
propensity to follow its leader, the fishermen,
having hemmed in a herd between their boats
and the shore, are enabled to drive the whole
herd into shallow water, where, becoming
stranded, they fall an easy prey, and form a
rich booty to their pursuers.
Cabane. A flat-bottomed passage-boat of the
Cabin. In passenger steamers the cabin is a
large apartment which is occupied by the better
class of passengers. In it are the state-rooms or
private rooms of the passengers, and the space
between the rows of state-rooms is the saloon,
which is for the accommodation of the passengers
in general, and is frequently used as a dining-
room. In large vessels there are two or three
cabins, in which case they are occupied, respec
tively, by the first-, second-, and third-class pas
sengers. In an ordinary merchant vessel the
cabin is the apartment occupied by the master
of the vessel.
In a man-of-war the cabin is the apartment
occupied by the cabin-officers. Cabin-officers
are the commanding officer and other line-officers
of and above the grade of commander, whether
they are on duty or attached to the ship as pas
sengers. In large vessels there are two cabins,
one on the main deck and one on the upper deck.
The cabin is frequently divided into compart
ments by light bulkheads, and two or more
state-rooms are formed in the same manner.
"When there is a flag-officer on duty on board a
vessel having two cabins, he selects one for his
own use and the commanding officer occupies
the other; when there is but one cabin, the
commanding officer is entitled to one-third of
the space, divided off by a fore-and-aft bulk
CABIN-BOY. A boy whose duty it is to wait
on the officers and passengers in the cabin.
CABIN-LECTURE. A severe but private repri
mand. See JOBATION.
Cable. A large strong chain, or rope made
of hemp, manilla, or coir, used to retain a ship
in place when at anchor. Rope for cables is
cable-laid, to render it impervious to water, but
the additional twist given in laying it up de
tracts from the strength, the cable-laid being
30 per cent, weaker than plain-laid rope of
equal size. Cables vary in size from 10 to 26
inches. Eope-cable has been superseded by
Chain for cables for the navy is manufactured
at the Washington navy-yard The utmost care
is taken to procure good iron ; each bar is tested,
and the links are carefully welded. A cast-iron
stud is inserted in each link, except those at the
ends of the sections ; the object of the stud is to
strengthen the chain and keep it from kinking.
Chain-cables are 120 fathoms long, a shackle
being introduced at each section of 15 fathoms,
and a swivel at ?£, STj, and 82 J fathoms. The
object of the swivel is to keep the chain from
getting full of turns.
Chain-cables are marked at the shop in the fol
lowing manner : each shackle is marked across
the eye with its number ; the swivels and club-
link are marked with the number of the chain,
the date, place of manufacture, and the initials
of the inspector.
On the stud are cast the initials U. S. and
"W. N. Y., and also the size of the chain in
Table for Proof of Cables.
of Pounds Strain
e. Single Proof,
ch 147 800
134 400
1(X) 800
87 800
66 600
Double Proof
for Triplets.
Chain-cables differing 1-16 inch in size are not manufactured
The triplets are cut from the chain to be issued, and are
tested to destruction, but must stand the double proof before
Cables issued to the service are pulled to single proof only.
After the cable has stood the required test
given in the proof-table, it is examined by an
expert, to see if there are any defects in the
A shot of cable, two cables spliced together.
To pay out or veer cable, to let more cable run
out of the hawse-hole. To bitt the cable, to take a
turn with the cable around the bitts. To stopper
the cable, to secure it by means of pieces of ropes,
called stoppers, attached to the deck or bitt (See
STOPPER.) To buoy the cable, to attach buoys to
the bight of the cable to keep it clear of the
ground. To coil a cable, to lay it in fakes and
tiers. To bend ti cable, to clinch or shackle it to
the ring of the anchor. To range a cable, to lay
it along the deck in parallel lines. To slip the
cable, to let go the inboard end and allow it all
to run out. Cable enough ! the cry from the fore
castle when sufficient cable has been veered to
allow the anchor to be catted.
CABLE-BENDS. Two small ropes for lashing
the end of a cable to its own part, in order to
secure the clinch, by which it is made fast to the
CABLE, BOWER-. The cable belonging to a
CABLE-BUOY. A cask used to buoy up the
bight of a cable.
CABLE, ELECTRICAL. An insulated wire or
combination of wires used in telegraphy or in
firing mines. The essential qualities are strength,
pliability, and high insulation. The substances
generally used for insulating a cable are gutta-
percha, india-rubber, and Hooper's material ;
the latter is considered to be the best. To pro
tect the insulating material from chafe over
rocks, cables are generally provided with an
external metallic covering.
CABLE-LAID ROPE. Three plain-laid ropes
laid up into one rope, thus forming a nine-
stranded left-handed rope.
CABLE, SHEET-. The cable belonging to the
CABLE'S LENGTH. One-tenth of a sea-mile,
about 100 fathoms.
CABLE-STAGE. A platform in the hold on.
which are coiled the cables and hawsers.
CABLE, STREAM-. A hawser or large rope
used with a stream-anchor.
CABLET. A cable-laid rope of less than 10
inches in circumference ; a hawser.
CABLE-TIER. The place where cables and
hawsers are stowed.
Gabon. An old word for a nipper.
Caboose, or Camboose. The cook-room or
kitchen of merchantmen, on deck ; a diminutive
substitute for the galley of a man-of-war ; the
term is sometimes applied to a portable cast-iron
stove used in coasting-vessels for cooking on
Cabot, John. See CABOTO, GIOVANNI.
Cabot, Sebastian. One of the sons of Gio
vanni. He survived his father and brothers, and
earned a high reputation as an explorer. Born
at Bristol, England claims him as one of her
sons. After the death of Henry VII. he entered
the service of Spain, and became a member of the
Council of the Indies. In the reign of Henry
VIII. he commanded an expedition in search of
the Northwest passage, " the dream of all the
greatest navigators since the close of the fifteenth
century." The object of the expedition was de
feated by the pusillanimity of Admiral Pert.
Cabot, however, turned the frustrated mission
to account by observing the dip of the needle and
the variation of the compass in those regions,
and by forming plans for the accurate deter
mination of the longitude. In 1520, Cabot left
the service of the king of England, and accepted
the grade of pilot-major under the government
of Charles V. of Spain. By that monarch he
was appointed captain-general of an expedition
to Cape Horn and the Pacific shores of South
America ; but through the jealousy of his sub
ordinates his operations were confined to the Rio
de la Plata and its tributary streams. With
drawing from the Spanish service in 1548, he
once more settled in Bristol, and Edward VI. of
England employed him in a capacity correspond
ing with that of a first lord of the Admiralty.
As superintendent of the shipping and foreign
commerce of England, Cabot destroyed the
monopoly of a grasping company, and improved
the public revenues by encouraging the princi
ples of free trade. He then founded a Society of
Merchant Adventurers, and in that capacity sent
out ships with keels of lead as a precaution
against the worm. Some years later he closed a
useful life, and was posthumously panegyrized
as the most scientific seaman of the age, and one
of the gentlest, bravest, and best of men, who
gave to Britain not only a large continent but
the untold riches of the deep in the fisheries of
Newfoundland and the Arctic Sea. He was, in
fact, the father of free trade.
Cabotage (ItaL). Sailing from cape to cape
along a coast, or the details of coast pilotage.
Caboto, or Kaboto, Giovanni (JoiiN CABOT),
obtained a patent from Henry VII., King of
England, empowering him and his three sons to
sail into the eastern, western, or northern seas,
with a fleet of five ships, at their own expense,
to search for islands, countries, provinces, or
regions not before seen by Christian people ; to
float the English flag on any city, island, or
continent that they might find, and, as vassals
of the English crown, to possess and occupy the
territories so discovered. The expedition sailed
from Bristol, May, 1497, and the Cabots sighted
Labrador. In the following year they made a
second voyage, and got as far as Maryland,
having previously discovered Newfoundland.
In 1499 they made a third voyage, extending to
the Gulf of Mexico. See SEBASTIAN CABOT.
Cabral, or Cabrera, Pedro Alvarez, the dis
coverer of Brazil, was descended from an old
and patrician Portuguese family. Nothing is
known of his early life save the fact that he
must have recommended himself by talent and
enterprise to King Emanuel, of Portugal, who,
after the. first voyage of Vasco de Gama, ap
pointed Cabral to the command of a fleet of 13
vessels, carrying 1200 men, and bound for the
East Indies. On the 9th of March, 1500, he
sailed from Lisbon. To avoid the inconvenience
of being becalmed on the coast of Africa, he took
a course too far westerly, fell into the South
American current of the Atlantic, and was car
ried to the unknown coast of Brazil, of which
he claimed possession for the king of Portugal,
April 24, 1500, naming the new country " Terra
da Santa Cruz." After sending home one ves
sel to bear news of this great accidental dis
covery, Cabral sailed for India ; but on the 29th
of May four of his vessels foundered, and all on
board perished, including Diaz, the great navi
gator ; and soon afterwards three more vessels
were lost. Cabral therefore' landed at Mozam
bique, on the east coast of Africa, of which he
first gave clear information, and also discovered
(August 23) the Antschedives Islands, of which
he described correctly the position. Hence he
sailed to Calicut, where, having made the terror
of his arms felt, he was permitted to found a fac
tory ; entered into successful negotiations with
native rulers, and thus established the first com
mercial treaty between Portugal and India. He
returned from India, bringing with him a con
siderable booty, and arrived in the port of Lis
bon July 31, 1501. It appears probable that the
king was dissatisfied with the results of the ex
pedition (although it had annexed Brazil to the
crown of Portugal), for subsequently we find no
mention made of Cabral among other discoverers.
At the request of Cabral, Sancho de Toar wrote
a description of the coast of Sofola. Cabral's
voyages are described in Ramusio's " Naviga-
tione e Viaggi," 3vols. (Venice, 1563; newed.,
Venice, 1835.)
Caburn. A small line made of spun-yarn, for
worming cables, seizings, and the like.
Cacao (Sp.). The plant Theobroma, from
which cocoa is derived.
Cache (Fr., a place of concealment). Ex
plorers and other travelers in waste regions wish
ing either to disencumber themselves of a portion
of their impedimenta, or to establish magazines
for use on their return journey, frequently bury
in the ground provisions and articles of equip
ment. The place of such a deposit is termed a
cache, and the process of making it, cacheing.
Cacholot, Spermaceti, or Sperm Whale (Phy-
seter macrocephalus, or Cntodon macrocephalus}.
One of the largest of the Cetacea (which see), and
of very peculiar form. Unlike the right whale,
it affords no whalebone, but is much sought
after, not only on account of the oil, but still
more for the spermaceti and ambergris which it
yields. It is widely distributed geographically and
inhabits nearly all seas, but is most abundant in
those of the southern hemisphere. It sometimes
attains the length of 70 or 80 feet. The general
color is very dark gray, nearly black on the up
per parts but lighter beneath. Old males, or, as
the South-Sea whalers call them, old bull-whales,
usually have a large gray spot on the front of
the head. The head is enormously large, form
ing about one-half of the entire bulk of the
animal, and taking up more than one-third of
the whole length. From the head the body
tapers to the tail, and at last rather rapidly.
The muzzle is very obtuse, almost as if suddenly
cut off in front, the breadth of it almost equaling
the thickness of the body. In a protuberance
on the upper part of it is the blow-hole, which
is single, situated a little on the left side, and in
form not unlike the letter S elongated. The
mouth is very wide, and the throat, unlike that
of the Greenland whale, is sufficiently capacious
to admit the whole body of a man. *The upper
jaw projects some feet beyond the lower, and has
neither teeth nor whalebone ; but the lower jaw
contains twenty or twenty-five teeth on each s'ide,
according to the age of the animal. The teeth,
which are conical and slightly recurved, project
about two inches from the gum. The lower jaw
is very narrow, its two branches being for most
of their length in contact ; it fits into a groove
in the upper jaw, in which are cavities for the
teeth. The eyes are small and placed far back
in the head above the angles of the mouth ; the
left eye is said to be smaller than the right.
Just above the eyes the dorsal line rises con
siderably ; the dorsal fin is also represented by a
protuberance about half-way between the neck
and tail, and these parts are seen above water in
the ordinary swimming of the animal, which is
at the rate of from 3 to 7 miles an hour and just
beneath the surface of the water, although when
alarmed it swims more swiftly and strikes the
water with its tail upward and downward with
great force. The pectoral fins are small, and
seem scarcely, if at all, to aid in progression,
which is accomplished by the large and powerful
tail-fin. The tail-fin is very broad and is divided
into two lobes, called by the South-Sea whalers
the flukes. The head of the cacholot is in great
part occupied by a cavity in front of and above
the skull, called by whalers the case, which is a
receptacle for spermaceti (which see). This sub
stance being light, the animal in swimming
raises its head above the surface of the water,
which it also does when at rest. The case fre
quently holds not less than ten large barrels of
spermaceti. It is not formed of bone, but of a
strong tendinous integument, and is divided into
compartments which communicate with each
other. The substance which it contains is in a
semi-fluid state, but hardens on cooling ; it con
sists of spermaceti and oil. The oil is separated
by drawing and squeezing, and the spermaceti
further purified till, instead of being a yellow,
unctuous mass, — the state in which it is brought
home by the whalers, — it assumes a beautiful
pearly white, flaky, nearly crystalline appearance.
When the spermaceti whale is killed and towed
alongside the whaling-ship, the case is emptied
of its valuable contents through a hole made
in front of the muzzle, and by means of a basket
attached to a pole. The spermaceti used to be
considered the brain of the whale ; what purpose
it serves is not known, except that already alluded
to of giving buoyancy to the fore part of the ani
mal, and perhaps this is its chief use, respiration
even more than progression depending on it. It
is distinct enough from the brain, which, as well
as the skull that contains it, is very small com
pared with the bulk of the creature. Cavities
filled with spermaceti are distributed over the
body, and even ramify through the external fat
or blubber, although the principal mass is in the
head. The blubber of the cacholot is not nearly
as thick as that of the Greenland whale, being
only about 14 inches in thickness on the breast
of a large whale, and from 8 to 11 inches on
other parts of the body. It is called by whalers
the blanket, is removed from the captured whale
in great strips, and is heated in large pots, the
skin of the whale serving for fuel, when the oil —
known as sperm oil (which see) — flows from it.
The junk, a thick elastic mass, which occupies the
forepart of the head immediately under the case,
yields also a considerable quantity of sperm oil.
The cacholot feeds principally upon squids and
cuttle-fish. It goes in herds, which are called
schools by the sailors. Large herds consist gen
erally of females with only a few males ; herds
of young males also occur. When solitary in
dividuals are met with, they are almost always
old males. Terrible conflicts often take place
among the males, and it is not unusual to find
the lower jaw dislocated or broken as a result of
these encounters.
Cade. A small barrel of about 500 herrings
or 1000 sprats.
Cadence. The regularity requisite in pull
ing. A uniform time and pace in marching in
dispensable to the correct movements of troops.
Cadet. A French word signifying younger,
junior. This term is also applied'in France and
other countries to a student in the art of war and
military science.
CADET ENGINEER. The lowest grade of the
engineer corps in the U. S. navy ; so called
during their state of pupilage at the Naval
Academy and up to the time of their promotion
to assistant engineer.
CADET MIDSHIPMAN. The lowest grade of
line-officers in the U. S. navy ; so called while
pupils at the Naval Academy and during a pro
bationary period of sea service, at the expiration
of which they are promoted to midshipman. See
Cadge. To carry. Kedge may be a corrup
Cadiz. A city and seaport of Spain, capital
of the province of Cadiz, on the island of Leon,
off the S.W. coast of Andalusia, 60 miles N.W.
of Gibraltar, and 64 miles S. of Seville. Lat.
36° 32' N. ; Ion. 6° 17' 15" W. It stands on a
narrow tongue of land, which projects about 5
miles N.N.W. into the sea ; it is surrounded on
three sides by water, and is strongly defended
both by nature and by art. The entrance to its
capacious bay is commanded by forts, while on
the other sides large vessels cannot approach
within three-fourths of a mile of the city. One
of the most conspicuous objects in Cadiz is
the light-house of San Sebastian, 172 feet in
height. The bay, which is formed by the penin
sula and the mainland, is spacious, and affords
good anchorage. La Caraca, the royal dock
yard, is situated at the bottom of the inner bay,
about 6 miles from the city, and is defended by
the cross-fire of two forts. It contains 3 spacious
basins, and 12 docks or slips. The trade of Cadiz
is less extensive than formerly. The chief arti
cle of export is sherry wine. Salt is another
article of export. The chief imports are staves,
tobacco, hides, cacao, indigo, cochineal, dye-
woods, sugar, codfish, and coals. Pop. 58,000.
Caffila. See KAFILA.
Cag. See CARRY.
Cage. An iron cage, formed of hoops, on the
top of a pole, and filled with combustibles. It is
lighted before high water, and marks a channel,
navigable for the period during which it burns.
Cage-work. An old term for a ship's upper
Caique, or Kaique. A small Levantine ves
sel. Also, a graceful skiff, seen in perfection at
Constantinople, where it almost monopolizes the
boat traffic. It is fast but crank, being so nar
row that the oars or sculls have their looms en
larged into ball-shaped masses to counterbalance
their outboard length. It has borne for ages the
wave-line, which, upon its introduction into our
marine architecture a few years ago, was esteemed
a novelty. It may have from one to ten or twelve
Cairban. A name in the Hebrides for the
Cairn. A pile of stones used as a mark in
Caisson. A boat-gate, having generally both
ends similar in form to the bows of a vessel, used
to close the entrance to a dock or basin. An ap
paratus for lifting a vessel out of the water for
repairs or inspection. It is usually a hollow
structure sunk by letting water into it. There
is an air-chamber inside, which allows it to sink
only a certain depth. In that state it is hauled
under the ship's bottom, the traps or openings
are closed, the water is pumped out, and the
caisson rises with the ship upon it. In another
arrangement, a platform is sunk to a certain
depth in the water, and is suspended by iron
screws from a strong wooden framework; the
ship is floated upon the platform, steadied by
shores, and lifted high and dry by means of
levers, wheels, pinions, and screws. In military
matters, an ammunition-chest and the wagon on
which it is carried. The term is also applied to
a chest loaded with explosives and buried deep
in the ground under a fortification for the pur
pose of being blown up if the enemy approach
and take possession of that particular part of the
Calais. A town of France, department of
Pas-de-Calais, on the Strait of Dover, 26 miles
E.S.E. of Dover, and 20 miles N.E. of Boulogne.
Lat. of the new light-house, 50° 57' 45" N. ;
Ion. 1° 51' 18" E. ; height, 192 feet. The tower
and harbor are defended by a castle and several
forts, and by means of sluices the whole adjacent
country may be laid under water. The harbor
is formed by two moles, which are continued
seaward by wooden piers, the whole being about
three-fourths of a mile in length. At ebb-tide it
is nearly dry ; has not a greater depth than 15
or 18 feet at high water. A tower in the centre
of the town serves as a light*house. There is
good anchorage ground 2 to 3 miles N.W. of the
harbor. Pop. 20,000.
Calais, a city of Washington Co., Me., is
on the St. Croix River. It is at the head of
navigation, about 12 miles from Passamaquoddy
Bay, 82 miles E.N.E. of Bangor, and 27 miles
N.N.W. of Eastport. Pop. 6000.
Calamary (calamus, a pen). A Cephalopod,
which derives its name from the fact of its body
containing a gladius, or internal shell, shaped
like a quill, and a bag in its visceral sac from
which it diffuses an ink-like fluid. Its mouth is
furnished with eight arms. The different species
are distributed oVer all parts of the world, but
are much more abundant in some seas than in
others ; they form a principal part of the food of
some of the larger fishes and of whales. It is the
Loligo vulgaris of Cuvier.
Calamine. An ore, consisting essentially of
silicate of zinc. Its primary form is a rhomboid,
and it occurs in small obtuse-edged crystals, also
compact and massive. It is white, yellowish
white, brown, green, or gray; is sometimes
opaque, sometimes translucent, is brittle, and
has an uneven conchoidal fracture. It occurs
in beds and veins in rocks of various kinds, but
most commonly in limestone.
Calanca. A creek or cove on the Italian and
Spanish coasts.
Calcutta, capital of British India and of Ben
gal, is situated on the E. bank of the Hoogly
River, 80 miles from the sea, in lat. 22° 33' 47"
N., Ion. 88° 23' 34" E., opposite the town of
Howrah, to which a floating-bridge extends.
Calcutta is the largest emporium of trade in
Asia, being the natural outlet of the valleys of
the Ganges and Brahmapootra. The chief ex
ports are jute, opium, indigo, rice, hides, raw
silk, saltpetre, etc., and the chief imports are
cotton, linen, and silk goods, hardware, wines,
spirits, and salt. Pop. city proper," 448,000;
including suburbs, about 900,000.
Calendar (Lat. calendce, the first day of each
month, from caldre ; Gr. kalein, to call, to
summon). The regulation, arrangement, and
register of civil time. The natural unit adapted
to the immediate wants and ordinary occupations
of man is the sola?' day, or the period elapsed be
tween two successive arrivals of the sun at a
given meridian. It varies in length at different
seasons of the year ; but the variation is socially
unimportant, and the tacit adoption of its mean
value from the earliest ages arose probably from
ignorance that such fluctuation existed. This
mean solar or civil day is divided into 24 hours.
The unit for longer duration again is naturally
the period in which recur the seasons on which
depend all the vital business of life. It is the in
terval between two successive arrivals of the sun
at the vernal equinox, and is called the tropical
year. This period varies slightly, and is incom
mensurate with the lesser unit, its length being
about 365 days 5 hours 58 minutes 59.7 seconds.
Now, if the odd hours, minutes, etc., were to be
neglected, and the civil year made to consist of
365 days, the seasons would soon cease to cor
respond to the same months, and would run the
round of the whole year; this odd time must
therefore be taken account of. But then, again,
it would be very inconvenient to have the same
day belonging to two different years. To obviate
this difficulty, a very neat contrivance was in
augurated by Julius Caesar. He introduced a
system of two artificial years, one of 365 and the
other of 366 integer days ; three consecutive years
of 365, and then a fourth year of 366 days. The
longer years were called "bissextile" or "leap-
years," and the surplus days formed of the ac
cumulated fractions and thrown into the reckon
ing were called "intercalary" or "leap-days."
This calendar made the average length of civil
years 365 days 6 hours, which was only a rough
approximation to the truth, and the error soon
accumulated to a whole day. A reformation
was effected by Pope Gregory XIII. ; and his
law for regulating the succession of the two arti
ficial years (of 365 days and 366 days) is such,
that during the lapse of at least some thousands of
years the sum of these integer-day years shall not
differ from the same number of real tropical years
by a whole day. For the period of 10,000 years the
average length of the Gregorian year is 365.2425
days, which is a very close approximation to the
mean tropical year, 365.242264 days (according
to Delambre's tables). The Gregorian rule is as
follows: The years are denominated as years
current (not as years elapsed) from the midnight
between the 31st of December and the 1st of
January immediately subsequent to the birth of
Christ, according to the chronological determina
tion of that event by Dionysius Exiguus. Every
year whose number is not divisible'by 4 without
remainder consists of 365 days ; every year which
is so divisible, but is not divisible by 100, of 366
days ; every year divisible by 100, but not by
400, again of 365 ; and every year divisible by
400 again of 366 days. The principle might be
applied further, and any degree of approxima
tion attained. In our calendar the year is arbi
trarily divided into 12 unequal months, the in
tercalary day being placed at the end of the
Calf. A word generally applied to the young
of marine mammalia, as the whale. Calf, in the
Arctic regions, a mass of floe-ice breaking from
under a floe, which when disengaged rises with
violence to the surface of the water; it differs
from a tongue, which is the same body kept fixed
beneath the main floe. The iceberg is formed by
the repeated freezing of thawed snow running
down over the slopes, until at length the wave
from beneath and weight above causes it to
break off and fall into the sea, or, as termed in
Greenland, to calve. Thus, berg, is fresh-water
ice, the work of years ; the floe, is salt water
frozen suddenly each winter, and dissolving in
the summer.
Calf, or Calva. A Norwegian name, also used
in the Hebrides, for islets lying off islands, and
bearing a similar relation to them in size that a
calf does to a cow ; as, the Calf at Mull and the
Calf of Man.
Calfat. The old word for calking. (Calfater,
Fr. ; probably from cale, wedge, and faire, to
make. ) To wedge up an opening with any soft
material, as oakum. (Cala/atear, Sp.)
Caliber, or Calibre. The diameter of the bore
of a gun, cannon-shot, or bullet. A ship's cali
bre means the known weight her armament rep
Calipash. The upper shell of a turtle.
Calipee. The under shell of a turtle.
Calipers, or Caliper Compasses. Bow-legged
compasses used to measure the girth of timber,
the external diameter of masts, shot, and other
circular or cylindrical substances. Calipers of
the best sort are made with a scale, having dif
ferent sets of numbers engraved on it, like a
sliding-rule, for- the purpose of exhibiting at
once various relations depending on the magni
tude of the diameter of the body measured.
Thus, as the weights of balls of the same metal
are in a constant ratio to the cubes of their di
ameters, the scale maybe so graduated and num
bered that the observer may read off either the
diameter in inches or the weight in pounds.
Other numbers having a less immediate applica
tion are also frequently attached ; for example,
the degrees of a circle, the proportions of troy
and avoirdupois weight, tables of the specific
gravities and weights of bodies, etc. It is ob
vious that these may be varied infinitely ac
cording to the purposes proposed to be accom
plished. Also an instrument with a sliding leg
used for measuring the packages constituting
a ship's cargo, which is paid for by its cubical
Calk. To drive oakum into the seams between
the planks in the sides and decks of a vessel, in
order to prevent the entrance of water. The
seam is first widened as much as possible, and
the oakum is then forced in thread by thread.
The oakum is driven until it forms a dense mass,
when the seam is payed or coated over with hot
pitch. The first people to make use of pitch in
calking were the inhabitants of Phaeacia. Wax
and resin had been previously used, and a kind
of unctuous clay has been made use of for the
same purpose. In the East a very hard cement,
known as chttnam, is used for the seams of ves
sels. To calk also means to sleep on deck with
clothes on.
CALKER. One who calks and pays seams.
CALKER'S SEAT. A box slung to the ship's
side whereon a calker sits when calking. It
contains the calker's tools and oakum.
CALKING-BUTT. The opening between the
ends of planks when worked for calking.
CALKING-IRONS. Peculiar chisels used in
calking ; there are several kinds, as the calking-
iron, the making-iron, the rasing-iron, and the
CALKING-MALLET. The wooden mallet or
beetle used in driving the calking-irons.
Call. A signal made by a drum, bugle, trum
pet, or boatswain's pipe. A peculiar silver
whistle or pipe used by the boatswain and his
mates to summon the men to their stations and
to direct them in their various duties. This is done
by sounding various strains, each of which is
a signal to do a particular thing ; as, belay, veer,
walk away, sweep down, etc. The act of wind
ing this instrument is called piping. In early
times a gold call and chain was the badge of an
Calliope. An instrument which consists of a
series of steam-whistles toned to produce musical
notes ; the valves by which steam is admitted to
the whistles are operated by keys arranged like
those of an organ. It is sometimes placed on
the hurricane-deck of steamboats on the western
Call the Watch. The order to turn out the
watch below to relieve the watch on deck. See
Calm. A word used to denote the state of the
weather when there is no perceptible wind. It
is characterized as being flat, dead, or stark. In
a calm, under canvas, it is customary to haul up
the courses, brail up the trysails, counter-brace,
and wait for a breeze. When two vessels are
very near each other in a calm their heads
should be kept in different directions, otherwise
they would collide, on account of the attraction
between the two bodies and the undulating mo
tion of the sea, which causes vessels to forge
ahead even in a calm. For the same reasons a
vessel becalmed near the land should keep her
head to seaward. A heavy cannonading will
sometimes occasion a calm, and a large fire will
cause a breeze to spring up, the wind coming in
from all directions towards the fire.
CALM LATITUDES. The tract of ocean between
the northeast and southeast trade-winds. Its
situation varies several degrees, depending upon
the season of the year. The term is also applied
to the calm belt on the polar side of the trades.
(See HORSE LATITUDES.) The calm latitudes
were almost as much dreaded by the mariner as
the region of storms. During a calm of many
weeks food and water were likely to be exhausted
at a point too far from land for a boat to reach
it. Since the introduction of steam and the ap
paratus for distilling water, the calm belts have
lost the greater portion of their terrors.
Calorimeter. An instrument for measuring
quantities of heat. It consists essentially of a
vessel containing a known weight of some con
venient liquid, such as water or mercury ; a ther
mometer for indicating the temperature of that
liquid ; and, if necessary, an agitator for making
the liquid circulate. Experiments are performed
by immersing in the liquid or mixing with it
a known weight of the substance to be experi
mented on, at a known temperature different
from the temperature of the liquid, and noting
the common temperature of the liquid and the
immersed substance when equilibrium of tem
perature is restored, taking care that all losses
of heat, and other sources of error, are ascer
tained and accounted for.
This term is sometimes, though improperly,
applied to the cross sectional area of boiler
Cam, or Wiper. In mechanism, a device
by which any desired variety of relative motion
may be obtained. It consists of either a contin
uously rotating or an oscillating body which, by
the shape of its face or edge, or by a groove in
its side or face, drives a sliding or turning piece
either with constantly varying, regular, or inter
mittent motion. It is extensively used in fabri-
cative machinery, such as the printing-press or
sewing-machine. In steam-engines it is applied
only to valve-gear.
CAM-SHAFT. A shaft carrying a cam.
CAM-ROLLER. A roller that acts on the face
or in the groove of a cam.
CAM-WHEEL. A whegl driving or carrying
one or more cams, and which may, by itself,
communicate a motion different from that of
the cams.
Cambala. Marco Polo's name for Pekin.
Camber. In ship-building, a term for any
thing which rounds, but chiefly to express the
camber to the ways for the launching of a ship.
CAMBER-KEELED. Having the keel arched
upwards, but not actually hogged.
Camboose. See CABOOSE.
Camden. A city and port of entry, capital
of Camden Co., N. J., on the Delaware River,
opposite Philadelphia. Its river front extends
from Cooper's Creek on the north to Newton
Creek on the south. Cooper's Creek is navigable
beyond the city limits. Pop. 37,000.
Camel. A water-tight structure placed be
neath a vessel in the water to raise it. Camels
were invented by the Dutch, about 1688, for
carrying vessels into harbors where the depth
of water would not otherwise permit them to
enter. They consisted of two large water-tight
boxes or half ships, built in such a manner that
they could be applied to each side of the hull
of a vessel. When about to be used water was
allowed to run into them, and when they sank
to the required depth they were firmly secured
to the ship's hull. The water was then pumped
out, and the camel rose, bringing up the vessel
with it. The camels in use in Holland are
upwards of 100 feet in length and 20 feet in
Camels are frequently used to raise sunken
Cameleopardalis. See CONSTELLATION.
Camfer. See CHAMFER.
Camock. A very early term for crooked
Campeachy. A town of Mexico, capital of
the state of Campeachy, on the bay of the same
name, 90 miles S.S.W. of Merida. .Lat. 19° 50'
N. ; Ion. 90° 33' W. The harbor is capacious
but shallow, and vessels drawing more than 6
feet of water are compelled to anchor 3 miles
from the shore. Notwithstanding this disad
vantage, vessels measuring 100 feet of keel are
built here. Pop. 18,500.
Canaiche, or Canash. An inner port, as at
Granada in the West Indies.
Canal. An artificial channel filled with water,
formed for the purposes of inland navigation.
The section of a canal is usually a trapezium,
of which two sides are parallel and horizontal
and the other two equally inclined to the hori
zon. The inclination depends on the nature of
the soil. It is least in tenacious earth and great
est in loose soil ; but no soil will maintain itself
unless the base of the slope exceeds its height at
least in the ratio of four to three. In loose soil
the base requires to be twice as great as the
height. A canal is usually confined between a
bank on one side and a towing-path on the
other. The bed of a canal must be absolutely
level, or have no more slope than is necessary to
convey water to replace that which has been
wasted. Hence, when a canal intersects a sloping
country in a series of channels at different levels,
means must be provided to enable vessels to pass
from one level to another. This is commonly
effected by means of a lock (which see). See
CANAL-BOAT. A large boat generally decked
and towed by horses.
Canals, Interoceanic. The Suez Canal is the
only one completed or even under construction.
Those proposed and based on surveys sufficient
to establish their practicability are via Nicaragua
and via Panama, to connect the waters of the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
The Suez Canal is a little over 99 miles in
length, connecting Port Said on the Mediter
ranean and Suez on the Red Sea. It follows
certain lines of depression known as Lakes Men-
zaleh, Ballah, Timsah, and the Bitter Lakes,
which form a length of about 60 miles. These
parts required only partial excavation, leaving 40
miles of canalization through full excavation,
and with a summit of only 60 feet above the
mean ocean-level.
The aggregate superfice of the lakes named is
near 300 miles. Lake Menzaleh lies 6 miles
from Port Said, and Ballah 29 miles. The Bitter
Lakes are 12 miles from Suez : these natural
reservoirs equalize tidal flow and confine any
rapid current between the sea and the first natural
reservoir. The charts give 6 to 18 inches tidal
action at Port Said, and 5 feet at Suez.
The excavation required to obtain a depth of
26 feet was 75,000,000 cubic metres, almost
wholly in loose sand and clay. The estimated
cost was 162,000,000 francs, and to meet all sup
posed possible contingencies 200,000,000 was
named. The actual capital and indebtedness,
January 1, 1879, was very nearly 524,000,000
francs. The draft of vessel allowed is 25 feet ;
the rates of toll established are 10 francs for each
passenger, and 10 francs per ton on measure
ments designed to represent the net tonnage, to
which are added pilotage, towage, and "other
charges, usually increasing the cost of transit 10
per cent.
In 1877, 1663 vessels, of an average of 2055
tons, passed through ; in 1879, 1477 vessels, of
an average tonnage of 2190; in 1878, 1593 ves
sels passed, of which 25 were sailers. The de
crease of tonnage between the years named will
be observed.
In the Red Sea and the upper Mediterranean
heavy short blows are frequent during the winter,
and calms prevail in the summer. As a result,
in 1876 nearly 60 per cent, of the English vessels
trading to India and to Malasia pursued the
route by the Cape of Good Hope. The tolls and
income of the canal for 1879 were 32,209,493
The absence of fresh water along the line of
the canal was a great discouragement and caused
considerable expense until the fresh-water canal
from the Nile was completed, and the drifting
sands of the desert were partially arrested by vege
tation, which became possible through irrigation.
The extensive works necessary for the formation
of Port Said was the most formidable difficulty
encountered, and it is possible of maintenance
only by constant dredging, involving large ex
penditures. The favorable conditions were the
almost entire absence of rain-fall, being a mean
of an inch and one-third }Tearly at Cairo, the
existence of inconsiderable tides, and the small
amount of hard material to excavate. The easy
slopes and low grounds, as well as the absence
of heavy rain-falls, made the deposition of the
excavated material easy ; in general, by very
powerful dredging-machines, elevating the earth
sufficiently to" deposit it, through the aid of
sluices, where it would be permanent.
The Nicaragua Canal as projected by Com
mander E. P. Lull, U.S.N. — The proposed canal
as located requires the construction of two har
bors, one at Greytown, the other at Brito, on the
Pacific. In the construction of these harbors a
liberal estimate of cost is proposed, but that part
is the only uncertain element of cost of the
canal; the plans have received the careful ex
amination and approval of able engineers on the
estimate of cost as given.
The distance apart of these harbors, following
the line as located, is 181 £ miles; the summit-
level is Fall Lake, 107.6 feet above mean ocean-
level. From Greytown to slack-water naviga
tion of the San Juan River is 42 miles, and esti
mate of cost $13, 390,000. Recent instrumental
examinations insure a decrease in distance of
7 miles, with a proportionate decrease in the
estimate of cost.
The slackvwftter navigation begins above the
mouth^Tthe San Carlos River, and continues a
distance of 63 miles to Lake Nicaragua. As
I6cated, four dams are required of a mean height
of 29.} feet, and an aggregate length of 3960 feet ;
the natural foundations are good. Three natural
canals around the dams have an aggregate length
of 3£ miles. Between a point 6 miles from
Greytown and Lake Nicaragua a lockage of
107.6 feet has to be effected. A certain amount
of blasting and dredging is proposed in flhe bed
of the San Juan for slack-water navigation.
Recent examinations have led to th« considera
tion of making only two dams, and/ thus reduce
subaqueous work and lateral canalization.
The lake navigation extends 56-j miles, and
the estimated cost of its improvement is $715, (560.
The distance from Virgin Bay to the Pacific is
16| miles by the Rio del Medio route. Recent
investigations assure the diversion of the head
waters of the Rio Grande into the lake, thus
securing a satisfactory surface-drainage and a
cutting of only 43 feet above the lake by the
Lajas route. The descent involves 10 locks, as
now proposed, of equal lift, and a tide-lock at
Brito, where the spring-tides are 8 feet.
Summarized, the actual canalization required
is 52 miles ; slack-water navigation on the river
San Juan, 63 miles ; lake navigation, unimpeded
except as above stated, 56J miles ; cost as located,
$52,577,718 ; with 25 per cent, contingent, $65,-
722,147. The improved location reduces estimate
for labor $7,000,000.
The mean annual rain-fall, with not very ex
tended observations, is 83 inches, with a dry
season extending from December to April. The
probable time required to construct the canal is
five years. Excellent stone, lime, and cement,
as well as timber, are in abundance and con
venient. Lake Nicaragua has a superfice of
2800 miles, and an outflow twenty times as great
as could be required for lockage. The trade-
winds extend to the ports almost without inter
ruption, making the proposed canal easy for the
passage of sailing-vessels.
To such persons as have given little attention
to an American interoceanic ship-canal, an in
spection of a globe will at once show its im
portance to the inhabitants of the northern hem
isphere, and at the same time the advantage that
will be derived through being able to pursue
routes in belts of prevailing fair winds by making
slight detours for the purpose.
The Panama Route as developed by the surveys
of Commander E. P. Lull, U.S.N.—The pro
posed route as located extends from Aspinwall
to Panama, a distance of 41 f miles. The canal
has a summit-level of 124 feet, and derives its
•water-supply from the upper Chagres, crossing
that river at summit-level by means of an aque
duct 1900 feet in length. The height at which
the canal should cross the Chagres was deter
mined as a necessity to avoid extraordinary floods,
but this height appears to be four feet less than
would be found necessary to secure the safety of
the aqueduct from such floods as those of No
vember, 1879.*
The proposed feeder is 10} miles in length, and,
with dam and appliances, the estimated cost is
$10,366,899. At the time of locating the canal
the water-supply was supposed to be unusually
low, but still entirely sufficient for purposes of
lockage. In March, 1878 and 1880, the water-
supply was inadequate.
As planned there are 24 lift-locks of 10J feet
each, and a tide-lock at Panama, where the tides
reach 22 feet. At Aspinwall the tide is nominal.
The estimated cost for labor and material,
made on a common basis for the Nicaragua Canal,
is $75,609,108, and with 25 per cent, contingent,
$94,511,360. Commander Lull remarks the ab
sence of all material for construction except
The average yearly rain-fall is 124 inches. In
1872 it was 170 inches. The dry season extends
usually from January to about the middle of
The Panama Canal d niveau of M. de Lesseps.
— Accompanying a "circular" addressed by M.
de Lesseps to American bankers is a " Eeport
of the International Technical Commission ap-
* On page 7 of Commander Lull's report will he found his
instructions, and the reasons for the proposed height of lock
age and objections to a sea-level canal by that route.
pointed to examine the definite work required
for the construction of the Panama Canal."
This title is, perhaps, given from the fact that
the engineers employed by M. de Lesseps were
of different nationalities. The report is dated
Panama, February 14, 1880, and in substance is
as follows :
1. On the line of levels of the Panama rail
road, as a base, 58 cross-sections have been taken.
Several curves of 2000 metres radius have been
2. Fifteen borings had been taken on the line
of the canal and on the line of the proposed dam
at Gamboa ; these borings were from a depth of
from 12 to 22 metres.
3. It has been determined to adopt a slope of
1 to 1, except in the summit division in rock,
where J to 1 is considered sufficient.
4. It is proposed to overcome the difficulties
presented by the river Chagres by the construc
tion of a dam at Gamboa, situated between
Matachin and Cruces. "The commission ex
presses the opinion that a dam 40 metres in
height would provide for the storage of a volume
of water of one thousand millions of cubic metres,
a quantity equal to the maximum estimate of
the flood of November 25, 1879 (the greatest that
has ever been recorded), as given by Colonel G.
M. Totten. This work will be completed by the
construction of a new channel for the regulated
flow of the river from the Gamboa dam to the
sea. Another similar but narrower channel will
be provided on the opposite side of the canal, for
the stream and drainage on that side."
5. The commission deems it necessary to pro
vide at Panama a tide-lock at the outlet, so as to
preserve a constant level in the canal, and on the
Atlantic side, at Limon Bay, a breakwater 2
kilometres (6561 feet) in length.
6. The estimate of amount of excavation is as
follows : in earth, 12,005,000 ; hard soil, 300,000 ;
hard rocks, 6,786,000; a total of 19,091 ,000 cubic
metres. For above water: earth, 27,350,000;
soft rock, 825,000; hard rock, 27,734,000; mak
ing a grand total of 75,000,000 cubic metres.
The estimate for excavation of rock above
water is given at 2|- francs ; for rocks of mean
hardness, 7 ; for hard rocks, 12 ; for excavation
of rock where pumping is required, 18 francs.
For dredging and excavation under water:
mud, 2£ francs; hard soil, 12; excavation of
rocks, 35 francs per cubic metre.
The proposed dam at Gamboa has a length of
1600 metres (5249 feet), with a height of 40
metres (131 feet), exclusive of foundation. The
cost is set down in a round sum of 100,000,000
The lateral canals for the purpose of securing
surface-drainage are also set down for a round
sum of 75,000,000 francs, the tide-lock at Panama
at 12,000,000, and the breakwater in Limon Bay
at 10,000,000, which, with a contingent of 10
per cent., makes a grand total of 843,000,000
francs, which the commission states was u the
cost of the work at the prices fixed by the Paris
congress for the various items."
M. de Lesseps gives further information to
the Board of Trade of San Francisco. Length
of canal, 45 miles, with a cutting through an
elevation of 90 metres (295 feet) above ocean-
level for a distance of three-fifths of a mile. He
estimates the time necessary for construction at
six years, and proposes a depth of water below the
sea-level of 27 feet.
It is apparent that the capacity of the proposed
reservoir, the strength of the dam, and the suffi
ciency of the proposed lateral canals, as well as
their strength of embankment, are of the utmost
importance to the security of the work.
The prevalence of calms in Panama Bay and
its approaches appears on all weather-charts, and
has been especially remarked by Capt. Bedford
Pine, of the British navy, and also by Commander
Maury, formerly of our navy, who regards this
fact as making that locality totally unfit for the
construction of a canal.
length varies from 32 to 81 miles ; depth of
cutting, 50 to 80 feet ; sea-level, with two
tide-locks; estimated cost, from $8,000,000 to
141,000,000, according to route.
6th. From Cape Cod Bay to Buzzard's Bay.
Length, about 18 miles; proposed by a company
incorporated by the State of Massachusetts ; es
timated cost, $4,000,000.
7th. From the Atlantic Ocean to Appalachi-
cola Bay, across Florida (with locks). Proposed
and surveyed by the U. S. government ; length,
168.5 miles; summit, 203 feet; estimated cost,
8th. Between Caspian and Black Seas via Sea
Existing Ship-Canals.^
Name of Canal.
Connecting what
Waters or Lo
By whom
5 3
Vessels of
ift— Feet.
Loch Lihnne and
Hardly pays expenses.
Inverness Frith.
Great North
Amsterdam and
the Helder.
IK to
5 feet
North Sea.
Amsterdam and
A Dutch
North Sea.
St. Mary's Falls.
Lake Superior
1,000,000! 1855
and Lake Hu
St. Mary's Falls.
Lake Superior
Estimated Prob-
The largest ship-canal
and Lake Hu
2,200,000: ably
lock in existence. Ex
penditures to July 1,
Welland and St.
Lake Erie and
1880, $1,569,173.
This canal system con
sists of seven different
sections, varying in
length from % to 27Vg
Welland and St.
Lake Erie and
De Lesseps.
and Red Sea.
* Includes the new St. Mary's Falls, Welland and St. Lawrence enlargement, none of which are quite completed.
t Does not include river and lake navigation.
j The cost of canals up to date of confederation, in 1867.
|| Includes upwards of $8,000,000 expended in improvements and enlargement from 1867 to 1877.
Proposed Ship-Canals. — 1st. From Bay of
Campeachy to Gulf of Tehuantepec, in Mexico
(with locks). Proposed by private capitalists;
surveyed by IT. S. government; length, 144
miles; summit, 650 feet; estimate of cost not
2d. From Caribbean Sea to Pacific Ocean, in
Nicaragua (see above description).
3d. From Bay of San Bias to Bay of Panama,
in U. S. of Colombia (at sea-level). Proposed
by private individuals ; surveyed by order of
U. S. government ; length, 30 to 33 miles ; height
of summit, unknown ; estimated cost by Paris
Canal Congress, $280,000,000; tunnel, 7 to 10
miles long.
4th. From Bay of Limon to Bay of Panama,
in U. S. of Colombia (see text).
5th. From Chesapeake to Delaware Bays, in
Maryland and Delaware. Several routes pro
posed ; surveyed by the U. S. government;
of Azof, in Russia. Proposed by the Russian
government. The summit, or divide, is stated
to be but 23 feet above sea-level. The Caspian
is 84 feet below the level of the sea.
9th. Between the Baltic and North Seas, in
Germany (with locks). Proposed by the im
perial government of Germany. Connects the
mouth of the Elbe and the port of Kiel. Dis
tance, about 45 miles ; estimated cost, f#8, 750,000.
10th. From the Mediterranean to the North
Sea, in France. Proposed by Can't. Salicis, of
the French navy; length, 1071 miles ; summit,
935 feet ; no locks, except at the gea.
llth. From the Gulf of Finland, near Cron-
stadt, to St. Petersburg, in Rusjsia (at the sea-
level). Now under construction by the govern
ment. Length, 16.4 miles ; /designed to be
extended in a reduced size to thfe White Sea.
12th. From the Gulf of Mrfnaar to the Palk
Strait, in India (at the sea-jlevel). Proposed
by the government ; length, about 3 miles ; es
timated cost, $2,200,000.
13th. From East River, New York Harbor, to
the Hudson, via Hudson River (sea-level). To be
constructed by the government. Length, about
6 miles ; estimated cost by Gen. Newton, $2,100,-
000.— Daniel Ammen, Rear-Admiral U.S.N.
Can-body. An old term for a can-buoy.
Can-buoy. A buoy in the form of a cone ;
they are floated over sands and other obstruc
tions in navigation as marks to be avoided. See
Cancer, Constellation of (Lat. Cancer, "The
Crab"). The fourth constellation of the ancient
zodiac, lying between Gemini and Leo. There
is no star in it above the fourth magnitude.
CANCER, SIGN OF. The fourth division of the
ecliptic, including from 90° to 120° of longitude.
Owing to the precession of the equinoxes, the
constellation Cancer is no longer in the sign of
the name, the constellation Gemini having taken
its place. The sun is in Cancer from about June
21 to about July 22. Symbol 05.
CANCER, TROPIC OF. That parallel in the
northern hemisphere whose latitude is equal to
the sun's greatest declination, about 23° 28'.
Candle. Candles which are used for the battle-
lanterns are kept primed. The magazine lantern
is fitted to. burn candles made of hard spermaceti
or wax ; those of parafline, or such as have tal
low in them, are prohibited, and all candles are
thoroughly examined and tested. When candles
are used for side lights they should be of suf
ficient size to burn from sunset to sunrise, and
to be visible on a dark night, with a clear atmos
phere, at a distance of at least two miles.
CANDLE-BARK. A cylindrical tin for candles.
Cane. The rattan (Calamus rudentum] is
sometimes used for standing rigging and cables.
The cables remain in the water along time with
out decaying or becoming injured by the teredo.
They are very hard and difficult to cut, and are
therefore used to connect logs as booms to stop
the navigation of rivers. See CANEVAS.
Canes" Venatici (Lat. "The Hunting Dogs").
A constellation between Ursa Major and Bootes.
The principal star is marked 12 Canum Venati-
corum, named also Cor Cdroli, and may be found
by drawing a line from Dubhe, the star of the
Great Bear nearest the pole, to the opposite star
of the square of that constellation, and producing
it to nearly twice the distance.
Canevas. An old word for hemp canvas, but
many races in the East make sails entirely of
Can-hooks. Hooks used to sling a cask by
the chimes.
Canis Major (Lat. " The Greater Dog"). A
constellation to the S.E. of Orion, containing the
brightest star in the heavens, a Canis Majoris,
the Dog Star ; it can be found by continuing
the line of the belt of Orion to about three times
its length.
Canis Minor (Lat. " The Lesser Dog"). A
constellation to the E. of Orion, containing a
bright star, a Canis Minoris, called also Procyon.
It can be found by continuing a line through
the two upper stars of Orion to about twice its
Canister. A tin or sheet-iron cylinder filled
with cast-iron shot, and closed at the ends by
blocks of wood ; the larger sizes are strengthened
by a spindle running through and connecting
the ends, having a nut and handle fixed to the
upper part. ^ The interstices are filled with dry
sawdust to give greater solidity to the mass, and
to prevent the balls from crowding when the
piece is fired.
Cannon. A military engine for projecting
shot, shell, etc., by the force of gunpowder.
Cannons are classified as guns, howitzers, and
mortars (which see). See ORDNANCE.
CANNONADE. The opening and continuance
of the fire of artillery upon any object.
CANNON-PERER. An ancient piece of ord
nance in ships of war for throwing stone shot.
CANNON-PETRONEL. A piece of ordnance with
a 6-inch bore which carried a 24-pound shot.
CANNON-ROYAL. A 60-pounder of SJ-inch
CANNON-SERPENTINE. An old name for a
gun of 7 inches bore.
Canoe. A light narrow boat which is im
pelled by paddles used vertically, and some
times fitted with a sail. It is formed of a tree
hollowed out by hewing or burning, or of a light
frame- work covered with bark or hides. Canoes
are also made of iron, paper, and caoutchouc.
The Fejee Islanders use a double canoe, which
is fitted with an enormous sail. The two canoes
are several yards apart, but a deck extends over
and is firmly secured to both. See FLYING
Canopus. The name of the star a Argfi,s.
Canopy. A light awning over the stern-sheets
of a boat. The brass frame-work over a hatch.
Cant. The term used to express the position
of a piece of timber which does not stand square ;
it is said to be on a cant or diagonal line. A
cut made in a whale, to which is made fast the
lower block of a purchase for turning the whale
over during the operation of flensing. To turn
anything so that it does not stand square. To
diverge from a central line.
CANT BALLAST. When a ship by a violent
lurch throws her ballast over to leeward, where
it remains, keeping her from righting, she is
said to cant or shift her ballast.
CANT-BLOCKS. The blocks of the cant-pur
CANT-BODY. That part of the plans of the
body of a ship, either in the drawings or in the
mold-loft, which represents the outlines of the
cant-timbers, and also the lines of the bevelings
of the timbers.
CANT-FRAME. — The name of one of those
frames of the ship which do not stand square
across the keel, but which have their heads in
clined in a diagonal direction, either forward or
aft, as may be needed to fill the space between
the square frames and the stem forward, or the
square frame and the counter-timbers at the
after end of the ship.
CANT-HOOK. A lever with a hook, for slueing
heavy articles.
CANT-MOLDING. The molding of any one
of the frames or the timbers by the use of the
cant-molds and the cant-bevels, prepared in the
mold-loft, preparatory to the timbers being cut
into the required shape by the workmen. ^
CANT-PURCHASE. A purchase of which the
upper block is secured to the mast-head, and the
lower block to the whale, to turn it over during
the operation of flensing.
CANT-TIMBER. — The name of any one of the
timbers, of which there are several in each cant-
Cantata. A watering-place.
Canteen (Fr. cantine). A military term
which in the United States is applied only to a
tin vessel covered with cloth and furnished with
a strap by which it is slung, which is issued to
soldiers for carrying water for their personal use
on the march or in campaign. In other countries
the term, or its equivalent, is used to indicate a
small wooden or leathern chest or coffer contain
ing the table equipage and utensils of an officer
in campaign ; it is also applied to the store of
the licensed sutler of a regiment or garrison.
Cantick-quoin. A quoin used in chocking up
casks to keep them from working.
Canting-livre. A light piece of ornament at
the forward part of a quarter-gallery, also called
Cant-line. Gant-line or girt-line (which see).
Canton. A city of China, and the great com
mercial emporium of the province of Quang-
Tong, on the left bank of the Canton or Pearl
River, about 80 miles from its mouth in the
China Sea. Lat. 23° 6/ 9" N. ; Ion. 113° 15'
E. Canton, with its suburbs, occupies the north
bank of the river, extending inland nearly to a
row of heights commanding it on the north and
northeast, but between which and the city is a
broken ravine ; to the south lies an alluvial
plain, formed by the delta of the river. A large
part of the population reside on the water, and
for four or five miles opposite the city and both
above and below the river is crowded with vessels
and rafts of all kinds. Pop. 1,500,000.
Cant-rope. See FOUR-CANT.
Cant-spar. A small spar fit for making a
small mast, yard, boom, etc.
Canvas. Coarse cloth made of hemp, flax, or
cotton. In the navy cotton canvas is used for
mess-cloths, tarpaulins, boom-covers, windsails,
bags, hammocks, etc. Flax canvas is used for
sails, and is woven in cloths 24 inches in width,
and put up in bolts of 40 yards each. Canvas is
numbered from 1 to 9, No. 1 being the heaviest.
In large vessels numbers 1, 2, 3 are used for
storm-staysails, courses, and topsails ; 4 and 5 for
jib and main topgallant-sails, and the lighter
canvas for royals, stun'sails, flying-jib, etc.
It is of the first importance to obtain the best
canvas, as the safety of the ship frequently de-
nds on its quality. The warp or chain of Nos.
, and 3 should be wholly wrought and made
of double yarns, and both the warp and shoot or
weft yarn ought to be made of long flax, which
should be well dressed, properly cleansed, even
spun, and well twisted ; and all the weft yarns
should be fully as strong as the warp yarns.
It has been found that sails made with the
seams and selvages running down parallel with
their edges are very apt to bag and become worn
in the middle from the strain to which they are
subjected by the force of the wind. To obviate
this, a mode of making sails with the seams and
selvages running diagonally was proposed by
Admiral Brooking, and a patent was granted to
him in 1828. It has also been proposed to weave
the canvas with diagonal threads ; that is, to
place tne weft yarns at an oblique angle to the
warp yarns. To accomplish this object the loom
must be peculiarly constructed, its warp and
work-beams must stand at an oblique angle with
the sides of the loom, and the batten and slay
must hang in a peculiar manner, in order to beat
up the weft in lines ranging diagonally with
the warp.
Canvas is also a technical term for the sails of
a ship. Under canvas, under sail ; storm-can
vas, the storm-staysails, trysails, storm-mizzen,
double-reefed foresail, close-reefed fore and main
topsails, and fore-topmast staysail.
Canvas-back. A species of duck, Fuligula,
valisneriana, deriving its name from the color of
the plumage on its back.
Cap. A bit of leather or tarred canvas put
over the ends of standing rigging to protect
them from the weather. A large thick block of
wood having a round and square hole in it, used
to confine two masts together when one is erected
at the head of the other. The square hole of the
lower cap fits over the tenon of the lower mast,
and the topmast traverses through the round
hole. The topmast is fitted with a cap for the
topgallant-mast, and the bowsprit for the jib-
In mechanism, a block or plate of wood or
metal, used to confine the adjustable bearings of
a journal. It is usually secured by bolts and
nuts, or by keys. See JOURNAL.
Generally, a cap is a top-piece used to confine,
cover, or protect any portion of a machine or
CAP-BLOCK. The upper piece of each pile of
building blocks on which the keel is laid. ,
CAP-SCUTTLE. A scuttle having a ledge or
coaming, over which is a top setting closely into
a rabbet.
CAP-SHORE. A supporting spar between the
cap and trestle-trees.
CAP-SQUARE. A curved plate of metal, so
arranged as to be easily removed, used to con
fine the trunnions of a gun to the carriage.
Capabarre. An old term for misappropriating
government stores.
Capacise. A corrupt form of capsize.
Capacity. Burden ; tonnage ; extent of room
or space.
Cape. To keep a course. How does she cape ?
How does she lie her course ?
Cape. A cape is a neck of land extending
some distance into the sea, or into other bodies
of water. A high, mountainous cape is called a
promontory ; a low, sandy cape is called a spit ;
a very small, sharp cape is called a point. The
term ^headland, or head, may include all these,
or indicates a broad cape.
The local names used to designate these head
lands have, in many instances, remained on the
charts. Point is the term generally used to in
dicate a cape on the shores of the Baltic and
Gulf of Finland. In Prussia, Ort ; in Norway
and Sweden, Naes, Horn, and Kyn ; in Den
mark, Naes ; in Holland, Hoek ; in Scotland,
the Shetland and Orkney Islands, Ness and
Head ; Ru in the Isle of Skye ; Butt and Aird
in the Hebrides ; Point, Nab, Ness, and Head
in England and Wales ; Head and Foreland in
Ireland ; Spit in the Caspian and Aral Seas ;
Ras in North Africa, the Red Sea, Persian Gulf,
and coast of Arabia ; and Saki in Japan, are
common examples of these designations.
In the names of the thousands of capes that
fringe the continents and islands of the world,
navigators have perpetuated their own names,
the names of their vessels, their countries, their
cities, their great men, their rulers, and their
heroes, while the saints of the calendar are not
to be forgotten as long as the many Cape St.
Elizabeths, St. Sebastians, St. Anthonys, and
many other sanctified names remain. Some head
lands are named from the circumstances attend
ing their discovery, as Cape Disappointment,
Cape Flattery, and others ; some from the day
on which they were first seen, as Friday Cape,
etc. ; others from physical characteristics, as
Kojo (Ked Cape), Blanco (White Cape), Verd
(Green Cape), Sandy Cape, Rocky Point, etc. 'f
others again from the products of sea or shore
found near them, as Cape Cod, Lobos (Seal)
Point, etc. Many capes are remarkable from
the important position they occupy, being promi
nent landmarks to the mariner, and some even
receive their names from this characteristic,
as Start Point ; and Land's End and Finis-
terre describe their position by their names.
Some headlands attain a prominence from being
at the entrance of important bays, rivers, or
harbors, where large cities and greater commerce
enhance their usefulness. On the more promi
nent headlands of the world light-houses are
placed, and those that are at the entrance of im
portant places have electric, or other lights of
a high illuminating power.
The following capes on the coast of the United
States have first-order lights :
Capitana. The principal galley in an ancient
Caplin, or Capelin. A fish of the family
Clupeidce, very similar to a smelt, and used for
bait for cod-fish 011 the banks of Newfound
Cap'n. A colloquial abbreviation for cap
Capon. A jeering term for red herring.
Capote. A storm-coat fitted with a hood,
much worn in the Mediterranean.
Cappanus. The worm which adheres to and
gnaws the bottom of a ship.
Capped. A ship endeavoring to make her
way against head currents is said to be capped.
Capricorn, Tropic of. That parallel in the
southern hemisphere whose latitude is equal to
the sun's greatest declination, about 23° 28'.
Capricornus, Constellation of (Lat. Capri-
cormis, " The Goat"). The tenth constellation of
the ancient zodiac, lying between Sagittarius and
Aquarius. There is no star in it above the third
magnitude ; a and (3 may be found by the line
joining Lyra and Altair being produced to not
quite its own length.
CAPRICORNUS, SIGN OF. The tenth division
of the ecliptic, including from 270° to 300° of
longitude. In consequence of the precession of
the equinoxes, the constellation of Capricorn is
no longer in the sign of this name, the constella
tion Sagittarius having taken its place. The
sun is in Capricorn from about December 21 to
about January 20. Symbol >J.
No. of
in Feet.
in Miles.
Character and Color.
43° 34'
70° 12'
Fix. and Fl. W.
42° 38'
70° 34'
165 \4
Fix White.
42° 02'
70° 04'
Fix W
Gay Head
41° 21'
70° 50'
Fl W. and R.
40° 04'
71° 51'
Fix var. by W. FL
Pondqnoque Point
40° 31'
72° 30'
Fix. W.
38° 56'
74° 58'
Fl W
38° 47'
75° 65'
Fix W
37° 07'
75° 54'
Fl. W.
Hatteras . .
35° 1 5'
75° 31'
Fl W
34° 37'
76° 31'
Fix. W.
32° 01'
79° 22'
Fl W
28° 28'
80° 32'
139 -
Fl W
Point Conception
34° 27'
120° 28'
Fl. W.
Pigeon Point . »
37° 11'
122° 24'
Fl W
Point Reyes
38° 10'
123° 01'
Fl. W.
Point Arena
38° 57'
123° 45'
Fix W.
40° 26'
123° 24'
Fl W
42° 46'
124° 33'
Fix. W.
Foulweather..... ... .
44° 39'
124° 04'
Fix W
46° 1 ?'
124° 02'
Fix W
48° 19'
124° 44'
Fix. W.
F. S. Bassett, Lieutenant U.S.A.
CAPE FLY-AWAY. A cloud-bank having the
appearance of distant land.
CAPE-HEN. A bird which follows in the wake
of a ship rounding the Cape. It is a small kind
of albatross. See MOLLY-MAWK.
which follows a ship round the Cape.
Capella(Lat. " The Kid"). The star a Aurigce.
Caper. A vessel used for privateering by the
Dutch in the 17th century.
Caper-cornerways. Diagonally.
Capful of Wind. A light puff of wind which
speedily dies away.
Capsize. To upset or overturn ; as, to capsize
a ship.
Capstan. A machine used on shipboard when
mechanical power is required for the moving or
raising of heavy weights. It involves the prin
ciple of the wheel and axle, and is an improve
ment of the windlass, by which greater compact
ness and convenience in use are obtained. It also
admits of the application of greater power upon
the levers or bars.
The capstan has been used from the earliest
times as a mechanical power. It was in use by the
English, French, and Spanish as early as the 15th
century, and the drum-capstan in nearly its
present form was invented by Sir Thomas More-
land in 1661. It consists of an upright cylin
der, called the barrel, surmounted by a circular
disk called the drum-head, the circumference of
which contains sockets for the admission of the
capstan-bars or levers by which the capstan is
To the surface of the barrel, and forming a
part of it, are attached several upright pieces of
wood called whelps, which serve to increase the
circumference of the barrel with but slight in
crease in the weight of the capstan. The outer
edges of the whelps being concave, the turns of
the rope or messenger surge or slip towards the
centre of the barrel as it is wound about it by
the revolutions of the capstan. The base of the
capstan is called the pawl-head, and is similar
in size and shape to the drum-head. The pawls
are short stout pieces of iron attached at one end
to the periphery of the pawl-head. The pawl-
rim is a narrow circular part bolted through the
deck to the partners, and is of sufficient width to
admit the lower end of the pawls as the capstan
is turned. By means of the pawls and the cross-
pieces or notches in the pawl-rim, the capstan is
prevented from turning back when the power is
removed from the bars.
The axis of the capstan consists of a vertical
iron spindle, attached to one or more decks, and
by which the capstan is held firmly in place.
The same spindle may serve as the axis of a
double capstan, or two capstans on different
decks, by which the power of both may be ap
plied to the same object, or they can be detached
and used separately.
Previous to the improvements that have been
made in capstans, the cable was connected with
the capstan by means of a rope called the mes
senger. Three or four turns of the messenger
were placed upon the capstan, one end passed
forward on one side of the deck, and returned on
the opposite side, arid the two ends lashed to
gether, forming an endless rope, the bight of
which extended from the capstan to the hawse-
hole. The messenger was fastened to the cable
by means of nippers, those nearest the capstan
being changed to the cable near the hawse-hole
as they approached the capstan.
Capstans composed entirely of iron are now
in general use, and improvements have been
made by which the chain-cable is brought di
rectly to the capstan and the use of the messenger
thereby avoided. They are so constructed that
the cable passes around the rear of the capstan,
and fits into a space between the barrel and pawl-
head, in which are placed chain-whelps, which
prevent the cable from slipping. After leaving
the capstan the cable passes around a vertical
friction-roller, which is placed in a socket in the
deck, and thence to the chain-locker on the side
of the deck to which the cable belongs.
Steam-power has also been applied to this de
scription of capstan on board of steamers, by
which means the number of the crew may be
An increase of power has also been obtained
by means of a system of gearing placed inside of
the capstan, which connects the barrel with the
spindle. By the use of a lock-bolt the capstan
can be used as a simple purchase, but by re
moving the bolt the gearing is brought into
action, and the power is increased threefold.
The barrel of the capstan then turns in a con
trary direction to the drum-head.— E. T. Strong,
Lieutenant U.S.N.
To pawl the capstan, to drop the pawls into
their sockets to prevent the capstan from turning
back. To rig the capstan, to ship and swift in
the bars. To surge the capstan, to slack the rope
wound around the barrel of the capstan to pre
vent it from riding or fouling. To walk back the
capstan, to lift the pawls and turn the capstan
in the opposite direction,
CAPSTAN-BAR. A long lever to give an in
crease of power in heaving at the capstan.
CAPSTAN-BARRING. A sea-punishment, in
which the offender was sentenced to carry a
capstan-bar during the watch.
CAPSTAN-BAR P*IN. A pin sometimes inserted
on the end of a capstan-bar to prevent it from un
CAPSTAN-STEP. The steady, measured tread
of the men while heaving at the capstan.
Captain. A name given to the crooner,
crowner, or gray gurnard (Trigla gurnardus}.
Captain. This almost universal term of com
mand is supposed to have originated in the naval
service from " caput," the head or chief, and
"thane," a Saxon title of honor, which by
statute of King Athelstan was conferred on any
merchant who had been thrice across the high
seas upon his own account.
Post-captain was a term frequently used in the
Royal navy and the IT. S. navy to distinguish
captains commanding frigates, from master-com
mandants or commanders the next in rank, com
manding vessels of a smaller size, who in com
mon conversation were and are called " captain."
There never was such a commission as "post-
captain" in either service.
In the British navy, in 1747, when the rank
of captain was first clearly defined, those captains
who commanded post-ships, or what are now
called rated ships, in the Royal navy took rank,
if of three years' standing, with army colonels,
and until the year 1824 the Royal Navy List
described them as post-captains. The prefix
"post" then disappeared without any order in
council or warrant being issued.
Until 1862 captain was the highest com
missioned rank in the U. S. navy, and ranked
with, according to seniority or duty, a lieuten
ant-colonel, colonel, or brigadier-general. Under
the present organization of the U. S. navy a
captain has assimilated rank with a colonel in
the army.— G. H. Preble, Rear- Admiral U.S.N.
A captain commands a vessel of the second
class, or a vessel of the first class under an ad
miral, vice- or rear-admiral, or a commodore ;
may be employed- as aid to any grade of ad
miral ; as chief of staff to a naval force or de
tached division, commanded by a rear-admiral
or commodore ; on duty under a bureau ; act as
second in command of shore-stations, and may
command small practice or flying squadrons.
The name is also given to certain leading men
in the ship's company ; as, captain of a gun,
captains of tops, forecastle, afterguard, hold, etc.
Captain is also the popular title of the master
of a merchant vessel.
Captain of Navy-yard. The line-officer next
in rank to the commandant of the yard ; he com-
mands during the temporary absence of the com
mandant, but has no authority to change the
established routine. He has special charge of
the police and the enforcement of police regula
tions ; of all the fires and lights in the work
shops, and, after working hours, he will satisfy
himself that there is no danger of fire through
the night ; of keeping the walks and grounds
clean and in good condition ; of the berthing,
moving, and mooring vessels, and of the fire-
and other tugs. The captain of the yard directs
the fire department, and he frequently examines
the engines and all apparatus for subduing fires,
reports at once any deficiencies, and once a month
at least, in writing, their actual condition. He
causes to be scrutinized all articles and packages
passing into or out of the yard ; all suspected ar
ticles are stopped and examined, when, if found
to be of an improper character, they are detained,
and a report made to the commandant. Each
morning all passes presented at the gate during
the preceding day are delivered to the captain of
the yard for inspection and report. He has no
direct authority or control of the affairs of the
yard by virtue of his own rank or position, but
it is his duty to convey to the heads of the de
partments of the yard such orders as the com
mandant desires to transmit verbally ; and it is
also his duty to visit and observe all parts of the
navy-yard and its establishments, and to make
such reports as will enable the commandant to
be fully informed as to the harmonious working
of the various parts of the station under his com
mand. A regular journal is kept under his
direction, which he is to sign daily and submit
monthly to the commandant for his approval.
In it must be entered the time when all officers
report for duty at, or are detached from, the
yard, when any vessel is received for repairs or
put in commission, the number of mechanics
and others employed, the arrival and departure
of all vessels of war and of vessels with stores of
any kind for the yard, the time when any vessel
is taken into or removed from the dock, the state
of the wind and weather, as well as the barometer
and thermometer, and the other principal trans
actions of the yard.
Captain's Cloak (Ena.}. The jocose name
given to the thirty-sixth article of war: "All
other crimes not capital, and for which no pun
ishment is hereby directed to be inflicted, shall
be punished according to the laws and customs
in such cases used at sea."
Captive. A prisoner taken by force or strata
gem in war by an enemy. Kept in bondage or
Captor. One who takes a prisoner, prize, or
Capture. The act of taking. To take a pris
oner, prize, or place in war. The thing taken.
Carack, Carrak, or Carrick. A large ship of
burden, the same with those called galleons.
Hippus, the Tyrian, is said to have first devised
caracks, and onerary vessels of prodigious bulk
for traffic or offense. See CARRAC.
Caracora. A proa of Borneo, Ternate, and
the Eastern Isles ; also called caracol by early
Caramoussal. A Turkish merchant ship with
a pink-stern.
Caravel, or Caravela. A Portuguese dispatch-
boat, lateen-rigged, formerly in use; it had
square-sails only on the foremast, though dig
nified as a caravela.
Caravelao. A light pink-sterned vessel of
the Azores.
Carbasse. See KARBATZ.
Carbin. A name for the basking shark (which
Carcass. A shell for incendiary purposes,
filled with a very fiercely flaming composition
of saltpetre, sulphur, resin, turpentine, anti
mony, and tallow. It has three vents for the
flame, and sometimes is equipped with pistol-
barrels, so fitted in its interior as to discharge
their bullets at various times. The ribs, keel,
stem, and stern-post of a ship after the planks
are stripped off.
Carcatus (from caricato, It.). A law-term
for a freighted ship.
Card. The dial or face of the magnetic com
pass, — probably derived from cardinal.
Cardinal (Lat. cardinalis, literally pertaining
to a hinge, cardo, hence that on which other
things turn, principal). The points to which,
as regards position and motions, others are re
ferred. Thus we have "the Cardinal Points of
the Compass," "the Cardinal Points of the
Horizon," " the Cardinal Points of the Ecliptic."
same as the cardinal points of the horizon, but
with reference to the direction of the magnetic
needle. They are named North, South, East, and
West ; the most important of which is the North.
four cardinal points of the horizon are the North
(N.), South (S.), East (E.), and West (W.). The
north and south points are where the meridian
intersects the horizon, and they are the poles of
the prime vertical ; the east and west points are
where the prime vertical intersects the horizon,
and are the poles of the meridian. The north
and south points are those from which the hori
zontal distance from the meridian of all bodies
having an altitude is measured ; the east point is
that to which their rising, and the west point
that to which their setting, is referred.
four cardinal points of the ecliptic are the two
points of its intersection with the equinoctial,
called the Equinoctial Points ; and the two points
where it attains its greatest distance from tbe
equinoctial, called the Solstitial Points. With
reference to the seasons of the northern hemis
phere, these are named the Vernal and Autumnal
Equinoctial Points, and the Summer and Winter
Solstitial Points. These are more commonly
called after the signs of the ecliptic in which
they are severally situated : the First Point of
Aries (symbol ^f) and the First Point of Libra
(:£=), the First Point of Cancer (05) and the
First Point of Capricorn (Itf). The Colures in
tersect the ecliptic in these four points. The
most important of them is the First Point of
Aries, as from it right ascensions and longitudes
are reckoned. The sun is in <y> about March 21,
in 05 about June 21, in ^ about September 21,
and in V? about December 21.
CARDINAL WINDS. Winds from due north,
south, east, or west.
Careen. A ship is said to careen when she
inclines to one side, or lies over when sailing on
a wind ; off her keel or carina.
To careen a vessel is to heave her down pre
paratory to cleaning or repairing her bottom.
Cargo. The merchandise with which a ship
is freighted.
CARGO- JACK. A jack used on its side in
stowing cargo, for forcing heavy articles into
CARGO-PORT. The aperture through which
the cargo of a vessel is loaded and discharged.
A timber-port is in the bows of the vessel.
Caricatore. Places where the traders of
Sicily take in their goods, from caricare, to
Carina. An old term, from the Latin, for
the keel or a ship's bottom.
Carl, or Male-hemp. See FIMBLE, or FIM-
Carle-crab. The male of the black-clawed
crab, Cancer pagurus ; also of the partan, or
common crab.
Carline, or Carling. A short timber ranging
fore-and-aft from one deck-beam to another.
CARLINE-KNEE. A knee in the deck-framing,
which is placed against a carline.
Cam-tangle. A long and large fucus, thrown
on beaches after a gale of wind in the offing.
Carous. A sort of gallery in ancient ships,
which turned on a pivot. It was hoisted to a
given height by tackles, and thus brought to
project over, or into, the vessel of an adversary,
furnishing a bridge for boarding.
Carp. A well-known fresh-water fish of the
Cyprinidce family, a native of Persia, considered
to have been introduced into England in the
time of Henry VIII. ; but in Dame Berner's
book on angling, published in 1486, it is de
scribed as the " daynteous fysshe" in England.
Carpenter. A warrant-officer whose duty is
to see that the hull, masts, and spars of the ship
are kept in good repair, and to point out any
and all defects in either to his commanding
officer. It is his duty also, with the men under
him, to take charge of the pumps, and to stop
shot-holes in time of action. Carpenter is also
the rating of one of the mechanics belonging to
the carpenter's gang.
ics of the ship not belonging to the engineer's de
partment; as, the carpenter's mate, cooper, etc.
CARPENTER, SHIP-. A builder of ships.
Carrac, Carraca, Carrack, or Carricke. A
name given by the Spaniards and Portuguese to
the vessels they sent to Brazil and the East
Indies ; large, round built, and fitted for fight
as well as burden. Their capacity lay in their
depth, which was extraordinary. English ves
sels of size and value were sometimes also so
called. See CARACK.
Carrara. The great northern diver, Colymbus
Carriage. See GUN-CARRIAGE.
Carrick-bend. A peculiar bend much used
for bending two hawsers together.
Carrick-bitts. The bitts which support the
<ends of a windlass, called also windlass-bitts.
Carronade. A gun, capable of carrying a
large ball, and useful in close engagements at
sea. It took its name from the large iron-
foundry on the banks of the Carron, near Fal-
kirk, in Scotland, where, this sort of ordnance
was first made, or the principle applied to an
improved construction. Shorter and lighter than
the common cannon, and having a chamber for
the powder like a mortar, they were generally
of large calibre, and carried on the upper works,
as the poop and forecastle.
Carry. To subdue a ship by boarding ; to
capture a fort by an assault. To convey or pro
pel ; as, a gun carries well, — that is, propels the
shot to a great distance. To bear or support ;
as, a ship carries canvas, guns, or cargo. To
carry on, to conduct ; as, to carry on duty ; also
to carry sail beyond the limits of prudence. To
carry away, to break ; as, to carry away a rope
or mast. To carry the keg, & smuggler's phrase,
meaning to continue. See LASH AND CARRY.
Cartagena. A city and seaport of the United
States of Colombia, on a small sandy peninsula,
connected with the continent by an artificial
neck of land. Lat. 10° 25' 36" N. ; Ion. 75° 84'
W. The bay, which is landlocked and has smooth
water, extends from north to south 7 miles, and
affords excellent anchorage. There were two
entrances to the port, — the Boca Grande, close
to the town, and the Boca Chica, farther south.
Two strong castles defend Boca Chica, which is
the principal entrance. Pop. 9250.
Cartagena. A city and the chief naval arsenal
of Spain, on a noble bay of the Mediterranean,
27 miles S.S.E. of Murcia. Lat. 37° 36' 5".N. ;
Ion. 0° 56' 36" W. Pop. 55,000. Its harbor
has been much improved by the construction of
moles. An island on the south, as well as the
city, is strongly fortified. In its western division
are docks for building men-of-war, an arsenal,
and a floating-dock, its port communicates with
the Segura River by the Lorca Canal.
Carte Blanche. Authority to act at discre
Cartel. In military parlance, an agreement
for the exchange of prisoners. Also a challenge
to fight a duel. A cartel-ship is one commis
sioned in time of war to convey prisoners for
exchange, or to carry proposals of any kind be
tween belligerent powers. She has only one gun
for the purpose of firing signals, as the officer
who commands her is particularly ordered to
carry no cargo, ammunition, or implements of
war. Cartel-ships, by trading in any way, are
liable to confiscation.
Carter, John C., Commodore U.S.N. Born
in Virginia. Appointed from Kentucky ; sloop
"Lexington," 1827; frigate " Delaware^," Med
iterranean Squadron, 1829-30; commissioned
as lieutenant, 1837; frigate "Macedonian,"
West India Squadron, 1840; receiving-ship,
New York, 1845; steamer "Mississippi," Home
Squadron, 1846; navy-yard, Norfolk, 1847-48;
frigate " Raritan," Pacific Squadron, 1852-53 ;
rendezvous, New York, 1855 ; commissioned as
commander, 1855 ; commanding steamer " Mich
igan," on the Lakes, 1861-64; commissioned
as commodore, July 16, 1862; commanding re
ceiving-ship "Vermont," New York, 1865;
light-house inspector, 1866-69 ; died in 1871.
Carter, Samuel P., Commodore U.S.N.
Born in Carter County, Tennessee. Appointed
from Tennessee, February 14, 1840 ; promoted to
passed midshipman, July 11, 1846; "Ohio," 74,
Home Squadron, 1846-47 ; present at capture of
Vera Cruz ; commissioned as lieutenant, April
18, 1855; steam-frigate " San Jacinto," East In-
dia Squadron, 1855-57 ; at attack on Barrier
Forts, Canton Eiver, China, 1856 ; Naval Acad
emy, 1857-60; steam-sloop " Seminole," Brazil
Squadron, 1860-61 ; returned to the United
States, July 6, 1861 ; July 11, 1861, Lieutenant
Carter was ordered to report to the Secretary of
War for special duty ; was instructed to proceed
to East Tennessee and raise troops; organized
the Tennessee Brigade, and was assigned to com
mand in September, 1861, with acting appoint
ment of brigadier-general; present at Wild Cat,
Kentucky, at Zollicoffer's repulse, October, 1861 ;
at battle of Mill Springs, January, 1862 ; com
manded in Southeastern Kentucky from Febru
ary, 1862, to April, 1862 ; and in operations
against Cumberland Gap, March and May, 1862 ;
commissioned brigadier-general May 1, 1862; at
capture of Cumberland Gap, June 17, 1862; in
Kanawha Valley in October and November, 1862,
at which time the rebel troops were driven out
and the valley re-occupied by Union forces.
Commanded cavalry expedition into East Ten
nessee, tore up track and destroyed bridges on
East Tennessee and Virginia Eailroad, and in
several engagements, atHolston, Carter's Station,
and Jonesville, defeated rebel troops in Decem
ber, 1862, and January, 1863. This cavalry raid,
which was the first of any importance made by
Union troops into rebel territory, was attended
with valuable results, not only from amount of
damage done the rebel cause from destruction
of property, loss of troops, and the breaking of
their principal line of railway, but from the re
lief it afforded Gen. Eosecrans when pressed
at Murfreesboro', and the new life it infused
throughout all our cavalry commands. For this
successful raid received thanks of the general-
in-chief of the army in general orders ; also of
the commander of the Department of the Ohio,
in general orders, and the commander of the
district of Kentucky ; was recommended by
latter two for promotion to major-general ; wa8
assigned to command of division of Central
Kentucky in March, 1863 ; at battle of Dutton's
Hill, March 31, 1863; commanded in Southeast
ern Kentucky, headquarters at Somerset, from
May to July, 1863 ; defeated Pegram's forces at
Monticello and Beaver Dam in May and June,
1863, and Morgan at West's ; was thanked, in
general orders, by the commander of the Depart
ment of the Ohio. In July, 1863, was assigned
to command of cavalry division, 23d Army
Corps, and had the advance when Burnside oc
cupied East Tennessee, in August and Septem
ber, 1863; defeated Morgan's forces, near Emory,
August 28, 1863, and Smith's, at Loudon, August
29 ; present at siege and battle of Knoxville,
November and December, 1863 ; provost-mar
shal-general of East Tennessee, September, 1863,
to January, 1865, when he was relieved at his
own request, ordered to North Carolina, and as
signed to command of division of the district of
Newbern ; commanded the left wing at battle
of Kinston (Wise's Fork), N. C., on March 10,
1865, where Bragg was defeated ; occupied Golds-
boro', N. C., March 20, 1865, driving out the
rebels with his command ; was in command of
the place during its occupancy by the armies
of Gen. Sherman ; assigned to command of 3d
Division, 23d Army Corps, April 7, 1865; bre-
vetted major-general, March 13, 1865 ; was in
command of Western North Carolina from May,
1865, and of 23d Army Corps from July until
relieved from duty in that State in August, 1865 ;
honorably mustered out of the army January,
Commissioned as lieutenant-commander, July
16, 1862.
Commissioned as commander, June 23, 1865 ;
commanding steamer " Monocacy," Asiatic
Squadron, 1866-69 ; Naval Academy, as com
mandant of midshipmen, 1869-72.
Commissioned as captain, October 28, 1870;
commanding steam-sloop "Alaska," European
Station, 1872-75: member light-house board,
1876-80. 8
Commissioned as commodore in 1878.
Carthoun. The ancient cannon royal, carry
ing a 66-pound ball, with a point-blank range of
185 paces, and an extreme one of about 2000.
It was 12 feet long and of 8£ inches diameter of
Cartouch. A paper case containing a charge
for a fire-arm. A case filled with shot to be
fired from a cannon.
Cartridge. A case of paper, flannel, or sheet-
metal to contain a charge of powder for a fire
arm. For muzzle-loading small-arms the powder
and ball are inclosed in paper ; for breech-load
ing small-arms the powder and ball are enveloped
in a sheet-metal case, which also contains the
fulminate for igniting the charge.
The cartridges for great guns, howitzers, and
mortars are put up in bags made of serge cloth,
woven expressly for this purpose, being entirely
of wool and of a close uniform texture. It is
manufactured in pieces of 29 yards in length,
and from 16 to 36 inches in width. Eattinet,
merino, bombazette, or silk cloth can be used if
impossible to obtain the serge cartridge-cloth.
Cartridge-bags are made of two shapes, conical
and cylindrical, and are sewed with worsted
yarn. They are white, and when filled are tied
with woolen thrums, and are stenciled in black,
with the calibre of gun and weight of charge.
The cartridge-bags of the smooth-bore howitzers
are fitted with a brass wire ring for the purpose
of attaching them to the sabot of the projectile ;
when so attached the cartridge and projectile are
called a round of fixed ammunition.
CARTRIDGE, BALL-. A cartridge for small-
arms which contains a projectile.
CARTRIDGE-BOX. A small box made of har
ness leather, worn on the waist-belt, to contain
cartridges for a pistol or rifle. See PASSING-
CARTRIDGE, BLANK. A cartridge which does
not contain a projectile It is used only for firing
salutes or making signals.
CARTRIDGE, DUMMY. A block of wood of
the size and shape of a ball-cartridge, for use in
exercise to accustom the men to the handling of
CARTRIDGE, METALLIC. The metallic car
tridges used in the navy are central primed, and
are purchased as required from private manufac
turers. The same calibre is used for pistols,
rifles, and machine-guns. The bullet is cylindro-
conical in shape, having three rings and a con
cave base.
Caruel. See CARVEL.
Carved Work. The ornaments of a ship
which are wrought by the carver.
Carvel. A light lateen-rigged vessel of small
burden, formerly used by the Spaniards and
Portuguese. Also, a coarse sea- blubber, on
which turtles are said to feed.
Carvel-built. A term to signify that the
planks of a boat meet, and do not overlap as in
a clinker-built boat.
CARVEL-JOINT. A flush joint.
Cascabel. The part of a gun abaft the base
of the breech.
CASCABEL-BLOCK. The mass of iron which
fits in between the jaws of the cascabel. It is
removed to admit the bight of the breeching.
CASCABEL, JAWS OF THE. That part of a
cascabel abaft the breeching-hole.
CASCAB EL-PIN. An iron pin to secure the
cascabel-block in the jaws of the cascabel.
Casco. A rubbish-lighter of the Philippine
Case. The outside planking of the ship.
Case, Augustus Ludlow, Rear-Admiral
U.S.N. Born in Newburgh, N. Y., February
3, 1813. Appointed midshipman April 1, 1828;
first order, July, 1828, to receiving-ship " Robert
Fulton," New York; first cruise in frigate
" Hudson," Brazil Squadron, 1828-31 ; navy-
yard, New York, 1832 ; cruise in sloop-of-war
"St. Louis," West Indies, 1832-33; New York
Navy- Yard and School, 1833-34.
Promoted to passed midshipman, June 14,
1834 ; navy-yard, New York, 1835 ; schooner
"Experiment," coast survey, 1836; bark "Pi
oneer," U. S. South Sea Surveying and Explor
ing Expedition, 1837.
Commissioned as " lieutenant while on duty
in the exploring expedition," June, 1838; store-
ship "Relief," exploring expedition, 1838; sloop-
of-war " Vincennes," exploring expedition,
Commissioned as lieutenant, February 25,
1841; cruise in frigate " Brandywine," East
Indies, 1843-45. During Mexican war: In
schooner " Mahonese," brig " Porpoise," frigate
" Raritan," sloops-of-war "John Adams" and
" Germantown," Gulf of Mexico, 1846-48. He
was present at and participated in the capture of
Vera Crux, Alvarado, and Tabasco. After the
landing of the troops on the first day, was in
charge of the beach and superintended "the land
ing of men, ordnance, and stores for the invest
ment of Vera Cruz. After possession of Laguna
was taken by the " Porpoise," he was dispatched,
in a "bungo" having one of the " Porpoise's"
42-pounder carronades mounted on the bow,
with Passed Midshipman F. K. Murray and 25
men, up the Palisada River to the town of the
same name, which was captured and hold for a
fortnight against a large body of cavalry which
almost daily threatened an attack. The object
of holding the town was to intercept and capture
Gen. Santa Anna, who, it was supposed, would
endeavor to escape to Honduras, via the Palisada
passes. Cruising in sloop-of-war " Vincennes,"
Pacific Ocean, 1849-51 ; commanding sloop-of-
war "Warren," Pacific Squadron, 1852-53;
light-house inspector, third district, New York,
Commissioned as commander, September 14,
1855 ; waiting orders in 1858 ; commanding
steamer " Caledonia," Brazil Squadron and
Paraguay Expedition, in 1859; waiting orders
in 1860. During the Rebellion: In March,
1861, just at the commencement of the Rebel
lion, Commander Case was ordered to Washing
ton as assistant to (then) Commodore Stringham,
in the Office of Detail ; but on the assignment of
the latter to the command of the North Atlantic
Blockading Squadron, he was appointed fleet-
captain of it, and with him joined the steam-
frigate " Minnesota," at Boston, April 18. Sub
sequently, served in the same position with Flag-
Officer L. M. Goldsborough and Acting Rear- Ad
miral S. P. Lee, who were successively appointed
to command the fleet, 1861-62. He took part in
the capture of Forts Clarke and Hatteras, August
28 and 29, 1861 ; Roanoke Island, February 7
and 8, 1862; Sewell's Point (where, in passing
the heavy fortifications on Craney Island, he
landed from his "tug" and hauled down the
large rebel flag there flying) and Norfolk, May
10, 1862 ; and all of the general active operations
of the North Atlantic Fleet, until January, 1863,
when, it being understood that active operations
were over, and that the duty of the fleet would
be mostly confined to blockading, he was assigned
to the command of the steam-sloop " Iroquois,"
which was fitted to look after the "Alabama,"
but was afterward attached to the North Atlan
tic Squadron. In charge of the blockade of New
Inlet, N. C., 1863 ; cut out the steamer " Kate"
from under Fort Fisher and the other batteries
at New Inlet, aided by the steamers "James
Adger" and "Mount Vernon," in August,
Commissioned as captain, January 2, 1863;
special duty, Washington, in 1864; navy-yard,
New York, 1864-65] fleet-captain, European
Squadron, 1865-66.
Commissioned as commodore, December 8,
1867 ; light-house inspector, third district, New
York, 1867-69.
Chief of Bureau of Ordnance, 1869-73.
Commissioned as rear-admiral, May 24, 1872;
commanding European Squadron, 1873-75, and
combined European North and South Atlantic
Fleets, assembled at Key West, Fla., 1874, for
special service in connection with the steamer
" Virginius" difficulties, and for ordnance, tor
pedo, and fleet practice and tactics, etc. Total
sea service, twenty-four years ten months ; shore
or other duty, twelve years.
Case-book. A register or journal in which
the surgeon records the cases of all the sick and
wounded who are placed under medical treat
Case-shot. See CANISTER.
Cash. A Chinese copper coin having a square
hole in the centre. It bears on one side the name
of the province in which it is cast and the Chi
nese word money ; on the other side are the Chi
nese words " current money" and the name of the
reigning emperor. It is the only native coin,
and is called tsien by the Chinese and sapeque by
the French.
Casing. The lining, veneering, or planking
over a ship's timbers, especially for the cabin-
beams ; the sheathing. A bulkhead round a
mast to prevent the interference of cargo, or
shifting materials.
In steam enginery, a covering applied to
boilers, steam pipes, cylinders, etc., to prevent
radiation of heat. It is generally composed of
hair felt, protected by wood or sheet metal
sheathing. Asbestos cement, plaster of Paris,
and empty air-tight spaces are frequently sub
stituted for the felt.
Cask. A strong barrel for containing fluids.
Casket. See GASKET.
Cassava, or Cassada. A species of the genus
Jatropha janipha, well known to seamen as the
cassava bread of the West Indies. Tapioca is
produced from the Jatropha manihot. Caution
is necessary in the use of these roots, as the juice
is poisonous.
Cassin, Stephen, Commodore U.S.N. Born
in Philadelphia, February 16, 1783; died at
Georgetown, D. C., August 29, 1857. Entered
the navy as midshipman, February 21, 1800;
became lieutenant, February 12, 1807 ; master,
September 11, 1814; captain, March 3, 1825.
Served with distinction in the war with Tripoli ;
commanded the " Ticonderoga," in McDon-
ough's victory on Lake Champlain ; was re
warded by Congress with a gold medal for
bravery in that action, and was a terror to the
pirates' who infested the West Indies, and cap
tured four of their vessels, September 28, 29,
Cassiopeia (named after the mythical wife of
Cepheus). A constellation on the opposite side
of the pole to the Great Bear, and at about the
same distance from it. It consists of a group of
stars of the third and fourth magnitude, disposed
in a form somewhat resembling a chair, a Cas
siopeia is, of the six principal stars, the farthest
from the pole.
Cast. A term meaning four; applied to her
rings, haddocks, etc. The heaving of the lead
into the sea to ascertain the depth of water. The
act of casting anything in a mold. To force a
ship's head off from the wind on getting under
way. Acast, abox, the position of the head-
yards in casting. To cast off, to throw off; to
let go. To cast anchor, to come to anchor, — an
expression, however, which is never used in the
navy. To cast up accounts, to vomit, — the effect
of sea-sickness. To cast loose a gun is to get it
ready for action.
CAST-AWAY. Wrecked.
CAST-AWAYS. The people belonging to a
wreck ; men who are left behind when a vessel
goes to sea.
CAST-OFFS. The citizen's clothing abandoned
by sailors on enlisting in the navy.
Cast Knees. The hanging knees which crook
or arch over the corners of the gun-ports, riders,
Castle-wright. An artificer employed in the
erection of castles in early ships.
Castor, a2 Geminorum.
Castor and Pollux. Fiery balls sometimes
seen flickering about the ma'st-heads and yard-
arms during a gale. See ST. ELMO'S FIRE.
Casualty. That which comes without design ;
an event inevitable and not to be guarded
CASUALTIES. A word comprehending all
men who die, desert, or are discharged.
Cat. A ship formed on the Norwegian model,
usually employed in the coal and timber trade,
and generally built remarkably strong. A cat
is distinguished by a narrow stern, projecting
quarters, a deep waist, and no ornamental figure
on the prow. An instrument of punishment
formerly used in the navy. (See CAT o' NINE
TAILS.) The purchase used to hoist the anchor
from the hawse-hole to the cat-head. To cat the
anchor, to hoist it up to the cat-head arid pass
the ring-stopper.
CAT-BACK. A line from the cat-block to assist
in hooking it to the ring of the anchor.
times the forward ends of the ships of war were
finished square across the ship at the upper part
instead of rounding to the ends as nowadays,
and the cat-heads were attached to each end of
this beam. The beam was generally made in
two breadths, being a very wide beam, and
tabled and bolted together ; the forward side was
placed far enough forward to receive the heads
of the stanchions of the beak-head bulkhead.
CAT-BLOCK. A heavy, double, or threefold
iron-bound block having a hook fitted with a
link ; used in catting the anchor.
CAT-HEAD. The timber that projects over the
bows, and to which the anchor is hoisted.
CAT-FALL. The rope reeving through the
cat-block and sheaves of the cat-head, forming
the purchase called the cat.
CAT-TAIL. The inner end of the cat-head.
Catalan. A small Spanish fishing-boat.
Catamaran. A sort of raft used in the East
Indies, Brazils, and elsewhere ; those of the
island of Ceylon, like those of Madras and other
parts of that coast, are formed of three logs
secured together by means of three spreaders
and cross lashings, through small holes ; the
centre log is much the largest, with a curved
surface at the fore-end, which tends and finishes
upwards to a point. The side logs are similar
in form, and fitted to the centre log. These
floats are navigated with great skill by one or two
men, in a kneeling position; they think nothing
of passing through the surf which lashes the
beach at Madras and at other parts of these
coasts, when even the boats of the country could
not live upon the waves; they are also propelled
out to the shipping at anchor when boats of the
best construction and form would be swamped.
Their length is from 20 to 25 feet, breadth 2£ to
3£ feet, and the timber preferred for their con
struction is the Dup wood, or Cherne-Maram,
the pine varnish-tree.
Catanadromi. Migratory fishes, which have
their stated times of going from fresh water to
salt and returning, as the salmon, etc.
Catania, a city of Sicily, on its east coast, 54
miles by rail N.N.W. of Syracuse. Lat. 37°
28' 20" N. ; Ion. 15° ¥ 15" E. The harbor is
not adequate to the importance of the city, but
it is generally full of small craft. It is small,
and during a strong sirocco no ship can enter.
Pop. 85,000.
Catascopia. Small vessels anciently used for
reconnoitring and carrying dispatches.
Cat-boat. A shallow, saucer-like boat draw
ing little water and fitted with a centre-board.
The forward part is decked over, and the mast
is stepped close to the stem. It has but one
sail, which is extended by a gaff and a long
boom. It can be easily handled by one person,
and its management is easily learned. Its length
varies from 10 to 40 feet, but the greater number
are over 15 and under 25 feet in length. It is
the typical American sail-boat, the cat-rig being
scarcely known in Europe.
Catch. A fisherman's term for the number
of fish taken at one time.
Catch a Crab. In rowing, if the oar be im
mersed too deep in the water the blade is carried
aft and the loom thrown forward, thus jamming
the oar in the rowlock ; the boat's headway must
be checked before it can be recovered. This
mishap is termed catching a crab.
Catch a Turn. To belay, or take a turn
Catch-fake. An unseemly doubling in a badly
coiled rope.
Catenary. The curve formed by a rope hang
ing freely between two points of suspension.
Caterer. A purveyor and provider of pro
visions. Each mess of officers selects a caterer
from their number, and his duties are to preside
at the mess-table and to manage and direct all
the affairs of the mess ; he keeps an account of
the receipts and expenditures, and at the end of
the month renders a statement of his accounts.
Cat-fish. The sea-cat or sea- wolf (Anarrhicas
lupus), often six feet in length. Also a fresh
water fish of the genus Pitnelodus. The common
cat-fish is also called bull-head and horned pout.
Cat-gut. A term applied to the sea-laces, or
Cat-harpings, or Cat-harpins. Short ropes
used to bind in the rigging in the wake of the
topsail-yards, that the yard may be braced sharp
Cathay. Marco Polo's name for India.
Cathode. Faraday's term for the negative
pole of a battery.
Cat-holes. Holes through the quarter through
which are passed the hawsers for fasts and
Cat-lap. Tea, or weak drink.
Cat o' Nine Tails. An instrument formerly
used for flogging in the navy. It consisted of
nine pieces of cord, with three knots in each,
fixed on a short piece of thick rope as a handle.
"With this the offender was flogged on the bare
back. See FLOGGING.
Catraia. Portuguese surf- or pilot-boats.
They are generally about 56 feet long by 15 feet
beam, and are impelled by 16 oars.
Cat-rig. See CAT-BOAT.
Cat's-paw. A light air which slightly ruffles
the surface of the sea. Cat's-paws occur during
calms, and are transitory in their nature. Super
stitious sailors scratch the booms, masts, or back
stays to invoke even these cat's-paws, as they are
the forerunners of a steady breeze. Cat's-paw
is also a name given to a peculiar twisting hitch
in the bight of a rope, making two smaller
bights, into which a tackle is hooked.
Cat's-skin. The impression made by a cat's-
paw on the surface of the sea.
Cattan. A Japanese sword.
Catty. A Chinese commercial weight of 18
ounces. Tea is packed in one or more catty-
boxes ; hence most likely our word tea-caddy.
Caudal Fin. The fin terminating the tail of
a fish.
Caudicarise. A kind of lighter used by the
Romans on the Tiber.
Caul. The membrane encompassing the heads
of some infants when born, and from early an
tiquity esteemed an omen of good fortune and a
preservation against drowning. Also, a name
for a dam-dike.
Caulk. See CALK.
Caury. "Worm-eaten.
Cavallo, or Carvalhas. A salt-water fish,
well known as the bonito, or horse-mackerel.
Cavalot. A gun carrying a ball of one pound.
Caver. A word used in the Hebrides for a
gentle breeze.
Caviare. A preparation of the roe of stur
geons and other fish salted. It forms a lucrative
branch of commerce in Italy and Russia.
Cavil. A large, square wooden pin fixed in a
pin-rail to which are belayed the larger ropes ;
as, topsail-halliards, yard-ropes, etc. Sometimes
the word is applied to a large cleat.
Cavity. The hollow in the water formed by
the immersed bottom and sides of a vessel.
Cavo-fungo. A boat or mud-machine used by
the Venetians to clean out canals.
• Cawe, or Cawfe. A floating cage, in which
eels, lobsters, etc., are kept.
Cawker. An old term to signify a glass of
spirits taken early in the morning ; an eye-
Cay, or Cayos. Small insulated sandy spots
or rocks. See KEY.
Cayenne. A town of South America, capital
of French Guiana, on the western point of an
island of the same name, at the mouth of the
Cayenne or Oyaque River, in the Atlantic. Lat.
4° 56' 5" N. ; Ion. 52° 20' W. The harbor is
shallow, has two quays, and is protected by a
fort and several batteries. Cayenne is a penal
settlement for French political and criminal
offenders. Pop. 10,500.
C. B. (Eng.}. The uncials of Companion of
the most honorable order of the Bath. This
grade was at one time distributed so profusely
that an undecorated veteran testily remarked that
if the government went on thus there would soon
be more C.B.'s than A.B.'s in the navy.
Cease Firing. The order to stop firing.
Ceiling. Strakes of plank worked between
the clamps and water-ways on berth-decks, and
between the thick strakes and clamps, and thick
strakes and bilge- strakes in the hold.
Celestial (Lat. ccelestis, from ccelum, the
heavens). Pertaining to the heavens; opposed
to terrestrial. Thus we have the " celestial me
ridian," the "celestial horizon," the " celestial
equator," etc.
CELESTIAL CONCAVE (Lat. concavus, hollow).
Of the two spherical surfaces with which we are
concerned, the terrestrial sphere is convex, — i.e.,
presents its external surface to us ; while the
celestial sphere is concave, — i.e., presents its in
ternal surface to us. The different heavenly
bodies are interspersed in space at various dis
tances from the earth, but to an observer on its
surface all of them appear to be placed or pro
jected on the internal surface of a hollow sphere.
This sphere is called the celestial concave, celestial
sphere, sphere of the heavens, or sphere of the
stars, its centre being the position of the observer.
It must always be remembered that the celestial
concave is an imaginary surface, arising in the
mind of the observer either from association with
the real concave surface of the retina of his eye,
which is the true seat of all visible angular di
mensions and angular motion, or from the in
ability of the eye to perceive differences of dis
tances in objects so remote as the heavenly
CELESTIAL EMPIRE. A popular designation for
China. It is said to be derived from the Chinese
words Tien Chan, that is, Heavenly Dynasty,
meaning the kingdom ruled over by the dynasty
appointed by heaven.
Celoces, or Celetes. Light row-boats formerly
used in piracy, and also for conveying dispatches.
Centaurus (Lat. "The Centaur"). A con
stellation which, together with Crux, constitutes
a bright group in the southern hemisphere,
pointed out by the line joining Arcturus and
Spica. The two principal stars a2 and (3 of the
Centaur are close together, (3 being the nearer to
the cross.
Centigrade (Lat. centum, a hundred ; gradus,
a step, graduation). See THERMOMETER.
Centime (Fr.). The hundredth part of a
Central Eclipse. See ECLIPSE.
Centre. The middle part of anything.
tridge in which the fulminate occupies an axial
CENTRE-LINE. The line which is the exact
centre of the ship, either in the drawings or upon
the ship's hull.
CENTRE OF A FLEET. The division between
the van and rear, or between the weather and lee
The point to which bodies tend by gravity.
terms in naval architecture for the mean centre
of that part of a vessel which is immersed in the
CENTRE OF EFFORT. A point, to which the
whole force of the wind on the sails being ap
plied, the eifect produced is the same as that
caused by the wind when uniformly distributed
on the system of sails.
CENTRE OF GRAVITY. That point of a body
about which all the parts exactly balance each
other, so that if it be supported the whole body
will be at rest in any position whatever.
CENTRE OF MOTION. The point about which
any body, or system of bodies, moves.
Ceola. A very old term for a large ship.
Cephalopod. An animal of the sub-kingdom
Mollusca,, characterized by a distinct head sur
rounded by a circle of long arms or tentacles.
Cepheus. a Cephei, Alderanim ; f3 Cephei,
Ceradene. A large fresh-water mussel.
Cercuri. Ancient ships of burden fitted with
both sails and oars.
Certificate of Registry. A document which
specifies the names of the vessel, master, and
owners, together with the tonnage, particulars as
to origin, and the port to which the vessel be
Cetacea (Gr. katos, a whale). An order of
mammals living in the sea or large rivers, and
shaped like fishes for moving habitually in the
watery element, having the posterior part of
the spine disencumbered of a sacrum and hinder
extremities to allow the tail to have a due free
dom and extent of motion. They breathe
air, have warm blood, and a double circulation,
like the rest of the class to which they belong ;
they are consequently compelled to resort to the
surface for the purpose of respiration ; and the
tail-tin is accordingly horizontal and not vertical,
as in some fishes.
Cetine. An ancient float, "in bulk like a
whale;" derived from cetus, which applied both
to whale and ship.
Cetus. a Ceti, Menkar ; ft Ceti, Diphda. See
C. G. (Eng.}. Coast-guard of Great Britain
(which see).
Chad. A fish like a small bream, abundant
on the southwest coasts of England.
Chafe. To rub or fret the surface of cables,
masts, yards, etc.
CHAFING-CHEEKS. An old name for the
sheaves in the yards.
CHAFING-GEAR. Mats, strands, battens, etc.,
for protecting objects from injury by chafing.
Chaffer. A name for a whale or grampus.
Chain. A series of connected links. A chain-
cable. A lineal measure of 4 rods, or 66 feet,
divided into 100 links. When mountains, lakes,
or islands are joined together so that their length
greatly exceeds their breadth, they form what is
termed a chain.
CHAIN-HOOK. An iron rod with a hook at
one end and an eye for the hand in the other,
used in working the chain-cables.
CHAIN-LOCKER. A locker in the hold in which
the chain-cables are stowed.
CHAIN-PIPE. An aperture in the deck through
which pass the chains from the locker to the
deck above.
CHAIN, TOP-. A chain to sling the lower yard
in action.
Chains. Iron links which secure the dead-
eyes connected with the channels. See CHAN
CHAIN-BOLT. The bolt which passes through
the toe-links and secures the chains to the side.
CHAIN-PLATES. Iron plates to which the
dead-eyes are secured ; they are often substituted
for chains, being considered preferable.
Chain-shot. Two balls connected by a chain
for cutting the spars and rigging of an enemy's
Chaland. A large flat-bottomed boat of the
Chalder. A gudgeon.
Chaldrick. A name for the sea-pie (Hceman-
topus ostralegus}.
Chaldron. A measure of coal equal to 36
Chalink. A kind of Massoolah boat.
Challenge. The hail of a sentry to a person
approaching. See DUEL.
Chamaeleon. See CONSTELLATION.
Chamber. A contraction of the bore of a gun
which receives the charge of powder. The
chamber in general use is the conical or gomer
chamber. The ballistic power of some of the
European guns has been augmented by adding to
the weight of the charge and igniting it in a
space considerably larger than that occupied by
the powder. This increased space is obtained
by enlarging the chamber. If the charge had
not been increased the air-space would have
caused a diminution both in velocity and press
ure, the latter decreasing in a greater ratio than
the former; but, by judiciously increasing the
weight of the charge, it has been possible to gen
erate a greater volume of gas behind the projec
tile without carrying the maximum pressure be-
vond that which obtained when the old cartridge
and full chamber were used.
A clear space between the riders in those ves
sels which have floor and futtock riders.
CHAMBER-PIECE. A movable piece to fit into
the breech of old guns. See GINGAL.
Chamfer. To cut or take off a sharp edge or
Champlin, Stephen, Commodore U.S.N.
Born at South Kingston, B. L, November 17,
1789; died at Buffalo, February 20, 1870. His
father, Stephen, was a volunteer in the American
Revolution. His mother, Elizabeth Perry, was
an aunt of Commodore Perry. At 16 he began a
sea-faring life, and at 22 commanded a ship out of
Norwich. May 22, 1812, he was appointed sail
ing-master in the navy ; lieutenant, December 9,
1814; commander, June 22, 1838; captain, Au
gust 4, 1850 ; and commodore on retired list,
July 16, 1882. He first commanded a gunboat
under Perry at Newport ; was second in the
command of the " Asp" in the affairs of Little
York and Fort George, U. C. ; and, joining
Perry at Lake Erie, took command of the
" Scorpion," in which he did good service at the
battle of September 10, 18l3, capturing the
" Little Belt." Of this battle, in which he fired
the first and last guns, he was the last surviving
officer. In the following spring he commanded
the "Tigris," and, while blockading Mackinac,
was attacked at night by an overwhelming force,
severely wounded, and made prisoner. In 1816
he commanded the " Porcupine," but performed
little subsequent service on account of his wound.
He was a resident of Buffalo from 1834.
Chancery, In. See IRONS, IN.
Chancy. Doubtful.
Chandler, Ship-. A dealer in naval stores.
Change. The voluntary substitution of a
different voyage for a merchant ship from the
one originally specified or agreed upon, — an act
which discharges the insurers.
Changey-for-Changey. An expression used
in relation to a "swap," to denote that each
party is satisfied with his bargain.
Channel. An arm of the sea separating an
island from the mainland, or two islands from
each other. The fair-way or deepest part of a
river, harbor, or strait.
CH ANNEL-GROPERS (Enff.). Men-of-war which
cruise in the English Channel.
Channels. Flat ledges of white-oak plank
projecting outboard from the ship's side for
spreading the lower shrouds and giving addi
tional support to the masts ; also called chains.
CHANNEL-BOLTS. The bolts driven through
the channels edgewise, and through the frame
and planking, to secure them to the ship's side.
CHANNEL-PUMP. A pump rigged in the
Chape. The top locket of the scabbard of a
Chapel. In a light breeze when the ship comes
to against the helm, or is taken aback by a shift
of wind, or by negligence at the helm, she may
be recovered on the same tack without bracing
the head-yards, by causing the ship to make a
complete circle, until she arrives at her original
position. This manoeuvre is called chapeling
ship, or building a chapel.
Chaph. ft Cassiopeice.
Chapman. A small trader ; a ship's super
Char. A species of trout.
Charcoal. A form of carbon obtained by
burning wood with the imperfect access of air,
or by heating or distilling it in iron cylinders so
constructed as to allow of the collection of the
volatile products, among which are tar and
pyrollgneous acid, which is impure vinegar.
The purity of the carbon varies directly with the
temperature at which the wood is charred ; thus,
charcoal charred at 480° contains 65 per cent, of
carbon, while that charred at 750° contains 80,
and that charred at 2730° contains 96; but the
loss of charcoal occasioned by these high tem
peratures is very great, the three percentages of
charcoal corresponding to these temperatures
being 50, 20, and 15. Among the many uses of
charcoal, that of most interest to military and
naval men is its employment in the manufacture
of gunpowder (which see). For this purpose the
charcoal from willows and alder is now chiefly
used. A peculiar kind of charcoal, termed from
its color cnarbon rouge, is prepared in France for
the manufacture of the gunpowder used for
sporting purposes, by subjecting wood in iron
cylinders to the action of superheated steam
under a pressure of two atmospheres. Powder
made with this charcoal absorbs moisture more
rapidly than ordinary gunpowder.
Charge. The quantity of powder used in
loading a fire-arm or in filling a shell or torpedo.
Service charges are the ordinary charges author
ized by the bureau of ordnance. Battering
charges are larger than the service charges, and
are used for a limited number of fires against
ironclads or masonry at short range. A burst
ing charge is the full charge of powder used in a
shell ; a blowing charge is a small quantity of
powder used in a shell in target practice when
the object is to test the fuse.
Charge and Specification. The formal written
statement of the offense alleged to have been
committed by the accused before a general court-
In the British service there is no distinction
between the "charge," as such, and the "speci
fication ;" the fact, or body of facts, constituting
each offense being only presented in a single sen
tence or paragraph, the separate paragraphs
being numbered where the charges are more
than one, but — even when the offenses are all of
the same class and character — introduced by no
general title or descriptive heading. In our ser
vice, on the contrary, a military charge consists
of two parts, — the technical "charge" and the
"specification." The former defines and desig
nates the offense, and the latter sets forth a cer
tain state of facts which are supposed to make
out such offense. See COURT-MARTIAL.
Charge d'Affaires. The designation of diplo
matic agents of the third class.
Charity Sloops (Eng.}. Certain ten-gun brigs
built toward the close of Napoleon's wars. They
were rated sloops in order to give a command to
a great number of commanders.
Charles's Wain. The seven principal stars in
Ursa Major, generally known as the "Dipper."
Charleston. A port of entry and the largest
city of South Carolina, situated at the conflu
ence of the Ashley and Cooper Rivers, which
unite immediately below the town and form a
good and spacious harbor, communicating with
the ocean at Sullivan's Island, 7 miles below. It
is 118 miles N.E. of Savannah, 580 miles S.W.
of Baltimore, and 540 miles from Washington.
Lat. 323 W N. ; Ion. 79° 57/ W. Cooper and
Ashley Rivers are from 30 to 40 feet deep, the
former 1400 and the latter 2100 yards wide. The
ground on which the city is built is elevated 8
or 9 feot above the level of the harbor at high
tide, which rises about 6 feet, flowing by the
city with a strong current, thus contributing to
its salubrity. It has a water front of 9 miles.
A sandbar extends across the mouth of the har
bor, affording, however, two entrances, of which
the deepest, near Sullivan's Island, has 18 feet
of water at low tide. The harbor is defended by
Castle Pinckney and Fort Sumter, each on an
island, the former 2 and the latter 6 miles below
the city, and also by Fort Moultrie, on Sulli
van's Island. Charleston is the most commer
cial city of South Carolina, and has an advan
tageous position for trade, having a harbor deep
enough for the largest ships. Pop. 60,000.
Charley Noble. The popular name for the
Chart. Chart is derived from the Greek c.hartes ;
Latin, charta*, which was originally applied to a
sort of paper made of the plant papyrus or biblus.
In navigation it is defined as a representation,
in piano, of a part or of the whole of the water
on the surface of the globe and the adjacent
To trace the history of cartography, an art
probably as ancient as the invention of letters,
would exceed the limits of this article. The
period from Anaximander to Henry the Navi
gator, extending over two thousand years, be
longs rather to the province of the antiquary.
Unquestionably the ancients had sea-maps
which guided their barks in voyages of adven
ture or profit, and did we possess fuller sources
of information much that is interesting might be
said of them. But of such knowledge a cele
brated historian has remarked, " We possess
only what has drifted ashore from a stranded
Charts, therefore, as we understand them, may
be assigned to the epoch of the inauguration of
maritime enterprise among the nations of modern
times. To Prince Henry, Duke of Visco, son
of John I., King of Portugal, is ascribed the
credit of first introducing them into the marine,
about the year 1400. These were of the kind de
nominated plane charts, and they have continued
in use to the present day, being now employed
only for very limited areas.
The first chart made in England appeared in
an almanac printed on vellum in 1520.
In 1542, John Rotz, a Frenchman, made for
King Henry VIII. "A Book of Hydrography,"
containing charts of the sea-coast finely painted
on large skins of parchment, still preserved in
the British Museum.
For any considerable extent of surface charts
of this construction were soon found to be incor
rect, and their errors were successively exposed
by Martin Cortes, Petrus Nonius, and Edward
Wright ; especially the last named, in his treatise
entitled " Certain Errors in Navigation Detected
and Corrected," published at London in 1599.
With a view to correcting these errors, Gerard
Kauffman, more familiarly known by the Latin
equivalent Mercator (merchant), a Flemish geog
rapher, in the year 1556, published a chart in
which the parallelism of the meridians was com
pensated for by increasing the length of each de
gree of latitude from the equator towards the
poles. It, however, appears that his charts had
no claim to accuracy; for the intervals between
the parallels did not agree with the diiferences
of the corresponding meridional parts of those
parallels. It seems evident, therefore, that Mer
cator had no correct method of dividing the en
larged meridian.
The discovery of a rule for this purpose was
made by Wright and published in his book above
mentioned. He states that the idea was suggested
to him by Mercator's chart, " But the way how
this should be done I learned neither from Mer
cator nor any man else."
The primitive idea of the projection upon
which all our modern charts for navigating pur
poses are constructed, expressed in the quaint
language of its author, is as follows :*
"Suppose a spheerical superficies, with me
ridians, parallels, rumbes, and the whole hydro-
graphicall description drawn thereupon, to be
inscribed into a concave cylinder, their axes agree
ing in one. Let the sphaerical superficies swell
like a bladder (whiles it is in blowing) aequally
alwayes in every part thereof (that is, as much
in longitude as in latitude) till it apply, and joyn
itself (round about, and all alongst till towards
either pole) unto the concave superficies of the
cylinder ; each parallel upon the sphaerical super
ficies increasing successively from the equinoctial
towards either pole, until it come to be of {equal
diameter with the cylinder, and consequently the
meridians still widening themselves, till they
come to be so far distant everywhere each from
the other as- they are at the ^equinoctial. Thus
it may be most easily understood how a spherical
superficies may (by extension) be made cylin
drical, and consequently a plain parallelogram
superficies; because the cylinder is nothing else
but a plain parallelogram wound about two
sequal equidistant circles. . . . Since in this
projection the parallels are all made tequal to
tHe equator, it is evident they are enlarged in
the proportion of the radius to the co-sines of
their respective latitudes ; wherefore the merid
ian, in order to preserve everywhere its propor
tion to the several parallels thus increased, must,
at the latitude of each parallel, be enlarged in
the proportion of the radius to the co-sine of the
latitude, or so that the length of a minute of the
true or proper meridian, which upon the globe
is the same in all latitudes, and sequal to a min
ute of the equator, may be to the length of a
minute on the enlarged in any latitude, as the
co-sine of the latitude to radius, or, which is the
same, as radius is to the secant of the latitude.
. . . Hence a table of natural secants to every
degree and minute of the quadrant, and whose
radius is 1, will express the several lengths of
the enlarged meridian at the latitude belonging
to those secants respectively. And hence the
* Properly speaking, this should be called Mercator's de
velopment ; it is not a projection in tlie strict sense of tho
sum of the secants of all the minutes from the
beginning of the quadrant to the degree and
minute of any parallel's latitude will be, in
minutes of the equator, or nautical miles, the
length of that part of the enlarged meridian
which is contained between the equator and the
given parallel."
In this manner Wright constructed his " Table
of Latitudes for Graduating a Meridian in the
General Sea-Chart," which has since obtained
the name of "A Table of Meridional Parts,"
called by the French " Latitudes Croissantes."
The above method of dividing the meridian is
not geometrically accurate. Wright understood
this, and devised " A conceit for dividing the
meridian of the nautical planisphsere that may
satisfie the curious exactness of the geometrician. ' '
Since his time various mathematicians have im
proved on his method. The first correct solution
of the problem appears in " Norwood's Epitome
of Navigation," 1645. Its author is unknown,
and the ^demonstration was not given ; this was
supplied by Mr. James Gregory, of Aberdeen,
1668, and more concisely at a later period by
Dr. Halley.
In most works on navigation containing tables
of meridional parts the calculations have been
made on the supposition that the earth is a sphere,
and this answers well enough for practical pur
poses. But theory, confirmed by observation,
has shown our globe to be an oblate spheroid,
and Sir Isaac Newton and others have calculated
the ratio of the equatorial to the polar diameter ;
this is called the compression of the terrestrial
spheroid. Its value has been variously estimated :
that adopted by the Bureau of Navigation,
is, c=_ -
On the Mercator chart the loxodrome, or ship's
track, is developed as a right line making the
same angle with each meridian crossed, and this
constitutes its chief advantage over other sys
tems for purposes of navigation. As for every
increase of latitude a new scale of measurement
is introduced, objects near the pole are increased
in size but their outlines are not distorted. The
relative positions of places with respect to a
rhumb-line are correct, but the relative distances
between places are not shown with precision.
Observed bearings, unless due north or south,
or east and west at the equator, are never identi
cal with bearings taken from the Mercator chart,
and the error increases the higher the latitude.
Such bearings being similar to courses on a great
circle, it follows that this chart is not adapted for
great circle sailing.
Since bearings obtained either by means of the
magnetic needle or astronomical observations
cannot be laid off with accuracy, it is evident
that the Mercator projection does not answer for
the more refined purposes of surveying.
All attempts to project a spherical surface on
a plane result in more or less distortion of the
country delineated, in large extents so great as
to destroy the true proportion between the parts.
For map-making and plotting the data of a
survey various projections are employed, such as
the orthographic, stereographic, equidistant, coni
cal, gnomonic, and polyconic ; the last three are
the only ones adapted to our present purpose.
Since surveys are first plotted on one of these
projections and then transferred to the Mercator
chart for the use of the navigator, a brief con
sideration of them is not out of place here.
The conical projection is much used by Euro
pean map-makers, and is drawn as if projected
from the centre of the earth on the surface of a
cone cutting the surface of the earth in the paral
lels of latitude equidistant from the extremes
and middle of the required limits. Within mod
erate areas the distortion is quite inappreciable,
and even for a considerable extent of country it
is but trifling ; on this account it, or some modi
fication of it, is now generally used for maps.
For purposes of accurate measurement it has
the disadvantage that, with the exception of the
meridians, all great circles are represented on it
by curved lines. Now, all measurements between
places on the earth's surface are necessarily made
on the arc of a great circle, and for these to be
accurately represented on paper it is of the great
est importance that the projection of every arc
of a great circle should be a right line. This re
quirement prevents the use of the orthographic
projection, which near its centre is the most ac
curate of all, and the same objection applies to
the Mercator.
The gnomonic projection fulfills this require
ment. It is formed by lines drawn through the
several points from the centre of a sphere to a
plane touching the sphere in a point near the
middle of the country to be represented. The
distortion is greater than in the orthographic or
conical projections, but within the limits of a
survey, so trifling as to be practically inappre
ciable. At a distance of 60 miles from the
central point a mile so projected is but one foot
too long, and no one chart on a moderately large
scale exceeds 120 miles.
For detailed charts, such as are drawn by
surveyors in the progress of a survey, the gno
monic projection is, practically speaking, accu
rate ; and possessing the desired property of
representing all great circles by straight lines,
cutting each other at angles which within the
required limits have no sensible difference from
the angles at which the circles cut each other, it,
or some modification of it, is much used by sur
veyors. The numerical computations necessary
for this projection require a knowledge of conic
sections ; but such calculations are obviated by
the use of Carrington's tables. Large charts of
the gnomonic projection have been constructed
for purposes of great circle sailing. Such charts
are useful auxiliaries to rhumb sailing.
These two projections are used by the Ad
miralty surveyors and rnap-makers of Great
The United States Coast Survey and Hydro-
graphic Office have adopted the polyconic system
in the plotting of surveys. The coast charts of
the United States are issued in this projection,
and the largest extends from Cape Hatteras to
Cape Sable. This is a modification of the conical
projection, and supposes each parallel of latitude
to be developed upon its own cone, the vertex of
which is on the axis of the sphere at its intersec
tion with the tangent to the meridian at the
parallel. The " Projection Tables," published
by the Bureau of Navigation, give a description
of the theory and practical construction of this
The survey is plotted on shipboard, as made
from day to 'day, on blank projection sheets of
well-stretched drawing-paper. This work, to
gether with all the data of the survey, is sent to
the Hydrographic Office, where it is carefully
revised ; the several sheets combined form a
polyconic chart on a large scale. The work is
then ready for transfer to the Mercator chart.
The scale having been determined on, a Mer
cator chart is developed within the required
limits in the following manner:
A sheet of Whatman's cold-pressed drawing-
paper, previously stretched, is secured to the
board by means of thumb-tacks ; the usual in
struments of the draughtsman should be within
If the equator is to be included within the
limits of the proposed chart, the values to be
laid oif for latitude are given directly in the
table. Should the equator not come within the
chart, then the difference of the meridional parts
corresponding to the upper and lower latitudes
gives these values. Such quantities may be
directly measured off by means of a diagonal
scale, or reduced to the proper proportions from
a scale of yards, metres, etc. If, for instance, it
be required to construct a chart on a scale of one-
quarter of an inch to five minutes of arc on the
equator, a diagonal scale may first be constructed,
on which ten meridional parts, or ten minutes of
arc on the equator, have a length of half an inch.
Then, in the usual manner, multiples of one
meridional part may be measured on the base
line, multiples of 0.1 on the lines parallel to the
base-line, and multiples of 0.01 maybe estimated
between the parallels. If an inch'scale be used,
the meridional parts, before being laid down on
the projection, must be multiplied by 0.05 or
divided by 20, since .20 minutes of arc on the
equator, or 20 meridional parts, have to be made
equal to one inch.
Often it may be desirable to adapt the scale to
a certain size of paper. In this case the extreme
parallels are first drawn on the sheet, the dis
tance between them measured, and the included
number of meridional parts ascertained. Divid
ing the measured distance by this number gives
the length of one meridional part, this represents
the scale of the chart, and by it all the merid
ional parts taken from the table must be multi
The practical construction is best shown by an
example : Suppose a projection be required for a
chart of 14° extent in longitude, between the
parallels of latitude 20° 30' and 30° 25', and let
the space available on the paper between these
parallels measure 10 inches.
Entering the column headed 20° in the table
of meridional parts and running down to the line
of 30' in the side column, will be found 1249.08 ;
then entering the column headed 30° and run
ning down to the line of 25', will be found 1905.68.
The" difference, 1905.68 — 1249.08 = 656.60, is the
value of the meridional arc between those lati
tudes, for which V of arc on the equator is taken
as the unit.
On the intended projection, therefore, lx of
arc of longitude will measure
10 in.
inches, which will be the scale of the chart;
for the sake of brevity call this 0.015. By this
quantity all the values derived from the table
must be multiplied before laying them down on
the projection, if they are to be measured by a
diagonal scale of one inch. This should not be
confounded with the natural scale, which is the
proportion that the chart bears to the earth, ob
tained by reducing the number of feet in the
minute of latitude to inches and dividing the
product by the scale.
Draw now in the centre of the sheet a vertical
straight line, and assume it to be the middle me
ridian of the chart. Construct very carefully on
this line a perpendicular near the 'lower border
of the sheet, and assume this perpendicular to be
the parallel of latitude 20° 30' ; it may also serve
as the southern inner neat line of the chart.
Prom the intersection of the vertical and hori
zontal lines thus drawn, lay off on the latter,
each side of the middle meridian, seven degrees of
longitude, equal to 0.015 X 60 X 7 — 6.3'inches,
and through the extremes draw parallels to
the middle meridian, which will be the eastern
and western inner neat lines of the chart. Find
in the table the meridional parts for 21° Ox,
which are 1280.97 ; subtracting from this num
ber the parts corresponding to 20° 30', and mul
tiplying the difference by 0.015, we obtain 0.478
inches, which is to be laid off from the parallel
of 20° 30r on the verticals, and draw a straight
line through the points thus established. Pro
ceed in the same manner to lay off all the paral
lels corresponding to full degrees of latitude.
A degree of longitude will measure on this
chart 0.015 X 60 = °-9 inches ; lay off on the
extreme and middle parallels on each side of the
middle meridian the distances 0.9 inches, 1.8
inches, 2.7 inches, etc., determining the points
where meridians of full degrees cross the paral
lels on the chart, through them draw the merid
ians. Draw the outer neat lines of the chart and
extend to them the parallels and meridians. Be
tween the neat lines subdivide the degrees of lati
tude and longitude as minutely as the scale will
allow. Subdivisions of longitude are found by
dividing the degrees into equal parts, those for
latitude being determined from the table, as ex
plained for the full degree. L'astly, draw the
border-lines and a compass, graduated into points
and quarter-points, from the magnetic meridian.
The subdivisions between the parallels will
serve for estimating distances. Distances be
tween places bearing north and south of each
other may be referred to the subdivisions between
their parallels. Distances represented by lines
at an angle to the meridians may be measured
by taking a number of subdivisions near the
middle latitude of the line to be measured in
the dividers and applying them to that line.
A chart may be transferred from any projec
tion to the Mercator by drawing a system of cor
responding horizontal and vertical lines on both
charts, forming minute squares, and the outlines
and characters contained in each square of the
one may be copied in the corresponding squares
of the other.
The best trained eye and hand, aided by the
most carefully constructed instruments, cannot
render a chart perfect ; but this fact is no excuse
for careless, hasty execution.
The chart should be such that every portion of
a sea-coast may be recognized without hesitation,
and the best manner of approaching or avoiding
it perceived and ports entered without the aid of
a pilot in every state of weather, wind, and tide.
Besides the outline of the shore, with soundings
and off-lying dangers and relative positions of
the principal points, its character should be ac
curately delineated. The extent of shoals, with
the limits of the intervening channels, should be
clearly shown and the sea-marks indicated, the
directions expressed so tersely and simply that
by the rapid opening or closing of the marks, and
the sequence of the soundings, the mariner may
be able to feel his way with decision and promp
The topographic portion of such a chart should
be complete, containing all the principal features
which are conspicuous from the offing and the
relative positions of secondary objects. The
table of signs and abbreviations employed at the
United States Hydrographic Office gives the
necessary information respecting hydrographical
For the purposes of the navigator the elabor
ate systems of orographic representation are not
necessary, and it is needless to discuss here the
relative merits of the methods of Lehman, Du-
four, and others.
A judicious arrangement of light and shade,
produced by increasing or diminishing the thick
ness of the hachures and inclining them so as to
give the general idea of the course taken by a
drop of water, supposing it to flow from the sum
mit to the foot of a declivity, gives a plastic
effect and satisfies the eye.
The title and other lettering on a chart should
be executed in the plainest and neatest manner.
Roman capitals are used for the principal titles,
and other printing may be done in small Roman,
Italics, and stump-writing.
The grand division of sea or land to which the
chart belongs should be stated, also the date of
survey, and by whom made ; references to special
plans that ma}r be included within the limits ;
the longitude and prime meridian, or secondary,
upon which the longitude depends ; the latitude ;
the variation of the compass and its amount of
annual change ; the plane of reference to which
soundings are reduced, and whether soundings
are expressed in feet or fathoms ; rise of spring
tides at full and change of the moon, and curves
of equal variation.
Views of certain harbors and conspicuous ob
jects are often drawn on the margins in Indian
ink; in which case the bearings from the point
of view should be given.
The work of the draughtsman being complete,
the chart passes into the hands of the engraver,
and is transferred to the copper plate ; many
months of careful labor must elapse before it is
ready for printing and issue.
Another method of reproducing charts has,
from its economy and facility, been much used
by the United States Hydrographic Office, and
the camera has been utilized for this purpose.
By photo-lithography a chart may be repro
duced ; but this system lacks the clearness and
accuracy of engraving, and it is not adapted to
large extents. In preparing plans for this pro
cess particular care is required in making with
clearness all the details, and the scale should be
somewhat larger than that intended for issue.
Charts may be classed, according to their
uses, under the following heads : Ocean, general,
and coast charts, harbor plans, and physical
charts. Various other charts are employed for
scientific purposes, such as :
Chart, Variation, a Mercator chart upon which
are laid down curves representing the variation
of the compass at those places through which
they pass. Such a chart was first constructed by
Dr. Halley, in 1700, with a view to finding the
Chart of the Inclination, or Dip of the Mag
netic Needle, containing curves expressing the
amount of inclination, or dip of the needle, at the
places through which they pass. The first chart
of this kind appeared in England in 1721, and
was published by Mr. Whiston in his treatise
entitled " The Longitude and Latitude found
by the Indinatory or Dipping Needle."
Chart, Skeleton, or Track, blank sheets con
structed on the Mercator projection for different
latitudes, upon which the ship's track is to be
plotted by the navigator during a cruise.
Chart, Physical, showing the streams, cur
rents, and drifts of the ocean, prevailing winds,
and meteorological data compiled from the re
cords of navigators, made during voyages at all
seasons of the year in all parts of the world.
Chart, Chorographic, a delineation of a par
ticular country.
Chart, Heliographic, a representation of the
body of the sun and of the maculae, or spots,
Chart, Selenographic, a representation of the
moon and the spots on her disk.
Chart, Telegraphic, a delineation of the tele
graph on paper.
Chart, Topographic, a minute and scientific
delineation of a tract of country. In a military
sense it may have particular reference to fortifi
cations, camps, and the movement of troops.
The charts published by the British Admiralty
number over 2600, and are sold at prices varying
from Gd. to 3s. each ; this is below their actual
In the financial year 1860-61 a sum of £11,000
was provided for this branch irrespective of the
surveying, which required a larger sum. The
sale of these charts in five years numbered
290,000 copies, besides the supply furnished the
queen's ships.
There are 866 charts published by the United
States Hydrographic Office, and, with a view to
encourage their general use, they are sold below
the cost price. There are over ~ 700 charts pub
lished by the United States Coast Survey Office.
— George P. Colvocor esses, Lieutenant U. S. Nary.
Charter. To charter a vessel is to take her to
freight under a charter-party (which see).
CHARTERED SHIP. One let to hire to one or
more exclusively, or to a company. A general
ship is one loaded with the goods of persons not
connected in interest.
CHARTERER. The individuals, government,
or company, hiring or chartering a ship.
CHARTER-PARTY. -A contract of affreight
ment in writing, by which the owner of a ship
lets the whole or a part of her to a merchant for
the conveyance of goods on a particular voyage,
in consideration of the payment of freight. All
contracts under seal were anciently called char
ters ; they were divided into two parts, of which
each party interested took one, and this was the
meaning of the charta-partita. It was a deed or
writing divided, consisting of two parts, like an
indenture at common law. Lord Mansfield ob
served that the charter-party was an old informal
instrument, and by the introduction of different
clauses at different times, it was inaccurate and
sometimes contradictor}'-. But this defect has
been supplied by giving it, as mercantile con
tracts usually receive, a liberal construction in
furtherance of the real intention and the usage
of trade. The charter-party describes the par
ties, the ship, and the voyage, and contains, on
the part of the owner, a stipulation as to sea
worthiness and as to the promptitude with which
the vessel shall receive the cargo and perform
the voyage ; and the exception of such perils of
the sea for which the master and ship-owners do
not mean to be responsible. On the part of the
freighter, it contains a stipulation to load and
unload within a given time, with an allowance
of so many lay, or running days for loading and
unloading the cargo, and the rate and time of
payment of the freight, and rate of demurrage
beyond the allotted days.
Chase. That part of a gun between the rein
force and the swell of the muzzle. A ship which
is being pursued by an enemy. When a ship is
so built as to be able to fire several guns right
ahead or right aft, she is said to have a good
chase. To chase or to give chase, to pursue a ves
sel. When the pursuer follows directly in the
wake of the chase, it is a stern chase, which is
said to be long but sure; each ship must depend
entirely upon its speed, as there is little oppor
tunity for manoeuvring and a shift of wind would
affect them equally ; if the chaser have the
superiority in speed there is little doubt but that
the chase will be eventually captured.
To chase in the wind's eye, to chase to wind
ward. The chaser should persevere even though
inferior in speed, as an accident, a shift of wind,
or a lucky shot may give her an advantage ; on
the other hand the chase should do her utmost
to evade the pursuer, and to retard the time of
being overtaken; as a fog, squall, shift of wind,
darkness, or an accident to the chaser may enable
the chase to escape.
CHASE-PORT. A port forward or aft, used for
a chase-gun.
CHASER. A vessel pursuing another.
CHASER, Bow (or STERN). A gun so mounted
as to fire nearly or directly ahead (or astern).
Chasse Mafee (Fr.). A French coasting ves
sel, generally lugger-rigged.
Chat. A lazy fellow". A louse. A ship built
on the Norwegian model. See CAT.
Chatham, Chest of (Eng.}. An ancient in
stitution, restored by Queen Elizabeth in 1590,
for the wounded seamen of the Royal navy. It
was supported by a tax on each man in the navy,
according to amount of his pay. This tax was
called smart-money.
Chauncey, John S., Commodore U.S.N.
Born in New York. Appointed from New York,
January 1, 1812.
Promoted to passed midshipman, 1821 ; sloop
"Peacock," West India Squadron, 1822; in Au
gust, 1822, engaged in thecaptureof seven piratical
schooners off Bah i a Honda, Cuba, and a heavily-
armed pirate-schooner by the boats of the " Pea
cock" ; was ordered to command one of the
prizes; the vessel was nearly decimated by yel
low fever, — thirty to forty deaths among the
crew, and three or four lieutenants, himself the
only midshipman remaining on dutyj ordered
to schooner u Grampus," West India Squadron,
as acting lieutenant, by Commodore Porter,
1823; ordered to sloop "Ontario," as lieutenant,
1824 ; Mediterranean Squadron, 1824-20.
Commissioned as commander, September 8,
1841; commanding sloop "Vandalia," West
Indies, Home Squadron, 1843-45; inspector of
ordnance, Washington, 1847-50.
Commissioned as captain, September 14, 1855;
commanding steam-sloop " Susquehanna," 1861 ;
engaged at Forts Hatteras and Clark, as second
in command, August 29 and 30, 1861 ; in com
mand of the blockade of sounds of Virginia and
North Carolina, September, 1861.
Commissioned as commodore, July 16, 1862 ;
inspector of ordnance, Reading, Pa., 1863; special
service, court-martial duty, 1864-65 ; special
service, navy-yard, New York, 18GG-67 ; retired
1868 ; died 1874.
Chaw. To chew. A quid of tobacco.
CHAW-MOUTH. An opprobrious epithet.
Cheat the Devil. One is said to cheat the
devil when, instead of being profane, he makes
use of such expressions as darn it, deuce take it,
Cheat the Glass. See FLOG THE GLASS.
Chebacco-boat. A boat employed in the
Newfoundland fisheries.
Check. To check a brace, bowline, etc., is to
ease it off. To check the headway is to lessen the
ship's progress through the water. To check a
cable is to stop it from running out rapidly.
Checkered Sides. Sides of a ship painted to
show all the ports ; particularly applicable when
there are two or more rows.
Checking-line. A small line bent to the eye
of the topgallant or royal lift and brace, and
rove through a bull's-eye at the mast-head, to
haul the lifts and braces in when the light yards
are sent down.
Cheek. Impudent assurance. The side of a
gun-carriage. The side of a block. Generally,
in any machine where there are two flat timbers
or parts which are similar to each other, each
timber is called a cheek.
CHEEK-BLOCK. A block bolted to a mast or
gaff, and having only one cheek, the mast or
gaff forming the other side of the block.
CHEEK-KNEES. Knees worked above and be
low the hawse-pipes in the angle of the bow and
cut-water, the brackets being a continuation of
them to the billet or figure-head.
Cheeks. An old sobriquet for a marine, de
rived from a rough pun on his uniform in olden
Cheer. To animate ; to encourage. To salute
a person or ship by huzzaing. To cheer ship is
to send the men in the rigging and salute a pass
ing ship by cheering. It is forbidden by the
regulations to give cheers to any officer on join
ing a ship, while attached to her, or on being de
tached from her. What cheer ? How fare ye ?
CHEERILY. Heartily ; with a will.
Cheese. A circular wad covered with canvas.
Chelynge. An old name for the cod-fish.
Cherbourg. A fortified seaport town and im
portant naval station of France, department of
Manche, on the English Channel, at the north
end of the peninsula'of Cotentin', about 85 miles
west of Havre. Lat. 49° 40' N. ; Ion. 1° 35' W.
Pop. 38,000. The principal buildings are the
military and naval arsenals, hospitals, and bar
racks. The commercial and naval ports are
quite distinct from each other. The commercial
port consists of a harbor and a basin, 1338 feet long
and 416 feet wide. The basin communicates with
the harbor by dock-gates, which prevent the re
flux of the water. The channel from the harbor
to the sea is 1968 feet long and 164 feet wide,
lined by a granite quay with parapets. In this
channel the depth of water is never less than 19 J
feet. The Port Militaire and Arsenal de la Marine
consist of a port 984 feet long and 754 feet wide,
capable of containing 50 large ships of war, and
accessible at all times of tide for vessels of the
largest class ; a floating-basin closed by lock-
gates, and a third basin. There are four slips
for vessels of the largest size ; adjoining these
slips is a dry-dock. The great work, however,
for which Cherbourg is noted is the digue, or
breakwater, stretching across the roadstead. The
digue was commenced by Louis XVI., and
finished in 1858. It is 2} miles from the harbor,
in water varying from 40 to 65 feet deep. Its
proportions are — length, 4120 yards ; breadth at
base, 262 feet ; at top, 102 feet. The entrance
east of the digue is 3285 feet wide, and that to the
west 9875 feet. A fort and light-house occupy
the centre of the digue, and there are also light
houses at each entrance to the roadstead, and
one at the entrance to the commercial port. The
defenses consist of the batteries of Fort National,
of 100 guns, on the Isle of Pelee, and many other
forts, which render Cherbourg, if not impreg
nable from the sea, at least very difficult of at
Cheremeri. In the East, a bribe in making a
contract or bargain.
Cherry. A species of smelt or spirling in the
Frith of Tay.
Chesil. A term used for a bank of shingle.
Chess-trees. Formerly, certain pieces of oak
timber, fayed and bolted to the topsides, one on
each side, abaft the fore-channels, which had a
sheave fitted in the upper part, for the conven
ience of hauling home the main tack.
Chest. A box of wood in which articles are
deposited; as, an arm-chest, a top-chest, etc.
A sea-chest is generally capable of being taken
apart and stowed in a small space.
Chester (Pa.), on the Delaware River, 15 miles
below Philadelphia. The celebrated ship-yards
of John Roach, which give employment to 2500
men, are situated here. Pop. 15,000.
Chest-rope. Guess-rope, or guess-warp.
Chevender. An old name for the chevin or
Chevil. See CAVIL.
Chevron. The distinguishing stripes on the
sleeves of non-commissioned officers of marines.
Chevy. To shake or force with a shivering
Chewing Oakum, or Pitch. Said of a vessel
which leaks from inefficient calking, or on ac
count of the working of her timbers.
Chicago (111.), a port of entry and the most
important centre of commerce in the North
western States, is situated at the mouth of the
Chicago River, on the southwestern bend of Lake
Michigan. Lat. 41° 53/ 3" N. ; Ion. 87° 37' 30"
W. The length of the city from north to south
is from 7 to 8 miles, and its breadth from east to
west about 5 miles ; area, about 36 square miles.
It is divided by the Chicago River and its
branches into three parts, the north, south, and
west divisions, which are connected by 33
bridges and 2 stone tunnels under the river-bed,
one 1890 feet long under the main river, the
other 1608 feet long, under the South Branch.
Of these divisions the west is nearly double the
size of the other two combined, embracing 15,104
acres, while the north contains but 2533 acres,
and the south 5363 acres. The imports into Chi
cago during 1879 aggregated 19,000,000. The
amount of duties received was $1,451,536. The
exports reached the large sum of $10,000,000.
The first shipment of wheat was made from Chi
cago in 1839, and amounted to 1678 bushels. In
1879 the receipts of grain of all kinds were
138,154,571 bushels, while the shipments were
121 ,094,000 bushels. Pop. 477,000.
Chief. A familiar appellation for the senior
engineer on board ship.
Chief Officer, or Chief Mate. The first mate ;
an officer of a merchant vessel next in rank to
the master.
Chief-of- staff. A line-officer who is attached
to the flag-ship, and assists the commander-in-
chief or flag-officer in the various details and
arrangements for the management of the fleet or
squadron. At present the duties of the chief-of-
staif are performed by the commanding officer
of the flag-ship.
Chigre. A minute insect of tropical countries,
which pierces th6 bottom of the foot and breeds
there, producing great pain. See JIGGER.
Chili. This comparatively small republic,
which cast oif the Spanish yoke in 1810, now
boasts a population of 2,000,000, an annual ex
port trade of $19,000,000, and a revenue of
$20,000,000. Its greatest enemies are its near
neighbors, and to check them the state main
tains a navy of 10 small steamers of 120 to 300
horse-power, and 2 powerful ironclads. These
two latter vessels are each 210 feet long and 45
feet in breadth, of 2200 tons measurement, and
of 2500 horse-power. The battery is amidship,
and is armed with 6 12£-ton rifled guns. The
range of fire in both ships is peculiar, for al
though they have the appearance of ordinary
broadside ships, they are able, with the three
guns on each side, to fire over all the points of
the compass. This advantage was obtained by
placing each of the fore-and-aft guns at the cor
ners of the battery, and raising the side of the
ship so as to enable the foremost guns to fire
right forward and in a line with the keel, and
in like manner the aft guns fire right aft. The
corners of the batteries are made of an octagonal
shape, so that the same guns which fire right
forward and aft can be brought into the broad
side position, and command any angle between
them and the line of the keel. The midship
guns on each side are made to fire with broad
side, and also to support the fire of the forward
Chilled Shot. Shot which are rapidly cooled
after being cast. They are very hard but brittle.
Chimbe, Chime, or Chine. The ends of the
staves which project beyond the head of a cask.
CHIMBE AND CHIMBE. End to end ; as, casks
or barrels.
Chime in. To join in.
Chinckle. A small bight in a line.
Chine. To hollow out slightly. That part
of the water-way which is above the deck and
hollowed out or beveled off to the spirketing.
Chinese Navy, The. The Chinese navy dates
back to a period before the foundation of the
British navy was laid under the last two Henrys.
The art of ship-building has a great antiquity in
China. The junks of to-day, unaltered as they
are from designs dating centuries back, will com
pare favorably with the coasting craft of some
Western countries now, and those in existence
nearly three hundred years ago must have
equaled in most respects and surpassed in many
the barques, pinnaces, and caravals which sailed
under the successors of Magellan and Andrade.
The sea-going war-junks were often of large size,
easily handled, and not bad sailers. Many of
them had high bulwarks and pentagonal port
holes. Guns were mounted only on the upper
deck, frequently on immovable carriages, and
the crews had but the most slender knowledge of
Early European travelers were often struck by
the condition of the Chinese forces. Of the navy,
one authority writes : " The greatest ships they
have are called 'juncos,' which are very great
and are made for the wars, with castles very high
in the poop and prore, like to the ships of the
Levant. There are so many of these that it is
easy for any general of the sea to join together
in a little time a navy of from five hundred to a
thousand of them."
But from the early part of the 17th century
onward, while progress in Europe was rapid,
Chinese naval architecture remained stationary.
When the British first came to blows with the
Chinese nearly forty years ago, their army and
navy were equipped in a manner which showed
that but little advancement had been made since
the middle of the 17th century.
" In 1876 a naval yard was established near
Shanghai, and though there are a few English
men and Americans holding posts in it, the con
trol of it is exclusively in the hands of native
officials. Two steam-frigates of nearly 3000 tons
measurement and five gun-vessels had been
launched from it three years ago, and a small
ironclad for river service completed. Of the fri
gates one was in commission, and the writer,
who has seen her actually at sea, was allowed to
go over her when lying at anchor near Shanghai.
She is a handsome craft, completely armed with
Krupp guns. Her crew from the captain down,
without exception, is composed of native China
men. She did the Chinese credit in all respects.
Attached to the dock-yard is a large military
arsenal, in which are stored guns and small-arms
of all descriptions, and in which projectiles for
heavy and field guns and breech-loading rifles
of the Remington pattern were being continu
ously produced. Heavy machinery for the manu
facture of armor-plates was being erected in a
portion of the works. On the opposite bank of
the river may be seen the great powder-factory,
not long ago constructed for the manufacture of
gunpowder of the European kind.
" But perhaps the most marked instance of
progress in this direction is to be observed at, or
rather near, the treaty port of Foochow. Under
the authority of the distinguished Tso-Tsung-
Tang, M. Giguel, an officer of the French navy,
began some twelve years ago to form a dock-yard
on the Min Kiver, a few miles below the city
just mentioned, which could be easily fortified.
The extraordinary success which has attended
his labors will be understood by some knowledge
of the difficulties with which he had to contend.
The very ground on which the navy-yard is
formed had to be made. The soil was alluvial,
formed by a thick layer of solidified mud covered
with a coating of nearly liquid clay. In conse
quence of the freshets in the river, the level of
the ground had to be raised five feet. In spite
of these and other disadvantages, M. Giguel, at
the end of seven years, had iron-works, rolling-
mills, engine-factories, and building-slips — in
fact, all the plant of a naval yard — in full work
ing order ; and had actually built the engines,
and, in some cases, the armament for no less
than fifteen vessels, of which eleven were over
1000 tons displacement. Not only this, but a
school for naval officers had been formed, and a
training-ship, fitted to make cruises at sea, had
been attached to the establishment.
"Even this account of several great arsenals
would not exhaust all that might be said in de
scription of what has recently been done in China
to increase the efficiency of the army and navy,
which she has begun to'consider necessary to her
The Chinese do not rely entirely upon their
own dock-yards constructors. In addition to the
fleet of native production, they have recently
had constructed in England a series of gunboats
of the latest types, armed with the most improved
and heaviest guns.
In 1876-78 four gunboats were completed at
the works of Sir William Armstrong for the
Chinese government, of the British "Staunch"
type, designed by a member of the firm, the
talented engineer, Mr. G. W. Rendel, but in
which several important improvements upon
that type were introduced. These boats were
named "Alpha," "Beta," "Gamma," and
"Delta." The first two are each 118 feet long
and 27 feet beam, with a mean draft of 7 feet
6 inches, and a displacement of 319 tons. The
last two are 120 feet between perpendiculars by
30 feet beam, having a draft of 8 feet and a
displacement of 400 tons. They are schooner-
rigged, with tripod masts, are propelled by twin-
screws, and can steam 9 knots per hour.
But the increased dimensions of these last two
vessels were of trivial importance compared with
the difference in their armament ; for while the
first two carry each a 26J-ton gun, the others
carry each a 38-ton gun of the^British service
pattern. The mounting of these guns on vessels
of only 400 tons displacement was a most daring
innovation, and its boldness becomes more ap
parent when we remember that the only guns
of the same weight and calibre then afloat were
the two in the fore-turret of the great British
ship "Thunderer," and that vessels of the size
of these generally carried guns not exceeding 5
or 6 tons in weight, and even the "Staunch,"
considered a serious innovation, a gun of only
12J tons weight.
The system of working these guns is notice
able, the piece being so much heavier than those
used in the English boats, and the little vessel
herself being made to act as the gun-carriage.
The gun is worked by hydraulic power, and the
entire arrangement of the mechanism is similar
to that employed by the Italians in working the
100-ton gun at Spezia. Two heavy iron beams
in the fore part of the vessel are placed side by
side, on a level with the deck and parallel with
the keel ; on these beams are bolted frames analo
gous to the cross-head guides of a horizontal
engine, and the trunnions of the gun are fitted
in side-blocks, these last taking the place of the
cross-head. Thus arranged, the gun can slide
back and forth through a range of about three
feet. The preponderance at the breech-end is
supported by two secondary parallel bars inside
the main gun-beams. These are hinged at the
rear end, while at the forward end they are car
ried on the cross-head of a vertical hydraulic
ram fixed beneath the deck. The breech-end of
the gun is supplied with a hoop and lugs; the
lugs rest on the two secondary bars near their
hinged ends, and thus, by causing the hydraulic
ram to rise or fall, the gun can be elevated or
depressed at will. No turning gear is provided,
the lateral training of the gun being effected by
turning the whole boat through the required
arc by the use of the rudder and twin-screws.
To run the gun in and out, two hydraulic cylin
ders are used, one of which is fixed horizontally
on each side-beam, the cross-heads of the rams
taking hold of the trunnion side-blocks. The re
coil is taken up by these rams, or, more property,
pistons, delivering water under a weighted valve.
The gun is loaded by a hydraulic rammer, the
shot being brought to the muzzle by a trolley or
carriage, off which it is pushed into the bore.
During the trials of the " Gamma," the 38-ton
gun was fired with charges consisting of 180
pounds of powder behind an 800-pound projectile,
the elevation being 3£ degrees. The initial
velocity was 1500 feet per second, and, as tested
at Shoeburyness, capable of penetrating 19£
inches of iron in three thicknesses, sandwiched
with 10 inches of teak. In addition to the heavy
guns, two 12-pounders are also carried, and a
machine-gun of the Gatling type.
These vessels are iron-built, and each carries
50 tons of coal and 50 rounds of ammunition.
They all made successful passages to China, the
first two being delivered at Foochow in 187G,
and the last two at Tientsin in 1878.
But the Chinese did not stop with the con
struction of these four boats. Four more, built
on the Tyne under the supervision of the Elswick
firm, and armed each with a 35-ton gun of the
Armstrong new type, sailed from England in
July, 1879, for China. These boats, or " floating
gun-carriages," are substantially of the same de
sign and construction as those which have already
been described. The most important difference
is that they are built of steel instead of iron, and
are double-ended, the stern and bow lines being
after the same model, and are fitted with bow
rudders, which enable them to steam either back
ward or forward. The bulwarks have been
heightened to give additional cover to the men.
In addition to the vessels already described,
there have also been built in England for the
Chinese navy eight small gunboats, of from 100
to 220 tons displacement, each carrying from 2
to 7 guns.
At the Foochow arsenal there have been built
seventeen composite gunboats, each mounting
one 7-ton or 9-ton gun with other light pieces,
one composite corvette, carrying 11 guns, one of
11 tons weight, and three transports. There are
also the two wooden frigates and the five gun-
vessels already mentioned as constructed at
Shanghai. All of these vessels are now doing
duty in southern waters.
In addition to these gunboats, the Chinese
have determined to still further equip themselves
for coast defense by providing a supply of tor
pedo-boats, and the first of the series proposed,
an experimental boat, was shipped from England
to China in August, 1879. Its dimensions are
as follows: length, 52 feet; breadth, 7 feet;
mean draft of water, 3 feet 6 inches ; maxi
mum speed, 16 knots per hour. It is built of
steel, is divided by six water-tight compartments,
and is arranged to work three spar-torpedoes.
The Chinese authorities have also taken the
initiative step in the formation of an ironclad
fleet, by ordering from Messrs. Mitchell & Co.,
on the' Tyne, England, a double-turreted steel
armor-clad, to have a speed of 16 knots, the ma
chinery to be built by Hawthorne, of Newcastle.
Chinse. To stop small seams by working in
oakum with a knife or small iron when the searn
will not bear the force required for calking.
CHINSING-IRON. A light calking-iron.
Chip. The triangular piece of wood attached
to the log-Tine. See LOG.
Chips. The familiar sobriquet of the carpenter
on board ship.
Chit. A note ; an I. O. U. In China they
have a silver currency which being inconvenient
to carry, credit is universally given by the mer
chants, the purchaser giving a chit, which is pre
sented for settlement at the end of the month.
CHIT-BOOK. A book of printed forms for
Chiton. A mollusk with a many -jointed
shell covering its back.
Chiule. A Saxon ship.
Chivey. A knife.
Chock. Entirely ; quite; as, chock-full, chock-
home, chock-aft, etc. A sort of wedge used to
prevent a cask, or any other heavy body, from
moving. Also, a small piece of wood fitted neatly
into a larger piece of timber, in order to make
good some deficiency in the main piece. Also,
a piece sometimes placed between the head of
the lower mast and the head of the topmast.
CHOCK-CHANNELS. Channels with the spaces
between the chain-plates filled in with wood.
piece fayed to fit the hole above the bowsprit,
after the bowsprit was shipped, in order to
secure it.
CHOCK or THE RUDDER. In former times
a piece of timber fitted and kept in readiness to
stop the motion of the rudder in the case of an}'
accident, and while a new tiller was being
Chocolate-gale. A brisk N.W. wind of the
West Indies and Spanish main.
Chogset. See BURGALL.
Choke. The nip of a rocket. To foul ; as, a
rope in a block. To choke the luff, to thrust the
hauling part of a tackle close up to the block,
under the other parts, thus jamming the hauling
part and keeping the tackle from rendering.
Chokey. Inchokey, in jail ; in the brig.
Chommery. Jack's word for chasse-marce, a
French coasting-vessel.
Chop (Chinese). A permit, or clearance.
Quality ; as, first chop, second chop, etc. A de
vice or trade-mark.
CHOP-BOAT. A licensed lighter employed ,in
transporting goods.
CHOP-DOLLAR. In China, when the silver
dollar passes into a bank or large mercantile
house it is tested and stamped ; in the course of
time these impressions become so numerous that
the piece of silver bears little resemblance to the
original coin. From the resemblance which one
of these coins bears to the face of a person badly
marked with smallpox, the individual so marked
receives the sobriquet of chop-dollar.
Chop About. When the wind changes its
direction suddenly it chops about.
Chopping-sea. Tumbling waves dashing
against each other.
Chops. The junction of a channel with the
sea ; as, the chops of the English Channel.
Chow. See CHOW-CHOW.
Chow-chow. A word from the Chinese, mean
ing eatables.
CHOW-CHOW CHOP. The lighter containing
the articles which complete a ship's cargo.
CHOW-CHOW WATER. Strong cross-currents
and eddies in which vessels are difficult to
Chowder. A dish made of pork, biscuit,
onions, etc., and fresh fish or clams.
Chowder-head. A stupid fellow.
Christening a Ship. The present system of
"christening" ships may be considered a relic
of the ancient libation practiced when they were
launched. The action of "blessing" ships is
alluded to by the monks of St. Denys. In July,
1418, the Bishop of Bangor was sent to South
ampton to "bless" the king's ship, the "Grace
Dieu," and received £5 for his expenses. In
the fleet commanded by John de Outremarins
against the Tunisians, according to ancient cus
tom and to insure success, the ships were blessed
by the priests ; and being afterwards exposed to
storms, the captains desired the soldiers and sail
ors to invoke the Lord, and while they were at
frayer the wind became suddenly favorable. In
242, when Henry III. was at war with France,
a fleet was prepared in which that monarch em
barked, after visiting the shrines of many saints,
to propitiate their influence against storms, and
to insure success to his arms. Before the Refor
mation it was usual for the priests at Yarmouth
to give a blessing to the fishing-vessels yearly,
and it was afterwards customary for the minister
of the parish to preach a " fishing" sermon.
Christian. A gold Danish coin.
Christiania. The capital of Norway, situated
at the head of the Christiania-Fiord, in lat. 59°
54' V N., Ion. 10° 45' E. The fiord is frozen
for two months of the year from about 20 miles
from Christiania to the sea, and the harbor is
generally locked up for three or four months.
Pop. 100,000.
Christiansand. A town of Norway, near its
southern extremity, on a fiord of the Skager-
Rack, 157 miles southwest of Christiania. Lat.
58° 8' N. ; Ion. 8° 3' E. The harbor is deep and
well sheltered, and is defended by several bat
teries and by the fort of Christianholm, on the
small island of Oddero, at the entrance of the
harbor. Pop. 13,000.
Christian's Gales. The fearful gales of 1795-
96, which nearly destroyed a fleet under Admiral
Christian while on his way to attack the French
West India Islands.
Chrockle. A thorough-foot (which see).
Chronometer (Gr. chronos, time ; metron, a
measure). A time-piece of superior construc
tion, having adjustments and compensations for
changes of temperature. The proposition to de
termine the longitude at sea by means of a time
piece and observation of the heavenly bodies
was made by Gemma Frisius in 1530. In 1714
the British government offered a reward of
£20,000 to the person who should so perfect this
method as to determine the longitude within 30
miles. In 1758 John Harrison received this re
ward, his chronometer having shown an error of
18 miles during a five months' voyage. At the
present day, under favorable circumstances, lon
gitude determined by a chronometer can be relied
upon to within two or three miles, and even this
small error is due rather to the faults of observa
tion than to the imperfections of the instrument.
A sea-chronometer has for its moving-power a
spring, the force of which is made uniform by a
variable lever ; it is carried through all varieties
of climate, and is therefore furnished with an
expansion balance, formed by a combination of
metals of different expansive qualities.
In carrying a chronometer to and from the
ship the gimbals are steadied by the stay, and
care is taken not to give the instrument a circu
lar motion. When on board, the chronometer
is placed in a position not exposed to currents of
air nor to sudden shocks, such as are occasioned
by the striking of a sea against the side, or by
the firing of salutes, etc., and metallic substances
are kept at a distance from it.
The chronometers in use on board ship are
generally constructed to run for 56 hours, but
they are wound every day at 8 A.M. In wind
ing" it is handled carefully and the key turned
steadily ; a pocket-chronometer is held immov
able in one hand in order to avoid a circular mo
tion. If a chronometer should run down, it is
started by giving it a quick circular motion in
the plane of the dial ; the hands are never
touched. As no chronometer is absolutely per
fect, the navigator ascertains its error and makes
allowance for it. Three chronometers are sup
plied to government vessels, and they are com
pared with each other every day ; a sudden
change in one will be shown by the other two.
CHRONOMETER, ERROR or. The error of the
chronometer is the difference between the time
indicated by it and any other given time. The
error is fast or slow as the chronometer is in ad
vance of or behind the time in question. Before
sailing the navigator must know the error of
his chronometer. It can be determined in a
variety of ways, the most reliable, of which is a
comparison of the chronometer with the clock of
an observatory. The general use of time-balls
renders the clocks of the observatories available
to everybody. In our ports the time at noon is
always received at the telegraph-offices from the
naval observatory at Washington. If unable to
compare the chronometer with the clock of an
observatory, the error is found by means of a
sextant and an artificial horizon, either by a
time-sight of the sun or star, or by equal alti
tudes of the sun or star.
CHRONOMETER, RATE or. The rate is the daily
change of error ; it is gaining when the chro
nometer is running too fast ; losing if too slow.
The rate is determined by finding the error on
different days, and dividing the change of error
by the number of days elapsed between the ob
servations. On arrival at the first port after the
beginning of a cruise, the navigator will gener
ally find that the error of his chronometers, as
shown by an observation or by comparison with
an astronomical clock, does not coincide with the
error shown by the rate obtained before sailing.
By dividing the difference between this new error
and the error on the day of sailing by the num
ber of days elapsed a new rate is obtained, which
is called the sea-rate, and thereafter is always
made use of when at sea.
Chub. The Leuciscus cephalis, a fresh-water
Chuck. A sea-shell. See CHOCK.
Chuckle-head. A stupid fellow; a lubber.
A person with a large round head.
Chunam. A cement used in the East for the
seams of ships. It becomes very hard, and when
of good quality will take a polish.
Chunk-block. A strongly-made block, having
a metal sheave and a large swallow.
Church. To riff church, to arrange the seats,
altar, etc., for divine service on board ship. To
unrig church, to clear up the decks after service.
Chute, or Shoot. A pipe or channel for con
veying ashes, refuse matter, and other articles
down to a lower level.
Cigar-boat. A peculiar boat shaped like a
spindle, constructed by Winans.
Cingle. A belt worn by sailors.
Cinque Ports, The. These are five highly
privileged stations, the once great emporiums
of British commerce and maritime greatness ;
they are Dover, Hastings, Sandwich, Komney,
and Hythe, which, lying opposite to France,
were considered of the utmost importance. To
these were afterwards added Winchelsea, Rye,
and Seaford. These places were honored with
peculiar immunities and privileges, on condi
tion of their providing a certain number of ships
at their own charge for forty days. Being ex
empted from the jurisdiction of the admiralty
court, the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports is
authorized to make rules for the government of
pilots within his jurisdiction, and in many other
general acts exceptions are provided to save the
franchises of the Cinque Ports unimpeached. It
is a singular fact that it has never been legally
determined whether the Downs and adjacent
roadsteads are included in the limits of the Cinque
Ports. All derelicts found without the limits
by Cinque Port vessels are droits of admiralty.
This organization was nearly broken up in the
late state reforms, but the Lord Warden still
possesses some power and jurisdiction.
Cipango. A marvelous island described by
Marco Polo, and represented as lying in the east
ern seas, 1500 miles from the mainland. It was
an object of diligent search with Columbus and
the early navigators. It is supposed by some to
be the same as Japan. (Written also Lipangi.}
Circinus. The Roman compass. See CON
Circle. A plain figure bounded by a curve,
every point of which is equally distant from a
point within it. The line bounding a circle.
CIRCLE, ASTRONOMICAL. A reflecting instru
ment for measuring angles, in which the limb is
a complete circle of metal ; as, the mural circle,
reflecting circle, repeating circle, etc.
CIRCLE, DIURNAL. The diurnal circle of a
heavenly body is the circle it describes in the
apparent daily revolution of the celestial sphere.
It is the parallel of declination passing through
the body ; only when the body is in the equinoc
tial is it a great circle. At the equinoxes the
sun's diurnal circle is the equinoctial ; at the
summer and winter solstices, its diurnal circle in
the heavens corresponds to the tropics of Cancer
and Capricorn on the surface of the earth.
CIRCLE, HOUR. A great circle of the celes
tial sphere perpendicular to the equinoctial, and
therefore passing through the poles of the heav
TUDE. In the different systems of co-ordinates
for the surface of the celestial sphere, it is the
common practice to regard the secondary great
circles as ordinate circles to the primitive, and
they are hence named after that one of the co
ordinates which is measured upon them. Thus,
the great circles which are ordinate circles to the
horizon are called Circles of Altitude, because al
titudes are measured upon them ; the great cir
cles which are ordinate circles to the equinoctial
are called Circles of Declination, because declina
tions are measured upon them ; and the great
circles which are ordinate circles to the ecliptic
are called Circles of Latitude, because latitudes
are measured upon them. Under a different
system of nomenclature these are severally called
Circles of Azimuth, Circles of Right Ascension,
and Circles of Longitude, See CO-ORDINATES
CIRCLE. OF A SPHERE. A circle on the sur
face of a sphere ; when its plane passes through
the centre of the sphere it is a great circle ; in all
other cases it is a small circle.
LONGITUDE. In the different systems of co
ordinates for the surface of the celestial sphere,
some writers allow the conception of polar co
ordinates to predominate, and thus regard the
secondary great circles as sweeping out angles
at the pole ; they therefore name them after that
one of the co-ordinates which is marked out by
them. Thus, the great circles passing through
the poles of the horizon are called Circles of
Azimuth, because they each mark out all points
which have the same azimuth ; the great circles
passing through the poles of the equinoctial are
called Circles of Right Ascension, because they
each mark out all points which have the same
right ascension ; and the great circles passing
through the poles of the ecliptic are called Cir
cles of Longitude, because they each mark out
all points which have the same longitude. Under
a different system of nomenclature these are sev
erally called Circles of Altitude, Circles of Decli
nation, Circles of Latitude. See CO-ORDINATES
one-half of the earth's surface is always illu
minated by the sun, while the opposite* hemi
sphere is in the shade. The great circle which
at any instant is the boundary between the illu
minated and darkened hemispheres is called the
Circle of Illumination.
cle within which the heavenly bodies are always
above the horizon.
circle within which the heavenly bodies are al
ways below the horizon.
CIRCLE, POLAR. The polar circles are small
circles of the terrestrial sphere, parallel to the
equator, and 23° 28' distant from the poles. The
northern is the arctic, and the southern the ant
arctic circle.
CIRCLE, VERTICAL. A great circle passing
through the zenith ; the prime vertical passes
through the east and west points of the horizon.
Circuit. A continuous electrical communica
tion. A metallic circuit is one in which a return
wire is used. To short circuit a battery is to
connect its poles by a conductor whose resistance
is practically zero."
Circular. An official letter, generally printed,
copies of which are sent to several persons.
Circulating Pump. A pump used in connec
tion with surface-condensers for circulating the
refrigerating water through or among the tubes.
It may be driven either directly by the recipro
cating parts of the main engine, or by the inter
vention of beams or levers, or by an independent
engine. In the latter case rotary pumps are
much used. The refrigerating water is drawn
through a pipe passing through the side or
bottom of the vessel, and discharged, after
having done its work, through another pipe, at
or near the load water-line. Both of these pipes
can be closed at the ship's side by valves called,
respectively, the " injection valve" and the " out
board delivery valve." A branch suction-pipe,
controlled by a valve, leads to the bilge, afford
ing powerful means of freeing the vessel of
water in cases of extraordinary leakage. See
Circummeridian (Lat. circum, about). About
or near the meridian. Circummeridian altitudes
are taken when the body is near the meridian.
Circumnavigate. To sail round; to pass around
by water.
Circumpolar. Situated about the pole.
Cirripedia. A group of marine animals, allied
to the Crustacea. They are free and natatory
when young, but in the adult state attached to
rocks or some floating substance. They are pro
tected by a multivalve shell, and have long cili
ated curled tentacles, whence their name (curl-
footed}. The barnacles (Lepas) and the acorn-
shells (Balanus) are familiar examples.
Cirro-cumulus. See CLOUD.
Cirro-stratus. See CLOUD.
Cirrus. See CLOUD.
Cisco. A fish of the herring kind, of which
thousands of barrels are annually taken and
salted in Lake Ontario.
Cit. A citizen.
CITS. Citizen's clothing.
Citizen. In the United States, a person, native
or naturalized, who has the privilege of voting
for public officers, and who is qualified to fill
offices in the gift of the people. (See ALIEN,
NATURALIZATION.) The word is often used to
distinguish a person engaged in civil pursuits
from members of the military and naval services.
City of Masts. A name applied to London
in allusion to the magnitude of its commerce.
Civil. The civil time, day, year, is that reck
oning which is adopted for the social purposes
of life. See TIME, DAY, YEAR.
Civil Engineer. See ENGINEER, CIVIL.
Civil Lord (Eng.). The junior member of
the admiralty board.
Civil War. A war between subjects of the
same realm, or between factions of the same
Civita Vecchia. A seaport city of Italy, on
the Mediterranean, 38 miles by rail W.N.W. of
Rome. Pop. 11,640. The port, which owes its
origin to the Emperor Trajan, is one of the best
in Central Italy. Two large moles form the
harbor, and a breakwater outside protects the
shipping from heavy seas; a light-house is
erected on its southern end. Lat. 42° 5' N. ;
Ion. 11° 45' E. The harbor has depth of water
for vessels of 400 or 500 tons, and ships of greater
draft may anchor inside the breakwater. The
city has regular steam communication with the
chief Mediterranean ports.
Clake. A name for the barnacle goose (Anser
bernicla], and also for the Lepas anatifera, a
cirriped often found attached to vessels or tim
ber by a long fleshy peduncle.
Clam. A well-known bivalve shell-fish of
different genera ; as, the Venus mercenaria, the
Mya arenaria, and others. As happy as a clam
at high water, a figurative expression for indolent
Clamber. To ascend ; to climb.
Clamps. The strakes of plank on which the
deck-beams rest.
CLAMP-NAILS. Nails used to fasten the clamps.
Clang. The rattling and clashing of arms.
Clap. A burst of sound ; as, a clap of thunder.
CLAPPER. The tongue of a bell.
Clap-match. A sort of seal distinct from the
Clap On. To clap on to a rope is to lay hold
of it in order to haul upon it. To clap on a
stopper is to put on a stopper ; stop talking. To
clap on canvas, to make more sail.
Clap-sill. The lockage of a flood-gate.
Clark, Ezra W., Chief of U. S. Revenue
Marine. Born at Granville, Licking Co., O., in
1839, his father being Rev. Ezra W. Clark, for
about forty years a clergyman of the Baptist
Church in'Ohio. After receiving a rudimentary
education he was, at the age of twelve years,
apprenticed to the printing business. Having
acquired this trade he was prepared for college
at Lima, N. Y. Subsequently he pursued the
study of Mathematics with Prof. Aaron Schuy-
ler, president of Berea College, 0. He attended
college at Otterbien University, in Ohio. He
studied law with Hon. John K. Hord, of Tiffin,
O. In April, 1861, he entered the Union army,
and was a private soldier and subsequently a
captain in the 8th Regiment Ohio Vols. Later,
he was adjutant of the 34th Ohio infantry ; was
appointed assistant adjutant-general of volun
teers by President Lincoln in 1863; served as
such in the army of West Virginia, and was
assistant adjutant-general of a cavalry division
under Gens. Hunter and Sheridan in the cam
paigns of 1864. He was afterwards transferred
to the staff of Maj.-Gen. W. S. Hancock, and
became assistant adjutant-general of the Mid
dle Military Grand Division, headquarters at
Washington, D. C., and was transferred to Bal-
timore with Gen. Hancock when the latter as
sumed command of the Middle Department. In
the beginning of 1866, the war heing over, he
left the army and entered the legal profession.
He was admitted to the bar of the Supreme
Court of the District of Columbia, and after
wards to the bar of the Supreme Court of the
United States. In 1871 he was appointed assist
ant chief of the revenue marine, and, with Mr.
S. I. Kimball, participated in the reorganiza
tion of the revenue marine service and the life-
saving service. He was appointed chief of the
revenue marine July 1, 1878. In addition to his
duties in charge of this bureau, he is a mem
ber of the examining board of the Treasury De
partment, to examine applicants for admission
and promotion to clerkships in the Department ;
also a member of the board designated by the
Secretary of the Treasury to consider all matters
pertaining to Alaska.
Clarty. Wet; slippery; dirty; sticky.
Clary, Albert G., Commodore U.S.N. Born
in Massachusetts. Appointed, 1832 ; attached to
sloop " Vincennes," Pacific Squadron, 1834-36;
Naval School, New York, 1837.
Promoted to passed midshipman, July 8, 1839 ;
sloop "Marion," Brazil Squadron, 1839-42; re
ceiving-ship, Boston, 1843-45.
Commissioned as lieutenant, April 11, 1845;
sloop " Preble," Home Squadron, during the war
with Mexico, at Tuspan and Tabasco; sloop
" Preble," Pacific Squadron, 1847-50 ; receiving-
ship, Boston, 1852; sloop "Marion," coast of
Africa, 1853; frigate "Constitution," coast of
Africa, 1854-55; navy-yard, Portsmouth, N. H.,
1856-57 ; steam-frigate " Minnesota," East India
Squadron, 1858-59; steam-frigate "Colorado,"
1861 ; commanding steamer " Anacostia," Poto
mac Flotilla, 1861 ; engagement at Acquia Creek,
May 31 and June 1, 1861 ; battle of Port Royal,
November 7, 1861.
Commissioned as commander, July 16, 1862 ;
commanding steamer " Mount Vernon," North
Atlantic Blockading Squadron, 1862; command
ing steamer "Tioga," West India Squadron,
1863; commanding steam-sloop "Dacotah,"
North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, 1864;
commanding steam-sloop "Seminole," West
Gulf Blockading Squadron, 1864-65 ; command
ing receiving-ship, Norfolk, 1866.
Commissioned as captain, November 21, 1866 ;
commanding "Dictator," 1870-72. Commis
sioned as commodore, 1873 ; retired, 1874.
Clashy. Showery.
Clasp-hook. A clip-hook (which see).
Class. A group of objects, animate or inani
mate, which possess common characteristics. A
number of students of the same standing, or
who are pursuing the same studies.
Classification of Men-of-War. First-rates
will comprise steamships of 4000 tons displace
ment and upward ; ironclad steamers of 300C
tons measurement and upward; ships-of-the-
line commissioned for sea-service.
Second-rates will comprise steamships of 200(
to 4000 tons displacement ; ironclad steamers of
2000 to 3000 tons measurement; frigates (sail
ing) commissioned for sea-service.
Third-rates will comprise steamships of 900 t
2000 tons displacement; ironclad steamers of
1200 to 2000 tons measurement ; sloops-of-wa:
(sailing) commissioned for sea-service.
st Class.
2d Class.
3d Class.
3.3 1.1
Fourth-rates will comprise steamships below
500 tons displacement, dispatch- vessels, and
Whenever a vessel is commissioned as a re-
ieiving-ship, her rate will be decided by the
tfavy Department.
Classification of Merchant-vessels.
American British
Lloyd's. Lloyd's.
1st Grade 1st Class. A 1 A 1
2d " " Al-
3d " " A \y, "
1st Grade 2d Class.. A l]Z- A 1 (in red) 5.6 2.1
2d " " A 2 *JE I (in red) " "
1st Grade 3d Class.. A 2- 2& 1 3.4 2.1
2d " A. 2\^> -ZE 2 2.3 2.2
The degrees of first and second class will
mply confidence for the transportation of per
ishable cargoes on long voyages. The degrees
of third class will not imply confidence for the
conveyance of cargoes in their nature subject to
sea damage.
The classification of shipping depends upon
the quality and dimensions of materials used,
the equalization of strength in their distribution
in scarfs, laps, and butts, with mode and extent
of fastening. Model and manner of construction
must accord with the best practice of ship-build
ing, for all grades. The sparring must be in
good proportion, and all equipments efficient.
The frame, head, and heels of timber must be
square, and free from sap or decay ; the timber
well seasoned, salted or pickled when in pro
gress of construction ; ventilation preserved fore
and aft ; and a water-course made on under side
of floors to admit the water to the pumps.
The frames must be of white oak, the principal
timbers of live-oak or other timber of equal du
rability, and the tops of frames mixed with red
cedar, hackmatack, locust, or white-heart chest
nut. The butts must be distributed out of line ;
the timber scarfs not less than 4 feet 6 inches
long; the floor timbers extending well towards
the ends of the ship; the heels of the cants
stepped in the dead-wood and bolted through
with copper ; the wing and main transom well
kneed and connected to the frames.
The keel must be sided of sufficient size to
admit of twice the thickness of the outside plank
between rabbets on stem and stern-post, the rab
bets to extend as far as practicable, to admit of
fastening the wood ends thereto. The heel of
stem must be a crook, and stepped in a hooked
scarf on the keel, and not less than 3 feet 6
inches long. The stern-post must also be stepped
in the keel.
Natural crooks are preferred for rising floors
and second futtocks. The siding of timbers must
be in proportion from floor-heads to heads of
top-timbers ; the distance at centres for all ves
sels of 800 tons and under must not be over 26
inches, and vessels over that tonnage not over
30 inches.
The keelson must be sided not less than size
of keel, and the scarfs not less than 7 feet long ;
if single keelson, the shifts of scarfs to be at
least one-third the length of the stick from the
end of the scarf of the keel. In rider keelson the
scarfs must not be less than six feet long ; assist
ant keelson, if adopted, to be well bolted to first
futtocks and to main keelson. The scarfs must
be distributed so as not to be under the heel of a
The beams must be of oak or yellow pine of
sufficient size and 6 feet from centres, except
for hatchways, and securely fastened to the side
by knees carefully fitted to the timber, natural
crooks. The lodge- and bosom-knees must be
of oak or hackmatack. Seasoned oak or hackma
tack is preferred for hanging-knees ; vessels of
200 tons are required to have a hanging-knee of
wood or iron under each end of each alternate
beam ; if over 200 tons, to have a hanging-knee
under each beam, the arms of good length, not
less than 3 feet 6 inches ; the knees to be fas
tened with through bolts driven from outside
and clinched overlings, in addition to the blunt
bolts driven from the inside, and each hanging
knee must be keyed to the beam.
The breasthooks and pointers must be square-
fastened, one-third of the bolts driven from the
outside through the timbers and clinched over
rings on the inside, and all blunt bolts must be
driven within one inch of through. Copper or
composition bolts must be driven through the
apron and inner stern-post not over 20 inches
apart and clinched over rings of the same mate
rial on the outside. Copper or composition bolts
must be driven through the dead-wood 20 inches
apart, passing through the heels and scarfs of
stern and stern-post and clinched over rings on
the outside and lower side of keel.
Spar-deck water-ways must be fayed to the
beams and timbers, the scarfs vertical, and at
least three planks next the water-way must be
one inch thicker than the adjoining plank, and
alternately let one inch into and one inch over
the beams and carlines, the edge bolted through
water-ways and timbers, and clinched. The main
and inner water-ways on lower decks must be
cogged to the beams with locust, bolted through
each beam and clinched, and bolted from outside
through each timber and clinched over rings.
The clamps and inside planking must be of good
length, the clamp-scarfs to be hooked or keyed,
arranged to suit the timbers, and in length not
less than five times the length of the plank. The
ceiling must be of good quality, the butts prop
erly shifted, the whole square- fastened, and the
edges beveled to good calking seams. In all
cases the nibs of the butt-scarfs must be one-
third the width of the planks, and reach the
frame forward and abaft of their centres.
The outside planking must be of white oak or
yellow pine, and fit closely to each other on the
inside. The garboard streaks must be, at least,
from 3 to 1J inches thicker than the rest of the
covering. No butts in any part of the planking
must be nearer than 5 feet of each other, un
less there be a streak wrought between them,
when a distance of 4 feet will" be the minimum ;
all butts on the same timber must have 3 streaks
between. Vessels under 200 tons are exempt
from the full operation of this rule.
Deck-planks must be of white or yellow pine
of best quality, and not less than 30 feet in
length ; no planks to be over 5J inches wide and
3 inches thick, and fastened with two copper
spikes in the butt of each plank ; rail-scarfs must
be hooked or keyed, and in length 5 times their
width. Stanchions under deck-beams must be
of oak or pitch-pine.
Garboards, first and second, must be bolted to
the floors with copper or composition driven
through each frame and clinched, and edge
bolted through keel and each other in addition
to treenailing. All bolts going into the timber
must be driven within one inch of through, and
the plank, well wrought to the timbers with
copper or composition spikes, must be square-
fastened with locust treenails of best quality
driven through and wedged, outside and in ;
when the plank is 6 inches wide, then to be tree-
nailed single and double in each frame; when
10 inches, to be square-treenailed. Each plank
must be fastened with at least one headed copper
or composition bolt driven through the first
frame and aft the butt, and clinched over rings
on the inside of ceiling.
Each alternate floor must be fastened to the
keel with a copper bolt driven from above and
clinched on the under side of the keel. The inter
mediate floors must be fastened with a copper bolt
driven through the main keelson and clinched
on the under side of the keel. If a " rider keel
son" is added, it must be fastened with one iron
bolt in each floor through the rider to within
one inch of the lower part of the keel. The ver
tical bolting in the assistant keelsons to be driven
through the first futtocks.
In calking, the seams must be well filled with
oakum thread, 50 feet to the pound, and at least
one thread to each half-inch of the thickness of
the plank.
Ships exceeding 5 times their breadth in length
should be iron strapped diagonally.
The timber used in all vessels must be free
from sap and decay. The stem above the fore
foot must be of one piece, or if scarfed, the scarf
must be above light-water line. Stern-post
must be of one piece. Scarfs of keel not to be
under a mast. Bilge streaks to correspond to
tonnage. Vessels of 800 tons and over should
have a heavy stringer under the lower knees.
Channel-bolts must be driven through the
frames and ceiling and clinched or keyed. The
partial fastenings of ceiling and outside planking
must be complete before the treenail holes are
bored, and care should be taken not to split the
plank in driving the treenails. The pumps of
vessels must correspond to their tonnage, and be
so distributed that they may free the ship from
water at any time or inclination ; the pump-well
must be accessible at all times. Vessels when
wormed will not be classed until defects are re
moved. All vessels must have anchors, cables,
boats, compasses, charts, leads, lead-lines, etc.
Vessels trading to ports beyond the Cape of
Good Hope or Cape Horn must have two suits
of courses, topsails, jibs, spankers, and fore-top
mast stay-sails, and be metal sheathed within one
foot of load-line. Other vessels* should carry a
spare topsail and fore-topmast stay-sail.
Vessels having two decks should have scup
pers through the water-ways of lower deck. Ves
sels transporting dry cargoes should have their
masts coated. Vessels over-sparred or deficient
will not receive classification. Vessels whose
bowsprits step below the spar-deck, or whose
hawse-holes are cut below the spar-deck, are
subjected to a lower classification.
New vessels are to be surveyed while building
at the following stages : when the keel and keel
son are united ; when the frame is raised and the
keelson in ; when the deck frames are complete ;
when treenailed and butt and bilge bolted ; when
masted and fully equipped. When old vessels
are examined for classification particular atten-
tion is directed to the state of the upper and
main deck and coamings ; the upper and lower
deck bolts ; the knees, beams, plank-shears, and
water-ways ; the hawse timbers, breast-hooks,
aprons, transoms, floor, and keelsons; the rudder,
keel, windlass, planking, and treenails; the
frame exposed, and inner surface of planking.
A listing should be taken out of the ceiling
above flopr-heads ; also, a short plank taken out
uiider each tuck, and at such other places as may
seem necessary. The sheer and general line of
the ship, and the condition of the oakum and
calking, are examined.
Requirements for Grades of Classification. —
Vessels properly constructed and equipped class
A 1 for 12 years ; if opened and bored at the
expiration of that term and found sound, the
class is continued for such a period as the sur
veyors may determine.
When vessels are built with floors of oak, birch,
and beech, futtocks and top-timber of oak and
hackmatack, covering of oak, scantlings of good
size, and materials and workmanship first-class,
they will receive the A 1 class 9 years, at the ex
piration of which, if found sound, the class will
be continued for 3 years.
When vessels are built of mixed woods, such
as birch, beech, elm, hackmatack, fir, pine, hem
lock, spruce, etc., the treenails through ceiling
and wedged outside and in, with butt bolts in
plank, and all other parts fastened sufficiently,
and deck frames secured by lodge- and hanging-
knees, they will receive class A 1 8 years.
Ships with depth of hold exceeding 23 feet will
be required to have orlop-beams, secured with
horizontal and hanging knees ; when exceed
ing 25 feet, to have three full decks. Single-
decked vessels, with depth of hold exceeding 12
feet, to have partner-beams and secured with
knees and masts wedged in partners.
Single-decked vessels, when built of standard
materials, with depth of hold not exceeding 11
feet, the fastenings in accordance with the rules
set forth, will receive the same class as double-
decked vessels; when built of other materials,
they will be classed in accordance with quality
of materials and construction.
Centre-board vessels of superior construction,
with oak frames and coverings, all fastenings
first-class, moderately sparred, and the centre
board trunk well secured, will class A 7 years ;
when built inferior to this grade, they will be
classed in accordance with quality of build.
Vessels having their centre-boards taken out
will be required to have the floor timbers run
across to meet the second futtocks, and chocks
put in to meet the first futtocks.
When vessels are rebuilt or thoroughly re
paired, they will bo restored to original character
if the materials used are equal to the original.
IRON VESSELS. The classification of iron ves
sels depends on the quality of iron, mode of con
struction, dimensions of plating, frames, and
angle-iron, the distribution of scarfs and butts,
Neither steam- nor sailing-vessels must ex
ceed seven times their breadth in length ; the
latter to have two bulkheads, and the former not
less than four, and secured with angle-iron equal
in size to that of frames ; the distance of frames
at centres must not exceed 20 inches.
The keel, stern, and stern-post must be of solid
iron, the scarfs to be in length eight times the
thickness of the material. Propeller-posts are
required to be in thickness double that of keel,
and to taper off along the line of keel ; the whole
to be well united.
Floor-plates must be fitted closely to the keel,
riveted to every frame, and extend across the
stern-post and above the bilges, that the sides
may be properly connected. The depths of
plate must be one-twelfth the depth of hold,
measured from top of keelson to upper deck
beams ; and a water-course to be preserved to
admit the water to the pumps. A reduction in
size of plates will be allowed towards the ends of
the vessel.
The keelson must be two-thirds the depth of
floor-plates, and extend to stem and stern-post,
and be connected thereto ; the butts must be
properly shifted, well fitted, and riveted to floor-
plates. Angle-iron must be fitted on top and
bottom of vertical plating, and riveted to the
reversed angle-iron on top of floors. Additional
keelsons are required for vessels of 800 tons or
The frames must be of the greatest possible
length, the butts well shifted and fitted closely
to the keel. The frames, if welded, must be per
fect, and the whole strengthened with reverse
angle-iron. All vessels must have double frames
to above the bilges.
The beams must be one-quarter of an inch in
depth for each foot of length of midships beam.
The angle-iron must be of good size, the two
sides of each not less in breadth than three-
fourths the depth of beam-plate. The beams to
be all well connected to the frames with bracket
ends of knee-plates equal in thickness to beams,
and the arms to be three times the depth of
In vessels having three decks, the beams must
be over each other, and stanchioned where prac
ticable ; the orlop-beams must be fastened to
every sixth frame, and have stringer-plates and
angle-iron. on their ends fore and aft. Vessels
of 20 feet depth must have the same number
of hold and deck beams. A depth of hold of 16
feet must have beams to every fourth frame, and
secured with knee-plates and to stringer-plate at
under side.
All vessels must have stringer-plates on each
tier of beams, connected at ends with angle-iron,
and also to frames and outside planking. The
clamps must be equal in dimensions to the
stringers, and riveted to each frame. The tie-
plates must be well riveted to each other, and to
beams, hooks, and transoms, and the butts well
shifted. When the deck arrangement will admit
of it, all vessels are to have diagonal tie-plates.
The hatchways, mast-holes, and partners must
be strongly framed and secured with angle-irons
and carlines.
All butts must be double riveted, and the
plating closely fitted to the frames and to each
other, and no plate less in length than 5 spaces
of frames ; a reduction in length and size of
plating will be allowed toward the hood ends.
The edges and butts must be well fitted and
water-tight, the butts well supported to receive
the plating, and united by straps of the same
thickness as the plating, with the fibres of each
in the same direction. The frame must have
solid filling or lining pieces, closely fitted in one
length of the same breath as frames. In screw-
vessels no reduction in plating towards the ends
is allowed.
Rivets must be of the best quality of iron, the
rivet-holes equally spaced and carefully punched,
and to be countersunk through the outer plating.
The rivets must be at least their diameter from
the edge of plating, lining pieces, or any angle-
irons, and distant from each other 4 times their
diameter ; all edges of horizontal joints of out
side plating must be double-riveted throughout.
The main piece of the rudder must be of
wrought iron. The ceiling must be of a superior
quality, in thickness from 2 to 3 inches, and
secured so as to be detached when required.
The decks and water-ways must be equal in
thickness to wooden vessels of corresponding
tonnage, and fastened with screw-bolts two in
each plank, in every beam, the water-ways fas
tened with screw-bolts, and secured at under side
of stringers.
Bulkheads must be made water-tight where
ties, stringers, or screw-shafts pass through,
closely fitted between two frames at each side,
and riveted through them, the whole well sup
ported by angle-irons 30 inches apart, and riv
eted together and to the floors, beams, and
frames, etc. A pump must be fitted to each
compartment. Iron vessels are required to have
the same equipments as wooden vessels of cor
responding tonnage.
STEAM-VESSELS. The classification of steam-
vessels depends on the construction of the hull
and the character and condition of machinery.
In the construction no departure from .the
standard rules will be admitted. The scantlings
and dimensions must be regulated in proportion
to capacity, to insure longitudinal strength.
The floor must be filled in solid as high up as
the turn of the bilge. The frame must be diagon
ally iron strapped from the floor-heads to the
upper deck beams, and bolted to each timber ; and
when double laid, riveted in each timber room.
There must be water-tight bulkheads, 30 to 50
feet from stem and stern, to reach at least two
feet above deep load-line, which must be well
secured to strong stanchions on the after-side.
Steam- vessels engaged in the transportation of
Cjengers are required to have sufficient life-
ts. Steam-vessels navigating the ocean or
coast, are required to have a sufficient spread of
canvas to make a port in case of derangement
of machinery. All steam- vessels' bottoms are to
be examined annually, and are required to be
opened for inspection at the expiration of 5 years,
to ascertain the condition of their frame.
Sea-going steamers of standard construction,
and having sufficient canvas to make port in
case the machinery is disabled, rate A 1*.
Sea-going steamers with but little canvas,
rate A 1.
Steamers constructed for navigating sounds,
lakes, and rivers, rate A 1 to A 2.
Claw Off. To work to windward from a lee
shore ; particularly when the operation is per
formed under difficult circumstances.
Clayborne, William. A surveyor by pro
fession. Authorized by the rulers of Virginia
to discover the limits of Chesapeake Bay, he
pursued his investigation with great ardor be
tween the 34th and 41st degrees of latitude, in
1625. A company having obtained the royal
license to trade with the Indians, Clayborne was
placed at the head of an expedition, and leaving
England with a number of persons disposed to
settle in Virginia under his government, he
planted a colony on Kent Island, in Chesapeake
Cleaching Net. A hand-net with a hoop and
bar, used by fishermen.
Clean. Free from danger ; as, a clean coast,
a clean harbor, etc. In general parlance it
means quite, entirely.
CLEAN DONE. Adroitly tricked ; purpose
well effected.
CLEAN-FULL. Rap full ; applied to the sails.
CLEAN OFF THE REEL. When the ship is
going so fast as to take the log-line off the reel
without its being fed to her, she takes the line
clean off the reel. The expression is used for
anything that is done without stop or hindrance.
CLEAN SHIP. A whale-ship unfortunate in
her trip, having no fish nor oil.
Clear. A word applied to many different ob
jects, and its signification is generally opposed
to foul. To clear a rock, vessel, or point, to get
by it without touching. To clear a time-glass,
to let all the sand run out of one end. To clear
a rope, to remove any obstruction to its running
freely. To clear a lighter, to discharge its cargo.
To clear goods, to pay duties and go through the
formalities required by the custom-house officials.
To clear is to present the proper documents and
receive permission of the proper authorities to
sail. To clear the decks is to send or drive the
men off from them. To clear up the decks is to
lay up the ropes and put everything in its place.
The weather clears up when the clouds break
away, and there is a prospect of a return of fine
weather. To clear away a rope is to let go the
end of it. To clear for action, to prepare for
battle. To clear the land, to gain such a distance
from the land as to have plenty of sea-room.
CLEARANCE. A document from the custom
house certifying that the ship has cleared ; per
mission to sail.
deducing the true from the apparent lunar dis
CLEAR WATER. Water free from obstruc
tions, as ice, rocks, etc.
Cleat. A piece of wood or metal bolted to the
side or deck to which a rope is belayed. Cleat is
also the name given to a wedge-like piece of
wood nailed on a spar to keep the rigging from
slipping in or down. To cleat an object is to
nail cleats against it to keep it from slipping.
Clench. See CLINCH.
Clerk. A civilian appointed by the officer
who is entitled to his services ; as, captain's and
paymaster's clerk. He is required to be at least
18 years old, and to serve until regularly dis
charged. A clerk is a steerage officer, but the
captain's clerk sometimes messed with the com
manding officer, in which case he was not en
titled to quarters in the steerage. The com
manding officer is not now entitled to a clerk,
his di ties being performed by one of the junior
officers attached to the vessel.
Cleveland, a port of entry and second city of
Ohio, is situated on the south shore of Lake
Erie, at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River,
which flows through the city, affording a fine
sheltered harbor, to which has been added a
commodious ship-channel 200 feet wide, flanked
by two piers extending 1200 feet into the lake.
A harbor of refuge, commenced in 1878, is also
in course of construction by the U. S. govern
ment, extending from a point northerly from
the west pier, and running west by south to the
lake-shore. The work is under the supervision
of an army engineer, and is estimated to cost
$1,800,000. Lat. 41° 30' 5" N. ; Ion. 81° 42/ 6"
W. Pop. 160,000.
Clew. The combination of nettles by which
a hammock is suspended. The ordinary clews
are plaited for a short distance below the ring
or eye ; Spanish clevis are served without being
plaited ; triangular spans and iron rings have
been used to give spread to hammocks, but they
do not give satisfaction. One of the lower cor
ners of a square-sail, or the after lower corner of
a fore-and-aft sail. From clew to earing, liter
ally, the diagonal of a square-sail ; figuratively,
from top to bottom ; entirely ; as, to shift one's
clothes from clew to earing. A clew up, a case
of despair. To clew down, to haul on the clew
lines and force a yard down. To clew up, to run
the clews of a sail up to the yard.
CLEW-CRINGLE. A, cringle in the clew of a
sail to which the sheet is bent. In our service
clew-irons, or spectacle-irons, are used instead of
rope cringles.
CLEW-GARNET. A rope by which the clews
of the courses are run up to the lower yards.
CLEW-GARNET BLOCK. A large, single, iron-
bound block at the slings of the lower yards, to
act as a leader for the clew-garnet. Also the
block at the clew of the sail through which the
clew-garnet reeves.
CLEW-IRON. The iron shackle in the clew
of a sail to which the sheet is bent. The
iron is galvanized, and has two eyes with thim
bles inserted ; the round shape of the iron and
the position of the two eyes give it the appear
ance of a pair of spectacles; hence the name
spectacle-iron, which is sometimes applied to it.
The objection which is sometimes made to the
use of clew-irons is that they may iron-mold the
canvas. They are stronger than rope and when
galvanized do not rust for a long time, and when
the sail is worn out they may be galvanized
afresh and put in a new sail. They are univer
sally used in the navy.
CLEW-JIGGER. A temporary purchase for
hauling up the clews of courses and topsails
forward of and above the yard ; they are not
used at sea. The fore clew-jigger is also used as
the inner halliards of the lower stun'sail, and
both fore and main clew-jiggers are used as reef-
CLEW-LINE. A rope by which the clews of
all square-sails except courses are run up to their
CLEW-LINE BLOCK. The block at the clew
of a topsail through which the clew-line reeves.
Formerly, the quarter-block was called a clew
line block.
CLEW-ROPE. The roping at the clew of a sail.
A rope leading from the clew of a trysail to the
jaws of the gaff.
Click. A small pawl.
Cliff. A precipitous termination of the land.
Clinch. A kind of hitch, in which the end
of a rope is taken around the standing part and
seized to its own part. In the inner clinch the
end is inside of the other part, and in the outer
clinch the end part is outside. The seizings are
called bends. To clinch a rope is to secure the
end of it by means of a clinch. To clinch a bolt
is to rivet the end of it over a ring or plate. To
clinch a bargain is to settle it beyond further dis
CLINCH-BOLT. A bolt, the end of which is
turned over by hammering.
CLINCHER. An incontrovertible argument.
CLINCH-NAILS. Nails made of malleable
metal, as copper, wrought iron, etc., whose
ends may be turned back.
Clinch-built. See CLINKER-BUILT.
Clincher-built. See CLINKER-BUILT.
Clincher-work. See CLINKER-WORK.
Clinker-built. A term to denote that the
planks of a boat overlap. When the plates of
iron vessels overlap they are distinguished as
lap-jointed. See CLINKER- WORK.
Clinker-work. Lap-jointed work. A mode
of building in which the lower edge of each
plank laps over the upper edge of the plank next
below. This method of building is employed in
boats of light construction, and sometimes in iron
Clinton, George, Admiral. Governor of New
York, September, 1743-October, 1753. Died
governor of Newfoundland, July 10, 1761.
Youngest son of Francis, sixth earl of Lincoln.
Appointed commodore and governor of New
foundland, 1732. Subsequently appointed gov
ernor of New York. His want of skill in civil
affairs peculiarly exposed him to the tumults and
commotions of colonial government. In his
controversies with the assembly Golden, after
wards lieutenant-governor, was his champion
with the pen ; his chief opponent being Horse-
mander. Clinton afterwards became governor
of Greenwich hospital ; in 1745 became vice-
admiral of the red, and admiral of the fleet in
Clip-hook. A hook composed of two parts
moving on the same pivot. When hooked and
moused these two parts form a solid hook, and
cannot beseparated until the mousing is removed.
Clipper. A long, low, sharp, fast-sailing
CLIPPER-BUILT. Built on the model of a
' Glitz, John M. B., Rear-Admiral U.S.N.
Born in New York, March 10, 1823. Appointed
from Michigan, August 12, 1837 ; attached to
sloop "Ontario," West India Squadron, 1838-
42; Naval School, Philadelphia, 1843.
Promoted to passed midshipman, June 29,
1843; sloop " St. Mary's," Mediterranean Squad
ron, 1844-45; sloop " Falmouth," Home Squad
ron, 1845-46 ; bomb-brig " Hecla," Home Squad
ron, 1847; capitulation of castle of San Juan
d'Ulloa and capture of Tuspan ; steamer " Pe-
trita," Home Squadron, 1847-48 ; frigate " Cum
berland," Mediterranean Squadron, 1849-51.
Commissioned as lieutenant, April 6, 1851;
Coast Survey, 1851-52; steam-frigate u Missis
sippi," East' India Squadron, 1852-55; special
duty, Washington, 1856; sloop "Decatur," Pa
cific Squadron, 1858-59; steam-sloop " Iro-
quois," 1861.
Commissioned as commander, July 16, 1862 ;
commanding steamer " Penobscot," North At
lantic Blockading Squadron, 1863 ; commanding
steam-sloop "Juniata," East Gulf Blockading
Squadron, 1863; commanding steamer "Osce-
ola," North Atlantic Blockading Squadron,
1864-65 ; at both attacks on Fort Fisher ; navy-
yard, Boston, 1866.
Commissioned as captain, July 25, 1866 ; com
manding steam-sloop " Pawnee," South Atlantic
Squadron, 1868-69; ordnance duty, navy-yard,
New York, 1870; commanding "California"
(second-rate), Pacific Fleet, 1870-72.
Commissioned as commodore, December 28,
1872 ; commanding naval station, Port Royal,
S. C., 1876-77; light-house inspector, 1878-80;
commissioned as rear-admiral, 1880; under or
ders to command East India Squadron.
Clive. An old spelling of cliff.
Clock, Astronomical. A pendulum clock of
superior construction and specially adapted for
astronomical observations. It is adjusted to
show sidereal time, and indicates Oh Om 0s when
the first point of Aries is on the meridian. It is
regulated by observing with a transit instrument
the meridian passage of the heavenly bodies.
The astronomical clock furnishes the best means
of rating a chronometer.
CLOCK, MEAN SOLAR. A clock which indi
cates mean solar or civil time. See TIME.
CLOCK, SIDEREAL. A clock which indicates
sidereal time. See TIME.
CLOCK-STARS. A name for the nautical stars
(which see).
Clock-calm. Dead calm ; not a breath of
air stirring.
Clod-hopper. A clownish landsman.
Close. Near. To draw near.
CLOSE ABOARD. Near the ship.
CLOSE BUTT. A shipwright's definition of a
close butt is, a butt of a half-way piece either in
the outside planking or the deck of a vessel, not
intended to be calked. Before this piece is put
into position the seams and the butts of the said
half-way pieces are made tight or close for ap
pearance only.
The calker's definition of a close butt is, one
that cannot be properly calked without cutting,
whereas a proper open butt involves no extra
expense, and leaves a smooth edge for the forma
tion of a perfect oakum wedge.
CLOSED PORT. An interdicted or blockaded
CLOSE-FISTED. Stingy ; penurious.
CLOSE HARBOR. An artificial harbor with an
entrance which may be opened and closed at will.
CLOSE-HAULED. The situation of a ship when
her yards are braced up sharp and she is sailing
as close to the wind as possible. The after-yards
should be braced in a little more than the head-
yards, and the upper yards a little more than the
one next below, in order that the after-sails may
lift before the sails on the fore, and the light
sails before the courses and top?ails. The helms
man steers by the weather-leech of the upper sail
on the main.
CLOSE PORT. A port which lies up a river, in
contradistinction to an out-port.
times heavy bulkheads or barricades, fitted with
loop-holes, were erected, and the crew retreated
to this place when they were unable to drive the
enemy's boarders back. The fight was then
carried on from inside the barricade. The term,
which was then confined to these hand-to-hand
combats, is now applied to a fight at short range
between ships.
CLOSE-REEF. The last reef in a sail.
CLOSE-SIGHT. The notch in the base-ring of
old guns.
CLOSE TO THE WIND. As near the wind as
possible without causing the sails to lift.
CLOSE WITH. To approach ; as, to close with
an enemy.
Cloth. A general term for the sails of a ship.
Canvas is wove in cloths or breadths, and the
width of a sail is denoted by the number of
cloths it contains.
CLOTH IN THE WIND. Too near the wind ;
sails lifting. Also, half intoxicated.
Clothed. The lower masts are said to be
clothed when the courses have a great deal of
drop. A ship is clothed with canvas when she is
carrying all sail.
Clothes-line. A system of parallel lines on
wnich the men's washed clothes are stopped to
dry. The harbor-lines extend from the bowsprit
to the spanker-boom, and are triced well up to
the lower yards. The sea-lines extend from' the
main to the mizzen rigging.
Clothing. The rigging of the bowsprit. To
clothe the bowsprit, to rig it.
Cloud. Clouds are masses of visible vapor or
watery particles suspended in the atmosphere. A
cloud, motionless or nearly so, lying at or near
the surface of the earth, receives the name of
haze, mist, or fog, according to its density. The
term scud is applied to loose vapory fragments
of clouds driven by the wind.
The formation and height of clouds vary with
the amount of vapor in the air, the course and
height of air-currents, the climate, season, tem
perature, extent of sea and land, and the height
of the land. Cloud-strata in mountains vary
from 1600 to 3400 feet. Remarkable cloud-rings
prevail over the calm zones of the equator, and
over those of the tropics of Cancer and Capri
corn. Kaemtz regards the usual height of cir
rus to be 10,000 to 24,000 feet ; cumulus, 3000
to 10,000; nimbus, 1500 to 5000; but cirrus
may descend to 2000 or 3000 feet, and nimbus
to within a few hundred feet of the earth.
Clouds moderate the sun's rays during the day
and the earth's radiation at night; they are the
source of moisture required by plants ; of the
water for springs, lakes, and rivers ; and of the
polar, glacial, and winter snows.
The scale adopted for indicating the amount
of cloud is 0 to 10, — 0 denoting a clear sky, 5, a
sky half covered, and 10, the sky overcast or
wholly obscured.
In 1802, Howard proposed the following classi
fication of clouds, which has been universally
adopted : cirrus, cumulus, stratus, cirro-cumu
lus, cirro-stratus, cumulo-stratus, and cumulo-
cirro-stratus, or nimbus.
Cirrus, or curl-cloud, consists of streaks, wisps,
and fibres. It is the highest and least dense of
clouds ; varies most in extent and shape ; retains
longest its outlines ; and is illuminated longest
after sunset and before sunrise. Cirrus seems to
arise from the mixing of parallel air-currents, or
are the relics of dissolving clouds drawn out by
the wind. Cirrus being so high must consist of
minute snow-crystals, whose refractions and re
flections produce the halos, coronse, and mock
suns and moons almost restricted to this cloud,
and its derivatives, the cirro-cumulus and cirro-
Cumulus, day-, or summer-cloud, consists of
dense, convex, hemispherical, or conical heaps
of cloud piled or stacked on each other. Cumulus
begins after sunrise as a few scattered specks in
the clear sky ; these specks increase and unite to
form clouds, which sometimes cover the whole
sky in the afternoon, and generally decrease and
vanish about sunset. The tops of these clouds
become cirrus in very dry air.
Stratus, fall-, or night-cloud, the lowest of
clouds, is a widely extended horizontal sheet of
varied thickness. It is common in summer and
autumn from sunset to sunrise, and is densest
about midnight. After sunrise it generally rises
from the ground, breaks up into cumulus, and
vanishes with the increasing heat; sometimes
it accumulates in layers and becomes nimbus.
Stratus does not wet objects which it touches,
and thus differs from a variety, cirro-stratus, Of
like external aspect.
Cirro-cumulus, or sonder-cloud, is composed
of well-defined, small, rounded patches, or
woolly irregular tufts at great heights. It often
has the appearance of flocks of sheep at rest
(" sheep in a meadow"), and is commonly known
as the " mackerel sky." It may vanish or pass
into cirrus or cirro-stratus. It often occurs in
warm dry weather.
Cirro-stratus, or vane-cloud, consists of long
thin layers with undulated edges. It often as
sumes a barred appearance, or resembles a shoal
of fish. The cloud partakes of the nature of the
cirrus and stratus. In distinguishing it, atten
tion must be paid not so much to the form as to
the structure, which is dense in the middle and
thin towards the edges.
Cumulo-stratus, or t wain-cloud, is a cirro-
stratus mixed with cumulus heaps, or a wide,
flat base surmounted by a bulky cumulus with
fleecy protuberances. It is much denser than
cumulus, though the air is not dry enough to
round off sharply its tops. It often forms vast
banks with overhanging masses, and is common
towards night in windy weather, when it has a
leaden hue. It generally arises from cumulus,
and tends towards nimbus.
Nimbus, or cumulo-cirro-stratus, the rain-
cloud, is a mixed system of clouds, ending in
rain, snow, or hail. It is a dense, continuous,
horizontal block, or gray sheet, with fringed
edges, a cap of cirrus, and cumulus on the sides
and below. Before rain, vast towering masses of
cumulus often pass on to cumulo-stratus, which,
increasing in density, darkness, and extent, be
come nimbus capped with cirro-stratus.
In Admiral Fitzroy's system there are four
primary classes of clouds, viz. : cirrus, stratus,
nimbus, and cumulus. He combines these
words to describe the intermediate modifications,
and renders the terms more explanatory by the
use of the terminations onus and itus; as, cirro-
nus, cirritus, cirrono-stratus, cirrito-stratus, etc.
CLOUDS, MAGELLANIC. Two nebulae situated
near the south pole.
Clout. A blow. A gore of blood. A chaf-
ing-plate on the arm of the axle of a wooden
CLOUT-NAILS. Nails with which piles and
ships' bottoms were studded before the introduc
tion of copper sheathing.
Clove-hitch. Two half hitches, in which the
end parts come out parallel with, and opposite
to, each other.
Clove-hook. See CLIP-HOOK.
Cloy. To spike (which see).
Club. To drift down a current with an anchor
out. Vessels drifting in this manner generally
have a spring from the quarter to the ring of the
anchor, by which they can be sprung broadside
to the current. The objection to this manoeuvre
is the probability of fouling the anchor.
To club a feet is to mano3uvre so as to place
the first division to windward.
Clubbock. The spotted blenny, or gunnel
((jrunellus vulgar is).
Club-haul. In clawing off a lee shore when
there is no room to wear, and therefore an abso
lute necessity for going about without running
the risk of missing stays, the ship is club-hauled.
The lee anchor is got ready for letting go, and a
hawser is bent to it and taken to the lee quarter.
Proceed as in tacking ; if she goes around, so
much the better. If, however, it is evident that
she will not go round, let go the anchor when
the headway ceases, and brace around the after-
yards. When she swings to the anchor the wind
will be ahead or perhaps a little on what was the
lee bow. Haul in the hawser and make it fast ;
veer chain, and when the hawser has the strain,
slip the cable; when the after-sails fill, brace
around the head-yards and cut the hawser. This
manoeuvre is attempted only when absolutely
necessary, as it results in the loss of an anchor,
and a part of a cable and hawser.
Clubs, British Service. At every important
naval and military station of the British empire
are to be found service clubs, whose members
are officers on duty at those places, but the lead
ing British service clubs are in London, and we
give them according to their date of formation.
The Guards Club, 70 Pall-Mali, was founded
in 1813 for the officers of 'the three regiments of
Guards. January 1, 1880, it contained 357 mem
bers. The entrance fee 1s 30 guineas, and the
yearly subscription 10 guineas.
The United Service Club, 116 Pali-Mall, was
founded in 1815 for senior officers of the army,
navy, and marine corps ; the limit is major in the
army and marines and commander in the navy.
January 1, 1880, it contained 1550 members.
The entrance fee is £40, and the yearly subscrip
tion 7 guineas.
The Junior United Service Club, Charles
Street, St. James' Square, was founded in 18